Liberals Backward Think is suspended indefinitely

The site will remain active for readership. From now on I will only be posting on my Facebook page from July 4, 2022 the articles in the news to which I refer along with any comments I make in the preamble. I will also post pictures and cartoons from excellent political sites. Please follow this link and become a follower of my Facebook page for more updates and insights. I’m also on Truth Social. You will likely have to open the site yourself to find what is new in it each day as I’m sure the algorithms won’t share much of my content due to shadow banning. In addition, I include links to the two most valuable sources of conservative wisdom I know. Thank you for your patronage.

The Left is Never Right

Truth Social – UltraMagaDust@dusty103

Prager U

Daily Wire

Libtard AI – Arrogant Ignorance of democratic socialism is a pox on America destroying liberty.

The Crime No One is Talking About

Everyone is talking about, “What is a Woman?” They’re talking about racism, Republicans are the KKK, neo-Nazis, restricting voter access through ID, the border crisis, gas prices, inflation, recession, guns, crime, gender insanity, and Hunter Biden’s laptop. But no one is talking about the crime of the century. The crime that was nothing less than a coup to overthrow the American election system and put socialist dictators in power. I’m talking about the 2020 election that was stolen through changing election laws allowing the most easily perpetrated method of ballot fraud – mail-in ballot harvesting – to enact a coup to oust President Trump. No one believes twenty million new voters registered and cast ballots by mail because “Trump made mean tweets.” Before you talk about Trump being “unpresidential,” how about addressing Obama’s nasty remarks like referring to Sarah Palin saying, “You can put lipstick on a pig!”

We all know there’s about 140 million Americans who vote. We know that over a million ballots for Trump were found in the trash. We can extrapolate from this that there were probably ten million votes for Trump that were cast out which would have given him over 80 million votes beating Obama’s record. We know that those votes would have come from the Democrat pile of independents that finally realized Obama and the Democrats were wrecking the nation’s economy and culture, and that Trump would set the country on the right course, and he did just that in grand style. We all know the Covid crisis was phony, ginned up by exaggeration and the murder of tens of thousands of the elderly in nursing homes by Democrat governors.

What we don’t know is the extent of the ballot fraud that took place. We only know that Biden didn’t earn over 80 million votes because of his basement campaign and magnetic personality. We don’t this because no investigation has even been permitted. Even Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary, “2000 Mules,” was scorned for not having enough proof mostly because he wasn’t given either access or the resources necessary. He just scratched the surface to produce a glance behind the curtain. We know that they claim over 160 million ballots were cast in 2020. We know that Democrats use ballot fraud all the time, but only few are caught and prosecuted in the cities they control. In the past, maybe 2% of ballots were bogus. With harvesting that figure may have risen to over almost 5%. But with mail-in ballot fraud, no ID necessary, and mules to cart those ballots to multiple drop boxes, that figure easily rose to over 10%. Hillary’s “majority” was due to ballot fraud in states like California. But this ballot fraud produced tens of millions of votes for Biden to dislodge the president who was making America great again until he was duped by the Covid scam. Two weeks to slow the spread became a two-year shutdown that crushed small businesses and made a nation so fearful that people still walk around alone outside wearing useless face diapers.

The Question for Trump and DeSantis

It’s obvious these two alphas will compete for the 2024 presidential nomination. The question of whether or not they’ll work together is a great one. But greater still is the question of this ballot fraud tactic by which a communist coup overthrew the rightfully elected president, and our military leaders failed to stand by him against this in support of the Constitution. We have seen dozens of Republicans thrown in prison over trumped-up charges from the phony Russian collusion trials to the Insurrection trials. We have seen Republicans silenced and terrorized for years now. We have seen criminals unleashed and police assassinated and crushed. We have seen our economy wrecked in the name of “safety” and “saving the planet.” We are seeing our culture, our schools, and our children corrupted with perversion and propaganda. What we have not seen is a single Democrat brought to justice for their crimes. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and their minions all sit in Washington and their state capitols ruling from on high with impunity.

The question for Trump and DeSantis is simple if they are even able to overcome Democrats enough to even get on the ballot let alone defeat their ballot fraud machine and retake America for the people; will either of them bring Democrats to trial and dole out justice for their crimes? I’m not talking about Hunter’s laptop and “The Big Guy’s” extortion or Hillary’s pay for play rackets. I’m talking about a coup in the greatest nation in the world that has set us on a course to become another third world s***hole. President Trump still claims that he saved millions of lives rather than admitting he was duped into shutting down the economy over which Democrats still have a stranglehold. DeSantis doesn’t talk about the mail-in ballot fraud machine and the Democrat/RINO AGs that enabled it. Both men sound great when they take action against Democrat’s unholy agenda to destroy American liberty. But will they band together to take down the left’s democratic socialist hegemony by which they have stolen power and are crushing America? Can the Red Tsunami even materialize against this ballot fraud machine – especially if the perpetrators are never brought to justice? Will Trump and DeSantis address not just the elephant in the room, but the nuke in the suitcase, and bring the socialist dictators to justice?

WARNING: Democrats introduce Martial Law bill to suppress Republicans

This is no surprise after Democrats called out the National Guard at the 2020 Inauguration and then weeded out the 90% that were patriots allowing only 10% to be armed around the Capitol. In addition, the military would not stand with President Trump to protect our Constitutional rights as Democrats enacted a coup with their mail-in ballot fraud. Democrats have been striving to drive patriots out of the military and law enforcement to put SJWs of all stripes in their places. They know they cannot hold onto power by virtue of the electoral system since they cannot guarantee a shutdown and multimillion mail-in ballot fraud again. Don’t be surprised when their generals order the troops into the streets. Just pray that most of them recognize tyranny and will mutiny against the liberal fascists.

Socialist Liberal Fascism – The inmates are running the asylum

In 21st century America, liberalism is a mental illness. We’re seeing the proof of this in the insane Democrat policies of racism and gender perversion. They are even trying to change the meaning of words right in front of our faces.

This is what deceivers do. They engage in nihilistic sophistry; denying what is righteous, moral, or even normal by presenting false logic of false narratives to attempt to force a debate about their false facts. They change the meaning of words to confuse any issue. Saying a recession is based on more data points than just the one GDP is crap! GDP is based on multiple data points. Saying this is not a recession is pure gaslighting of fools. You’ve seen this on Google and on multiple websites where they rewrite the meanings of words and the facts of history to suit their own narratives. This is why you cannot trust Wikipedia and other sites because of the NWO government oversight.

Democrat’s nihilistic sophistry to overthrow America’s Constitution

They changed the definition of:

  • a woman from a human being with female anatomy due to X chromosomes to anyone that says so.
  • vaccines to be any mitigating flu shot.
  • socialism to be liberalism.
  • Southern rednecks to be Republicans.
  • climate change to mean the end of the world to invoke fear.
  • racism to mean white supremacy to incite hate.
  • poverty to be victims.
  • illegal alien to be American citizens.
  • criminal to be the persecuted.
  • police to be oppressors.
  • conservatives to be domestic terrorists.
  • Christians to be Nazis.
  • perversion to mean morality.
  • corrupt politicians to be saviors.

Democrats corrupt everything they touch, flip it around backwards and upside down, and warp people’s hearts and minds. The definition of insanity is voting for Democrats over and over and expecting a different result. We are living Obama’s 3rd term in which the American people will be subsumed under the umbrella of the same socialism that rules Communist China. They are already trying to institute the Social Scores using the title, “Environmental, Social, and Governance Score,” by which to rate citizens for benefits or persecution. You have been warned!

Leftism is selfish malevolence embodied in tyrannical slavery. Righteousness is considerate benevolence founded in virtuous liberty.

Trump predicted with 100% accuracy the state of the union under Democrats

Pelosi Insider Trading

President Trump destroys Woke Education

Is there really a climate emergency? Liberal’s predictions at 0%

“If we lose faith in God, we lose the country.” – Michael Knowles

All of liberal Democrat leftism is founded in the two-faced hypocrisy of halfwits

‘The View’ Host Whoopi Goldberg Smears & Lies About TPUSA “Welcoming Nazis”

Obese Man Insists He’s Just Pregnant

Liberal Democrat Socialist Groomers

Liberal socialism is corrupting not only our children and our culture but even our superheroes as they smear white men with their entertainment media

Social Justice Warriors – Amerika’s Brown Shirts: Understanding Liberalism

The Dangers of Radical Islam

Have the courage to speak the truth about Islam! I have found that there are very few Americans who understand Islam and are willing to speak openly about it. Islamism, communism, and fascism are three legs of the leftist socialist stool. Democratic socialism is just a seat under which they sit that leads to the same tyrannical result. I studied Islam years ago examining the life of Muhammad to learn he was not a man of peace but a caravan robbing pedophile who successfully conquered a city by instilling the fanaticism of a death cult in his followers to rampage across the world. It is not just a religion, but a form of government that cannot coexist with a free constitutional republic like America. Moslems immigrating to the West are not coming to be assimilated into liberty, but to colonize and spread their ideology. Though the militant wing may be small, the vast majority endorses Islamist law. There is only a small minority that believes Islam should be peaceful because they don’t want to participate in the Jihad. That small proportion would likely convert were it not for the threat of death. Militancy is not the exception in Islam. It is the fundamental teachings of Muhammad. Allowing Islamists to set up colonies in Europe and America is a fatal mistake that can only be corrected through deportation. The 1st Amendment does not protect Islam. It is not just a religion of a false prophet. It is a political ideology that is the opposite of our Constitution that they and America’s Democratic socialists seek to overthrow.

[Author’s Note:  Leftists are now corrupting our laws to extort obedience from not only adults but our children. They are foisting their perversion on our kids and demanding their compliance or be punished. They are freeing criminals while persecuting citizens until they relent and give up their rights. Once citizens are defenseless, they will exercise they full tyrannical powers and the people will be caught between tyrants and criminals in the proverbial rock and a hard place. This is what will finally foment a rebellion. Unless the military and law enforcement join with the people over the government, America will be lost, and the world will descend into the darkness of leftism.]

“Can’t see the forest for the trees,” means liberals only see the problem in front of their faces and don’t consider how their solutions affect others. This gives rise to the theory of “unintended consequences” that conservatives easily foresee.  This causes Democrats to create crises that they blame on others while taking credit for the solutions of others. They think they are right and see others as wrong because they are blinded by their ideology. Leftists are so myopic they think wisdom can become obsolete.

“You reap what you sow.” – Defunding police plus bail reform leads to massive crime.

Matthew 7:3-5

“If you’re over thirty and a liberal, you have no brain.” What Churchill meant by this is that adults who are still leftists have closed minds and lack a moral compass.

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink,” means “You can tell a liberal the truth, but you can’t make him think!”

Democrats will force compliance by violence, or extortion, or by bribery. Leftists are ultimately corrupt and deceitful. Nothing they do will benefit others more than it benefits themselves.

“When good compromises with evil, evil wins.” – Rush Limbaugh

A Freudian slip or a major revealing gaffe by Dementia Joe?
Facebook has a habit of locking accounts of Republicans. Please check back on occasion. Our freedom of speech may be at an end so long as Democrats control the electoral process. Who knows if they’ll even allow Trump or any Republican to be on future tickets. Don’t be surprised when they ally fully with the Chicoms.
Posted in Democratic socialism, Elections 2022, Fundamentals, Illegals voting, Social Justice, Socialism, Voter fraud | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Democrats – Two-Faced and Half-Witted

Libtards are being driven insane by end of the world mania to become violent extremists and antisocial sociopaths. Slavery is alive and well in the world today. Only today we call it by different names among Islamists, Socialists, and Democrats. Today it is called sex trafficking, child soldiers, forced labor, and welfare voters. It is also the prisons in which Democrats put blacks after they encourage them to become criminals. Democrats are the “woke” who say criminals are oppressed, want to free them from prison and defund the police, then blame Republicans when crime skyrockets. They claim to be for women’s rights then try to erase them as just “birthing people,” advocate for Islam to shroud them, and put men in sports to crush their dreams. They say they want to stop corporate greed but then feed it so their Democrat masters can censor Republicans and profit. They call for the destruction of fossil fuels and then cry when gas prices go up and their lords tell to buy electric cars they can’t afford. Ever wonder why the term “hypocrite” never sticks to Democrats? It’s not because it isn’t so. It’s because it is an inherent trait. What they say and what they do are opposites. Democrat leaders are two-faced, while the liberals who believe in them are half-witted dupes.

  • Oil Drilling – They say they are against using fossil fuels. So, when they cut off American drilling and prices go up, they go to foreign enemies for oil. Then they say they are giving oil companies permission to drill, but they don’t say that they are restricting them to drilling on worthless lands. They say they are saving the planet, while what they are doing is transferring American prosperity to communist and Islamic countries.
  • Illegal Immigration – They say they are against oppressing foreigners. So, when they open the border to illegal aliens and wages go down as this uneducated, unskilled labor floods the market, they say they are helping the poor. As those poor suck up welfare and vote illegally for Democrats, legal aliens seeking to become citizens are bitch-slapped, put to the back of the line, and forced to pay more while waiting.
  • Abortion – They say they are for the children. So, when they approve aborting babies up until and sometimes after the moment of birth, they call that healthcare for mothers who will not become mothers and is not healthcare for babies. They say Christians do not value life if they call for the execution of murderers and those who commit heinous hate crimes, but claim they are for life when they release those murderers back onto the streets in the name of compassion for criminals “persecuted by the system.”
  • Guns – They say they are against gun crimes. So, when they demand citizens be disarmed, while freeing violent criminals from prison and defunding the police, they blame the people for crime. As criminals and gangsters commit more crime, and psychotics are allowed to dodge FBI investigations, they blame citizens for owning guns saying the solution is to declare Red Flag Laws in which any angry citizen who stands against Democrats is potentially a violent mass shooter who must be disarmed.

[Author’s Note: For personal reasons I will not be publishing more on Liberals Backwards Think. But I will leave it open so the previous 1800 articles I published, along with the two-dozen fixed and many others that are timeless will be available. Also, I will link to my Facebook page, “The Left is Never Right” to post links to great video content there as soon as I get it working again from being blocked, as well as a link to the best American teaching website, Prager University. Watch for the publication of my next blog: “The Left is Never Right” @ with a link to Patreon for support. I will be adding new videos to my YouTube Channel that I believe are the best and most interesting that I find. Stay hopeful, stay free, and keep the faith that Trump, DeSantis, and Cruz will lead this nation back from the brink.]

Fascist Libtard Communists are Irrational Dysfunctional Dystopians

Liberals, who lack a moral compass, believe that what Democrats say is righteous regardless of what they actually do. They pay no attention to the actions of politicians, only listen to their words. They have no concept that they are being lied to and that what Democrats propose to them as being “fair” is to their detriment. The amoral liberal understands the morally righteous as little as they understand the immoral leftist. They hear something innocuous like the meaning of Lucifer’s name meaning “Light bringer” and think that means he was not evil because they do not understand the evil he did. What he did was bring man the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

It wasn’t what he did but how he did it. He stole from God and invited Eve and Adam to break God’s only command to not eat from the two trees at the center of the Garden. Likewise, they fail to understand socialism does not make every equal by being fair but by stealing from the rich to give to poor. The typical liberal will say, “Didn’t Robin Hood do that?” No, he did NOT! He stole taxes back from an oppressive government that was stealing from the people. A socialist government that steals from one group of people to give to another is not benevolent or making things right. It is attempting to make poor people rich by making rich people poor. The result is not fairness but poverty for all except themselves as they keep most of it. #HugoChavez #FidelCastro

Why Socialism Never Works: A Video Marathon

Peace thru Strength or Peace thru Appeasement

Which is better:

  • When a gangster sticks a gun in your face demanding your car, which is better – giving him your keys or a cop spotting the crime and shooting him?
  • When a rapist puts a knife to your throat, which is better – taking off your panties and just laying back to spread your legs and enjoy it or a cop shoots him?
  • When a thug smashes and grabs valuables from a store, which is better – making an insurance claim or a cop arresting him and sending him to prison?

Fascist Libtard Communists are Irrational Dysfunctional Dystopians

Libtards are being driven insane by end of the world mania from coronavirus to climate change, along with bogus ideological witch hunts from racism to gender insanity to become violent extremists and antisocial sociopaths. Jesus never said to submit to evil. We are expected to fight evil. When they shoot us, it is righteous to shoot back regardless of how much they claim to be victims of tyranny, that when the righteous shoot back it’s unjust to punish the crimes of leftists. It is not tyranny to crush criminals. It is justice, libtard lies be damned!

They complain about slavery in the old USA, not the old Democrat South or the new Democrat cities. Slavery is alive and well in the world today. Only today we call it by different names among Islamists, Socialists, and Democrats. Today it is called sex trafficking, child soldiers, forced labor, and welfare voters. A rule of life is that everything leftists say about themselves and their enemies is a lie. Democrats are not for the little guy, socialism isn’t benevolent, and Islam did not preserve science through the Dark Ages. It’s just the opposite. Just look at them today. Democrats are for the billionaires, socialism has killed and enslaved hundreds of millions of people, and Islamists are the most backwards people in the world.

The left’s claim that ballot fraud is miniscule because they won’t allow investigations of their 20 million harvested mail-in bogus ballots is crap. They perpetrated a coup to overthrow our constitutional right to vote. That does not make them democratic. Their mandates, riots, terrorism, crime, and subversion of the Constitution, along with their anti-Christian attacks, are all proof they are establishing themselves as totalitarian dictators. Democrats would convert America from the land of the free to a fascist state of hateful communists.

Constitutional Rights Explained

The U.S. Constitution guarantees all citizens the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You cannot any of the latter without the former. There can be no liberty without life and no pursuit of happiness with the prior two. Happiness is not guaranteed unless you work for it with the right attitude. Attaining happiness at the expense is strictly forbidden as you may not take away the rights of others. Abortion and crime do just that.

There is no constitutional right to abortion in the U.S. Constitution. The convenience of being rid of a baby is not covered under the Pursuit of Happiness and is in direct violation of the Right to Life. Likewise, crime and corruption both steal away the rights of everyone by denying them liberty. Liberals lack the fundamental moral understanding that profiting at the expense of others through theft and corruption is not the same as profiting by providing goods and services just because both statements use the word profit. Profit being good also does not mean Prophet of anything else also being good. False Prophets are a scourge on humanity.

Societies are judged according to how they treat the weakest of their peoples. Democrats interpret this as how society treats the worst of their people, criminals and deadbeats. Thus, they entreat the nation with irrational logic to free criminals from prison and defund police, while supplying deadbeats with taxpayer money. The result is more crime, more suffering, and more indolence among their voters.

This is due to their deliberate misinterpretation of the social paradigm of right vs. wrong. They believe that the extremes of the political scale are tyranny and the center is democracy. They think republicanism is akin to fascism. Their error is not understanding the correct paradigm is tyranny/slavery vs. liberty/citizenry as the left and right. Fascism is the same tyranny as communism. This includes democracy which is tyranny of the majority. Republicanism protects the minority. Leftists reinterpret even this to believe minority should rule over the majority.

Christian Nationalism vs. Liberal Imperialism

Liberal fascist communism has proven to be the gravest internal threat America has ever faced. They have openly announced their intention to abolish the Constitution and remake America into their socialist dictatorship. Their deceptions, propaganda, and ballot fraud have enabled them to corrupt our culture, unleash crime and terrorism in our cities, and steal power in our government. They are using this power to cripple our economy and empower America’s communist enemies. Communism and fascism are two of the faces of socialism that have cost more lives and taken more prosperity from the people in the last century than even Islam has done in a thousand years. Democrat rulers are imposing their values of perversion, corruption, oppression, greed, and envy on the people. They say we are intolerant because we do not accept these things and claim that as Christians we should. Jesus did not tolerate any of this!

Charlie Kirk clashes with leftist that wants free college

What no liberal understands is that school is not free. They think K-12 is free because they went to school and didn’t have to pay for it, so why should they have to pay for college? Idiots! Children don’t pay for school, adults do. Your parents paid taxes for your schooling. They paid for schools to be built, teachers to be hired, and books to be supplied. College requires payment also. Teachers are not slaves. College is for people to get higher educations in fields that require special instruction like doctors and engineers. Liberal studies are for general knowledge, not for useful degrees, and that is what liberal colleges are promoting so they can get paid more. Demanding taxpayers foot the bill for your useless degree is just carrying your indolence out to the nth degree.

As for 2020, I would not have shut down the economy. That was the greatest mistake of Trump’s presidency, and it has cost a nation dearly. I had my suspicions at the start, and they were confirmed within a week. We know now that he was given basic numbers of potential fatalities rather than true numbers after mitigation. We know now that Democrats deliberately killed people in nursing homes, claimed false deaths by Covid to increase the numbers and increase the fear. We know that they denied people mitigating therapeutics and just let them drown on ventilators.

President Trump should have known better than to listen to a pack of Democrats telling him that millions were going to be wiped out by this disease that turned out to be nothing more than a new flu. Now Democrats have again stolen many trillions of American taxpayer dollars from our grandchildren to make them debt slaves forever, all while demanding their slaves submit to multiple injections of an experimental drug and wear facemasks that do nothing to deter the spread of airborne pathogens in the presence of their superiors. Americans have been duped and are likely to be duped again this next election when Democrats say mail-in ballots that are easily frauded are legal.

Who does a higher minimum wage help?

Those politicians that collect more taxes from the higher wage earners certainly profit. Those politicians don’t care if those low paid employees who don’t pay taxes don’t even have jobs! Then ask anyone of those workers if they start their own business if they thought they should get paid the same or less than their employees? Democrat ideas sound good but in implementation their results are easily foreseen by those with good sense.


Every Democrat Declaration is the Opposite of Truth

  • Democrats are for the little guy, Republicans are for corporations
  • Trump colluded with Putin to steal 2016 election
  • The Bidens are not a crime family of corruption
  • The 2020 election was the most secure ever with mail-in voting
  • Abortion is for the reproductive health of the mother
  • Guns kill people, not criminals; defund police and free criminals
  • Inflation is caused by corporate greed
  • Oil companies are raising gas prices despite more drilling
  • Democrats are not shutting down America energy
  • Solar and wind can replace oil and coal
  • Illegal immigrants are better than legal immigrants
  • Republicans are the party of the KKK, Lincoln was a Democrat
  • America was founded on slavery and fought the Revolution to preserve it
  • There are no slaves today in America or socialist/Islamist countries
  • The media tells all the truth and never lies – except conservative media
  • Democrats will save the planet from viruses and climate change
  • The far right is fascism, the far left is communism, the center is democracy
  • Obama is a Christian American who never spoke mean like Trump
  • Christianity is Nazism, Islam is Peace, God is evil, Satan is good

My final question for America is this: As of today, we have President Donald Trump, Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator Ted Cruz, and Representative Jim Jordan leading the way in the battle against the leftist liberal fascist democratic socialists that are subverting our culture. While I question why Donald Trump listened to Democrats and shutdown the economy for “two weeks to slow the spread,” when he should have realized they would never let it reopen freely again, I especially question why he did not invoke the Insurrection Act when he knew the election was completely rigged? I expect the answer lies in a corrupt military leadership cadre that was composed of mostly Democrat generals. Gov. DeSantis has stood like a mighty oak against the Democrats and their perverted ideology, as has Ted Cruz and Jim Jordan.

As of now, Trump and DeSantis lead all in the polls for 2024. I believe Trump was forced out of office by a Democrat controlled military. We have so much to be thankful for because of Donald Trump, not least of which is Roe v Wade being overturned to stop infant sacrifice. He protected our border, our rights, and helped the economy boom. I believe he was duped by Fauci & Co. If he would just own up to that I believe he would be a shoe in. DeSantis is every bit as staunch a believer and protector of the Constitution. My question is – would Trump and DeSantis be willing to join forces? It would give DeSantis four years as vice president to learn who is who and what is what in Washington before taking the reins as president maybe with Ted as his VP? The most important issue of all, however, is whether or not Trump or DeSantis or anyone will ever bring Democrats to justice for their crimes? If none of them do, then we can count this country as lost. If any of them do, then they will be the saviors of American liberty.

Liberal Fascists Go Full Roe V. Wade Meltdown Call for Insurrection

The Left loses it over Supreme Court decisions

Ugly Liberal Fascism – Calls truth speak “violent hate crime” to justify their violence

The Gender Perversion Distraction – Two genders and a hundred mental illnesses

Liberal Democrat Socialist Groomers

Which flag will Democrats honor this Independence Day, 2022? Will they stand for Old Glory or bow to the CCCP? Democrats have tied their fortunes to the Chicoms, which explains why they have become so hateful toward not only Russia, but America, and are taking actions to tear our nation apart.

Pray for America this July 4th, 2022, to overthrow the Democrat communists that seized power through their fraudulent mail-in ballot harvesting of 2020.

Wake up Call to Democrat Ballot Fraud to Remake Amerika

What every patriot should be mad about

The Biden crime family is a smoking gun. The mail-in ballot fraud coup is a nuclear blast. If we are able to stop them and regain control of the country this is what must be crushed and everyone involved prosecuted. Every Democrat and media liar who said 2020 was “the most secure election ever,” when they KNOW that mailing ballots is the least secure and easier to defraud than harvesting, must both be banned and prosecuted. Otherwise, they will do it again and steal the country for their communist dictatorship forever. Expect them to do it this November in every state they and their RINO allies control. 💩]


Dustin’s YouTube Channel

The Left is Never Right

Prager U

Democrat’s multimillion mail-in ballot fraud coup vs. their Russian collusion Jan. 6th Insurrection witch hunt kabuki theater. Which party will rule America – the free republic or the socialist dictators?

Democrats “fighting misinformation” by the truth speakers

Republicans did all the good in this country, which people would know if they weren’t indoctrinated into false history. All Democrats ever gave us was slavery, imperialism, corruption, propaganda, indoctrination, perversion, lies, blame, crime, $30T debt, hate, violence, terrorism, end of the world dreadful fear, dysfunctional liberal stupidity, and tore this country apart every chance they got.


What does she think is growing in there?
Posted in Climate Change, Congress, Conservatism vs. Liberalism, Culture corruption, Democratic socialism, Economy, Elections 2022, Fundamentals, Gay marriage, Gun Control, Illegal Immigration, Illegals voting, Islamism, Religion, Right vs. Left, Social Justice, Socialism, Voter fraud | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Social Justice Warriors – Amerika’s Brown Shirts: Understanding Liberalism

Liberal Woke Cancel Culture is dedicated to the destruction of the American Christian Liberty Culture of our Founding Fathers. They declare the truth to be “misinformation” and their lies to be righteous truth. Theirs is the ideology of deception, corruption, perversion, and slavery to the state. What do communism, fascism, Nazism, imperialism, feudalism, and Islamism all have in common? All are subsets of socialism. All are totalitarian. All make the people slaves to the ruling elites. Democrat’s H.R. 1 “For the People Act” is not an act of Congress to preserve liberty. It is an act by the rulers of the proletariat to make all Amerikans slaves to their one-party totalitarian rule through massive mail-in election rigging.

A more accurate title would be “For the People to be Slaves Act” believing in state lies about the economy, climate change, and their rigged election system. They deliberately change the language to give their actions credibility through a façade of righteousness. No one would approve of a resolution to make all people their slaves by making elections meaningless with mail-in ballots. So, they instead tell their slaves that they are going to be living well as the ruling class. This the same method used by Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and Mussolini after they seized power through their coups making their Communist Red Brigades and Fascist Brown Shirts the ruling militant overseers of the people.

Have you realized that Democrats are the opposite of what they say? Their ideology is the opposite of righteousness. Their beliefs are the opposite of what is right? Their actions are the opposite of what is good. Like the way they tell stories in leftist media these days. Have you noticed how they made all the Disney villains are now heroes and all the heroes are villains? How they have reversed fairy tales that teach moral lessons to be the opposite? (Some writers probably thought it was clever to have the evil characters be portrayed as only turning bad because they were deeply wronged, but then redeemed. But there’s no excuse for making the heroes become the evil villains.) Liberalism is the mirror of morality and those who are duped by it fall prey due to ignorance and lack of education especially in ethics. Those who believe they know righteousness in liberalism are deluding themselves. There is no liberty to be found in leftism. Those who promote this ideological mirror of the world are the sociopaths who would make slaves of us all. They portray Republican freedom fighters as Nazis and Democrat Nazis as freedom fighters. How do you uncover their eyes to see the truth? This is what communists do. They make good citizens into criminals by outlawing their actions so they can justify persecuting them.

Democrats shut down Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine over claims of blood clots [Author’s Note: J&J is the only non-mRNA vaccine. The others have been shut down in foreign countries for causing blood clots. This has been going on a long time. Democrats are pushing these mRNA vaccines. That they found six people out of six million to claim J&J caused blood clots and pulled it tells me this is deliberate sabotage to force everyone to take their mRNA vaccine. I don’t know what all is behind this, but I do know that if Democrats are pushing it, it can’t be good for us. Who knows what kind of effects these drugs might produce down the road? Could they cause a DNA response that compromises our immune system so that the left can depopulate the world as they’ve been wanting to since they announced the Population Bomb? They quarantine healthy citizens while telling their criminals they have a right to riot because white supremacy is a public health hazard. Never believe a liberal and never trust a leftist.

I had a recent incident with a BLM member on the road where I was passing his car at much higher speed than he was going, and he tried to cut me off by starting to pull into my lane as if he didn’t see me coming. I know damn well he did and that he was just trying to force me to slam on my brakes for fear of an accident. I honked and blew past him anyway. Like all liberals, he took this as a personal affront and used his backwards thinking. Why this moron would think I knew there was a young black guy driving this car is proof of how dysfunctionally liberal Democrats think. That he thought I would be intimidated by him was even funnier. He chased after me into a parking lot and pulled alongside honking his horn wildly. I parked my car and got out and he started yelling at me that I “cut him off and almost hit him twice!” When he saw I wasn’t some woman or scrawny guy he could intimidate, he pulled farther away and continued cussing back at me as I responded, “No I didn’t, keep it moving!” He wouldn’t let me get close to his car and I was ready with my hand on my gun in my belt in case he or any of his buddies pulled a gun on me. Lucky for him he was all mouth and just cussed more and drove off.

This is typical Democrat thug liberalism. He caused an incident and then blamed me. This is what criminal liberal leftists do. They attack the innocent and then blame them for a fight if their victims defend themselves. These thug bullies will even call the police to have them persecute you on their behalf by lying to them, which is why police must be so cautious when they come to a scene because they don’t know who is in the wrong. Then the thugs will call their brown shirt friends to come after you. The only way to stop this is to confront them and be ready and willing to fight them and beat them down. Never yield anything to a bully. We are always intimidated by them when we are young. They always get together in packs like the wolves they are to hunt and prey on the weak and intimidate the strong. You have to be stronger and more courageous to face them down. Like all predators, they want weak prey or to sneak up on those stronger and attack from behind. Always face them down! This is why Democrats want us disarmed to allow their criminals to control us.]

Back in the nineties, FOX had the “Hannity and Colmes” show wherein leftist Alan Colmes contended with Sean Hannity. Colmes wrote a book titled, “The Left is Right, and the Right is Wrong.” Nothing could be more backwards from reality and truth. This is how leftist liberals think. Their morality is warped so badly that they see what is good as wicked and what is wicked as good. Their corruption runs so deeply that they think backwards seeing the world through the mirror of their dysfunctional minds. This is an examination of their psychology.

How liberals see themselves and others is the opposite of their true character as if they live in a mirror world of dysfunctional irrationality. They like to see themselves as heroes, as wise, as intelligent and knowledgeable. They like to see themselves as caring, as helpful, as compassionate, as giving, as strong and determined. There is a difference between being America’s righteous military and law enforcement who protect and serve versus that of a leftist militant agitator. You can see their nature in how they demonize Republicans as racist Nazis then glorify criminals as noble victims. You can see their nature in how they criminalize good citizens for protecting themselves then demand police be defunded to strip away their government protections. Their nature is exposed in their two-faced characterizations of anything, especially when they say what is bad for Republicans to do is good for themselves to do.

Leftists are criminals who demand respect from their victims while liberals are dupes to their lies. Amerikan Communist Democrats are what you get when criminal tyrants seize power. They take from others only to benefit themselves. Their character is “hooray for me and f*** everybody else!” They don’t do anything good for others. They might benefit their own family, but it will be at the expense of the families of others. They lie, cheat, deceive, dupe, steal, extort, racketeer, blackmail, bribe, threaten, torture, terrorize, and kill the innocent. (If you think I’m talking about all of them, that is liberal dysfunctional thinking. They are various grades of wicked by degree with some being mild and some being the worst.) They will take away your livelihood and destroy your career if you do not submit their will. They are the opposite of what they see themselves as and project their own character onto the righteous as being evil. Liberal’s backwards thinking is their negative pole of morality believing their own lies as they lie to themselves. They scorn those who are righteous as being evil while justifying the evil they themselves do as being righteous. This is identical in every way to the thugs of socialist ideologies.

The Year of Fear descends into communism

Thanks to Covid and racial terrorism enabling a Democrat coup to overthrow the government, America has become a communist controlled dictatorship with OBiden obeying his puppet masters to sign orders overriding the Constitution. We are not seeing anything different today than we have seen in the last hundred years of violent socialist overthrows of governments followed by their erosion of liberties. All that is different is that there are oblivious, immoral people in Amerika today who believe they are endorsing righteousness as they support evil despite the lessons of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Red China, and their satellite third world despots. They censor truth and promote their biased, irrational opinions in which they have been indoctrinated to believe as fact and science. Antifa and BLM are Democrat’s new militant arms to replace their outdated KKK and neo-Nazis to terrorize the people. They are just a different façade to conceal their ugly face as Democrats strive to subjugate the people once again.

In their backwards morality they condone every form of perversion while condemning those who are normal as bigots for not declaring what is abnormal as normal. They call self-defense murder, they call flirting rape, call their terrorist riots peaceful protests, and they call cheating the election righteousness. They demonize Trump as a womanizer while they laud Clinton for being a rapist. They overlook Clinton being a pedophile with Epstein while falsely accusing Trump of being Epstein’s running buddy. They slander Christians as haters while applauding Islamists for their terrorist oppression. They lie about every conservative they want to eliminate as molesting women and produce pathological liars to substantiate their frauds. They demand every Republican they falsely accuse of immoral behavior be cast out as they circle their wagons to protect Democrats who run homosexual pedophile rape rings from their homes. Those who tell lies about the righteous they call heroic declaring their words unassailable even as they destroy those who tell the truth about them. They doctor videos to produce the illusions they want to dupe ignorant liberals. This is the degree of two-faced, backwards immorality we face today.

Every time there is a mass shooting by a hateful liberal Democrat wacko, who are the ones that commit all mass shootings, Democrats use that as a reason that good citizens should not have guns. They used their Las Vegas psycho to blame Republicans. They blamed white people for the jihadi in Boulder. They are even using their Atlanta sicko to blame Christians as anti-Asian haters. Where in the Bible did Jesus, or anyone for that matter, ever say to kill those who tempt you? If the liberal wacko followed the teachings of Jesus, he should have cut off his own wiener rather than murdering the innocent women he blamed for his lust. That’s not Christian. That’s Islamic. That’s what Muhammad said to do. Muhammad blames women for inciting men to lust rather than the men who do not control themselves. Democrats are always ready to blame Christians for wacko leftist violence, but you never hear them condemn Islam for the massacre of fifty gays in their own nightclub.

Lying liberal leftists always use our laws against us. They use free speech to promote their lies calling for violence then say that our speaking the truth is violence. They then sue the righteous for speaking the truth by calling it hate speech ito bankrupt us in our own legal system that they have corrupted. This is why all socialist ideologies must be defeated and their proponents destroyed because they will pervert our laws and culture to destroy us. Leftists will use their corrupt laws to make good citizens outlaws while empowering their criminals against our law enforcement. Liberals justify their crimes by criminalizing if not outright demonizing the righteous. They would defund and eliminate our police protections from their criminals and then strip us of the ability to defend ourselves.

President Trump was wrong to allow Democrats to investigate their bogus Russian collusion fraud to use as a means of persecuting his supporters. Not one Republican went to prison for any crime related to the election, but all were convicted on trumped up charges. He was equally wrong in allowing pissant leftwing activist judges to stand in the way of his executive orders to stop Moslems from terrorist infested nations from coming to the U.S., and to stop illegal aliens invading over the open border Obama created with his catch and release. Obama never obeyed a single judge who ordered him to stop trying to shutdown America coal and oil. President Trump failed to even charge any Democrats for their crimes and ultimately failed to stop their coup by invoking the Insurrection Act.

Lying leftist liberal Democrats have opened our borders once again to the Mexican drug cartels to drug smuggling and human trafficking. The only reasons to do this are because they get kickbacks from the cartels and profit from the slaves sent over the border. They give them taxpayer benefits to make them welfare voter slaves to replace those minorities in America that have had their eyes opened to their duplicity and turned away from them. This importation of foreigners to supplant citizens is deliberate as is all their foreign to aid to our enemies like the Chinese, Iran, and even the Palestinians. They give billions to foreign countries that hate us to launder the millions of dollars they get back in bribes by extorting those countries like Biden bragged about doing to Ukraine.

Liberalism as defined by the rules

Liberals are told they should condemn the racist KKK as Republicans because they haven’t the first clue that they are a Democrat organization. Likewise, they are being told that Georgia’s legislature making voter ID laws is remaking Jim Crow laws to keep blacks oppressed. How ignorant do you have to be to not know that Jim Crow was a rabid Democrat, and how stupid do you have to be to believe what someone else says without verifying their words? Only liberals blindly believe what they are told without question. They are so stupid that they believe anything Democrats say regardless of how insane it is like declaring that science says there are 37 genders not just two. This is the degree of irrational, dysfunctional thinking with which we must contend.

Liberals believe that the United States became rich by stealing resources from around the world. They believe no country has profited from trade with the USA. To believe these things is to deny that those countries have not modernized their cities. It’s not just being deaf, dumb, and blind, but unable to smell. Liberal ideology fundamental characteristics self-righteous hypocrisy, arrogant ignorance, selfishness, believing their own lies, control freaks suffering from penis envy, believing their religion to be science. They believe God to be the oppressor and Satan the liberator, believing Heaven is slavery and Hell is either a party town of orgies or “God’s torture chamber.” They are the negative pole of morality believing in the opposite of right and wrong, that good is evil and evil is good, that socialism is equity and capitalism is greed.

Liberals believe that laws are for others to obey their dictates. If they think something is bad, then they make it wrong for everyone like owning guns and having free speech. They label the truth about liberalism as “hate speech” while they deliberately smear and slander righteousness. They believe, like Democrats, communists, fascist, national socialists, Islamists, and imperialists, that elites should rule over the masses who should serve them as their slaves. They believe they are benevolent masters putting others under their iron boot. Their Cancel Culture is to destroy Americanism and force the promotion of leftist ideology. They are Woke to believe their own lies. They damn Jesus and applaud Muhammad. They believe Jesus told His followers to be door mats for evil and venerate Muhammad as a man of peace despite his life of waging war to conquer others and force them to submit to Islam. Islam literarily translates to “submit.”

ACAB and Defund the Police vs. The Thin Blue Line and Back the Blue

Nothing is more sickening and sinister than the left’s demonization of police. Yes, we all have reasons to resent cops who give us speeding tickets. But when you see some idiot blow through a red light, or who is obviously driving drunk on his way to kill some unsuspecting innocent, or who is committing a crime, you always wish there was a cop around. The people who wish police are never around are the criminals who don’t want to be caught and punished for their crimes.

Liberals are fools who fail the morality test. They think they know right from wrong but are so easily duped by honeyed words. Leftists speak of fairness, of righteousness, of sharing, then stab them in the back when they are too oblivious to pay attention to what leftists actually do. Here’s your first clue; when the choices are to worship them or be destroyed, they are evil. God offers a choice based on love. Satan offers a choice based on fear. Liberals can’t tell the moral difference between punishing a criminal for their crimes against the innocent and punishing the innocent for defending themselves. They don’t understand the difference between an avenging angel righting a wrong through justice and revenge by a criminal for being stopped from doing wrong. They see killing in self-defense to be the same as murdering an innocent person.

They are the people who make up fascism’s Brown Shirts and Mao’s Red Brigade. In the past, they have been the witch-hunters and Inquisitors of the Spanish Inquisition. Today they are called Social Justice Warriors and they use their militant tactics to terrorize those upon whom they are set. Leftists use whatever lies and propaganda they need to warp their minds and misguide their hands. In their culture, they rewrite history to condemn the righteous and idolize the wicked. They outlaw citizens and glorify criminals. Their movies like The Godfather and Fast & Furious are prime examples of how they cast law enforcement as wicked and the corrupt and outlaws as heroes. They do the same rewriting history like the story of Robin Hood who they say robbed from the rich and gave to the poor as if he stole from rich merchants which he did not. He actually rebelled against an oppressive government stealing back from Prince John’s wicked tax collector’s the money they took from the poor. Merchants don’t rob the poor. They rely on them to buy their wares. Only criminals and the government are the entities that takes money from others. The government is supposed to provide protection from criminals. But what happens when the criminals like communists control the government?

How we know that liberals are wrong – because they are two-faced. e.g. Whenever they address something that is the same for us and them, it is bad for us to do it but good for them to do it, like the filibuster in the Senate. If we use it then the filibuster is bad, and it is good if they abolish it. If they use it then it is good, and it is bad if we abolish it. That is extremely two-faced social justice. Justice is when all sides have the law applied equally. That is the justice of criminals who would make good people outlaws and make evil criminals legal. Laws are only righteous when applied equally to everyone. Evil always conceals itself. Evil never comes out and declares its true nature. They always hide within the good as wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Liberals rewrite history to justify their wickedness

Liberals deny history by declaring you are still guilty of your past sins of your ancestors allowing the South to keep their slaves. But they don’t hold modern slavers to account in their own cities as they bring them over the southern border. When you try to hold them accountable for their own crimes, they deny their guilt by declaring you guilty of slavery in the past and that you must pay reparations to their descendants who have never been slaves. Their militant racists created by Nathan Bedford Forrest and their oppressive laws created by Jim Crow are all excused and blamed on the Republicans who freed the slaves.

They scorn Jesus as a Savior who forgives sins saying they are triggered by you threatening them when you tell them about how they are choosing Hell. They deny truth by declaring it hurtful. They impose silence on truth while shouting epithets at those who speak it. Theirs is the modern Inquisition self-righteous hypocrites. They politicize everything under false pretenses. They love drugs because it brings them money in many ways. Democratism is slavery to the elites that rule the state.

Liberals think they’re doing something good when they are doing something wrong. Everyone gets a participation trophy. No learning is required. They teach immorality rather than ethics. Cheating to get ahead is good. They justify it by slandering the righteous as having done so. They slander America as having become rich by stealing rather than through the benefits of trade. Liberals are bred to fail. Democrats are dumbing down the country. Google from which they get their information is corrupted by communist propaganda as Facebook and Twitter censor the truth with false warnings it is lies.

Democrats change the meaning of words to dupe liberals like how they changed global warming to climate change and changed the application of the term infrastructure to now mean welfare, childcare, and public housing instead of roads, bridges, and the water supply. The Keystone pipeline is part of infrastructure, as is oil and coal production, but that didn’t stop Democrats from shutting it down. That saved Warren Buffet by forcing them to be transported by his railroads. Democrats are and always have been the chief obstruction to progress. They practice crony capitalism which is just a version of communist government control of businesses to extort them. Some may call it corporatism, but it all adds up to national socialism that Germany had in the 1930s.

According to liberals, yelling “Democrats are communists” is the same as yelling “fire” in a crowded theater. Their ideas of limiting guns are not to stop their mass shooters. It’s to suppress good citizens so they can’t protect themselves. If you point out that blacks are ten times more likely to commit violent crimes or spread venereal disease, they call you racist. Riots are not for justice, especially when they are in response to police killing criminals. Riots that destroy the property of innocent people is hate. It is intimidation to terrorize innocent people. It’s all part of glorifying criminals while persecuting police who protect us. It took communist propaganda just one generation to turn entertainers from honoring police to villainizing them.

[Author’s Note: As an example, the left is now waging a campaign to change the definitions and meanings of equality, equity, and emotional intelligence. They want equality to mean what equity does and vice versa and re-equate EQ as empathy rather than maturity. Empathic people do not necessarily understand the motivations of others and whether or not they lie. Maturity recognizes disparity and ambiguity rejecting false premises. Equality is giving everyone access to the same things, while equity is making sure they all receive the same thing. The following picture is prime example:

Equity vs. Equality

Leftist Democrats are reversing the meanings of these two words to dupe liberals. The correct definition is that equity is the picture on the left where everyone gets the same thing. That’s socialism. The picture on the right is where everyone has equal opportunity to get what they need. That’s capitalism. America is about equality. Communism is about equity. There is nothing fair and equal about communism except in that everyone gets the least regardless of what they produce.
The Reality of Socialist Justice

Ever wonder why so many words have different meanings and so many words are confused with seemingly the same meaning? It’s because leftists deliberately confuse the language to dupe ignorant liberals and because liberals don’t fully understand the words they use. For example, the word “bow.” Am I talking about a bow and arrow or a bow tied around a package? Or is it the bow of a ship or a bow from the waist? Likewise, equality is confused by leftists to mean everyone gets the same things, not that everyone has access the same things. By confusing words, they change the language to what they want it to be which is always detrimental to those who are good that tell the truth.]

Recognizing Fascists

The fascists will promise freedom, truth, and love then murder those who reject them. None of those promises liberals make do they actually intend on keeping. When they see disaster strike people, that’s not when they rush to help. That’s when they rush to the microphones to announce what great people they are and how much they care and say that they will help. The help they give is to themselves by raising taxes to pay for the next disaster, but most of that money ends up in their own pockets. Liberals caring and offering help are just words they use to conceal their poison. The left is unforgiving, like Islamist tolerance in which you must pay for the privilege of being oppressed.

There is no border crisis for Democrats with hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens breaking into the country to feed off of taxpayers. To Democrats, the only border crisis was when President Trump stopped the easy inflow of drugs and human trafficking. These are crimes off of which Democrat politicians profit in multiple ways. They tell people how much they care about south of the border “refugees.” They encourage them to sell their children into slavery of coyotes and cartels. No, that’s wrong. They don’t sell their children. They pay for them to become slaves. The cartels and coyotes make money from the parents and then make money from Democrat slave buyers. The same with drug smuggling. Why else do Democrats fight against Republicans to stop the influx of drugs that are killing tens of thousands of people every year?

All groups of any sort have good and bad people in their ranks. Some groups have more good people, and some have more evil people. But even the most righteous groups have some evil people striving to corrupt others. Churches and our police have far more good people than evil ones. Groups like Democrat militants and mobsters have far more evil people than good ones. There are always exceptions in every group. Evil people killing each other is always a good thing. Gangsters and mobsters, communists and Nazis, Islamists and atheists killing each other means that innocent are spared. Ancient Rome fell to the same internal corruption. The Republic fell to an authoritarian empire then hired foreign mercenaries to replace citizen soldiers. America is following in their footsteps. The Republic has fallen to the communist empire of socialist dictators. They will replace our police with a military populated by foreigners to take away our rights and abolish our Constitution.

Funding police to protect the government rather than the people is how Democrats roll. There are reasons that the police and military are separate. The police protect the people from enemies of the people. The military attacks enemies of the state. When the military becomes the police then the people become enemies of the state. The National Guard troops that Pelosi weeded out 10% of the twenty-five thousand that were in D.C. to be the Capitol Guard are all those who are dedicated to Democrats rather than the Constitution. Any police and troops surrounding Democrat politicians are not there to serve the people, but to protect Democrat tyrants from the people. When they cry for defunding police, they don’t mean their police. They allow militant zones in our cities and BLM terrorists to assassinate our police. To the leftist, justice is when a dirty cop murders someone innocent, leftist criminals murder an innocent cop.

They demonize Trump Republicans by criminalizing their every word, smearing them as the KKK that blacks are too stupid to figure out is a lie, or as neo-Nazis that liberals are too stupid to figure out is a lie, and declaring anything they say or do to be evil, wicked, and inhuman. Leftism is evident throughout history in the corruption and control exercised over good people by the wicked.

Leftists in history:

  • Village Shaman
  • Witch Hunters
  • Spanish Inquisition
  • Fascist Brown Shirts
  • Nazi SS and Gestapo
  • Communist Red Brigade

Democrats will now use their control to take more from the people under the guise of promising to provide more. Just as before, they will reinstate the hefty ObamaCare tax that will cause healthcare costs to skyrocket. Then they will promise the solution as socialized medicine that is just a placebo for real medicine. The people will be treated to clinics rather than doctors and surgeons as Democrats kill the Golden Goose by sucking up prosperity for themselves.

How Democrats are stealing prosperity:

  • Taxes on the middle and lower classes known as gas and mileage taxes
  • Control healthcare while bankrupting the poor called the ObamaCare tax
  • Tax the rich and corporations which kills small businesses and growth
  • Re-establish trade deficits with China and Mexico
  • Create border insecurity by permitting unlimited illegal immigration
  • Give illegal immigrant benefits at taxpayer’s expense
  • Give felons benefits at taxpayer’s expense and declare them innocent
  • Reinstate the state tax federal deduction in high tax blue states
  • Use the Lottery to milk the poor
  • Schools unionized teachers indoctrinate our children into socialism
  • Neglect infrastructure to launder money back into Democrat pockets
  • Remove police protection from citizens while garrisoning the Capitol
  • Welfare for deadbeats at the expense of working taxpayers
  • Unending unemployment benefits
  • Deficit spending to bankrupt the nation
  • Foreign aid to enemies to launder money back into Democrat pockets
  • Restrict privileges of free speech
  • Restrict privilege of gun ownership
  • Restrict privilege of driving
  • Restrict privilege of eating
  • Eliminate the filibuster to make the minority meaningless
  • Force unions to launder money back to Democrats
  • Change voting to mail-in so they can produce millions of bogus ballots

We all live our lives in sin. The list of the Seven Deadly Sins and Three Virtues are not to be taken individually. We all commit all sins and have all virtues. It’s only a matter of degree which is our worst flaw, and which is our best character trait.

The 7 Deadly Sins

  • Lust
  • Sloth
  • Anger
  • Pride
  • Envy
  • Gluttony
  • Greed

The 3 Virtues

  • Faith
  • Hope
  • Charity

People in general are stupid and mean. As proof I lift up to you the fascist liberals of the Democrat communist party. It takes education and morality to be intelligent and caring. Would immature Millennials understand if you told them Democrats are Decepticons? They say one thing and do the opposite. Democrats who refuse to wear the Covid masks for which they voted are the worst of the shit-for-brains two-faced fascist thugs. They live by the credo “Rules for thee, not for me.” They live by a different moral code than righteous people. Answer this: Why did the author of Superman have him grow up in Smallville instead of in NYC? The answer is because cities are cesspools of crime and corruption and dysfunctional families wherein the elites sit on the throne that the mob wallows in and believes themselves anointed by God! Superman had to be raised by a righteous family which is typically found in what city bred liberals refer to as “flyover country.” That is the part of the country where America’s true prosperity is derived from their work that is the sea of red surrounding their tiny blue islands of scum and villainy.

Liberals are never heroes. The TV show “The Boys” is a perfect example of what happens when a liberal leftist pretends to be a hero. Liberals judge people on the basis of their demographic groups. Democrats use those groups to divide the nation and feed grievances. A righteous person judges each individual on their own merits. It doesn’t matter what your sins are, only the kind of sins you commit. You will find that liberals most often suffer from greed and either envy or anger will be at the top of their lists. The worst will be violent criminals. All that truly matters is the kind of person you are. Are you a giver or a taker? Are you kind to others always being gracious and considerate, or are you malicious always plotting how to get even? Are you loving or hateful? Would you work with others or make others work for you? Liberals like to think of themselves as caring but never do anything other than mouth their discontent.

Liberals believe that they can rewrite history, that people didn’t say what they said because they are uneducated slobs who misattribute words and meanings then say all are unknowable because you weren’t personally there to see and hear it. These are the pathological liars who deny the video of them committing crimes isn’t them! America can no longer be saved at the ballot box that Democrats have utterly corrupted with their control of anonymous mail-in ballots. They will purge every suggestion of doing what’s right by demonizing those who speak the truth. America has fallen to communism. Amerika cannot be saved by protests or voting. This country can only suffer under Democrat communism until their iron boot gets so heavy that the people rise up against them. Just pray that they don’t wait until it’s too late like a frog in a pot being brought to a boil.

The Eternal Glorious Wisdom of Rush Teaching Righteous Moral Intelligence

[Rush podcast 040121 hr 1 12:12-30:26 Economics 101]
[Rush podcast 032421 hr 1 30:08-36:00 Liberal Hypocrisy]
[Rush podcast 032421 hr 2 16:12-25:29 Kids in Cages]
[Rush podcast 032421 hr 2 25:49-32:04 Democrat Victimology]
[Rush podcast 032621 hr 2 32:20-33:30 Sycophantic MSM drooling over OBiden]
[Rush podcast 033121 hr 3 21:43-28:02 College Indoctrination]
[Rush podcast 033121 hr 3 2:18-9:52 Election Rigging]
[Rush podcast 032621 hr 3 20:00 mins-27:52 Democrat Tyranny]

[Author’s Note: The Rush Team has been putting together broadcasts using guest hosts and thirty years of Rush’s timeless wisdom that, like lessons from the Bible in dealing with bad people, applies today as much as it did when he first said it. Every hour of every show has the genius of Rush tearing apart leftist lies and Democrat propaganda that is swallowed by unthinking liberals. Here is where you learn about the dysfunctional, irrational mentality of liberalism and the hateful, negative ideology of leftist criminals. I haven’t met a liberal who isn’t a useful idiot to lying leftists. They are the quintessential representation of the Buddhist monkeys that are deaf, dumb, and blind. There is a western saying that applies to liberalism.

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink,” means you can tell a liberal the truth, but you can’t make him think.

Being a liberal means believing what you are told without thinking beyond the possibility of lies or critically examining the facts but believing that you are intelligent and knowledgeable despite evidence to the contrary. They are emotional, irrational, dysfunctional thinkers who have convinced themselves to believe their own lies. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “The Truth shall set you free.” That’s why liberals believe their facts are true and that the truth is alternate facts.

This is how Satan dupes the unwitty to believe he does not exist and that if they think he does then he is the good god while casting God as the wicked one. Liberals believe God is the oppressor and Satan is the liberator. In their dysfunctional mentality they alternatively believe Heaven and Hell are opposites. On one hand they believe that they don’t exist. On the other hand, they believe Heaven is enslavement while Hell is alternately either God’s torture chamber or Satan’s party town. This is the kind of two-faced, dysfunctional thinking that disrupts liberal’s uneducated minds.

To remain a liberal into adulthood requires lacking a moral compass. They continue to believe what they are told without question like a child being taught by their parents to believe something because they don’t know any better. Liberals may have a high IQ, but they have a low EQ, the Emotional Quotient that measures mature, rational thinking. It takes a moral heart to grow out of the ignorant arrogance of teenage liberalism and childish faith in lies. Liberals have been told by leftist Chicken Littles that the planet will die in ten years for the last fifty years now. When do you think they will ever get a clue?

Those liberals who do not have a moral heart and are too foolish to learn grow up to become leftist liars, propagandists, and criminals of every sort from street thugs to government thugs extorting businesses and foreign governments like mob bosses. This is what we are fighting. This is what has taken control of our country through their bogus ballot coup and militant terrorism. America has fallen to communist fascism and will remain enslaved as their new Amerika until the next revolution takes place as no communist fascist government has ever fallen at the ballot box.

It took just one generation for Democrats to corrupt our culture to tear down police from American heroes after 9/11 to demon racist murderers. And they did it with the help of America hating millionaire black athletes who would have been in Africa chucking spears at rabbits were it not for America. Some like Charles Barkley may have their eyes opened to the plague of the Democrat cancer, but then stupidly still votes for them! Liberals have no concept of history, math, science, culture, or logic. They only know the lies they’ve been fed and that’s all Democrats ever do in politicizing, criminalizing, and demonizing the righteous. Imagine the world liberals would build in which there was no law enforcement to stop criminals and prosecute them for their crimes. It’s disgusting how easily sheeple are manipulated. This is the world they are creating with their ideological communist fascism.]

[Rush podcast 040621 hr 2 27:46-32:53 Warped Liberal Thinking]

True wisdom comes from the understanding that you should believe only half of what Republicans say and none of what Democrats say.

P.S. This is the last post for and will be the first post for my new blog, The Left is Never Right. Hope to see you there.

The danger of the new mRNA vaccine vs. established flu vaccines (The fact the leftist FascistBook labels this questionable means it is established truth that will soon be censored completely by the Democrat communist regime)

BLM Terrorism!

Left vs. Right – Democrat’s War on America

Charlie Kirk symposium of American culture

Candace Owens – How toxic modern feminism has reversed our culture

Candace Owens – The Best of Hollywood

Demented Joe’s outright lies outpacing his days in office as Premier

Twitter bans Project Veritas for exposing liberal Democrats and their lying media

BLM Protesters Riot, Mob Store, Trapping 100 Customers Inside

This is what Democrat stupidity sounds like as expounded by AOC

D is for Democrat – Distract, Divide, Delude, and Destroy

Boulder mass murderer is deeply religious Muslim who frequently railed against ‘Islamophobia’

Boulder jihad mass murderer had planned to hit Trump rally, also targeted churches and temples

Jihadis Slaughter 137+ Civilians in Multiple Attacks on Villages in Niger, Bringing Death Toll to 236 Just This Week

Boulder Jihad Mass Murderer Is Muslim Migrant Who Was Known To F.B.I.

Colorado Is One of Few U.S. States with Universal Background Check Gun Controls

Biden calls on Senate to pass GUN CONTROL ‘immediately’ after Boulder jihad mass murders but remains silent on religious motive

MUST READ: Teen Boy Guns Down 8th Grade Girl in Attack…Here’s Why There Are No Riots

More Than a Million Illegal Immigrants Expected to Cross Border in 2021: Official

BIDEN’S BORDER DISASTER: Smugglers drop toddlers over 14ft border wall, migrant mother is assaulted and her 6-month-old baby is tossed into the Rio Grande where six BIDEN VICTIMS drowned

YouTube REMOVES 2.5 Million ‘Dislikes’ From Biden White House Videos

MUST SEE: Police Thrown Out of Easter Religious Service, “Get Out You, Nazi, Gestapo Psychopaths”

Tracking all of Joe Biden’s false or misleading claims – updated on April 4th

Biden State Department Claims It’s ‘Historical Fact’ That Israel Occupied ‘Palestinian Territories’ in 1967

Video: 4 Black Males Attack Elderly Asian Couple, Then Their Machete-Wielding Son Emerges From the House & Flips The Script

With Swarms of Ships, Beijing Tightens Its Grip on South China Sea

Police Arrest 5 Muslim Women Plotting ‘VIOLENT’ Attack Against Multiple CHURCHES in France

CBS Deceptively Edits Reporter’s Interaction With FL Governor Ron DeSantis. Here’s What He Really Said.

Turkish-Backed Azeri Forces Ethnically Cleansing Armenian population……. Again

Biden: I’d ‘Strongly Support’ MLB Moving All-Star Game over GA Election Law, Athletes ‘Acting Incredibly Responsibly’ Like in NBA

Democrats Arguing AGAINST Removing Dead People from Voter Rolls

CBS Calls For Liberals To Boycott Georgia

Rush Had His Number: Chuck Barkley Makes News Again for Making Sense

‘He is a clueless rape apologist’: Pakistani PM’s ex-wife calls on him to apologize for blaming women’s outfits for rape

Biden Admin Set to Hit American Businesses with $2.5 TRILLION Tax Hike

After Reports of Kids Being MOLESTED at Texas Migrant Facility, Pelosi Says ‘WE’RE ON A GOOD PATH’ at BorderPay-For-Slay: U.S. restores assistance for “Palestinians”, to provide $235 million in aid

TRUE the VOTE! To believe in Democrats you have to be stupid!

Reporters seen scolding police chief for using the word ‘riot’ to describe violence that broke out in Minneapolis suburb

Only in Democrat America — and banana republics and one-party dictatorships — can naked nepotism be converted into virtue

100+ Corporate Leaders Meet To Plot Opposition To Election Security Measures

BLOODY CHAOS: Democrat BLM Terror Groups RIOT, LOOT, BURN Portland and Minneapolis … Again

Kevin Sorbo And Ted Cruz Have Just Teamed Up For A Herculean Effort!

France: In Trappes, Sharia police intervene against drinkers and unveiled women, all Jews have fled except two

‘Hitler was Daring’: How the ‘Palestinians’ Revere the Nazis

Photographic Evidence Shows “The Muslim Hitler” Mufti al-Husseini Touring Nazi Concentration Camp

Fact Check: Biden’s Claims About Background Checks at Gun Shows Are Misleading


NBC Gets Schooled On Fake ‘Voter Suppression’: We’re Not Going To Be Bowed By Being Called Racist’

Black Lives Matter Leader Smears Sh*t on Abraham Lincoln Statue

Islamic State Holds Hundreds Captive in Mozambique Hotel: “Almost the entire town was destroyed; many people are dead”

Kamala Harris’ Niece Deletes Tweets Blaming White Man for Boulder Slaughter After Suspect is Identified As Syrian Muslim Migrant

WATCH: Biden Democrat Official Tries To Block Ted Cruz From Taking Photos Inside CBP Facility

Samaire Armstrong: Break the Silence in Hollywood



The Fight for Our Children – Group Starts Fighting Back Against “Woke” Indoctrination

Hollywood/Democrats selling black victimhood

Candace Owens Destroys Dems For Being Former Slave Owners Trying To Gaslight Black Voters

Pelosi Gets A Big Head: ‘It’s My Right As Speaker’ To Seat Or Unseat Republicans [Video]

Is Communism Moral?

Rush Limbaugh: Marconi’s Titan

My Facebook page soon to be censored @ The Left is Never Right

The Left is Never Right on Pinterest

Banned on Democrat’s Nazi sewer Twitter by electronic book burning

(To subscribe click on “follow” and respond to the email WordPress sends you.  Please like and share this with your friends.  Share this with your friends via email to get around Facebook, Twitter, and Google Shadow Banning. Let them know the truth.)

Posted in Democratic socialism, Fundamentals | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Communism, corruption, and criminals – Amerika’s new ruling Democratic National-socialist Communist Party


Democrat’s morals are so twisted that they extoll the virtues of criminals as the “needy poor” and curse citizens who refuse to “share their wealth.” This is what happens when the psychotic sociopath criminal is elected to high office. This is the sickness of the leftist mind that leads to their irrational hate, fear, and dysfunctional attitudes resulting in derangement as they believe that stealing is a virtue and defending what you worked to provide for your family is the crime. It’s demented and insane, and these people are now ruling over us!

Democrats suffer from systemic greed and envy, the kind of greed and envy that twists their hearts and warps their minds corrupting their souls. The danger in turning to the Dark Side is of becoming the evil that you despise. Do you believe communism is a benevolent ideology? Do you believe criminals are justified in their crimes? Do you believe corruption can produce benefits? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then read on and I will explain why you are a dumbass! It’s not Republicans who have become radical racists. It is Democrats who have become radical anti-Americans who now revile the righteous.

Communists, Democrats, socialists, Nazis, fascists, Imperialists; none of these ideologies believe you have a right to self-defense. They believe you must wait for the state to come save you. What the state does in these instances is clean up the mess and then go after the criminal. The idea that you should not be permitted to protect your family and property for which you work to provide is leftist ideology. A criminal stealing from you, forcing you to submit to their will, is making you a slave. The state saying you have no right to protect yourself but only benefit from protection by the state is also making you a slave. Blacks in America, who have been so corrupted that they now constitute ten times more violent criminals than any other demographic group, have been taught by Democrats that they have a right to steal because they have had so much stolen from them. That they aim these criminals at Republicans, the very people who freed them from slavery and fought for their rights, is how Democrat propagandists have utterly corrupted their hearts and minds. This is how socialism works.

“We is the victims of systemic racism,” says BLM leaders.

No, you is the victims of systemic stupidity compounded by systemic lies resulting in systemic hate as anti-white racist bigots who are every bit as evil as anti-black racist bigots. You have become that which you hate. Democrats have used the frog in water brought to a boil tactic to subvert America. This is how Democrats led Americans into communism and conservative Christians stupidly let it happen instead of fighting back. When Jesus said, “Do not resist an evil man,” He did not mean that you should allow evil men to rule over you and corrupt your children. When He said, “If you are struck on one cheek, turn to him the other also,” that referred to an insult, not an actual assault. He didn’t say, “If someone rapes your wife give to him your daughter also,” or, “If someone murders your brother give to him your son also.” He did not sit with thieves, rapists, and murderers. He fully endorsed those people being brought to justice.

Liberals have been led to stupidly believe that the police who protect us are all corrupt, power hungry, racist murderers. Believing that one bad cop means ACAB is being a bigot. That’s how bigotry works when you say the one bad apple spoils the bunch. That’s how a leftist interprets this saying, and it is wrong! The saying refers to leaving a bad apple in the bunch until it corrupts and spoils the others. This is what has happened, not in police, but in politicians, in schools, and in media where communists were allowed to promote their perverted ideology and corrupt the minds and hearts of our young, ignorant, skulls full of mush, and fill them with arrogant delusions of superiority.

A perfect example is the media is using Cuomo’s sex offenses to cover his Covid murders of the elderly in nursing homes. Of course he molested women! He’s a Democrat. If they’re not molesting women then they are raping small boys. The left uses false allegations of molesting against Republicans to smear them as being the same to distract from their own crimes, and so they can dupe righteous fools into doing their dirty work for them. If you deny their lies, they create a Catch-22 by saying you protest too much and therefore you are guilty.

Democrats are criminalizing the truth about their stealing the election the same way. Anyone who speaks that truth is cast as an arsonist yelling fire in a crowded theater. It’s not a crime if there’s actually a fire! Leftists are not only calling for these people to be silenced, but to be prosecuted – persecuted by the law! This is the kind of law that leftists make wherein the citizens are made outlaws and the criminals are elevated as the righteous. They say there’s no crisis at the border as they import communistas, criminals, and Covid infected illegal immigrants. They extoll the virtues of these invaders who break our laws to enter our country and then flout our laws to take jobs and not pay taxes. Democrats then demand that citizens pay them homage and benefits.

Democrat coverups abound in their new communist dictatorship. More than half of nursing home deaths from Covid infected patients that Cuomo forced into their facilities claiming that President Trump told him to do it were deliberately hidden from the public. Telling the truth is being criminalized by the left from Cuomo’s genocide to Obiden’s election rigging through Pelosi, Democrat/RINO governors and their AGs changing election law on the fly, and Democrat election officials destroying upwards of ten million Trump ballots and inserting some twenty million phony Biden ballots into the mix. Extrapolating voting patterns in non-swing states shows that Biden would have had less than 60 million votes while President Trump would have had over 80 million. The Democrat coup has rendered elections meaningless. Cuomo declaring people are judging him without facts is a galactic joke as that is how leftists always judge other. We know he is guilty by his use of the Hillary Benghazi defense that these people are already dead so what does it matter now?

(Extrapolating the vote totals from solid blue and red states proves that Democrats eliminated several million ballots from Trump’s total in their “swing states” and added some twenty million to Biden’s. If they can cheat this much under a Republican government, imagine how much more they can do with the election system under their control. The fact that some of their corrupt city districts reported more than twice as many ballots as registered voters is silenced by their propaganda media.)

America is broken because Democrats broke it – deliberately. This is their vengeance for taking their slaves away. Now they have enslaved the entire nation under the iron boot of communist fascism. They did it by breaking our election system with anonymous mail-in ballots that they have now made the law of the land. They did it by breaking our immigration system giving illegal criminal aliens rights over citizens. They did it by breaking our justice system making police criminals and declaring criminals to be innocent. They did it by infecting our culture with greed and envy and hatred for God. They did it by warping minds and twisting hearts into bigotry.

This all began when President Theodore Roosevelt, incensed by his successor being a RINO Democrat in disguise, split the Republican ticket in 1912 allowing Democrats to win the presidency with a Supermajority in Congress and creating what the Founders warned us to never have – a federal bank. That bank was then used to manufacture financial crises by which to dupe the unwitty. They deepened the Crash of ’29 from a recession into the Great Depression. They crashed the savings and loans in 1987 and did it again with the mortgage banks in 2008. The first failed to convince the people to change leadership even Bush was an establishment hack. But the second succeeded in the election of a Moslem communist who ultimately corrupted our government so deeply that they have openly become full blown communists.

There are no patriots and leaders in socialist countries. There are only elitists vs. the mob, tyrants vs. rebels, dictators and their thugs vs. the masses. There are the takers at the top and the bottom putting the makers between a rock and a hard place. Capitalism is what created the world’s first Middle Class in America living the American Dream of being free from government oppression to prosper by their own hands. Now that dream is dead as Democrats control government, take what they want in taxes, and empower criminals to terrorize the people to keep them in line. Disarm the citizen and make them subjects to the imperial order of elites who become their only defense against the predators, scavengers, and parasites of society. This is not progressivism that liberals think they represent. It’s regression to the old world order to advance their new world order free from American liberty.

Todd Herman dissects Premier Obiden’s “Covid Anniversary” celebration trying to rewrite history, Killer Cuomo’s phony molestation distraction, and Democrat’s agenda all through the lens of the eternal wisdom of Rush Limbaugh
From Cuomo’s denials to Obiden’s dementia, liberals lap up the bovine excrement of Democrats
Liberal Democrat’s attempts to smear and slander Rush as a racist

[Author’s Note: Democrats not only expect us to tolerate their stealing our income so they can give it to deadbeats and parasites. They want us to submit to criminals who break into our homes to take more of what we worked for. They make us slaves to the government and to criminals because that’s what someone is who has what they worked to produce taken from them by force. There’s only one way to stop the takers from enslaving the makers. Thieves are not willing to work for their families when it’s easier to take what you work for, so they can exist as parasites with Democrat blessings. It’s the same negative mentality that drives socialism as the means of saving the planet from climate change, approves of human sex slaves and drug trafficking across the border, and says that something as sure in science as math is “racist.”

I have no more interest in President Trump. He failed us as miserably as he colossally succeeded in stomping the MSM. He cannot win re-election in the future any more than he could in 2020. Trump allowed Democrats to succeed in stealing power to steal prosperity thus killing the Golden Goose and the American Dream. Democrats have ultimately corrupted our election system to establish themselves as one-party rulers. Socialism can never be defeated at the ballot box or by protests. We don’t need another President Trump. We need another George Washington! The way of the fascist in communism is slavery of the masses. They can talk about tolerance, freedom, truth, love, and justice, but then deliver the opposite by censorship, oppression, and murder. Not the “oppression” criminals suffer under the righteous, but the true oppression of the innocent by tyrants. Only by revolution do such governments fall.]

The plans of Democrats to reinitiate lockdowns as they siphon off American wealth to themselves and their foreign allies, plus allowing foreigners to freely invade the country to benefit off of taxpayers while not paying taxes is just a part of their plan to reduce American citizens to debt slaves Florida Governor DeSantis Calls Biden’s Plan ‘insane’

As always happens just like Nazi Germany and communist Russia in WWII, after they dispatch their hated Christian foes, leftists turn on each other: ANTIFA Sets Fire to Portland Public School Headquarters and Torches Vehicles in A Series Of Malicious Terrorist Attacks

Mask mandates are deliberate fear-mongering to coerce slaves to obey: Numbers In The New CDC Report DESTROY The Case For Mask Mandates

Democrats profit from kickbacks by drug cartels and human traffickers, plus they profit from bogus morality laws by persecuting drug users and those who visit brothels Biden Adviser Admits New Immigration Policy ‘Definitely Drove Smugglers’ to Create Border Chaos

Leftists who lauded Hitler as “Man of the Year” in Time Magazine and awarded Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for being elected President while black, funding ISIS, and depleting America’s munitions, scorn President Trump for bringing true peace overtures to Israel from the Moslem world UAE Announces $10 Billion Fund for Investments in Israel

SICK: Disney+ removes Peter Pan, Dumbo, and other movies deemed “offensive” by the Democrat-fascists

New Poll REVEALS Exactly What People REALLY Think Of Disney’s Woke Nonsense!

Columbia University Hosts 6 Different Commencements SEGREGATED BY RACE, Sexuality, Income Level

CEASE AND DESIST! Trump tells supporters ‘No more money for RINOS’ as he battles GOP over fundraising with his likeness

House Passes Democrat Bill Criminalizing Private Gun Sales

Twitter Sues Texas

Even with $12.5 billion in federal aid, Killer CUOMO wants New York to tax the ‘wealthy’

Tucker Carlson triggers CNN when he exposes their false stories fact-checked by their phony truthers

Juan Williams Humiliated by Jesse Waters Over Biden Live on National Television

Ebay BANS Six Dr. Suess Books While Selling Nazi Memorabilia, Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Hardcore Porn

Senator Sounds Alarm On Radical-Left Biden DOJ Nominee Who Supports Defunding Police: ‘She Must Be Stopped’

YouTube Bans Donald Trump’s CPAC Speech, Suspends Right Side Broadcasting Channel

Majority of House Democrats vote in favor of lowering voting age to 16

Liberal Democrat’s Systemic Stupidity warns Earth is running out of oxygen

‘Math is racist’ group bankrolled by Bill Gates Foundation

Black Sen. Scott bitch slaps Don Lemon for “Woke Supremacy”

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a photoshopped picture to dupe liberal dumbasses is worth millions of dollars to Democrat propagandists. Only moron liberals believe that Lincoln was a Democrat and it was Republicans that founded the KKK, oppressed blacks, and fostered systemic racism. Show them a phony picture or tell them any lie and they will swallow a load of bovine excrement.

Communist Democrats Establish One-Party Fascist Rule Via Mail-in Ballot Fraud as Law of the Land

The Decline and Fall of America Mirroring Decline and Fall of California

Barack OBiden depleting America’s military arsenal AGAIN while crushing our economy into decline AGAIN!

The Causality Loop – Black Democrat Gangster Culture

How we know that Democrats are communist fascists

New York Gov. Cuomo’s Nursing Home Genocide

Trump Capitalism vs. Democrat Socialism

Socialism Means Free Sh*t

My Facebook page soon to be censored @ The Left is Never Right

The Left is Never Right on Pinterest

Banned on Democrat’s Nazi sewer Twitter by electronic book burning

(To subscribe click on “follow” and respond to the email WordPress sends you.  Please like and share this with your friends.  Share this with your friends via email to get around Facebook, Twitter, and Google Shadow Banning. Let them know the truth.)

Posted in Democratic socialism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


America: Born July 4, 1776 – Died January 20, 2021

NOT MY PRESIDENT! Liberals say this all the time about every Christian Republican that has held office for the past forty years from Reagan to Bush and to Trump. They claimed election fraud, Supreme Court interference, and Russian collusion as their excuses despite there being zero evidence to support their delusions. Now they say Biden stealing the election by anonymous mail-in ballots counted after Election Day to overthrow the president is “kook conspiracy theory.” The left is never right when they claim to be righteous.

Republicans have every right to declare Biden is not their president because we know that no majority in any state in the nation elected him without their massive ballot fraud. Despite the fact that he will be ousted much more quickly than Trump makes no difference. He is the Trojan Horse candidate for Kamala “Kommie” Harris to become Barack Hussein Obama’s surrogate for his third term to complete the destruction of American liberty. Americans will pay the price for stupidly electing a Moslem communist to be leader of the free world as the totalitarian left sees to it that the world no longer has any freedom.

Donald Trump surrendered to Democrat’s Marxist Revolution and submitted to the Biden/Harris ticket by stepping aside to allow Democrats to steal the presidency. Joe Biden assumed the mantle of America’s first communist dictator soon to be followed by Kamala Harris. The Obama regime’s successful coup to take power and fundamentally transform America into Democrat’s socialist oligarchic dictatorship is underway. Trump failed the nation to become America’s last patriotic president. There is some question whether or not he truly strove to save America or if he betrayed the nation to socialists after boosting the economy. In either case, it doesn’t matter as the Democrats have announced their intention to burn the Constitution and establish a new set of laws by which to rule over the masses.

Democrats violated the law by having Democrat and RINO AGs usurp the power of state legislatures to remake election law over the excuse that it was “too dangerous” for people to vote in person. Their allowance of mail-in ballots without identification set the stage for massive ballot fraud. Because state legislatures did not take legal action due to there being a lack of crimes on the books of this nature, courts rejected the post-election suits of Republicans to hear the evidence of the real crime of election fraud on the basis they “don’t have ‘standing.’” Because the state law enforcement and federal law enforcement all failed to act, and because courts at the state and federal level have failed, even the Supreme Court, DoJ, AG, and FBI, the burden fell on the President of the United States, Donald Trump, as Commander-in-Chief and supreme authority to uphold Constitutional law.

Having failed to do so, Donald Trump has failed America. Democrats now have the power to fundamentally transform America into their socialist dictatorship by stacking Congress and the courts and imposing regulations on Americans to strip them of their rights. They will take money from red states to pay their blue states for the destruction they did to their city’s economies by reinstating federal tax deductions for their high state taxes, and probably steal all 401ks to make their owners dependent on Social Security. They will impose harsh regulations on red states to strip them of power especially by eliminating the rights of free speech and gun ownership. They will give illegal alien communistas citizenship in red states to override citizen’s electoral power. They will make mail-in ballot fraud the law of the land to insure they never again lose an election. America has fallen, not with a bang, but with a whimper, as the light of liberty in the shining city on a hill went out because President Trump did not prepare to use the full power of his office to protect her.

Expect the free and open persecution of Christians to begin. Expect that the Democrat fascists will disarm Americans by a number of methods from eliminating ammo to taxing possession of firearms. Expect the military to be depleted as it was under Obama but worse. Expect police to be reduced and criminals to be empowered. Expect taxes out the wazoo forcing everyone to bow and scrape for scraps from the elites. Expect you will never see a Republican who stands against the communist left to ever again win an election. America is lost! The light of liberty from the shining city on a hill has gone out. It will take another revolution to win back freedom. The chance of another group of righteous men leading this nation to freedom is slim to none.

America Media: The Democratic National-socialist Communist Party’s Pravda

With Democrats in charge as our communist dictators here’s what you can expect:

  • The Constitutional United States will be fundamentally transformed into the Communist United States.
  • Demented mobster thug Joe will not be long for the presidency and will soon be replaced by Obama surrogate Kommie Harris to do his bidding to complete the destruction of America.
  • The Trump tax cuts will be rescinded, and you will pay the government an addition $2000+ each year that will only increase.
  • The ObamaCare Mandate Penalty Tax will be reinstated on the poor.
  • The blue state federal income tax deduction of state taxes will be reinstated so that red states pay for blue state’s taxpayer benefits.
  • The border will be reopened, and the nation flooded with communistas from the south.
  • Illegal aliens will be given citizens’ rights to vote and compensated with taxpayer money to which they have not and will not contribute.
  • Democrats will award their new voters with tax free businesses primarily from the restaurants they forced to shut down under their Coronavirus terrorism.
  • Antifa/BLM Nazi/communist thugs will be given the rule of the roost to keep the sheeple in line.
  • They will be coming for your guns by taxation, regulation, ammunition, any way they can so that you are defenseless against government tyrants and their criminals.
  • They will disarm our military again as Obama did in the face of the Chicom threat.
  • They will stack the Senate and courts with leftists making constitutional laws redundant before they take it away to make their own laws.
  • Democrats will make mail-in ballot fraud the law of the land so that they can steal every election to come and choose who holds seats in power.

That’s just a taste of what is in store under the new tyrannical dictators of the Democratic National-socialist Communist Party of the Communist States of Amerika. Our Christian cultural heritage is going to be dismantled and liberty is going to be a thing of the past. Those who do not submit to serve the state will be oppressed. American patriots will be smeared as white supremacists and ostracized from the left’s New World Order. We have become Amerika where every nightmare of leftism, racism, fascism, and communism will subsume all that is good and right in the world. We are entering a thousand years of darkness and where the world will find a new light may depend wholly on the 2nd Coming.

President Trump’s Farewell Address to the Nation

[Author’s Note: Democrats have seized power as America’s new communist dictators. They even went so far as to pare out their 10% of loyal minions from the National Guard in D.C.  to be their praetorians. Unfortunately for America the other 90% did not take the opportunity to crush them all. In the coming months expect Republican congressmen like Cruz, Paul, Hawley, Nunes, Gaetz, and Jordan to be removed from office. We can only expect things to get far worse as Democrats institute their China policies and tear down America’s infrastructure. Expect things like famines and plagues to make the people more dependent and compliant. America is no longer a constitutional republic. It is Amerika the fascist state of communist totalitarian dictators. We are no longer a nation of laws regardless of any façade the left tries to create. I don’t know how President Trump has any optimism left for our future. We are in this darkness because Americans have forgotten who we are and the left means to erase us. Only a second revolution can bring back America as no communist regime falls to dissent.

When President Trump announced he would peacefully surrender power to the Democrat National-socialist Communist Party, I hoped and prayed he had an ace up his sleeve. Their call for him to be ousted before the 20th only proved that they were in terror of the man who slapped them silly every day in the media. But the great revolution against Democrat’s civil war to overthrow the USA and make us the Communist States of America failed to materialize. Donald Trump will not be remembered as a great American president but as the last American president. I will never refer to these communist usurpers as presidents and congressmen. They are now the Secretary-General and Comrades of the Politburo of Amerika. I’ll get my news from the only source I can trust anymore – Rush – as FOX and others are now severely constrained by the leftwing propaganda machine. As of yesterday, you are now living in a communist state and the light of liberty has gone out in the world. You are no longer safe to be living in America. I will not vote again in this farce for these criminals. God help us all.]

P.S. My wife and family want me to take this site down so that we are not targeted by the regime. I expect I’m so small and insignificant to them that it would take years before they get around to me so I will leave it up for a time, but I will be turning most of my attention to ways I can write and make some money. It will take time, but the communists will slowly strangle liberty until this nation is wholly under their fascist totalitarian rule. We will do our utmost to protect our money and try to find tax shelters for our savings. 401ks will not be safe as Democrats seize all assets they can to fund their liabilities. It will be as Margaret Thatcher said,

“The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

DAY ONE: Beijing Biden Kills Keystone Pipeline and Thousands of Jobs, Rejoins Paris Climate Accord, Removed 1776 Project, Vows to Restart Iran’s Nuclear Program, Fed Mask Mandates

The U.S.A. is now the C.S.A. – the Communist States of Amerika

Biden Calls Us Domestic Terrorists, Then Calls for Unity

A Nation in Mourning

DNI Ratcliffe Releases Report Showing China Interfered with the 2020 Election and CIA Management Pressured Analysts Not to Report It

US Army Muslim Soldier Arrested for Jihad Plot To Blow Up 9/11 Memorial In New York City, Other Landmarks, Fellow Soldiers

Report: President Trump Wants to Create New Political Party, Talked of Forming ‘Patriot’ Party

Rasmussen Poll: Trump Finishes Presidency With 51% Approval Rating

Delingpole: Trump’s 1776 Report Is a Marvel. It Makes Me Ashamed to Be British

Rush 01/19/21

Rush 01/20/21

Heavy Military Presence as Capitol Prepares for Inauguration Like No Other

Franklin Graham: U.S. sins ‘are a stench in the nostrils of our Creator’

The Woke Movement is Leninism 4.0: Political Commentator Dr. James Lindsay

Comey: Republican Party need to be burned down

Can We Deprogram The Cult Of Trump, MAGA & GOP?


Democrats will eternally lie about Trump and scapegoat Republicans to distract from the evil they will impose on the people.
Totalitarians don’t care if the people endorse them – only that they submit obediently as slaves.
Once Democrats stack the Supreme Court, add new Democrat Senate seats, and do away with the filibuster, their mail-in ballot fraud will be made law giving them absolute power.

Democrats – American’s new fascist dictators promoting racial superiority in their new gulags

American Patriot’s Options

The Free World is Dreading America Becoming a Communist State

Never stop fighting for America!

My Facebook page The Left is Never Right will soon be deleted

The Left is Never Right on Pinterest will soon be deleted

Already banned on Democrat’s Nazi sewer Twitter by electronic book burning

(My WordPress sight will be deleted in short order to protect myself and my family from communist reprisals. The truth will no longer be available in any above ground publication. Good luck, patriots, and God bless. Pray for the 2nd Coming.)

Posted in Democratic socialism, Elections 2020 | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Election 2020: Trump – Keep America Great, or Biden – Make China Great Again

Joe Biden has vowed to return America to Obamunism, to reinstate the ObamaCare Penalty Tax, to increase taxes on businesses, to keep the nation in lockdown over Covid until a “cure” is found, to shut down fracking and coal mining, to make red states pay to bail out blue states that kept their economies closed over a farce, and to open the borders to invading communists and criminals along with giving every illegal alien citizen’s rights and benefits. Donald Trump stands for what he has been doing for the last four years. However, we can’t be sure what Biden will do based on his repeated refrain of “You’ll know where I stand after the election,” or even if he will be president with Harris’ constant Freudian Slips saying she will be elected president.

The result of Biden’s policies that we already know, this will be America jobs fleeing back to China to escape high Democrat taxes, not just for cheap labor, but because it’s cheaper to ship products back to America. He will sell out America to the communist/fascist powers of the world by making the people energy dependent on Chinese coal and Islamist oil. As he does all this, he will encourage Democrats thugs to terrorize the people in the streets and use that as an excuse to confiscate guns. The writing is on the wall. America will succeed of fall to Democrat voter fraud forever. President Trump will be faced with fighting another Democrat coup attempt or submitting to the darkness of leftist rule.

Donald Trump offers to reopen the nation’s economy, keep taxes low and our nation energy independent, protect our borders, make blue states pay the penalty for their choices, make China pay for unleashing this virus on the world, and dig out the Washington swamp rats who spied on his campaign and unleashed their terrorists into the streets. That’s good enough for me! President Trump has accomplished more great things in four years than anyone in Washington has done in the last forty.

He has even outdone the great Ronaldus Magnus. Democrats have revealed themselves to be communist dictator wannabes. They have inflicted pain at every strata of society in an effort to impose their ideals on the masses to rule as the elites. Only the most brainless of liberal fools believes in them anymore. Make your choice, America. Choose to follow the leftist Pied Pipers off the cliff with the other lemmings or cast off their lies and come into the fold of American patriots. Democrats plan to pack the courts and the Senate to establish one party rule means they can never be allowed to have power again.

Democrats are declaring that there is a “biological terrorist in the White House.” The biological terrorists are the Chinese Communists and American Democrats that unleashed this virus terror on America and the world! Xi Jinping and every last Democrat in the country from Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer, to Democrat governors and mayors, down to every single Democrat in government! This is their Marxist Revolution to overthrow America. They described Trump’s balcony salute to Americans for their prayers for his recovery as his “Mussolini moment.” This past year has been Democrat’s Marxist moment. Obama’s street thugs are his Hitler’s Brown Shirts moment. Their Cultural Revolution to unmake America has been their Maoist moment.

They claim Trump is responsible for 200,000 dead Americans. According to their own terror facts, he saved millions of lives. The truth is that only a fraction of those people actually died of Covid. Most died because Democrats put infected people into nursing homes and denied people lifesaving medicines. Most of the rest died of other causes that Democrats falsely attribute to Covid. The leftist biological terror and cultural war on America has been a vicious civil war and deserves an equally vicious response! Let every last damn Democrat be hanged for their treasons! Don’t give them an inch in their massive voter fraud attempt! None of them should be standing for re-election. They should all be on trial! ARREST THEM ALL NOW!

“Nothing that we have achieved that has been about progress, in particular around civil rights, has come without a fight, and so I always am going to interpret these protests [riots] as an essential component of evolution in our country — as an essential component or mark of a real democracy.” – Kamala Harris

A note about mail-in voter fraud. By allowing votes to be posted on Election Day, Democrats enable themselves to know vote tallies in states and districts counted that day before submitting more votes for those they wish to overturn. This is just one of many reasons why mail-in voter fraud must not be permitted. Everyone must be required to vote in person, prove their identity as citizens, and put their fingerprint on their ballot to prove they don’t vote more than once.

[Author’s Note: In the VP debate, Pence wiped his butt with Kamala Harris. Pence talked slowly and deliberately and refused to shut up when the moderator tried to cut him off from making good points. In contrast, all Harris could do was repeat the same big lies about Trump that Democrats have done for years that have all proven to be frauds; Trump said veterans are losers and Nazis are fine people, Trump wouldn’t denounce but praised white supremacy, Trump had Russian help in winning the election, Trump hurt our allies, Trump killed Americans with Covid, Trump molests women, Trump taxes the poor, Trump will take away healthcare, Trump will kill the planet.

She repeated the fiction that Trump inherited Obama’s economic boom and then destroyed it. Obama’s economy the lower classes lost $4000 a year and had to pay the $2000 ObamaCare Penalty Tax. Under Trump those were reversed! That Biden said he would not ban fracking is a fact alright, a fact that he lied as both are on video declaring they would. She had the gall to say Trump lost the trade war with China after taking back over 700,000 manufacturing jobs that Obama said would never return. Obama and Biden gave those jobs to China and we know Biden got $1.5 billion from China to play manage in investments. What did Obama get? Only liberals will swallow the sh*t that comes out of Democrat’s mouths about the economy or anything else.

Harris declared Democrat rioters were peaceful protesters that she bailed out of jail. She proved such a two-faced liar pushing fictions that she said out of one side of her face that she would take a Covid vaccine if it was “approved by the science,” but not if it was developed under Trump as if he’s working on it in his basement. If the number of Covid deaths is accurate, then President Trump saved two million lives. If it is false, then Democrats murdered those people and crushed millions of jobs over a fraud.

Everything she said about herself and Biden were equally known lies that liberal dolts either deny or of which they are entirely ignorant including their liberal “science.” She and Biden are on video declaring they would end fossil fuels in America including fracking and coal mining to push the Green New Deal. She said she was a great prosecutor when she persecuted minorities. She refused to answer about packing the courts and raising taxes on the poor with ObamaCare. She said she was for women’s choice when Democrats want abortions up until birth. The last three months of pregnancy are not abortions, they are infanticide.

Pence handed her back her head stuffed up her ass. The only disappoint for me was that he didn’t bring up the fact that it was she in the primary debates who declared that Joe Biden is a racist and molester of women. Play back her debate performance and watch her say those things to Biden’s face and then wonder why she chose to be his running mate. America is in danger of having her liberty stripped away by regressive progressives. They have corrupted the government, corrupted the culture, and corrupted the system to insure they keep power. Their violence does not lead to liberty but to slavery of the masses. They are not fighting for freedom but for themselves to be the tyrants. We don’t need Democrats to unmake America. We need President Trump to unmake Democrats. He needs to strip away their voter corruption and put elections firmly back into the hands of the people.

P.S. As of this writing three more things have happened. Democrats tried to make the next debate virtual so Biden could have a teleprompter and earpiece to assist his failing mind. Second is Pelosi making stupid bird noises about giving Democrats power over the 25th Amendment, in violation of the Constitution she says she honors, to eject the President for having the flu. This is just to distract from Hidin’ Biden avoiding more debates. Third is a small band of idiots were caught plotting to kidnap Michigan’s governor. Despite the fact that was Trump’s DoJ that uncovered and foiled the plot, Michigan’s governor made the treacherous accusation that it was his plot!

The time for an uprising by Republicans is not now. After the election when Democrats try to steal every seat in Congress and try to send troops to eject Trump from the White House and he refuses, then will be the time for the people to rise up against Democrat tyranny. You may recall the play they made about Trump being like Caesar and cheering his assassination. If you don’t know history, Caesar was also a man of the people standing against his fellow elites in the Roman Senate who used the people for their own wealth rather than served them for the benefit of all.

Donald Trump has proven his great humanity in making America prosperous again. We all know Democrats smear us as white supremacists in order to villainize us in the dull minds of their lemmings. We all know that they are the Marxist revolutionaries trying to overthrow our government from within. As President Trump told the Proud Boys who are not a white supremacist group as Wallace Democrats claimed – Stand back and stand by!]

Rush Limbaugh – Support Our American Heroes

Post-Election Violence

Trump’s Campaign Slogan Should Be – SAVE AMERICA!

The Elements of Revolution Are All in Place

The Coming Democrat Coup

L.A. County: Thousands of mail-in ballots sent without the option to vote for president

President Trump declassifies all Russian collusion documents – the October Surprise that has Democrats screaming!

Whistleblower: Chinese virus deliberate bioweapon

China ties to U.S. riots to upset U.S. elections in favor of Democrats

Mask Nazi assaults teenage girl in U.K.

Red State or Blue State – Where do you want to live?

California governor orders diners to wear masks between bites

NY Synagogues Attacked After Cuomo and De Blasio Gin Up Jew-Hatred

Portland Rioting Continues For More Than 120 Days, Democrat-Media Silent

Michelle Obama calls BLM riots “peaceful protests” because leftwing media doesn’t broadcast them

More Mail Voter Fraud: Postal worker charged for destroying ballots

‘Undecided’ voters at NBC town hall were Joe Biden supporters

Muslim Professor Shoots Dead Fellow Academic

Puerto Rico governor endorses Trump

WATCH: Tyrant De Blasio Sics Police On Religious Jews, Rounds Them Up As They Celebrate in New York City

DESTROYED: Tons of Trump mail-in ballot applications SHREDDED in back of tractor trailer headed for Pennsylvania

Sweden’s COVID Success: NO Lockdowns, They’re Doing SO MUCH BETTER Than Their European Nieghbors

BLM now riots every time one of their criminals is shot

Democrat Terrorism and Washington Money Laundering

Uneducated Indoctrinated Liberals are the Barbarians at the Gate

It wasn’t Trump that was the cretin at debate as Biden says

What does Biden stand for? Post-debate analysis

What does Biden stand for?

Liberal Democrat’s Closeminded Two-Faced Stupidity Displayed

Democrat’s Radical Activist’s Covert Civil War

The American Voters – Informed, Misinformed, and Uninformed

The Obama Generation

What will it take for President Trump to act?

America’s 21st Century Civil War

2020 Election (un)Civil War Nazis vs. “Nazis”

The Red Mirage of Trump’s Election Night Victory

Like my Facebook page if you can trust them @ The Left is Never Right

Banned on Democrat’s Nazi sewer Twitter by electronic book burning

24 Lies Kamala Harris told in the course of the VP debate

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Posted in Democratic socialism, Elections 2020, Fundamentals, Voter fraud | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The American Voters – Informed, Misinformed, and Uninformed

Politicians love coming up with bumper slogans. Trump’s “Make America Great Again.” Biden’s “Build Back Better.” Now Democrats have come up with one that tops them all – “Re-imagine Policing.” Democrats are asking Americans to defund police departments, disarm citizens, and release criminals from prison to allow gangsters to run the show by “providing security for their neighborhoods.” Any Democrat who denies this is lying to your face. Those who say they are for law and order are two-faced snakes. Police are the citizen’s protectors. They are the peacekeepers and law enforcers of our society. They volunteer for this dangerous military profession. They are among the most honored and trusted people in the country. We call them for help, and they come regardless of the danger. Unlike athletes, who are paid millions to play games, they earn a pittance for putting their lives on the line every day. From the armed forces to law enforcement to fire rescue services, they are America’s true heroes.

Today, Democrats have utterly corrupted a generation after 9/11 into haters who hold police in contempt, slander them as racists, smear them as murderers, and distort the minds of their liberal dupes to despise and distrust them. They encourage riots and gangsters to throw bricks and firebombs at them, burn down citizen businesses and attack innocent people, and shoot police with lasers and illegal guns. As police are assassinated by these terrorists, Democrats use those occasions to condemn citizens having guns with which to defend themselves.

This is the evil that democratic socialists bring to America. They present their two-faced lies in their efforts to warp the public’s minds and turn their hearts against righteousness, so they will embrace the evils of socialism. Democrats miseducate our youths to believe socialism is benevolent and tell them to not pay attention to all the communist nations that have brought their people to ruin or to the news agencies that report the truth.

Leftwing media put out a phony story that President Trump said those who serve in the military are losers and suckers. They waited a week to confess this was a lie without admitting to the lie just saying, “their sources could be wrong.” This is how leftists dissemble, deceive, and conflate the facts to distract from the truth – that it is they who see those who serve as losers and suckers. Former Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry infamously said, “You either get a good education or you end up in Iraq.” President Trump honors those who serve and has only had harsh words for people like Sen. John McCain who served dishonorably but was honored none the less. McCain showed his true nature when his last act in the Senate before he died was to betray his voters.

Yet, the truth is that there are those who serve who are losers and suckers. They are the ones who stupidly vote for Democrats. Democrats always reduce funding for the military and restrain police from doing their jobs protecting the citizens. Democrats defend criminals from prosecution and disarm police of their protections. For those who serve in military professions, to vote Democrat is like voting for someone to tie your hands behind your back and put a noose around your neck.

Taxpayers, likewise, if they vote for Democrats who will raise their taxes. They won’t just tax the rich. They will tax the middle class into poverty. They will steal away most of their prosperity making them like chickens voting for Col. Sanders. Democrats say this applies to Republicans who work for rich people. Last time I checked, Col. Sanders wasn’t giving the chickens jobs, and no poor person ever gave anyone a job.

I am enraged and incensed at how Democrats have been allowed to rule this nation through crime and corruption. They have empowered criminals against citizens, enabled terrorists to run amok in our streets, and encouraged foreign invaders to steal from our people. They instigated an attempted coup to overthrow President Trump with their Russian collusion lies and a dozen Republicans are in prison or financially ruined because of this. Yet not one Democrat has been prosecuted! They stand together with their criminals in the streets against our police and remain in office to disable our protectors while allowing their terrorists to loot, and burn, and assault police and citizens. Why have none of them been brought to justice?

I am so disgusted with the lack of action by Republicans that I will not contribute to any campaign until I see action! The Durham Report is supposed to come out soon with indictments. If people like Comey and Brennan who spied on and sabotaged the Trump campaign are not indicted, then America will face its last sunset. If insurgent leaders like Obama, Biden, Hillary, Schumer, Pelosi, and Harris are permitted to continue their campaign to unmake America, then this great nation will see the last of the light. These communist leaders are trying to overthrow the Constitution and remake America into their socialist dictatorship. These Democrat betrayals are not events for Republicans to use as campaign fund raising. This is open war requiring a response in blood!

There are three kinds of voters – the informed, the misinformed, and the uninformed:

  • The informed voter votes Republican. They know what happens in government and pay attention to what both sides say and They are not deterred by leftwing propaganda that floods the zone with Big Lies. All of the left’s constant demonizing of President Trump evaporates in light of the truth. These are the voters who want to make America great, renew industry, empower energy, crush criminals, and stop the government from seizing our prosperity. Republicans chant, “We love America.”
  • The misinformed voter believes communism is good and labels Republicans as Nazis. They even had that in their online dictionary. The Nazis were not German republicans. They learned their national socialism from American Democrats. These people foolishly believe whatever Democrats tell them without investigating beyond the headline. These are the voters that want America destroyed and remade as a totalitarian socialist dictatorship like Venezuela. Democrats chant, “Death to America.”
  • The uninformed voter is the largely ignorant middle who are not paying attention to what politicians do, only listening occasionally to what they say. These are the people the left vaunts as “open-minded” when they are just the oblivious. They are the most susceptible to being derailed by propaganda to fall into the Democrat trap. Their eager election of a Moslem communist to be leader of the free world is proof of this. Independents consist of those who are the most ignorant and out of touch, not the most open-minded and analytical. If they were informed, then they would choose a side, and if they were morally upright, they would choose Republicans every time.

Seeing 2020 with 2020 vision

They say hindsight is 2020, but it doesn’t take a prophet to see the future of Democrat’s plan for America. 2020 in America is a year lost in limbo. Democrats have unleashed their Nazi thugs into the streets while using virus terrorism to lock down our citizens. We know now that the death rate of this virus was grossly exaggerated by Democrat governors deliberately infecting nursing homes and denying people lifesaving medicines. We know that Democrats have fomented an insurrection to burn their cities. We know they will try to overthrow the government and steal power through massive mail-in voter fraud so they can steal from red states to pay for their destroying their own states.

The flu they purported to be the plague, and the plague that is their brainwashed goons of socialist hate, are the weapons they are using to destroy this country on their false premise of white supremacy. The only racism being perpetrated in America is by Democrats against white people. The white masters of the Democrat Plantation have warped the minds of millions of “brown people” to despise and reject America, Christianity, and God, believe their racist bigotry is good, and embrace leftist hate.

Donald Trump’s vision is what has been making America great these past four years. His elimination of Obamunism is what made out economy boom so superbly that even black unemployment fell to record lows. His investigation of the spying by Obama has caused Democrats to rise up in revolt before they are completely exposed as the criminals they are. But what will Durham do? The angry Democrats of the Mueller team obstruct justice, wiped their phones to avoid investigation, and nothing is done to them. Why are there two tiers of justice in America? How does President Trump drain the swamp when Democrats can openly spit on and thwart justice? Are we winning when they can do this and get away with it, while our people are imprisoned over false allegations?

President Trump was actually nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his bringing Arabs and Israelis to the peace table for the first time since Sadat. Democrats say this cheapens the award if they give it to the bad orange man. The Nobel Peace Prize was rendered irrelevant when they gave it to terrorist PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, for rejecting all peace efforts with Israel. And they gave it to Obama for not doing squat. Donald Trump has brought greater peace to the world than any person or president in history. He has Arab nations recognizing Israel. He destroyed ISIS and killed two of the world’s leading terrorists. What did Obama do after he was preemptively awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? He empowered the creation of ISIS by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Biden recently called Trump a “climate arsonist” saying he would burn up the world. He called him a climate denier who doesn’t believe in their “science.” California is not burning because of the climate, but because of Democrat’s climate jihadi arsonists and their irrational policy of not clearing deadwood. They mock Trump for saying science doesn’t know. President Trump is right when he says science doesn’t know the future of weather. If they did then the Farmer’s Almanac predictions would be perfect. If you believe in Democrat’s Chicken Little science, you are one of the world’s worst fools who will soon be parted from your money.

Another recent Democrat debacle was on Netflix following Obama’s recommendation to publish the pedophile movie “Cuties.” This is not surprising coming from a Moslem who’s “perfect man,” Muhammad, had sex with a nine-year-old girl. Even then, having sex with a girl before “her first moon” was considered wrong. But those dissenters were squelched by Muhammad’s declaration that “Allah allowed it for his Prophet.” The leftwing media says this movie exploiting sexualizing young girls was to shine a spotlight on this practice. Not when they put it on full display for the enjoyment of pedophiles.

NFL players were “surprised” when their fans booed their political support for BLM communism as if they don’t know they are spitting in the faces of the very people who pay them. I hope their billionaire master owners all take a bath and lose billions for allowing their “slaves” to declare themselves the righteous. These ultra-rich, ultra-entitled scum believe themselves to be important. That they believe themselves to be sending “a message of unity,” which is another leftist lie and we know it, is another indication of how liberals delude themselves.

Unity was not on display. It was leftist anti-white racism and anti-Americanism. It was pro-communist hate for liberty. They are not fighting racism. They are racists! They deserve to suffer for their contempt for white people, for police, and for America. Black lives don’t matter to them or they would stand with Republicans against gangsters who account for 97% of the murders of blacks in this country, not with the 3% of criminals killed in gunfights with the police, and certainly not over the .01% of innocent blacks that might be murdered by a rare racist cop.

If you’re a black Democrat and you’ve decided that America is systemically racist, that white people should become either slaves or dead, then you need to either go back to Africa or take up your guns and see if that works for you. You cannot convince righteous people that they are the evil in the world when we see that the evil is what is in your heart. Democrats have been a cancer in this country since its founding when they insisted that slavery be legalized. Six hundred thousand Americans died to free the slaves and this is what we get for it? Thug culture?

President Trump, Rush Limbaugh, and FOX News are the trinity of conservative Christian’s righteous truth. The leftwing media spreads nothing but lies, disinformation, misinformation, distraction, and slanders in their efforts to deceive the common ignorant viewer. Democrats are the left and Republicans are the right for a reason. The righteous build while the left destroys. Democrats create destruction from forest fires to rioting in the streets endangering all lives, but especially those of Republicans whom they portray as Nazis. It is Republicans in California who live in the suburbs they allow to burn. Democrats are in their corrupt, crime ridden cities. They are waging war on America. Only when the righteous stand up against the left’s murderers in self-defense do truth and justice rule the nation. Lincoln did it in our first Civil War. Now it is Trump’s turn in America’s 2nd Civil War.

If Trojan Horse Biden Wins, Marxists Will Rule America Unopposed

Tucker Carlson exposes Chinese virus attack, BLM predators, and climate crisis fraud 9/15/20

America’s 21st Century Civil War

The Obama Generation

[Author’s Note: Remember the line from the movie Avatar in which the hero says, “When someone has something you want, you make them your enemy.” This is what Democrats are doing in casting Republicans under Trump as Nazi racists. There is no basis for their slander, only their hate. Democrats, on the other hand, are rightfully called uncivilized savage animals in the riots they commit destroying the property of others and murdering the innocent. I don’t understand why President Trump won’t pull the trigger on prosecuting these myriad Democrat criminals both on the streets and in government. Their coup, insurrection, and terrorism are destroying our freedom. What does it take? Leftists keep asking conservatives how we can defend the bad orange man. The answer is, we don’t have to defend him from their lies. We just have to expose them!

This November’s election will be deluged with anonymous mail-in voter fraud to overturn the results after President Trump wins re-election. Democrats have proven they will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to regain power. They have deluded half of their followers to believe that socialism is freedom instead of slavery, and capitalism is slavery instead of freedom. If they regain power, they will institute their socialist laws to install themselves as dictators for life ala Chavez and make America Venezuela. If President Trump does not bring them to justice, if he allows them to steal back power, if he doesn’t fight them tooth and nail, then I will not consider him to be our greatest president. I will then see him as the greatest Trojan Horse the left ever perpetrated. Obama was bad enough with his Moslem communist ideals he tried to force down our throats. For President Trump to fail us would be the ultimate betrayal. I pray he takes them down rather than vice versa.

I have 3 Vital Questions for President Trump:

  • Why have you not declared Antifa and BLM to be a pair of domestic Nazi communist terror groups?
  • Will you do anything to stop Democrat voter fraud using ballot harvesting and collecting ballots after Election Day to steal the presidency, congressional seats, and local elections?
  • Will you ever bring charges against Democrats for their coup attempt, riots, and murderers of citizens and police to bring them to justice?

Ask Republicans and Democrats these questions:

  • Should Trump Republicans be allowed to steal the election through voter fraud?
  • Should Biden Democrats be allowed to steal the election through voter fraud?

I can tell you without taking that poll that Republicans would say no to both questions. I can tell you without a pittance of doubt that Democrats answers would no and yes. Leftists believe they are entitled to what they want and are willing to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get it. Snowflakes stupidly follow deceivers because they believe it gives them power. What they are doing is being slaves to the ruling elites. Liberals believe in following because they want an adult to provide everything for them. They don’t understand that they will only be provided misery by the communist Nazis of the left.

But they are miseducated and deluded as to who are the Nazis and who are communists. Ask them:

  • Are Democratic socialists communists?
  • Is Antifa a group of fascist thugs?
  • Is BLM a group of communist thugs?
  • Is fascism far right, communism far left, and are Democrats in the center?
  • Are Republicans the KKK?
  • Are Republicans Nazis?

The answers are yes, yes, yes, no, no, and no. I guarantee that liberals will answer the exact opposite and not believe that history proves them 1000% wrong! But their immature egos will never allow them to examine the facts or admit their mistakes. They would rather believe in what they have been told by the very people who use them as their eternal dupes. Biden Democrats are so stupid they believe him when he says he wouldn’t trust a vaccine because he doesn’t trust Trump, he only trusts science. What does he think is happening? That Trump is making vaccines the basement of the White House? This is just more liberal whacko stupidity. (Leftists don’t trust Jesus either.) Liberals are so backwards thinking believing that they are entitled, that athletes who get paid millions think they are slaves! Their minds are backwards, inside out, reversed, mirrored to everything that is reality.

Should Democrats succeed in overthrowing the Constitution, America’s only hope will be a second Revolution. Trump will be forced to use troops to stop the riots after Election Day. Democrats will say he is imposing martial law as a tyrant. When Democrats declare Biden president a month after the election because they flipped states with their mail-in voter fraud, there will be war. If Trump doesn’t lay down for them, they will send their elements of the military to overthrow him. There are generals and officers who are devout Democrats that would do so.

What percentage of the military will be on the side of Republicans? Will soldiers obey Democrat officers who will shoot them if they refuse or will they mutiny and frag their officers? Will citizens be forced to take up arms to prevent the overthrow of our government by fascist commies? Democrats cannot allow their slaves to own guns. When they try to seize power, they will send the police and military to round them up. Those who resist will be imprisoned or killed. Twenty-five percent of people are fully invested in establishing communist totalitarianism as their government. America’s 2nd Civil War is about to go hot.]

Democrat says America as bad as Nazi Germany

“Mostly Peaceful” Democrat Riots Have Done Over $1 Billion in Insurance Damage

This is how leftist Democrats dissemble, fabricate, and equivocate the facts

Leftist ‘News’ Sites Claim That 19 Years After 9/11 America’s Biggest Terror Threat is – Trump Supporters

The Stakes by Michael Anton – American liberty could be lost in 2020

Biden devoted his political career to sending American jobs to China

Democrats push communism as boosting the economy

America’s two systems of justice – Democrats are free to commit crimes while Republicans are railroaded over false allegations

Democrats chant “Death to America”

Riots erupt after police shoot “unarmed” man chasing them with butcher knife

Court Released Suspect, Ignored Ankle Monitor Violations Before He Murdered Woman

BLM rioter tossed from moving police car

Democrats Release Portland Man Who Set Fire With Molotov Cocktail. Then He Sets SIX More

Build Back Better – Democrats Have a Plan

Cancel Culture – A Study in the Two-Faced, Self-Righteous Hypocrisy of Leftism

Democrats, Leftists, Liberals and Their Dysfunctional Thinking

When Will This Farce End?

Democrat’s Urban Suicide

Democrats Give “Going Postal” a Whole New Meaning with Voting

Democrat Convention vs. Republican Convention

Fascism is Back in America – don’t let the Nazis conquer America

Cheers for Kyle Rittenhouse Fighting Fascist Racism in America

The Red Mirage of Trump’s Election Night Victory

2020 Election (un)Civil War Nazis vs. “Nazis”

What will it take for President Trump to act?

Like my Facebook page if you can trust them @ The Left is Never Right

Banned on the Democrat’s Nazi sewer Twitter by electronic book burning

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Posted in Democratic socialism, Elections 2020, Fundamentals | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

America’s 21st Century Civil War

All Democrats have is their violence, their gaslighting idiot liberals, and their leftist ideological lies. They conduct riots for months that their leftwing media propagandists hide from their viewing public and then, when forced to reveal them, blame them on Trump. They gaslight their morons saying they are not going to defund the police, raise taxes, crush American energy, and then claim Trump holds the military in contempt. Leftism is founded on lies that Democrats conceal in their twisted words from their two-faces with their forked tongues. They appeal to the selfish greed of their ignorant base in whom they instill envy and contempt for all that is righteous, good, and true. These socialist anti-Americans are now conducting open warfare in our streets and forums to overthrow the Christian Constitution of Liberty.

You can NOT allow these leftist fanatics to go on rioting. You can’t just put these people in prison because Democrats will simply release them. You cannot allow the media to continue ginning up hate. Democrat leaders must not be permitted to continue to hold office to impose fascist communism on people under the false banner that socialism is Utopia. We cannot rely on elections being fair unless we take strict action and conduct investigations to expose and punish fraud. If they win, they will tax red states to pay for their own destruction of their blue states. They will snuff out American energy and make the nation dependent of communist Chinese and Islamo-nazis for our coal and oil. These people represent the communists and Islamo-nazis of the world which is why they can and should be charged with treason!

Do you think these riots will stop if Biden wins and Democrats take power? How long before the communists make America great again or run her into the ground? How quickly will they again take to the streets to loot and burn when their communist government gives them short shrift? Democrats keep promising their leeches, cockroaches, and thugs Nirvana if they elect them and have, for sixty years, delivered them into misery. Have their lives improved in Democrat controlled cities or have they deteriorated? They encourage young black men to glorify criminals for two reasons; to become fascist thugs terrorizing good people, and so they can incarcerate and shoot them when they get out of line. Notice that they did nothing about rioters until they went to their own homes.

This is a war. This is what a civil war looks like in 21st century America where Democrats who are conducting this insurrection live among Republicans. There is no Mason-Dixon Line this time. The only way to win this war is as you win all wars – you kill the people who fanatically follow their leaders and, when they way is open to them, you kill those leaders. The Democrats saying they are for America are speaking out of their other face just to blow smoke in the eyes of liberals who, like jackasses, don’t remember yesterday and stubbornly follow, keeping their blinders on, not seeing past the end of their nose. These oblivious dupes swallow hook, line, and sinker the sh*t sandwich that Democrats tell them is filet mignon that they happily swallow.

 Why doesn’t Trump send in the troops to quell the Biden Riots?

[Author’s Note: The extreme of Democrat’s two-faced, leftist ideology is exemplified by Pelosi going to Frisco to have her hair done by a business her policies ordered shuttered, and not wearing a mask even though she’s in the high-risk category while demanding all other Americans wear masks. This is just proof that their keeping the economy shut down is a fraud designed to cause people pain. Their support of Antifa/BLM terrorists who murder Americans and chant “Death to America” is also proof that they are trying to overthrow this country. The Antifa terrorist who murdered a Trump supporter in Portland claims that he killed him in self-defense. What was he threatened with – a Bible? Thankfully, justice has been served on his head.

As another truth note, California has lifted restrictions on their anti-pedophile laws to allow sex between adults and minors and pre-pubescent children. According to their new laws anyone within ten years of a “consenting child” can have sex with them. So, an 18-year-old can have sex with an 8-year-old boy or girl. Currently, this leaves the Prophet Muhammad who had sex with a nine-year-old girl when he was fifty years old out in the cold. But that will soon change as this was just the first steppingstone to make pedophilia legal in California. Los Angeles and San Francisco have become the modern-day Sodom & Gomorrah.

This, along with slavery to socialist terrorism, is Democrat’s future for America. This is why their leaders must be charged and executed for their insurrection. This is not just a rebellion, not just another conflict to retain their slaves. This is Civil War and treason as they are working with foreign powers; the ChiComs and the Islamo-Nazis to overthrow this great nation. This is why Obama declared that America is no longer a Christian nation because he, as a Moslem communist, wants to fundamentally transform this country into an anti-Christian, anti-freedom, Islamist communist sh*thole. This is why Americans must rise up and bring these Democrats down.

Another October Surprise

Leftwingers published an anonymous claim that Trump holds the military in contempt. I don’t even have to consider if we must have witness who were present to truly know whether or not he actually said this. This is an obvious lie meant to villainize and smear him as 95% of the media has been doing 24/7/365 without conscience. They have cried wolf so many times never telling a single truth about Trump for five years that they have become comical. It’s why we refer to them as Wile E. Coyote. Democrats trying to spin gold from their sh*t are happy as pigs in slop. They may as well go full Blood Libel and claim he kidnaps Mexican and Moslem children to have sex with them and eats their babies. How sick are they? How stupid do they think we are? As stupid as their own base that believes anything they are told without question? They stupidly misrepresented the Access Hollywood tape where they actually had him on audio and video thinking we couldn’t figure out that their interpretation was false.

Notice that after the conventions that none of the media published polls. Each party always gets a bump, but Biden’s needle dropped, while Trump’s zoomed up in by double digits, and the leftwing media found itself needing to conceal the truth. They must make new polls with which to try to dupe public opinion before they release any. Biden went along with the smear and chastised President Trump as if it were true. His phony Democrat indignation is as phony as his service. (His son was awarded a bronze star for being a lawyer in the JAG Corp while he was VP.) These scum believe they are the righteous. A reporter asked Biden how he feels about Trump’s soul? They judge him as being bound for Hell. Ask Jesus when he said, “Judge not lest you be judged,” as this was exactly of what He was speaking. Who makes them so godly that they can judge in place of God? The president should tell Biden and his Democrats to respect the president, which they have never done, or kiss his white ass!

This is an obvious lie meant to villainize and smear him as 95% of the media has been doing 24/7/365 without conscience. Democrats trying to spin gold from their sh*t are happy as pigs in slop. Notice that after the conventions that none of the media published polls. Each party always gets a bump, but Biden’s needle dropped, while Trump’s zoomed up in by double digits, and the leftwing media found itself needing to conceal the truth. They must make new polls with which to try to dupe public opinion before they release any. Biden went along with the smear and chastised President Trump as if it were true. His phony Democrat indignation is as phony as his service. (His son was awarded a bronze star for being a lawyer in the JAG Corp while he was VP.) The president should tell Biden and his Democrats to respect the president, which they have never done, or kiss his white ass!

Why should we believe the pathological lying sociopaths who, to this day, declare on their souls that Russian collusion is real. Some say that we cannot disprove this new story because the source is anonymous, but we should investigate. That alone makes the story a fraud. We don’t have to give them “the benefit of the doubt” to be fair, or “prove” it didn’t happen. Just because Trump has disparaged McCain in the past doesn’t mean he would disparage any other soldier. That’s leftist’s bigoted re-interpretation of the facts expanding a remark about one to apply to all. Leftists always mince words to make a word salad of their choice warping what people say to fit their narratives of black lies. Biden has said that those who produce fossil fuels are genocidal murderers killing the planet and all people. We have Biden on camera declaring he would abolish fossil fuels and another clip of his saying Trump is lying about him doing so. Which of Democrat’s two-faces do you believe? They have no coin in the Market of Truth.

Then there are those who think they can make their sh*t stick to Teflon who say that Trump’s anger at being slandered is proof that they “hit a nerve because he doth protest too much.” They struck a nerve, alright. It’s called righteous indignation as opposed to their phony outrage. To these people the proper response is “GFY you pedophiles!” They rape their own children with the evil they spew. We have not forgotten it was John Kerry running for president in 2004 who said that you either get a good education or you end up in Iraq declaring that you have to be stupid to be a soldier. Even though Donald Trump never said it, I will. Anyone who served in Vietnam or Iraq, any soldier who served in the military, any officer who serves in law enforcement, fire rescue, any person who serves in the medical field, owns a business, works for a living, or pays taxes is a sucker if they vote for Democrats! They have no coin in the Market of Truth.

President Trump critically needs to declare the Insurrection Act against Democrats so he can remove these Democrat mayors, governors, congresspeople, and their donors who are financing these riots in our cities to terrorize citizens and overthrow this nation. Only then can they be brought to justice. Counting on elections to remove these people when they are so deeply embedded in voter fraud is the worst mistake that can possibly be made. They need to be brought to justice, not given an opportunity to be voted on by criminal America haters and oblivious liberal lemmings. The future of liberty cannot rest in the hands of greedy, deceitful insurgents and stupid people who are so easily manipulated by lies to believe their country is evil and become anti-American haters.]

We’re in a Fight to Preserve Western Civilization and You Don’t Do That by Losing

P.S. The left has said that if Biden doesn’t win then they will burn this country to the ground. If Biden wins then they will strip this country down. They believe that if they steal this election, then conservatives will lay down and roll over for them. They do not understand that if they try to steal this election that we will rise up against their socialist tyranny. We will storm their Bastille’s to hang them from the balconies of their mansions and rid the nation of their blight. If we don’t, then America will be lost forever, and freedom will be gone from the Earth.

Civil War: Washington Post Threatens “Catastrophic” Violence If Biden Loses

The Atlantic Drops Despicable October Surprise in September

BLM Democratic National-socialist Communists sound curiously like Iranian Islamists chanting “Death to America” right here in our streets

California Legislature Passes Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral, Anal Sex with Willing Children

Biden to meet with Jacob Blake’s father, revealed to be a racist anti-Semite

President Trump visits Kenosha, Wisconsin: “President Trump Saved Kenosha”

WATCH: San Francisco Salon Owner Targeted by Nancy Pelosi Target of Outrage and Death Threats – Will Relocate Her Business

Gov. Killer Cuomo: President Trump had ‘better have an army’ to protect him if he comes to NYC

Biden Attempts to Speak Complete Sentences, Fails Miserably

Fake News and Deep State Claim That Concerns about Joe Biden’s Mental State are Coming from Russia

The Red Mirage of Trump’s Election Night Victory

Fascism is Back in America – don’t let the Nazis conquer America

Rush Limbaugh lays the Democrats out bare ass naked under the light of truth

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Posted in Democratic socialism, Elections 2020, Fundamentals | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Trump Capitalism vs. Democrat Socialism

Why?  Why?  WHY?  Why doesn’t Trump file charges against corrupt Democrats?  They are already accusing him of weaponizing the justice department.  Why doesn’t Trump pardon those wrongfully convicted by the Mueller probe?  Why doesn’t Trump write an executive order to disallow felons and foreigners from voting?  Why doesn’t Trump outlaw provisional ballots and ballot harvesting?  Obama Democrats weaponized their entire government against the people, yet none of them have been charged for their open corruption.  Why?  Why?  WHY?  Antifa Nazis and BLM assassins run rampant.  The nation demands answers why Republicans are being persecuted while Democrat criminals go free!

Schumer is out damning Trump for saying that Roger Stone has been unfairly prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced to more time than most rapists get.  He said,

“What is more swampy?  What is more fetid?  What is more stinking than the most powerful person in the country literally changing the rules to benefit a crony guilty of breaking the law?”

The answer is – a congress that votes for a fraudulent investigation, a sham impeachment, and for the persecution of Republicans that turns up no crimes but those by which they can falsely convict the innocent.  How about the previous president, who put his boot on American business, forced the economy to decline, and made millions of Americans dependent on government taking taxes from working people to support them?  That certainly qualifies as a fetid swamp dweller.  Or how about the previous president using American intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, or funding the Muslim Brotherhood to create ISIS and renew the Islamic Jihad to recreate the Caliphate through their Islamic State?  That’s not just swampy, that’s treachery, that’s betrayal.  Pelosi keeps saying Trump is impeached forever and not fairly acquitted.  That’s like saying someone found innocent of rape is labelled a rapist forever.

The fetid Washington swamp is Democrats who slander Christian conservative Republicans as Nazi racist gun nuts.  It is Democrats that promote killing babies and freeing criminals.  It is Democrats who corrupt and pervert and infect the nation with the sickness of greed.  Biden says illegal immigrants are a gift.  Pelosi says illegal immigrants are a gift of love from God.  Let them say this to the face of the granddaughter of the ninety-two-year-old legal immigrant who was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant criminal that their sanctuary policies set free rather than let ICE deport.  Democrats say we are all illegal immigrants.  What kind of stupid is that?  None of our ancestors were illegal immigrants.  They came here legally.

Illegal immigrants do not make the economy better.  Liberal’s lack the capacity for rational thought and this kind of dysfunctional logic is the result.  This is absolute proof that Democrats lack a moral compass and good sense.  They are witless fools who love criminals over law-abiding citizens that they want to disarm and silence to make them defenseless slaves.  And they send these same witless slaves to assault Republicans.  President Trump is trying to give citizens rights to sue these cities that violate federal immigration law.  How about a law to imprison these rogue Democrats for inflicting their immigration violations on the rest of the nation as if they run their own fiefdom?  How about imprisoning these Antifa and other Nazis assaulting Republicans and terrorizing students?  How about imprisoning these Antifa and other Nazis assaulting Republicans and terrorizing students?  All acts of violence are always perpetrated by leftists.  There are none by Republicans except in self-defense and those are the ones the leftwing media condemn as perpetrators.  This is their utter lack of a moral compass talking.

Sanctuary City Showdown – Republicans are pro-legal immigration, Democrats are pro-illegal immigration championing criminals over citizens

Another Nazi attack on a college campus GOP voting registration station

President Trump has vowed to uphold the law against these rogue Democrat governors and mayors by sending elite ICE troops into their sanctuaries.  Bloomberg stupidly says this is how a tyrant behaves.  So, only a tyrant enforces the law passed by Congress that shields citizens from illegal criminals?  Democrats reflect their jackass mascot that only sees within the confines of what their blinders allow them to see, while Republicans know about and remember everything.  Liberals following leftists like lemmings believe Republicans are brainwashed fanatics following a deceiver like cultists.  Liberal idiots like AOC falsely quote from the words of Jesus saying that illegal immigrants are the least of us for whom Christians are told to care.  Wrong!  The poor and the weak who are law-abiding, struggling, and being persecuted are the least of us.  Criminals who break our laws are the worst of us.  Jesus never said to give them benefits.  This is how backwards liberals think.

This is the world of leftism, the world of Nazi communist fascism wherein the prosecution determines guilt and punishment on the basis of their false accusations rather than a judge and jury on the basis of evidence.  Stone’s only crime was in doing as Donald Trump has done – standing against the Democrat’s wicked lies and persecutions.  Why does President Trump not pardon everyone involved in this fraud?  Why are Manafort and Stone and Gen. Flynn in prison for supposedly lying to Congress when Comey, Clapper, and Brennan, who all blatantly did so, are not in prison?  Why was Adam Schiff allowed to lie to the people in the impeachment court?  Why was their impeachment trial held in the Intelligence Committee instead of the Judicial Committee?  Why do their crimes go uncharged?  Why are good Republicans allowed to languish in prison while these gangster Democrats run free?  Why?  WhyWHY?

Democrats, liberals, and leftists live on lies.  They accuse Republicans of racism yet cannot name one racist thing that Trump has ever done.  Falsely equating border security with racism, law enforcement with racism, and anti-socialism with racism does not make them racist.  Democrats were born as the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws.  That liberals are as ignorant of this as they are of the fascist slavery inherent in socialism is their stupidity talking.  This is the kind of stupidity that leads to their being duped by Chicken Little climate change and Boy Who Cried Wolf proofs of impeachment charges.  Leftist deceivers encourage their ignorance.  That’s why liberals cannot look in the mirror, nor can leftists stand in the light of day.  They cannot discern between their own corruption and Trump correcting their wrongs.  Trump is not undermining Barr with his tweets.  Democrats are demonizing him because he is exposing their lies.

Bill Barr Is Blowing Up the Mueller Travesty

Democrats have no problem with their own lies and acts of evil

When all Democrat candidates were asked if any of them had a problem with a democratic socialist leading the ticket not one of them immediately raised their hands.  That’s because they are all socialists at heart.  Democrats are drooling so thickly that they are frothing at the mouth to get their hands on the rich Trump economy and tax it to death.  Every one of them raised their hand to give free medical and free school to illegal aliens at the expense of citizen taxpayers.  Only the most ignorant people believe school is free or that doctors will work for free.

Leftists are always so greedy that they will choke the life out of the Golden Goose.  They keep falsely trying to credit Obama with this economy, but those who remember Obama saying that decline was the new normal as he held the economy under his boot with his pen and his phone saying manufacturing jobs will never come back know the truth.  Obamaism is how America declines.  Trumpism is how America prospers.  Capitalism is the rising tide of free trade that lifts all boats.  Socialism is the sickness of greed that is infecting the minds of people to become society’s parasites.

But that doesn’t stop Democrats from being dupes.  Sixty-five percent of people know the economy is doing great, but how many credit Obama?  How many forget that Obama said America in decline is the new normal, that manufacturing jobs weren’t ever coming back, and shut down coal mining and offshore oil drilling?  They forget.  They don’t understand why the economy skyrocketed with Trump’s victory.  They don’t know how Trump eliminated Obama’s regulations to free businesses to create this great prosperity.

Instead, Democrats concentrate on claiming that Trump saying make America great means America alone.  They say Republicans are racist Nazis working with communists.  This lie falls on its face as America’s prosperity trickles down throughout the world.  They keep saying trickledown economics doesn’t work, that only by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor do the poor prosper.  Even Lincoln said,

“You cannot make a weak make strong by making a strong man weak.”

Likewise, you cannot make a poor man prosper by taking prosperity from those who work for it.  Capitalism is the rising tide that lifts all boats, while socialism makes all the people equally poor.  Bernie Sanders and his ilk believe rich people all got their wealth by stealing from the poor rather than through production of goods and trade.  That’s because leftists make their wealth through theft, bribery, and shaking down businesses.  As Rabbi Yahuda said,

“He who does not teach his son a trade, teaches him to steal.”

Joe Biden exemplifies this truth in how he got his worthless, drug addict sons jobs to make millions from companies under his boot while he was in Congress and as Obama’s VP.  Biden exemplifies how liberals can be duped into voting for someone who is a moron with an IQ under 100 who lies so well as to convince them he will work for their prosperity.  The entire Democrat Party is riddled with morons and fools who lead dupes like lemmings over a cliff.

The ideology of hate is preached by the left to tear down those who work and pay taxes for a living.  They teach them that Republicans are Nazis who started the KKK.  They can only succeed in this by their reducing American education to their Common Core that mis-teaches history.  America’s young are so indoctrinated into leftism that they have abandoned faith and freedom in favor of the false promise of leftism.

After listening to leftist Juan Williams tear into American prosperity on FOX News’ “The Five,” I wrote to them:

I hate listening to your show.  The moment Juan speaks and says all those stupid things he says, and no one slaps him down, I change the channel.  He just went on a tear against the great Trump economy with typical twisted liberal facts.  Our children are not being educated about socialism.  Trump needs to bring back McCarthyism to eject the communists that are teaching our children lies.  Juan says low unemployment is great but increases in household debt is horrible.  He doesn’t say that debts increased because more people bought homes and now have mortgages.  He says suicide rates are up.  He doesn’t reveal that’s because Democrats have been inciting insanity with their Chicken Little claims that the world is going to end.  Two thirds of NH Democrats would rather have a meteor destroy all life than see Trump re-elected.  How sick is that?  Let them die!  Encourage them to kill themselves if that’s how stupid they are.  Williams says 30 million Americans know someone who can’t afford their medical bills.  Surprise.  He makes it sound like 30 million Americans can’t afford their healthcare.  Such B.S.!  And somehow 30 million is 1/6th of the country rather than 1/11th?  How about some math, people?  Democrats are all doom and gloom as the nation prospers under Republicanism that they all believe is racist Nazism.  Democrats are dysfunctional.  Their hearts are twisted, and they would remake the nation into that which twisted them.

Democrat Primaries

Despite saying they want socialism, Democrats do not want a socialist like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren to rule.  They both fully intend to steal the wealth from all rich people, not just Republicans.  This is not what the Democrat rich want.  Ignorant liberals do not understand that most rich people are Democrats who became wealthy by cheating others.  They live at the expense of the poor rather than by providing goods and services for everyone.

Warren’s lies are becoming more well known like Biden’s and she’s likely to drop out soon.  Her voters will go to Bernie.  Buttigieg is hoping to benefit from Klobuchar’s popularity by enlisting her aid.  Biden is going down in flames, not because Trump dug up dirt on him, but because he provided his own dirt bragging about his gangsterism in Ukraine and treating voters like sh*t under his shoes.  He’s become so desperate that he wants Michelle Obama to be his VP.  Democrats say Trump is going to take away healthcare from people, but all he’s going to take away is Obamacare.  Sanders says he wants to eliminate private health insurance for 130 million Americans who like their healthcare and force them on Obamacare.  Biden vows to reinstate the Obamacare individual mandate to take money from those who don’t buy Obamacare.

When Bloomberg gets in the race and overruns Buttigieg and Bernie, what leftist democratic socialist is going to turn to the billionaire, especially when he wants to enlist Hillary as his running mate?  All of them are promoting AOC’s Green New Deal.  This would be the end of capitalism in America as the nation is subverted into a Venezuelan style socialist dictatorship.  This is why Trump needs to destroy Democrat’s voter fraud machine of using illegal provisional ballots to overturn elections.  This would stop those Democrats who pull illegal provisional ballots out of closets to stuff the ballot box.  Democrats cannot be trusted with the vote because even their pollsters cheat.  They want to give the vote to illegal aliens and criminals.  Even as they claim Republicans can’t be trusted because they’d let a foreign government hack the election, Democrats want foreign invaders to hack the election.

Capitalism vs. Socialsm

The truth is that capitalism works for everyone equally and that socialism only works for the ruling elites who dupe the masses into stealing from those who produce with promises to give to those who take.  Capitalism doesn’t work for criminals who steal because they lose everything when they are caught.  Socialism doesn’t work for those who work because those who don’t are encouraged by leftists to steal from them.

For these reasons, Democrats will elevate Buttigieg and Bloomberg against Bernie since Biden has fallen on his face trying to play the national stage.  How do Democrats who claim they don’t want rich white men to rule rationalize their endorsement of these rich white men to rule?  Bernie became a millionaire like Biden by being bought out and stealing from others.  Buttigieg is a non-entity like Obama who just has a charming personality.  Bloomberg is a billionaire.  These are the people who say raise the minimum wage to ridiculous heights.

Who thinks that pitting mini-Mike against Trump is a good idea?  Democrats selecting their own Democrat billionaire who used to be a Republican to run against the Republican billionaire who used to be a Democrat.  One went from the right to the left and the other from the left to the right.  So, which is truly righteous?  Democrat ideology, despite their façade to teach false history, has always been that of leftist slavery of the masses ruled over by the elites.  Republicanism has always been freedom for all.

Bloomberg became a New York mayor following Giuliani as a Republican encouraging stop and frisk.  But he became an Independent over time giving criminals more rights.  He eliminated stop and frisk that allowed drug lords to prosper.  Why?  Because Democrats profit from the drug trade.  That’s why they want to keep the border open.  That’s why they give criminals rights and punish citizens.  That’s why they want to make citizens slaves by taking away their guns so they can’t protect themselves.  Now he is a full-fledged Democrat, while Donald Trump, who was a Democrat, is now a gloriously righteous Republican leader doing what swamp rat Republicans working with Democrats would not.

That liberal’s minds and hearts have been so twisted by Democrat lies to believe that the righteous Republican conservative Christians are Nazi racists and Democrat slavers are freedom fighters is as great a success as their voter fraud machine.  This is the reason that America is falling into decline and in danger of destroying itself from the corruption within.  Governors are giving foreign invaders rights over citizens.  They keep saying Trump is the most dangerous president in history.  That’s only because he fights their wickedness without apology.  President Trump must take action against Democrat’s lawlessness.  Their open border must be closed, voter fraud crushed, perpetrators prosecuted, and their victims freed from bondage and damn the leftwing media slanders.

This election is already looking like it is going to come down to Trump vs. Sanders.  If that happens then the Democrat’s true nature will be clearly revealed and their insane desire to remake America into a socialist toilet serving the Democrat elites will be utterly exposed.  The election will be between those who love America and those who want to destroy America.  The façade of Obamaism will be thrown off as people who didn’t know they were electing a Moslem communist to be leader of the free world will definitely know they are electing a socialist dictator.  With Sander’s supporters all saying how much they would love to institute re-education camps, and Sander’ pandering promises to give away taxpayer’s money to greedy freeloaders, criminals, and illegal invaders, America will have its chance to go over the socialist cliff into oblivion.

Democratic socialists champion criminals over citizens in their New Way Forward

A Glorious State of the Union

The Naked Soul of the Democrat Party

[Author’s Note: While I have suspended regular publication of my blog, I will continue to post once a month or so just to share my insights and observations with the people who still follow my blog.  I hope you share these posts with many friends and that people learn the truth about how our political parties have manipulated them.  America needs to use the New Hampshire style of ballot counting.  As they say, a pencil and paper cannot be hacked, and all ballots stay out in the open to be counted in public. There is no corrupt ballot harvesting or provisional ballots without IDs, and no ballots pulled out of closets and car trunks.

What is more corrupt than Democrats endorsing the radical who tried to commit murder by driving into a GOP registration booth?  They blame Republicans for his actions to justify terrorism.  I’m surprised he didn’t get out of his van with a gun to finish the job.  He should have been shot on sight.  Now he’s just charged with assault?  He’s a terrorist!  The leftwing media didn’t even report the story but were quick to damn Republicans as being out for revenge.

Democrats curse Trump for not apologizing for being impeached as Clinton did.  Unlike Clinton, Trump didn’t commit any crimes, so why should he apologize?  Has the media apologized to the people for taking part in Democrat’s lying about having proof that Trump is a traitor for three years?  Do they ever apologize for their corruption, their lies, and their anti-American treachery?  No.  They believe their crimes are justified.

Democrat terrorism, media doesn’t report, blames Republicans

I say,

“Believe none of what Democrats say and only half of what Republicans say.”

Democrats must conceal their socialism behind a façade of caring about all Americans.  Republicans must expose their frauds, especially in voting, and put an end to those in their own ranks who work alongside Democrats in corruption.  America is at a loggerhead that will either be blown apart by Trumpism to make America great again or will be crushed under the boot of socialism.  Then our foolish young will discover to their dismay what history has proven again and again; You can vote yourself into socialism, but you’ll have to shoot your way out of it.

Democrat’s campaign on hate mongering, fear mongering, and class warfare promising to steal money from the makers and give to the takers, and when they don’t get their way they resort to slander and violence.  They assault and assassinate Republicans and police.  When Democrats kill Republicans, the leftwing media is silent.  But if a Republican kills a Democrat in self-defense, they cover it 24/7 calling it murder.  As Charlottesville proved, they don’t even need a Republican to be involved for them to blame Trump.  Leftists are inherently violent and believe in imposing their beliefs on others through force.

That Biden keeps talking about how he’d like to beat Trump up in high school tells you what a bully he thinks he is, and little runt DeNiro thinks he’s a tough guy because he made a boxing and gangster movies.  AG Barr talks about reducing Stone’s sentence and they go ballistic calling for his resignation and impeachment.  Then he announces he’s not going to prosecute McCabe or be influenced by President Trump to do what we know is right.  Why?  To mollify them?  This is how leftists extort the righteous.

Democrats are openly declaring their socialism in their criminalizing Republicans for being against their Nazi communist gangsterism.  They openly declare they want America to have internment camps ala communist Russia, China, and Nazi Germany.  Or they would have killing fields like Cambodia.  The oppression dreamed of by the left is to crush the righteous and force everyone to submit to their rule.  That’s why they see Islam as the greatest socialist ideology.

Republicans should return the favor by charging, convicting, and hanging every Democrat politician, judge, and administrator as the traitors, gangsters, and violators of constitutional law that they are.  All Democrat laws should be abolished.  All Democrat convictions overturned.  All Democrat actions be expunged.  From the Obamas and the Clintons, to Pelosi and Schiff and every Democrat in Congress, to Cuomo and DeBlasio and every last Democrat governor and mayor that creates sanctuaries for illegal invaders, including their staffs and legislatures.

Continue on through Brennan and Comey and their ilk, to Lois Lerner and every Democrat bureaucrat that screws conservative Christian Republicans.  To every leftwing judge in the country and every communist professor and teacher that corrupts our children with their indoctrination of misinformation.  And don’t spare all their lying media pundits and protesters right down to the last BLM and Antifa thugs.  They are the criminals that want to criminalize the righteous.  They are waging war on us to persecute the innocent so they can steal freely and kill babies.  Let’s see how they like when the sword of justice falls on their necks!  Then there would finally be justice in America.

But we know this will never happen.  The motto, “Kill them all and let God sort them out” is a leftist saying.  The righteous do not force others into submission – we teach.  Man can never eradicate evil because every generation is born with evil in their hearts.  Only by teaching the young conservative values will they develop a moral compass to recognize righteous ethics.  We must trust in God’s omniscient wisdom to separate the wicked from the righteous by putting our faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Still, we are also told to stand against evil lest they steal our children’s hearts and minds, and for that reason we elected Donald Trump to drain the swamp.  Pray he has the faith and fortitude to see it through.  If he is obstructed and the perpetrators of this coup attempt go free, then be prepared for America to fall.]

Morality in humanity

House Democrats vote to remove photo ID requirement to vote

Trump meets with Gov. Cuomo over giving illegals NY driver’s licenses

Addendum: Much is being made of the video of the man on a plane punching the seat of the woman in front of him because she reclined.  Liberal leftists think he has that right and that she must ask permission to recline her seat.  This is the moral stupidity of leftist liberals.  That seat is her space and she has the right to recline it.  I once had a stupid old woman decide to put her newspaper on my head because I reclined.  I told her to stop and she didn’t.  I tore the paper from her hands, ripped it up, and threw it away.  We got into an argument and she said that’s what some big guy she once saw do for the same reason.  I told her if she was him, I’d punch him in the face!  That’s my seat and I don’t need the permission of others to sit comfortably – and they don’t have the right to make me uncomfortable because they want more space.  The seats are designed as they are for a reason.  If they want more space, then pay for a first class ticket or stfu!

Leftists are bullies who don’t ask permission, say excuse me and make a request, they just try to force you to obey their wishes.  Saying that we must ask them permission is also forcing us to submit to their will.  This is how they behave everywhere.  You see it on the road when you turn on your blinker to change lanes and they speed up to block you from getting in front of them or they get their little weenies all bent out of shape.  When I turn on my blinker, I am not asking permission, I am warning that I am moving over.  They speed unless they see a cop, then they crawl, or they will pass you and try to force you to slow down.  They tailgate to make you move over despite an empty lane insisting you obey the law while they break the law by speeding!  They have no right to block you anymore than they have a right to demand you receive their permission first.  Courtesy is for decent human beings.  Leftist liberals are not.  They will never be courteous or considerate but demand it of others.

Leftists think threats generating fear is the same as earning respect.  This is how morally bankrupt they are deep in their souls.  Believing that others must ask permission to use public spaces or act within their own space that is their right is the failure of leftist ethics when they use violence to get their way.  Liberal leftists expect others to respect them when they give no respect to others.  They only pay lip service to saying they would.  How else would you expect those who spit on Christ to behave?  They damn you for doing as they do, which they believe is perfectly right for them.  Just like the media damning Barr as being Trump’s “wingman” acting as his personal attorney attack dog when nothing of the sort is even happening, but when Holder declared himself Obama’s wingman in acting in violation of the Constitution, they all cheered!  This is how two-faced these leftist liberal control freaks are in their ethics because they lack a moral compass.  It’s because of these leftist liberals that we now have to carry guns to protect us from their criminals, and for that they want to disarm us.  They cry they are the victims even as the perpetrate their crimes making us their victims.

#liberalcontrolfreaks, #twofacedleftists, #immoralDemocrats

To whom do Democrats pray?

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A Glorious State of the Union

President Trump vowed he would make America great again and he is fulfilling his every campaign promise.  Democrats displayed their hatred for Trump and contempt for America sitting on their hands while Republicans cheered for American prosperity.  Following this SotU, the greatest in our lifetimes, Pelosi ripped up his speech in the perfect symbolism of the division and poison Democrats have sown into our culture.  Democrats rebutted that everything Trump said about the booming economy is a lie because there are people who are suffering.  Democrats hate when Americans prosper and opportunity abounds because they need victims to be their subjects under their rule.  There will always be people who are suffering because they rely on Democrats to take care of them or turn to crime rather than working for a living.

President Trump’s 2020 SotU

President Trump delivered an absolutely glorious State of the Union address on the eve of his acquittal from the Democrat impeachment sham.  He rose above their persecution and presented his awesome achievements in undoing Obamaism to make America great again economically, militarily, and diplomatically.  He highlighted America’s booming economy and actions taken to destroy America’s enemies in the Islamist Jihad.  Democrat’s continuous claims that Obama did this fall on their faces in light of the fact that Obama promised to manage America’s decline with his new normal.  But President Trump has reversed everything Obama did to take the socialist Moslem communist’s boot off the throat of America’s economy and her people.  The world didn’t see the rage and chaos that Bloomberg says Trump represents.  The world saw his greatness.

“In just three short years we have shattered the mentality of American decline and we have rejected the downsizing of American’s destiny.  If we hadn’t reversed the failed economic policies of the previous administration the world would not now be witnessing this great economic success.  After decades of flat and falling incomes, wages are rising fast and, wonderfully, they are rising fastest for low income workers.  This is a blue-collar boom!” – President Donald J. Trump

The very best parts of Trump’s address were shoving Democrat’s open border, sanctuary city, criminal protection racket, along with their socialist ideology, down their throats – or perhaps it was up their butts so far that they choked on them.  This was fitting as Democrats spat on his every word, hissing, booing, even chanting against him.  They disrespected every American as they sat on their hands while he was praising the nation.  They disrespected his every guest, including a WWII Tuskegee airman veteran promoted to general, a returning veteran reunited with his family, and a young black girl to whom Trump awarded a scholarship.  It was a disgusting display of leftist contempt for good people.  They were in full blown Antifa resistance mode as fascist agitators.  It made the outburst by a congressman at Obama’s first SotU that he lied appear a mild snort.  That congressman was severely chastised despite his truth as Obama told a major lie at every SotU.  Pelosi and her ilk declared that every word Trump spoke was a lie, which merely exhibits the degree to which they suffer their Trump Derangement Syndrome – the mental illness of liberalism.  They make Washington toxic as they poison the country with their irrationality.

President Trump proved his nobility a multitude of times including awarding Rush Limbaugh, America’s Voice of Freedom, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, pinned on him in the gallery by the most beautiful 1st Lady Melania.  He lauded great Americans in the audience rather than what Obama ever did which was to present his suffering victims.  Democrats would not cheer because a prosperous America is bad for Democrats who need people dependent on welfare as parasites of society.  They import illegal aliens as voters to give them taxpayer benefits and cheat citizens.  At the end, Speaker Pelosi tore up his speech in the most petty act of childish contempt ever flaunted before the world.  Donald Trump proved his nobility while Democrats proved themselves lower than socialist sewer scum by scorning him and the people in the People’s House.

Democrat voter fraud in Iowa

The Iowa Caucuses’ foul up proves how incompetent Democrats are with what they want for a voting system.  No results and every one of them declares victory.  What a galactic joke for the galactically stupid!  No doubt Bernie won this running away and the DNC is going to sabotage him in favor of Biden.  Trump’s SotU did not include this debacle as a display of Democrat’s cheating along with a good slap in their faces for wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on their impeachment scam.  President Trump really must put an end to their voter fraud and sick the DoJ on their treacherous coup attempt or America faces a bleak future once his presidency ends.  Democrats dream of stealing the prosperity that Trump has generated and leading America back into decline under the iron boot of socialism once again.

[Author’s Note: It is with great disgust that I report that Romney voted with Democrats to impeach the greatest President of our lifetimes proving he is nothing but another angry little treacherous McCain RINO saboteur.  Manchin also voted against his red state no doubt under duress from Pelosi and AOC’s squad, but they couldn’t get the majority they wanted to declare this to be the “people’s will” despite the Constitution wisely requiring a 2/3rds majority to remove a president.  Why Democrat voter fraud is allowed to control so many Senate and House seats is contemptible.  Republicans hold 60% of states but only 53% of Senate seats due to Democrat voter fraud in states like Arizona, Alabama, and Montana.  Their fraud stole forty House seats in 2018 by using ballot harvesting and provisional ballots after election day to steal those seats.

No Republican should be working with Democrats whose entire agenda is to unmake America.  All Democrats are socialists, it’s just that some operate by stealth to dupe ignorant voters.  They would happily nuke the economy as they did in 2008 to get Obama elected if they could blame Trump for it as they did Bush.  Democrats are already declaring Trump’s acquittal to “have an asterisk beside it” as they believe his trial to be unfair.  No doubt they will do it again as they sabotage this nation.  As Sen. McConnell pointed out, this backfired in Democrat’s faces in a big way as it brought their lies and derangement out into the light.  More people sat up and took notice seeing through their gaslighting, taking note of Trump’s great achievements without the fake news media smoke screen, and realizing who Democrats truly are.  There is now an asterisk next to the name of Democrats as the DNC now stands for Democratic Nazi Communist’s Party.  Like all leftists when confronted by a strong, morally righteous leader, their actions are those of impotent rage that eventually become assaults on weak innocents to appease their tantrums.  Beware the righteous wrath that descends on them when they do.]

Final Post – (Addendum at the bottom) Dear Patriots,

This will be my last post and emailing as I am ceasing regular publications on my blog,, and my Facebook page, The Left is Never Right.  I am doing this only because Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other socialist media are censoring me so severely that my articles are not reaching 5000 people a day as it used to but a mere hundred people.  I was hoping to expand in the future but am being so extremely restricted that this isn’t worth the great amount of time and effort I devote to writing these articles.  While I have enjoyed informing people of the truth of how leftism is deception and wickedness, I need to do something more lucrative with my time and talent.

I will keep my blog active and perhaps post on rare occasions so that people have access to my insights and the wisdom I have already posted here.  They will either be short and sweet or researched and involved.  I wish you all the best.  Keep listening to FOX News and conservative opinions like Turning Point USA and Campus Reform.  And pray for Rush Limbaugh, America’s Voice of Freedom, to recover and continue God’s work to stand against the depredations of the left who would remake America into their socialist banana republic toilet modelled after Russia, China, Cuba, and Venezuela.

God bless America and open people’s hearts to Christ.

Trump Exonerated! Perfidious Democrat Swindlers MUST Be Punished!

Hannity’s opening monologue nails it!

Fox & Friends Review SotU

Pelosi’s felony and Democrat’s crimes of unethical proportions

Campus Reform reveals students duped over Trump

Delusional Schiff says Trump will sell Alaska to Russia

The Naked Soul of the Democrat Party


Are Democrats Obvious or Oblivious?

Christians crushed the Inquisition; Moslems endorse the Jihad

Mohammad – The First Terrorist and his death cult of self-imposed brainwashing

Refuting global warming science is elementary

The Face of Evil

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ADDENDUM: February 7, 2020

Fox & Friends Reviews the War of Words between Trump and Pelosi

The war between Trump Republicans and Pelosi Democrats is only going to get worse.  Pelosi continues to strive to gaslight her liberal lemmings while Trump talking to conservatives is like herding cats.  A political cartoonist should make a depiction of a jackass staring through his blinders at a tv that just says, “Hate Trump,” and next to him is an elephant rolling his eyes over his glasses as he reads through a stack of history books and news periodicals.  Democrats readily believe everything Trump says and does is a lie even when he praises Americans and our country’s greatness and Exceptionalism.  Yet their beliefs blow up in their faces when they say that at least Clinton apologized for what he did wrong after his impeachment because they ignorantly believe he was impeached for having sex.  Clinton’s crimes were not adultery but violating national security in his bedroom talk with an intern, lying about it, and tampering with witnesses.

Democrats keep saying of Republicans that of which they are themselves guilty.  Pelosi ripping up a signed federal document is a crime, but she won’t be because congressional Democrats themselves above the law.  That’s how they allow themselves to commit slander and tell lies from their podiums with impunity.  That’s how they justify forcing foreign companies to give their worthless children and friends ultra-high paying jobs for which they are unqualified and launder that money coming back to them.  That’s how they gave themselves the right to do insider trading to enrich themselves.  That’s why they shake down businesses believing no one has a right or should be able to build a business without first seeking their blessing.  They are not leaders, they are rulers.  Is it any wonder that mafioso crime bosses, drug cartel lords, smugglers, slavers, and all criminals gravitate to the Democrat Party?

They keep saying Trump thinks he is above the law.  That’s because he went into the Oval Office and has been destroying Obama’s “laws,” executive orders by a Democrat president they see as imperial edicts, that choked the economy.  As far as they are concerned those were law.  They believe that when they speak, they are making imperial dictates.  Their self-righteous hypocrisy, their narcissistic contempt for others, and their delusional beliefs that they have the right to power over the people is all focused in their declaration that President Trump, in enacting his rightful Constitutional duties, is a violation of their law.  Leftists have always believed that they are better than others, have no consideration for others, but only play the game of saying they care about those they consider their slaves.  Democrats have been and always will be the party of slavery, the KKK, and oppression of the people they dupe.

Trump’s only crime is abolishing the Obamaism that choked the economy for which Democrats now want to give the Moslem communist tyrant credit.  Their moral equivalency saying that “Trump started it” when he didn’t shake Pelosi’s hand is proof of their childish wickedness.  Whether deliberate or not, that doesn’t compare to the vile, raucous display of contempt by Democrats.  Pelosi and Romney scorn Trump as “unchristian” saying they pray for him.  These are the people who endorse abortion, outlaw Christian prayer in schools, empower Moslem prayer in schools, and curse Christians in the public square.  To whom do Democrats pray when they are praying to destroy some who is doing great deeds for America acting against criminals, terrorists, and corruption?  Their backwards liberal thinking is exhibited clearly in condemning Trump for exposing Biden’s corruption rather than against Biden for being corrupt.  This is dysfunctional logic and irrational liberalism at its worst.  Their derangement and hate are clearly exhibited in the fanatic yelling at Republican students screaming, “Slash Republican’s throats!”  They will never stop until they can abolish voting, make themselves dictators for life, and crush the American spirit of patriots.

A lady asked Dr. Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”  Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.”

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Posted in Democratic socialism, Elections 2020, Fundamentals | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Dealing with Pathological Lying Leftists and Gullible Liberals

Liberal science is more political opinion than actual science.  Leftists lie, period.  Liberals are just ignorant and gullible enough to believe them.  Every time we disprove a leftist lie, they, like the pathological liars they are, just invent a new lie to replace it.  We’ve already reached Russian Collusion v.3.0.  Every global warming climate change meme invented by the left has been refuted umpteen times and it never ends.

I’ve reached the end of my patience explaining to liberals that leftists lie by uncovering every deceit they tell.  If they’re not going to wake up and open their eyes, but choose to remain in a stupor thinking they are “woke” when they are “broke,” then I just have to admit they are not just ignorant louts that must be educated, but just too stupid to be capable of learning.  Even when their world ending predictions fail to come to pass again and again, even when their impeachment delusions blow up in their faces over and over, they never let go of their negative hysterical hate.

Those who are embarrassed by Trump’s harsh words for Democrats that believe he should tone it down and be more measured in his response should remember George W. Bush.  Bush didn’t respond to Democrat’s slanders and over eight years they utterly destroyed his character and reputation.  Trump fights fire with fire and gives as good as he gets and then some.  That’s the kind of Christian warrior that Republicans have desperately needed as Democrats become more incensed, more poisonous, and more violent.  It’s easy for them to forget how nasty Obama and Clinton were.  As Democrats falsely accuse Trump of obstruction, strive to create crimes by which to condemn him, they obstruct and sabotage Barr’s investigation of their crimes at every turn calling him a conspiracy nut.

Democrats treat Republicans like criminals as they stand in front of cameras crying wolf, while at the same time playing victim, faking righteousness, saying they are upholding the Constitution and want to be fair.  They accuse Trump of obstructing them when they demand he confess to crimes he didn’t commit and command him to give them non-existent evidence by which to convict.  They warp and twist the facts to suit their lies.  They have no desire to receive evidence.  They just want to use his fighting back as an excuse to accuse him of having something to hide.  With leftists you are always damned if you do and damned if you don’t.  How about they release all the records of Obama’s dealings with the Muslim Brotherhood and how he gave them billions of American Christian taxpayer dollars to create the Islamic State to destroy them?

Like their Russian collusion frauds, their complaints about the Earth dying are bogus.  Keeping our environment clean is one thing.  But liberals want to give leftists power to impose socialism on the world making everyone slaves to the elites to “save the world.”  What kind of insanity does it take to believe that making everyone slaves is good?  What kind of fallacy is it to believe pathological liars?  What kind of blindness does it take to believe those who are creating the problems in the world are the solution just because they cast blame on the innocent?  This is all leftist ideology of doing wrong and blaming others, casting the innocent as guilty unless proven innocent – and then executing them anyway.

Arguing with liberals is pointless when they deny facts, filibuster, and change the subject to deflect from the truth.  Believing they can predict the future, that the Earth getting warmer is a bad thing that will kill the environment, is just absurd.  Theirs is the world of self-fulfilling prophecies and blaming the other guy for the problems they create for themselves is their excuse to justify their own crimes.  They speak about subjects of which they have little understanding and are easily misled and duped by those who would benefit from their ignorance.

Some have said that those who promote fossil fuels are just like those who promoted cigarettes back when it was discovered they caused cancer and lung disease that killed people because they wanted to make money.  How idiotic is it to believe that people would promote fossil fuels that would kill the whole planet just so they could make money without a care that they are killing themselves?  Did they see these cigarette pushers chain smoke?

Likewise, the homeless problem in California is not blamed on the Democrat government that has ruled the state for thirty years.  It’s not because of their sanctuary state and cities importing millions of illegal aliens.  It’s blamed on Republicans for “gentrification” pushing the poor out of their homes by raising prices using Trump’s tax cuts.  So why hasn’t the Democrat governor stopped this?  The rich are fleeing California, so the government passed a law to confiscate their wealth as they go.  The Soviet Union built a wall to keep their slaves in, while Democrats just take away what people worked for as another new tax.  The answer is that taxes are what has caused this crisis along with their importation of illegal aliens, so they blame Trump, which is SOP.

This is how Democrats have been blaming Republicans for what Democrats have wrought saying they are the poor people fighting the evil rich who would make a buck by killing people.  Their confused ramblings are indicative of how they irrationally believe their witch hunts and fishing expeditions by leftwing reporters could dig up dirt on Trump even as they slander him as using foreign governments to interfere in the election.  What could reporters do who are demanding to look at Trump’s tax returns believing they could find crimes that an army of IRS agents couldn’t?  It’s just leftist lies to smear the righteous and liberal stupidity to believe in them.

“You can fool some of the people all of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln, Republican

How many times must we explain that liberal science is bogus?  The arctic ice did not melt away forever in 2013.  They seas didn’t rise 25 feet by 2020.  The environment is not dying from acid rain.  Every time we debunk irrational leftist dogma that they think is science, they invent a new disaster.  It is the character of the pathological liar to never admit they lied, but to create new lies again and again and again.

Just say enough is enough.  It’s like dealing with a screaming child that is told they are doing wrong who keeps asking, “Why?”  After explaining that their science is phony and their predictions are false over and over, there is no point in bending over backwards for them.  Recognizing pathological liars is easy when you realize they are wrong, and they keep creating new lies to cover up their previous lies.

Conservatives have debunked 100% of liberal climate science and every time they do leftists invent another lie to maintain the hysteria that the world is ending unless Democrats rule.  After 100% of their predictions have been proven false, 100% of their science has been proven to be fictional, 100% of their memes have been proven to be absurd, it’s time to recognize that they are 100% irrational and just tell them to STFU.  Their efforts to shut down free speech with violence, whether physical or by shouting to drown out speakers, or by lying mayors like Minneapolis attempting extortionist racketeering, or by Internet moguls conducting shadow banning must not be tolerated but crushed!

Fifty years of this has gone far beyond ignorance.  It’s just stupidity and as Forrest and Larry say, “Stupid is as stupid does,” and, “You can’t fix stupid.”  Don’t bother explaining to them why they’re wrong.  Don’t bother trying to teach them science.  They will not listen.  They will not learn.  Just let them stick their heads in a bucket and scream their stupidity until it makes their ears ring and their heads hurt.  Then maybe, though it’s doubtful, they will realize they are just living in an echo chamber of idiocy.

Conservative Christians must recognize that they are hated for being who they are.  They are hated because they stand for righteousness.  Leftists always strive to infiltrate the right to create hate by which to smear them.  Republicans must recognize that the leftist media will always smear, that they will always be in conflict, because the war between good and evil is eternal, and the left will never stop until they wear the good people down.  Don’t give them what they want because they will only use it against you and demand more.  Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile.  If we quit because of fatigue, or even just compromise, as Rush Limbaugh says,

“When good compromises with evil, evil wins.”

And as Edmund Burke said,

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Leftists will constantly attack.  They will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get their way.  The world consists of two kinds of people; those who take personal responsibility to do what is right, become educated, live morally, and help others, and those who believe they are victims that blame others for the problems they create for themselves.  They are the positive and the negative of humanity with the one being those whose glass is half full and the other being those whose glass is half empty.

The only way to be at peace with the left is to be their slaves.  And if you think being a slave will let you live in peace you are in for a rude awakening.  Those who have lived as slaves to socialism, Islamism, leftism of any kind will tell you,

“It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees.”

Peace is the absence of opposition.  There are two ways to achieve peace.  One is by crushing your opposition, the other is by submitting to them.  In either case, those who yield are on the losing side.  Leftists always lie about their intentions and fight to conquer and oppress others.  They want to crush their opposition when they won’t submit to them.  The righteous strive to convince others through leading by example and only fight to defend themselves.  Can you tell which is right and which is wrong, or which political party is which?

Muhammad the Prophet of Islam is the best example of the model on which leftism has always operated.  First you cajole the gullible, then you coerce the uncooperative, then you conquer the rebellious until all are under the boot of leftism.  We are seeing this in America today as Democrats pander to voters offering them everything for free, send out their thugs in the streets to terrorize the people, and if they could get our guns then they will make American citizens their subjects with themselves as the elite rulers.  Only then will their true nature be revealed to even their most oblivious zealots – and by then it will be too late.

Liberal Democrat’s Straw Man in a Glass House

Democrat’s Phony Impeachment Ploy

Hammer Democrats for Abandoning Constituents on Things That Matter

It’s Not About Getting Rid of Donald Trump, It’s About Getting Rid of Us!

Mini AOC hilariously mocks Greta Thunberg

Liberal idiots – AOC “We need to eat the babies”

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Follow me on Twitter @ DKoellhoffer Twitter

[Author’s Note: Talk about delusional projection, after two years of a failed coup attempt that has ripped the country apart, Hillary says Trump is “obsessed with her” and she can “beat him again” as if the popular vote is a real thing.  When Democrats use every means of voter fraud, from dead people voting to Ballot Harvesting to counting additional ballots they “find” in the trunks of cars after Election Day, is it any wonder they don’t want Voter ID or the Electoral College?  The EC is what keeps the worst of Democrat controlled states from overturning an election by stuffing the ballot box with fraudulent votes.  Likely 10% to as much as 20% of votes cast are fake.  In 2018, they overturned over twenty congressional races by adding additional votes after Election Day.

This is American’s greatest fear, that Democrats will enact enough fraud across the nation to make their leftist dream of becoming a socialist dictatorship under Democrat rule come true.  Polling of Minnesotans, which was the only state to have enough voter fraud to vote against even Reagan in ’84, indicates they could vote for Trump, but don’t count on it when they find thousands of ballots after Election Day.  Pelosi hopes to keep her impeachment fiction alive until then in the hopes of deceiving those oblivious voters that make up their “noble center.”  They strive with this distraction to take attention from Trump’s great achievements in making America great again and exposing Democrat’s Deep State corruption.  The fact is that only the ignorant, the immature, and the America haters vote Democrat, while those who grow up to love this country vote Republican.

The best advice I can give is to believe none of what Democrats say and only half of what Republicans say, contrary to liberals who believe everything Democrats say and none of what Republicans say.  Believing politicians without proof is for fools and believing their conclusions without thinking for yourself is for dummies.  Any thinking person should know by now that the Mueller investigation was a fraud and this Ukraine impeachment is just the second version with all the same elements as the first.  It includes false allegations made by a fictional person with no presentable evidence and threats of charges for obstruction.  These anti-Christian socialists saying they are defending the Constitution “prayerfully” should be the red light that screams in your brain.  Trump cooperated 1000% with Mueller who did a microscopic anal probe of his entire life to find no crimes.  He will not cooperate with the fraud.

Democrats criminalize Republicans for speaking while they unleash their Nazi thugs into the streets to terrorize people.  Trump’s resolve to stand against them has brought their Liberal Derangement Syndrome out into the open as the truths of Biden bragging about his corruption, Warren’s pathological lying about her past, Bernie’s insane leftist socialism, and Hillary’s insanity all are revealed.  Only the worst of liberals believe in these false prophets.  America deserves better and President Trump is well advised to enact extreme voter ID and ballot verification requirements by executive order before the next election because Democrats will certainly obstruct any efforts to do so.  They will cry suppression, but suppressing illegal ballots is a blessing, not a crime.]

The Naked Soul of the Democrat Party

Liberal Democrat’s Straw Man in a Glass House

Leftist Eco-Terrorism Increasing Mental Illness of Liberalism

Mohammad – The First Terrorist and his death cult of self-imposed brainwashing

Christians crushed the Inquisition; Moslems endorse the Jihad

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Posted in Democratic socialism, Elections 2020, Right vs. Left, Social Justice | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Naked Soul of the Democrat Party

With the election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, Democrats have come out from behind their façade to promote their true agenda.  Convincing America to elect a Moslem communist at a time when America is at war with Islam and communism, the two ideologies that want to enslave the world, leftists have convinced themselves that their polls reveal Americans are ready to submit to their enemies and join them.  Democrats are all campaigning openly to promote their ideology of hate for America, Christianity, and liberty.  They promised they would destroy us from within and bury our children, and they are succeeding as they corrupt our children’s minds, hearts, and souls.

From the Founding of America, Democrats have been part of the left wing of the political spectrum.  That is the wing that believes in elites ruling over the masses.  Socialism has always been the ideology of tyrants that must be impose their will on the people by force.  If they can first succeed by duping ignorant fools into voting for it, so much the better.  This only makes the imposition of socialist tyranny easier.  This is what happened in all the socialist regimes in the 20th century with obviously expected results.  Now Democrats have thrown off their façade of caring for the American people and the naked soul of their ideology stands before all Americans to be seen.

Third Democrat Debate an orgy of hate, hypocrisy, and brown-nose pandering

Analysis of the Democrat Debate: Dumb and Dumber

In the past, Democrats have always acted by stealth, deception, and subterfuge.  They control most of the media that is run by corrupt activists disseminating their propaganda.  They control most of educational institutions indoctrinating the young into their ideology of leftism.  They control half the population with promises of stealing from those who make money to give to those who take it.

In all previous campaigns Democrats have always campaigned as semi-conservative.  They’ve always campaigned as Americans.  But Barack Obama has changed that with his promise to fundamentally transform America.  What he didn’t clarify was that his intention was to unmake America’s Christian Constitutional capitalist freedom into communist Sharia driven tyranny.  Still, the election of a Moslem communist has given Democrats hope that their true nature and their anti-American agenda can finally be revealed to be embraced by the majority of Americans.

But once again the corrupt left-wing media that controls 90% of the propaganda has deluded them into believing their own lying polls.  Americans are recoiling in horror.  Only their exceptionally delusional, dysfunctional, America hating base of leftist liberals believes in them.  Democrats keep them enthralled by feeding their hateful delusions.

The Democrat Modus Operandi:

  1. Make a false allegation
  2. Convict the innocent
  3. Declare they will be prosecuted
  4. Run eternal investigations
  5. Continuously slander and smear them in media
  6. Blame Republicans for obstructing justice
  7. Claim to be the victim
  8. Declare victory when they fail
  9. Promise to continue the fight
  10. Rinse and repeat

There are two ideologies in the world that seek to control every thought and aspect of people’s lives; Islam and socialism.  They want to control what you read, what you watch, what you hear, and what you say.  They command everyone to smear those they condemn.  That’s why they try to shut down Christian owned businesses and unmake American law.  America stands alone as the greatest Christian Superpower in the history of the world to stop them from enslaving the world.

Why do globalists want to diminish America, scare people into voting for them with predictions of climate Armageddon, cajole people by appealing to their greed with promises of giving them everything for free?  Why do these same atheist globalists insist on inflicting Islam on the people to promote their ideology of violence against the righteous to coerce everyone under the boot of being brainwashed by Islam?  This is all part of the leftist anti-God agenda to create lies in place of truth.  They are the people who curse God as the oppressor and praise Satan as the liberator.

In everything there are two kinds of people – the positive and the negative.  In spirit there are those of the Right who are for God and those of the Left who are anti-God.  This has existed throughout history.  To understand this one must understand the leftist hate for God and their worship of false gods while claiming to be righteous followers.  (We see this in Pete Buttigieg using the Bible to promote leftism.)

This principle applies to Democrats who adhere to this ideology of hating God as well as to those who are duped by them.  They are the democratic socialist atheists that are anti-God.  They are the Islamo-nazis that are anti-Christian, anti-Jew, anti-Jesus (yes, Jesus is a Jew) who pretend piety to God but instead worship their god Allah (aka Satan).  They are the corrupters who have misled Christians to follow the dark path rather than the light in the Spanish Inquisition, in Salem Massachusetts, and in America today.

Leftism in History

In history, they are the shamans that controlled tribal chiefs through lies and threats inflicting punishment on the people for disobedience to their will up to and including human sacrifice.  Muhammad was the most successful of these coercing his followers to brainwash themselves.  They are the people who betrayed Christendom in creating the Great Schism between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.  In the Crusades, as they fought to repel the Moslem Turk invaders from a weakened Byzantine Empire, instead turned on the greatest city in Christendom to sack Constantinople and call it a victory.  In Spain, they formed the Spanish Inquisition to emulate their Moslem conquerors and declare that any who were not part of their church were not Christian and must be destroyed.

Never did Jesus say to kill those who rejected Him.  He also never said to allow evil to rule.  That is how the left corrupts the righteous with their two-faced commandments that say Christians must never lift a hand in self-defense, but then say that Christians must obey their leaders to destroy anyone who does not submit to their commands.  That is not Christianity, it is Islam.

Christians are called upon to obey God but not to take His name in vain.  They are called upon to live with those who reject God but not to submit to their rule.  They are only to proselytize and defend themselves and their children from the evils of the world.  Defending children does not mean keeping them ignorant of evil but of teaching them about evil so that they grow up to be able to defend themselves and their children against it.  That does not mean allowing their children to be misguided by the left or to lay down in submission to their rule as Islam commands, but to stand righteously against them and fight back against those who would harm them to enslave their children.

The identifying characteristics of the left are; self-righteous hypocrisy, two-faced dysfunctional thinking, and violent oppression of the righteous.  While claiming to be the victims they oppress their victims even as they blame them for wickedness leftists perpetrate against the righteous.  Their ideology of socialism is just an offshoot of the age-old ideology of tribal rule that became imperialism wherein the elites rule over the masses who are slaves to their overlords.  This has been the way of the world to which America has been the lone exception.

American Exceptionalism is mischaracterized by the left as being extreme national pride when it is actually acknowledgement of the fact that America, alone in all of history, is the only nation to put the power of governance in the hands of the people rather than the elites.  But even America began with half the elites demanding that they be slave masters that would rule.  The Democrat Party has never changed its spots since that time, only concealed them with stripes.  Today, they lie and blame Republicans for racism and bigotry while they claim, just as their ancestors did, that God is on their side even as they curse His name.  And the woefully ignorant and miseducated follow them.

Democrats vow to make citizens slaves to criminals

Beto O’Rourke and his cohorts have vowed to make all citizens who own guns slaves to the state.  If you own a gun, he will send police and soldiers to your homes to disarm you.  If you resist you will be imprisoned or killed.  Saying he will make it a mandatory buyback is just laughable.  What do you think mandatory means?  At the same time, they vow to those who enter the country illegally, along with those who are criminals, into citizens thereby making them legal.  Drug smugglers and human traffickers and disease infected deadbeats entering the country illegally will be given citizenship status and paid from taxpayer’s wages.  They will get free healthcare and education at taxpayer expense.

The ideology of leftism would free criminals from the consequences of their crimes under the fiction that they are persecuted and give them power to inflict more destruction on the righteous.  The liberal cry that criminals are persecuted is a lie.  Their saying that it is better to let a hundred guilty people go free than to convict one innocent person results in a hundred other innocent people being made victims.  It is up to the appeals system to determine if those found guilty were wrongly convicted and make restitution.  Only rarely were good, righteous, oppressed people assisted in overthrowing a tyrant.  Most of the time it is leftists who seize power.  The left is never right and being accidentally right 10% of the time is not worth giving them the benefit of the doubt.

In the Dark Ages, when Muhammad began recruiting people to Islam, he sought out slaves, those who were usually convicted criminals, promising to make them first class citizens and make their masters their servants.  In the 20th century, socialists released criminals from prison to enlist them in their revolutionary guerrilla forces to overthrow the rightful governments.  The left says they were acting righteously, but examination of these events proves that 90% of the people whose roles they reversed were criminals given power over good citizens.  The American Revolution stands alone for that reason, while Lenin, Hitler, Mao, and all those who followed them were all of the same leftist criminals overthrowing leftist tyrannies or righteous rulers.

Liberals make false assumptions, false premises, and false accusations over everything.  Using their own argument against them that, “if taking guns from people would save one life make it worth it,” then isn’t denying all illegal aliens from entry into the country to save one life that one of them will murder make it worthwhile?  Another insane argument is Democrats demanding we must spend a hundred trillion dollars to revert America to 17th century life to save the planet “just in case” their liberal Chicken Little science might be right.  The same stupid logic is used by foolish old people to vote Democrat “just in case” Democrats might be telling the truth that Republicans will abolish Social Security.  As Einstein said, human beings have an infinite capacity for stupidity, and Democrats have an infinite capacity for corruption to twist people’s minds.

Liberals are shallow thinkers.  They get emotional over what they see on the surface of issues without going into depth of the issue.  They do not examine facts to reach a conclusion but reach a conclusion and then pick only those facts that support them.  AOC is a perfect example of a passionate moron.  Her latest crazy talk is that Miami won’t exist in a few years unless Americans put Democrats in power with their socialism, Green New Deal, Medicare for all, and open borders.  What Chiquita Khrushchev needs an emotional support penguin.

American Crossroads

President Trump has done a fantastic job of reversing Obama’s communist edicts and saving America from the left.  He restored coal to free up American energy and brought back manufacturing to make America energy independent and productive once again.  Still, much needs to be done such as stopping Democrat’s massive voter fraud through ballot harvesting, and prosecuting those who attempted a coup.  If the DoJ does not prosecute Comey & Co. for their FISA scam in attempting a coup for the Democrats, then it is open season for Democrat corruption of the FBI and all law enforcement.

With Democrat’s souls laid bare and Americans shunning them, you can expect that some snake oil salesman will come along with his tongue dripping honey to disavow their words and claim that he is a conservative who will do what is right.  This is how Democrats have always lied to dupe people into giving them power by concealing their true nature behind lies and empty promises.  This is how Obama did it.  The proof is in all of those Democrat controlled cities that have gone from just having some poor people to becoming cesspools and toilets of diseased third world socialism.  No Democrat is righteous, conservative, or benevolent.  Democrats who are good people fooled by the left that learn the hard way become Republicans when they grow up as Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump did.

Those Americans who remain duped by the Democrat Party may be hoping and praying that someone will step forward who will once again conceal the Democrat’s true nature, and lure voters back to the Democrat Party to once again vote for their own destruction.  Americans are actually funding their enemies through the Democrat Party.  Americans are funding the people who want to destroy America.  Anti-American Nazi-communists, socialist atheists, and anti-Christ Islamists, are all being funded by American Christian taxpayers.

Most people don’t even realize that Democrats are corrupting their culture, feminizing them, to weakening America in the world.  If Americans do not wholly embrace Republicans, along with rooting out all the RINOs who would rather work with Democrats, then America will continue to teeter on the brink of falling into the darkness of leftism.  When you learn how Democrats are betraying America, aside from their support for abortion, being anti-Christian, and assisting in America’s invasion, how can anyone declare themselves to be a patriot in support of them?

Obama officials assisting Iran against USA to neutralize Trump’s actions against them

Democrats Apoplectic: Beto Broke the Covenant on Guns

Lewandowski exposes idiocy of Democrat hearings

Radical extremist hateful Democrat communism

St. Pete Buttigieg understand NOTHING of science, nature, or the Bible

Videos of teachers brainwashing students to socialism

What Do You Do with What You Know? Help Defeat Democrats!

Christian Americans Stand Against Leftism

Corey Lewandowski puts rabid Democrat in her place

Related Articles:

Insane hate of liberalism

California’s solution to their homeless problem – give Democrats money

Americans need guns to defend themselves against Democrats

Trump has broken the Democratic Party

Candace Owens rips Democrat’s open borders racism

Culture Jihad

Islamic Jihad

Denmark: In one generation our country has changed

Austria remembers Vienna 1683 and turns back globalist’s Islamic invasion

In Islam rape and molestation of unprotected girls is legal

Democrats defend criminal’s as having rights against law keepers

Moslems mob white man

Moslem boy threatens to murder Christian German girl

Beto avows he will kill Americans to take their guns

Tomi Lahren – we need guns to defend us from criminals, invaders, and tyrants

Minnesota – the cesspool of Democrat corruption, requires Arab classes

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Democrats have STOLEN the Moral High Ground

The Face of Evil

Are Democrats Obvious or Oblivious?

The Delusional World of Liberalism

Christians crushed the Inquisition; Moslems endorse the Jihad

Mohammad – The First Terrorist and his death cult of self-imposed brainwashing

Refuting global warming science is elementary

Lessons from Captain Marvel; Conflating Trump with Hitler

The Righteous Lessons of Cartoons for Christians

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Third Democrat Debate an orgy of hate, hypocrisy, and brown-nose pandering

Could Democrats bow and scrape any lower in desperate appeal to the basest desires of their base’s greed, envy, and hate?

  • Every Democrat said, “We know Donald Trump is a racist.”
  • Every Democrat cursed the rich that are their donors.
  • Every Democrat promised to give free money to all their voters.
  • Every Democrat vowed to take massive taxes from working people.
  • Not one Democrat said they would try to take guns from criminals.
  • Not one Democrat said they would stop the illegal immigrant invasion creating third world diseased homelessness in their cities.
  • Not one Democrat said they would keep Americans safe from Islamic jihadis.
  • Not one Democrat said how they could possibly make the economy better.

I’ll outdo them all.  I’m offering every person who votes for me a million dollars if I’m elected President. 😀  With that much money, no one will need free healthcare or safe keeping because they can afford to buy it all for themselves.  Why would anyone with good sense or a moral heart vote for any of these two-faced scumbags?

Democrats keep saying that President Trump says hateful things about immigrants.  Can any of them recount one statement he made that is so?  Their claims are as vacuous and fictional as their Russian collusion and climate Armageddon.  Donald Trump says nothing hateful about anyone.  He tells the truth about Democrat’s aiding illegal aliens to invade this country.  He’s married to an immigrant, while Democrats are turning America into a third world, disease ridden, socialist toilet.

Trump is the only man who is doing everything Democrats are not.  Trump is working to make America’s economy boom and stop foreign enemies from harming Americans.  Instead of praise, they all call the man who is doing a thousand times more than any Democrat has ever done to make life for Americans better a racist for doing so!

This sickening, disgusting display of self-righteous hypocrisy turns the stomach of good moral people.  How liberals lap up this corrupt vomit and cheer is beyond moral reason.  They are so brainwashed and brain dead that they still believe, despite the vacuum of evidence, that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.  How vacuous is their intellect that they invest their lives in fictions and empty promises of pandering liars?

There is no good or moral sense among liberal Democrats.  Common sense gun control?  Cursing big money donors?  Democrats are two-faced, self-righteous hypocrites.  The reason the name hypocrite never sticks to them is because the leftwing media says they are without sin.  But hypocrisy is their very nature and lies are in their very souls.  They are the scorpions begging for a ride across the river.  They poison everything they touch.  If Jesus talked to them, He would chastise them just as He chastised the Pharisees and their false piety (like Buttigieg saying, “God is on our side.”

Democrats strive only to incite greed and envy in their voters.  Beto promises to disarm law-abiding citizens by violently seizing their guns to “protect the people” saying this will stop mass shootings by these “weapons of war.”  Every mass shooter that has committed mass murders has been a liberal wacko Democrat on the FBI’s radar.  The truth is that Democrats are allowing these mass shootings to dupe people into giving them power.  They promise to use that power, not to disarm their wackos, haters, and felons, but to disarm citizens.

This is just a prelude to their institution of socialist fascism.  Rifles have been in citizen’s hands since the Founding, and no politician is going to take citizen’s guns without a fight.  It is leftist haters who would cheer the murder of good citizens until everyone is enslaved by Democrats.  They certainly don’t try to seize guns from the gangs and criminals who are murdering good citizens.  This is how the people end up being caught between a tyrannical government and a criminal underground.

Everything liberals believe about Republicans, that they are racists, that they have irrational fears of Islam and gays, and that they are greedy and selfish is everything that is true of Democrats.  Liberals are the ones suffering from irrational fears.  Crackpot liberalism is belief in fictions like Russian collusion, climate Armageddon, and Republican racism.  Liberals are so brainwashed that they believe these fictions to be reality.  Islamaphobia, homophobia, children in cages, guns kill people, Democrats will give everyone money for free.  These delusions always lead to the mental disorder of Liberal Derangement Syndrome.  It is the result of a lack of education multiplied by misinformation that is breeding hate, greed, and envy.

Democrats curse big money in public, but in private they give them tax breaks.  Democrat donors all lament how they could pay more in taxes, but not one of them omits taking their tax breaks or writes a check to the Treasury.  Democrats are two-faced.  Unlike Donald Trump who has said everything he means and means everything he says, they lie to fools who are always duped by them.  Lincoln was right when he said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time.”  They want to impeach Trump for winning the election and making America great again because they want to make Americans pay deadbeats for their own bad choices and be reduced in the world to make way for the global socialist elites to rule.

3rd Democrat Debate in full

Analysis of the Democrat Debate: Dumb and Dumber

Bernie Sanders says Christianity is an affront to Islam

Beto demands banks deny gun owner’s rights

Red Crescent uses UN refugee aid to buy luxury cars

Only 26% of Democrats attend 9-11 moment of silence

Crackpot liberal phobias

Jerry Nadler’s Impeachment Dilemma

[Author’s Note: Donald Trump is the very epitome of what America patriots have been praying for – a man who understands how business works who will stand on the neck of government to stop them from stealing taxes from citizens rather than stand on the necks of businesses to shake them down.  Democrats offer America nothing except a return to leftwing Islamic communist Obamaism.  That so much of the country has been brainwashed to believe that socialism is benevolent, that Islam is peace, that Russian collusion and climate Armageddon are real, and that being a dependent on government charity is to their benefit is dispiriting.  But we must never stop trying to educate liberals – even if it hurts their feelings.  To allow people to choose stupidly is as much a sin as being the fool who believes Democrats.  Any Democrat who says they want to be president for all the people is the worst of the two-faced liars attempting to dupe the people as well as Obama did.  No matter what they say, Democrats are socialist liberals first.]

Democrats defend Islam against righteous Americans

America slaps Islamists in the Face

Two-Faced Democrats openly hope and pray that America fails!

Democrats say Republicans are Nazis who must be killed

Recognizing Nazism in America

Forging a Global Utopia

American Patriots Remember 9-11 – The Day Democrats Forgot

Blacks voting Democrat are betraying their slave ancestors

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This has been expressed by terms like Trump Derangement Syndrome in which liberals do all they can to smear and sabotage President Trump only to have their lies blow up in their faces.  The same has been said of Sarah Palin about whom there are liberals to this day that believe she said she can see Russia from her house.  Liberals reject facts that contradict their truth because they think backwards from their irrational conclusions to cherry pick facts which support their erroneous beliefs.  Social liberalism is the result of being ignorant, naïve, and gullible resulting in believing falsehoods, and being easily distracted, manipulated, and misguided.

Signs and symptoms of Liberal Derangement Syndrome;

  • Believing what you are told without investigating the facts for yourself, e.g. Trump lies
  • Believing erroneous facts despite evidence to the contrary, e.g. climate Armageddon
  • Believing in falsehoods despite proof of the truth, e.g. Republicans are racist Nazis
  • Russia; believing that Trump worked with Russia to steal the 2016 election and is somehow a Russian agent or under the influence and control of Russian oligarchs.
  • Racism; believing that Trump is a racist who wants to exterminate illegal aliens, put children in cages, and has no heart to assist refugees.
  • Recession; believing that Trump is imposing an economy for the rich to steal money from the poor, that America’s economy will crash because of Trump’s policies, and that the country is going into an economic recession because of tariffs against unfair trading partners.

The American economy is booming because President Trump eliminated Obama’s high taxes and crushing regulations.  Democrats impose these on businesses to shake them down to get money for themselves.  Believing that Obama saved the economy after Democrats sabotaged it to blame Bush and win the election is the pinnacle of idiocy.  Democrats like Harry Reid even bragged about how successfully they lied to the American people.  Democrats bragged about how successfully they lied about Obamacare taxes.  They bragged about how successfully they lied about the Iraq War to sabotage both of Bush’s victories to win the war and then the insurgency.  They then snatched defeat from the jaws of victory so Obama could help the Muslim Brotherhood create the Islamic State.

The fact is that liberals who believe that socialism is benevolent have been deluded.  The indoctrination our children into these false beliefs by leftist teachers must be stopped.

Libtard – The emotional retardation of liberals resulting in immaturity

There are two kinds of intelligence;

  • IQ which measures cognitive ability and knowledge
  • EQ which measures emotional stability and maturity

Liberalism is a dysfunction of the latter that causes them to suffer from irrational logic to reach unreasonable conclusions.  This results in two-faced bigotry, self-righteous hypocrisy, and self-centered ego that is the root of all leftism.  It stems from the ignorance in which we are all born, a lack of education, and embracing the immorality of lies and corruption.  Their lack of reason is why Republicans ask, “WTF is wrong with your brain?”

The retardation of emotional maturity results in a person having the attitude of a spoiled rich kid who expects to be taken care of rather than being a responsible adult.  They need safe spaces and recess time at both school and work.  This is why most young people are liberals and most adults are conservatives.  Those who never grow out of their liberalism are those who adhere to false beliefs like children.

“Liberalism is born of ignorance and bred on lies.  Conservatism is born of education and bred on morality.” – Dustin Koellhoffer

One of the primary signs and symptoms of being a libtard is belief that the American flag in any version represents racism.  If you believe this then your mind is twisted.  This irrationality of liberals to believe in lies like this results in situations like the Harvard psychology group that publishes a study explaining how it is liberals who are dysfunctional thinkers.  And when they go to a liberal editor for publication, he reverses their findings to create a false mythos that liberals are reasonable while conservatives are irrational.  They create these Big Lies in which they believe with all their minds, hearts, and souls.  Leftists are willing to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to impose their beliefs on others.

The mistake people make is believing that what Democrats and Republicans want is the same thing.  Both want to be in charge of the country, but both do not want the same thing out of that authority.  Republicans want the people to prosper while Democrats want the people to serve them.  Leftism is not about making life better for others but for oneself.  That’s why Democrats began this nation with slavery and have been trying to reimpose slavery ever since Republicans took their slaves away.  They do it by hook or by crook, either by fooling people into voting for them or by persecuting them and committing voter fraud.

The fact that people can be fooled so easily and completely by Democrats is what is so disheartening.  Part of that is that Democrats can point to some elements in their own ranks and the ranks of Republicans that are corrupt to claim they are the same.  But the truth is that 90% of the corrupt in government are Democrats, while only 10% of Republicans are as corrupt.  The reason these leftists infiltrate the right by subterfuge is to operate undercover to sabotage and undermine what they do. McCain and Boehner were examples of such as are NeverTrumpers who say Trump is “too crude” for them, so they voted Democrat despite his instituting all of the policies for which they have advocated.

Those Republicans who are referred to as RINOs that work with Democrats, not just those labelled by leftists to smear them, are no more to be trusted than Democrats.  The ten percent of Democrats who are actually conservatives are inconsequential because they picked the wrong master to serve.  Growing up from being liberal to become a conservative is necessary for a good quality of life.  Being ignorant can be alleviated, while being stupid cannot.  Education is paramount and, while ignorant people can be taught, the stupid never learn.  It is the difference between intelligence and wisdom based on morality and experience.

Ignorance plus naïveté times gullibility equals a moral compass

A moral compass plus emotional maturity times knowledge equals wisdom

The more a person learns and believes the truth over lies the more a person grows to understand the world and how and why people act as they do.  For some this can come to a realization in their teens, while for others it takes till late adulthood, and for some it never happens.  That’s why Winston Churchill spoke the righteous wisdom of truth when he said,

“If you’re over thirty and a liberal you have no brain.”

The inability of dedicated leftist fanatics cannot be surmounted by any education or proof of facts.  They cannot be reasoned with, but can only, and must be, defeated!  People who see God as the oppressor and Satan as the liberator are beyond redemption.  Just as there is no compromise with Moslem jihadis whose only goal is that you either be enslaved or die, there is no compromise with the left.  As Rush Limbaugh says,

“When good compromises with evil, evil wins.”

We cannot wage war without using the weapons of war including in the war of words.  That’s why it requires a supremely successful adult like Donald J. Trump who understands people and is willing to fight fire with fire.  He opposes Democrats using the same tactics they use against Republicans.  In war there are no gentlemen.  This is combat and there are no points for second place.  There are only those who win and those who lose, and you don’t want the left to win because that means subjugation of the masses to serve the elites.  Only a deranged liberal would believe that to be a good thing.

A Masterclass in Genius – Donald Trump Crushes Democrat Harpies

Are There Any Adults Left Other Than Me?

God, Creation and Liberals

Now That You’ve Taught Me, Rush, What Do I Do With It?

Hollywood Blacklisting Republicans

Trump & Russia – Fraud; Obama & Muslim Brotherhood – Fact

Democrats Want to Wipe Us Out

Mechanic Sabotages American Airlines Plane Because of What?

Spectacular Jobs News, Democrats Hardest Hit

[Author’s Note: Misdirecting and confusing liberals is easy to do.  Just look at how easy it is to blow liberal’s minds with erroneous:

Q – Why is it that when searching for something that is lost, it is always in the last place you look?  A – Because after you find it, you stop looking.

Q – Why is it a fact that 50% of traffic accidents happen within five miles of your home?  A – Because 50% of the time you spend driving is within five miles of your home.

Q – Why is it that 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Dentyne gum?  A – because the advertisers only used five dentists from all those in their survey and they chose four of them who liked their gum.

The same dysfunctional logic is what is used to warp facts to twist liberal’s minds when it comes to climate change, socialism, and any other leftist policy.  The moral lesson here is – don’t be so gullible.  Just five minutes is all it takes to disprove most anything Democrats declare to be the truth.]

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Avengers Endgame and the Epic Battle Between Good and Evil

Stan Lee’s MCU Avengers Endgame finale is every bit as epic as the Tolkien/Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy!  It is an absolutely awesome ending to a fantastic series.  That said, there are no spoilers in this review.  I only examine the characters and how they relate to modern America.

(A special shout out to the directors and screenwriters of the Captain America movies and Infinity War/Endgame; Anthony and Joe Russo, Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely, and producer Kevin Feige.)

In America today there are two sides engaged in a struggle for America’s soul.  One sees America as an evil nation that must be destroyed and remade in their image.  The other sees America as a great nation that must be preserved.  This is reflected in Endgame in the struggle between Thanos trying to unmake the universe and remake it in his image, and the Avengers fighting to preserve the lives and liberty of everyone else.

In watching all 22 movies again it is plain to see the transitions of the characters and the effects of their struggles.  Tony Stark suffers from PTSD as the others do not because he is a scientist and a businessman who is forced into the fight, while the others are all warriors born to battle.  It takes a truly devastating loss to affect their psyches.  That each of them is prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of others is never in doubt.

The movie’s grandeur is in the tears and cheers it derives from its audience.  From tragedies to triumphs to heartbreak and the glory of love, Stan Lee has given the world one of the greatest literary works of the ages.  He joins the legends of the arts in producing some of America’s greatest books and movies in all of history.  It’s gratifying to know that, even though he didn’t live to see its release, he did see it made and was involved in and knew the whole story he and his thousands of supporters told.  A sense of pride should fill every heart that participated in making this epic series.

The War for America’s Soul

On the less epic, but no less vital scale of the war between right and wrong, America has the Democrats who want to unmake America and remake her as a socialist state, and Republicans who want to preserve the Constitutional republic.  Their battle is predicated on the false premise that the America that has done so much good in the world is the evil and that socialism that has done so much destruction in the world is good.  This is as backwards thinking as believing that the God of love is the oppressor and that Satan the deceiver is the liberator.

An achievement such as Stan Lee’s would never come out of any of the socialist tyrannies in the world.  They would all be about how individuals must serve the state for the collective good and those who sacrifice themselves for the state are the most worthy.  Those who lack a moral compass cannot see the fine line dividing the godly difference between an individual’s choice of sacrifice for the good of others, and the masses being forced to suffer for the good of the elitist state.

We are, each of us, called upon not to conduct epic battles, but to win the little fights in life.  You don’t’ have to save the universe, the galaxy, or the planet, nor save your country or your town or your family to matter in this life.  I am reminded of the story of the “Starfish” in which a man finds thousands of starfish washed up on the shore dying after a storm.  He sees a lone man picking them up one after another and throwing them back into the sea.  He approaches the man and says, “What are you doing?  There are so many you can’t possibly make a difference.”  The man picked up another and threw it back and said, “I made a difference to that one.”

As parents, we try to teach our children to be considerate of others rather than to be selfish thieves.  We try to teach them to be guided by morality and not submit to temptation.  We try to teach them to love God and not be deceived by evil.  We are only successful to a certain degree as we struggle through this temporary life.  As Tony Stark imparts the immortal words of wisdom of Stan Lee, part of the journey is the end.  But a righteous end inspires others to strive to be better than they might be otherwise.


Lessons from Captain Marvel; Conflating Trump with Hitler

Avengers Cast Interviews:

Avengers Roundtable – no talking politics

Funniest moments

Avengers answer Twitter

“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.” – Abraham Lincoln

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Lessons from Captain Marvel; Conflating Trump with Hitler

A Case Study of Liberalism in American Politics: Making Trump Hitler

“He who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana

“We learn from history that we do not learn from history.” – Georg Hegel

Are liberals capable of learning from history?  To understand history, and thus avoid its pitfalls, one must first be able to interpret history and compare it to current events using a moral compass and a depth of understanding that is beyond most liberals.  The defining characteristics of liberalism are shallow thinking, lack of understanding simple math, and easily being duped by erroneous facts and hollow comparisons. 40% of Americans believe that Russia hacked the election, that Trump voters are white nationalists, and that they can change the climate of the planet.  Why do liberals insist on believing lies?  Because it is more appealing to people’s egos than admitting they are wrong.

Democrats demand to examine Trump’s tax returns to find crimes.  This is hilarious as liberals can’t decipher their own 1040-EZ.  How could they possibly understand the taxes of a billionaire?  Hillary already proved how vacuous the ignorant are when they laughed at her mocking Trump for “losing a billion dollars on a casino.”  If you exercise a modicum of good sense, losing a billion dollars on a casino is easy to understand when you realize that first you have to build it.  Forty story hotels are not built overnight for free.  These same people understand so little about taxes that they think K-12 education is free.  Would trust them to make intelligent decisions when they don’t understand the simplest things?

Their analogy of Trump as dictator mirroring Hitler’s dictatorship is a case in point.  What liberals put forth as intelligence and logic based on facts are conclusions based on false assumptions that they believe to be logical.  Their confusion is reflected in their dysfunctional thinking of the events depicted in the latest Marvel film of the Avenger series, “Captain Marvel,” that was just released as a prelude to their finale, “Avengers: Endgame.”

How liberals perceive all the wrong things making all the wrong interpretations from the script of Captain Marvel;

“Liberalism is born of ignorance and bred on lies.”

In this statement I am, of course, referring only to 21st century liberals who are anti-American socialists.  Their belief that socialism leads to Utopia rather than what it has always historically led to, i.e. impoverishment and death, is due to their lack of education and shallow thinking.  It is not a sin or a flaw to be a liberal.  We are all born ignorant.  We all want to see the best for people.  And we all want to live good lives.  But what they are being taught is contrary to what Americans have grown up with in the past before socialists corrupted our education system.  Being ignorant is not a crime but choosing to be ignorant and remain a liberal over the age of thirty is a major inherent character flaw in Democrats.

In Captain Marvel, our heroine, Cpt. Carol Danvers, is a strong-willed woman who is determined to fight the righteous battle.  She is well grounded in morality and self-determination.  She exhibits the highest qualities found in American military personnel of being dedicated to serve and protect others.  This quality is what leads most military personnel from federal armed forces down to local law enforcement and fire rescue services to become conservative Christian Republicans.

I would put great faith in Carol Danvers but have no faith in the person of the actress Brie Larson who has smeared Republicans on her Twitter.  That’s because most actors in Hollywood, while they pretend to be great heroes on the silver screen, fall far short in their own lives due to their being in a vocation of professional liars.  For that reason, most Hollywood actors tend to be liberal atheist Democrats.  (The way some of them talk it has to make you wonder if, when they are fighting Nazis, they imagine themselves to be fighting Republicans.  Lincoln must be spinning in his grave!)

The basis of the storyline is a war between the Kree and the Skrull.  Danvers is part of the Kree and doesn’t remember her life on Earth.  She has been taught by the Kree that they are a race of “noble warrior heroes” fighting to protect their borders from invading shapeshifters known as the Skrull.  We later learn that the Skrull as actually refugees fleeing from the invading Kree who are determined to enslave or wipe out everyone who is not of their race.  If this sounds to you like Nazi Germany or Islam there is a vast amount of history to support your conclusion.  If this sounds to you like Republicans, then you are suffering from a delusion that I will reveal.

Case in point – how shallow thinking is reflected by liberals in hearing the descriptives and watching the story unfold in Captain Marvel:

The story that liberals hear are the trigger words that set them off thinking of the “evil of Trump’s anti-immigration policy.”  They hear that refugees are seeking shelter and that the Kree are defending their borders against their invasion and want to eradicate them.  Except neither of those are what is happening either in the story or in America.  The Skrulls are not seeking shelter by invading the Kree borders but fleeing them.  The Kree are not defending their borders but expanding them by conquest.  America is not doing this nor are Latino-communists coming to America for shelter but to assist Democrats to overthrow the citizenry they can’t control.

Let’s examine this in a case study of Hitler’s policies as Germany’s Chancellor turned dictator and Trump’s policies as America’s president:

The making of a Dictator According to History – an assessment of Hitler’s rise

This article is an excellent assessment of Adolf Hitler’s agenda upon seizing power after being elected Chancellor.  I’ve already written an article detailing similarities between Hitler and Obama that are also reflected in Lucas’ Star Wars saga (which is basically a sci-fi version of WWII).  That analogy is here;

How Obama, Hitler, and the Star Wars Emperor are the same

But now the left is making comparisons of Trump to Hitler and they are taking Hitler’s anti-immigrant policies and applying them to President Trump.  Except their facts erroneously ignore Trump’s actual actions and true motivations for their fictional narrative that the left has created to demonize him.  This is easily exposed and explained in a side-by-side examination of Hitler’s policies vs. Trump’s.  They claim he hates immigrants as a racist, cages children, and separates families.

Let those whose minds are not closed by their mindless rage have their eyes opened.  The one defining characteristic I have come to realize in liberalism is that they are ruled by emotion rather than logic.  This does not make them compassionate.  It makes them irrational and prone to believe erroneous, untrue things like Trump as Hitlerian, white nationalist racism, and the left’s socialist global warming phony science.

This leftist interpretation of the Captain Marvel script is either the result of a propaganda technique that is more masterful than humanly possible, or a result of purely dysfunctional thinking on the part of liberals – which is what I’m inclined to believe.  Never in his life did the legendary Stan Lee ever indicate himself to be a leftwing zealot.  Stan had a Christian heart and a great moral sense like Walt Disney.  Unlike Supergirl, he never let liberalism pervert his masterwork.  But this quick synopsis will only tackle the Hitler comparison and not compare Democrats to the Kree.

Hitler’s anti-immigrant policy and Jew hatred:

In the article on Hitler’s rise the author describes the dictator’s policies regarding immigrants.  Hitler won based on a cult of personality.  Between Trump and Obama an honest assessment of all the facts reveals that, like Hitler, Obama was also elected based on his personality because he, too, was a man of no accomplishment, while Trump was elected based on his lifelong history of accomplishments.

Both Obama and Trump made the same promises, but once in office Obama’s politician promises fell by the wayside whether through incompetence or treachery is for those who learn to decide.  Not in the case of Trump.  Leftists have spun his history into a tale of how Trump is doing the same things as Hitler while completely ignoring how Obama did it.  Let’s pick that argument apart with good sense and the truth.

The author of that article said,

“In his rallies, Hitler ranted against feminists, left-wing politicians, homosexuals, pacifists, and liberal newspaper editors. Once in power, the Nazi regime was run exclusively by men. Nazi propaganda mocked disabled people, feminist associations were all closed down, vagrants were rounded up and imprisoned, illegal Polish immigrants were deported, and Germany pulled out of international organizations and tore up treaties with cynical abandon.”

The author completely misrepresents history by twisting words based on modern events.  Hitler’s policy was not “Germany first” as the author states, but Germany only.  His was the Master Arian Race and they had a right to “breathing room,” to expand their power over the inferior races tainted by weak Latins, Mongols, Arabs, and Moors that were his neighbors.  He did not rant against “feminists, left-wing politicians” and others.  He ranted against everyone who was not a member of his National Socialist Party.

Hitler shut down any publication that did not promote his party.  President Trump hasn’t shut down anyone but has scorned every media outlet that has repeatedly attempted to pass off false stories as true.  He kicked Acosta out of news conferences for being rude and obnoxious.  The media has suffered, not because of Trump’s actions, but because most of the people recognize their lies and turn away from them.  When Trump says “America First” he is clearly not saying elevate America above all others but that his duty as president is to America first, not the rest of the world.

Trump has not been advocating for America to dominate all others as Hitler did Germany but protecting America from being used and abused by others.  Liberals claim that America’s wealth attracts the greedy and out of the other side of their mouths say that other countries have a right to take from America because they claim America has taken from the world.  What America has done is trade with foreign nations and they have all prospered mightily as a result.  But some are greedy and want more than they’re willing to give in equal trade.  It is just like leftists to blame the victim for the crimes of greed committed against them as they blame a beautiful woman for dressing up and being raped.

“Once in power, the Nazi regime was run exclusively by men.”  No.  Once in power that regime was dominated by the masters of the National Socialist Party.  The Trump administration is obviously not dominated only by white men.  Republicans have the same diversity as Democrats except they don’t have voting blocks made up of disparate groups airing their own petty grievances like the Black Caucus, Feminazis, and militant homosexuals.  Hitler persecuted the Jews for their religion.  In America it is not Christian bakeries that are shutting down gay weddings but vice versa.

“Nazi propaganda mocked disabled people…”  Donald Trump never mocked disabled people despite what leftist propaganda claims.  He mocked a man for his stupidity using the same gestures he has used to mock stupid people in the past.  That the man was disabled never entered into his thoughts if he even knew of his disability.  But don’t let that stop the left from creating a narrative by which to smear him.

“…feminist associations were all closed down…”  What organization has Trump closed down?  The leftwing anti-American organizations like BLM, Antifa, and others that seek to overthrow American law have all sprung up!  “…vagrants were rounded up and imprisoned…” California alone lends the lie to that statement as illegal aliens now litter the streets in tent hovels in their sanctuary cities.

The author says that “illegal Polish immigrants were deported.”  There were no “illegal” Polish immigrants.  Poles did not sneak over the border into Germany to steal jobs at low pay.  They were imported legally for that reason.  Hitler deported them as he deported all Slavic people because he saw them as an inferior race.  Trump does not deport illegal aliens because he sees them as an inferior race.  That’s just a fiction created by Democrats.  That illegal aliens from South America are uneducated does not make them inferior people.

But it does make them prone to violate American law.  Democrats import these illegals and to make them legal by giving them driver’s licenses.  That they then go out without knowing American driving laws and drive drunk, don’t carry insurance, and after causing accidents flee the scene is all part of the crimes illegal aliens continue to commit.  Using those same DLs for voter registration is how Democrats stuff the ballot boxes in their states with illegal votes.  If you don’t believe that then understand that they already break immigration laws so why would they care about breaking voting laws?

“…and Germany pulled out of international organizations and tore up treaties with cynical abandon.”  Germany pulled out of peace treaties that were meant to keep them from rebuilding their military and invading their neighbors.  Trump has shaken up NATO demanding that our allies, who have been riding on our backs, live up to their agreement to help pay for the costs of defending from the depredations of leftist communists.  He has pulled out of trade agreements because all of them were skewed to suck money out of the USA and give it away to trading partners who were getting wealthy by cheating American businesses.  These hardly equate to the same thing but that doesn’t stop Democrats from conflating the two.

Contrary to Democrat declarations, there are no Republicans who speak out against immigration.  Democrats deliberately confuse their importation of illegal aliens with the legal immigration that Republicans endorse.  Hitler wanted nothing to do with non-Germans but believed they should all be subjugated under the rule of the Master Race.  His persecution of the Jews has been called an extension of the Catholic Inquisition that was defeated by Christians.  Such persecutions called for by the church never existed in the teachings of Jesus.

Many on the left ignorantly don’t understand, or conveniently forget, that Jesus is a Jew.  They also forget, or simply hide the fact that the KKK is a Democrat creation of their master white race.  But through ignorance and mis-education they now claim that it is part of the party of Lincoln.  These same people in the 1930s had nothing but praise for the totalitarian regimes of Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and later Mao.  Neo-Nazis are not the far right of the political spectrum.  They are the farthest left.

Christians crushed the Inquisition, Moslems endorse the Jihad


That was just an example of how easily one paragraph of his article can be ripped apart.  I could do the same with the rest of his article because it is composed entirely of half-truths, false premises, and unreasoned assumptions.  The problem with combatting leftist lies is that lies are more quickly disseminated than the truth explaining how they are false.  It takes a couple of paragraphs to disprove a single sentence.  That’s the kind of time most liberals will not invest in digging out the facts.  There are many great sayings of elder wisdom that liberals, in their arrogance, discount as “obsolete.”

Wisdom is never obsolete.  Technology and knowledge may advance but people have remained the same throughout the ages.  It is understanding that wisdom, such as the meaning of “can’t see the forest for the trees,” that eludes most people causing them to dismiss it.  That expression applies to Obama eliciting sympathy for an illegal immigrant family seeking refuge as a distraction while ignoring the thousands crossing the border illegally to enter America and commit crimes.  Wise sayings about lies;

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” – Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens

“If you tell a lie big enough, often enough, eventually it becomes the truth.” – Adolf Hitler, ‘The Big Lie’

“When you want to help people, you tell them the truth.  When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.” – Thomas Sowell

“To anger a conservative, tell him a lie.  To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.” – Anonymous

“People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their delusions destroyed.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“If all human ideas, good and bad, are allowed a battleground, so long as Truth is in the field, Truth will prevail.”  – John Milton

“Just as you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, you can tell a liberal the truth, but you can’t make him think.” – Dustin Koellhoffer

Democrats are notorious for presenting a false premise and then smearing Republicans in the eyes of the electorate.  Republicans reject the Democrat definition of climate change as a man-made event.  Democrats deliberately confuse their definition with the scientific definition and then declare that Republicans reject science and say stupid things like, “Trump doesn’t believe in gravity,” to belittle him.  Democrats cannot have an educated voter knowing the facts.  For the same reasons they deliberately conflate illegal aliens with legal immigrants.  The latter commit half as many crimes as citizens because they are good people who want to become productive Americans, while illegals are already breaking the law so are not concerned over breaking more.

Elsewhere the author spoke of Hitler “packing the courts” and relates that charge on Trump making court appointments.  It isn’t Donald Trump who is talking about packing the Supreme Court.  Democrats want to appoint several additional liberal activists to overturn any decision by the majority held by conservative Constitutionalists.  President Trump is merely appointing judges as is his duty and his right.  If a liberal judge like Ruth Buzzie Ginsburg kicks it, he has every right to appoint a conservative judge in her place.  He has a right to appoint lower court judges that are being blocked by Democrats in the Senate with their bogus filibuster rules they created in the 20th century to restrict Republicans from undoing the damage the left has done.  Democrats use the legal system to unmake American law.

Democrat judges constantly overrule Constitutional law in favor of creating the laws as they want them to be and continue their injustices until overturned by higher courts.  This isn’t law.  It’s lawlessness.  This isn’t just a tactic of delay and corruption but is designed to bankrupt the righteous with legal fees.  The Democrat persecution of Christian businesses is a violation of the 1st Amendment and prosecutable but will cost businesses immensely until they win years later in the Supreme Court.  If Democrats seize power in that court, then this nation will be lost.

It is not Republicans who have been advocating for people breaking American laws.  It is not Republicans who have been rioting in the streets, protesting free speech events, cursing police, assassinating cops, assaulting their political opponents, or corrupting people’s minds.  It is not Republicans persecuting atheists and Islamists and gays but being persecuted by them.  Republicans are not against immigrants but welcome those who obey American laws and want to become Americans.  Republicans are not against law-abiding citizens but stand against those who would overthrow American law by corrupting her cultural values.  Republicans are the Christians who founded this exceptional free nation whom Democrats are persecuting in favor of atheists with the help of Islamists who represent the most socialist of ideologies.

So, in the final analysis, which party has become more like the Nazis – Republicans or Democrats?

Democrats deliberately break American immigration laws to import Latino-communists into cities in which they give them sanctuary, citizen’s rights, free benefits, and allow them to vote in elections.  As pointed out, they already break all immigration laws so what do they care if they also break voter laws if it gains them power?  They go to the border and declare that ICE is putting children in cages, separating families, and persecuting refugees.  They do not tell the truth of how border security operates and, after inciting their fanatics with their lies, none of them cares to examine the truth.  They adhere to their beliefs and damn ICE agents upholding American law as the Gestapo.

Liberals claim they are “helping refugees escape tyranny, poverty, and gang violence.”  This is laughable in the face of Democrats who have actively promoted South America socialists and their gangs of criminals just as they promoted the same in California, New York, and Chicago.  Their faux outrage of crimes against Republicans by the likes of fake hate crime fraudsters falls on its face when they don’t name the victims of their crimes.  Liberals cheered for Hugo Chavez as he impoverished Venezuela then turn to declare the nation suffered because of U.S. sabotage and greed.

Again, you are extolled to understand their statements and question their historical interpretations in the light of all the facts weighed by morality.  It is not enough to just know history.  To learn from it, it is necessary to understand it.  You can know history and not learn the right lessons from it.  Liberalism is notorious for learning the wrong lessons due to their incomplete education or lack of understanding morality.

I have known liberals who thought the moon landings were faked based on a “documentary” proving it by examining videos.  When I was shown this, I recognized that the producers used the viewer’s lack of understanding of how cameras work to convince them that what they were seeing was a fraud.  As a photographer who learned camerawork in high school and studied the operation of cameras through the Time-Life book series, I easily debunked every scene of this entire documentary as bogus.

The same is true of some liberal’s belief that 9-11 was committed with demolitions.  Even as eye witnesses to the event they didn’t understand the sounds of floors pancaking into each other but thought they were explosions.  Had they ever witnessed an actual implosion they might understand their misperceptions.  Likewise, the belief by some that the Pentagon was hit by a missile was fostered by photographs of where an engine struck the building leaving a big hole.  If they understood how an aircraft and its jet engines were made, they might understand their confusion.

But when liberals are faced with the truth that conflicts with their emotionally held beliefs, they often become angered and enraged thus closing their minds.  This is akin to a child whose mother tells them Santa Claus is real on Christmas Day who are then told by their father that he is not.  They typically run away to the mother crying or attack the father and hate him.

President Trump shutting down the border with Mexico to stop the massive invasion of illegal immigrants will hurt the U.S. trade but not as much as illegals are who are being given taxpayer money by Democrats.  Democrats disseminate citizen’s rights and benefits to illegals like they’re free candy.  Legal immigrants are being forced to pay for the privilege of being in America while these Latino-communists are invading our country, not waving American flags begging to become Americans, but waving their own country’s flags.

Democrats would gladly force Trump to close the border and damage the economy because any destruction they create can be used to smear and slander Trump.  Harming America is a plus to Democrats.  They have always benefited from creating economic disasters such as in 1930, 1960, 1976, 1992, and 2008.  The invaders recognize that Democrats want their help in overthrowing the USA and establishing themselves as the rulers.  As always when socialists seek power it is the people who will pay the price as they hoover up their wealth.  The uneducated make their money by taking it from others, and one of those means is to have the people in power steal for them.

They would convert America from being the exceptional Land of the Free and Home of the Brave into the socialist land of the freeloader and home of the depraved.

“He who does not teach his son a trade, teaches him to steal.” – Rabbi Yehuda

“Capitalism makes the rich powerful, while socialism makes the powerful rich.” – Rush Limbaugh

Jesus often admonished those who listened to His lessons to either believe or reject Him.  “let those who have eyes to see and ears to hear know the truth.”  Leftists often use mockery to demean the truth speaker in the eyes of their ignorant followers.  Only the true zealots will adhere to the lies rather than begin their own examination of the facts to determine the truth.

It is only when a liberal mind is opened to read beyond the headlines and examine the full story in depth along with opposing opinions that their minds are truly set free to learn.  This is what happened to me over the course of my life from voting for Jimmy Carter – twice, to realizing that Republicans are the party of Americanism and that America is a righteous Christian nation that is the greatest good the world has ever known.  I am not in poor company as even Ronaldus Magnus and Donald Trump were both Democrats when they were young and ignorant.

Veritas Invictus – Dominus Illuminatio Mea

What do liberals expect to find in the Mueller report that came up empty?  Like taxes, all they can do is create innuendoes and implications through false assumptions over erroneous facts.  Democrats will not allow the immigration system they broke to be repaired because they will profit from seeding illegals in blue states they lost to flip the next election.  This must be done by presidential order.

Europe has found out that importing Islamo-nazis was a big mistake as they are now trying to terrorize and colonize Europe.  In America, citizens have already realized that Democrats importing Latino-communists is not going to make America great but tear it down.  Even Rome discovered that in times of extreme crisis during great invasions that the republic must be under a dictator for a time to save them.

Democrats try to make hay over Republicans who say they are armed to teeth and have a trillion bullets as if they are threatening to overthrow the government to establish Trump as dictator.  No.  That’s a lie!  Republicans are responding to Democrats threats to disarm them as Hitler did the German people to cement his tyranny over them.  They claim to have a right to disarm good citizens because they declare any speech critical of Democrats to be “racist hate-speech.”

Democrats are doing the same thing as Hitler blaming law-abiding citizens of the NRA for mass shootings all committed by leftist criminals, terrorists, and maniacs.  Again, it is a case of blaming the victims for the crimes that Democrats commit.  Leftists always try to portray events as if they occur in a vacuum so that they can color them as they wish rather than reveal the truth.

Donald Trump isn’t about corrupting Republican values, but about defeating the Democrat Nazi Communist Party.  He is not leading us away from the values of Lincoln but revitalizing them.  As the new righteous leader of the TEA Party movement, he is fighting to restore those values that Democrats have sought to destroy ever since we took their slaves away the first time.  What liberals fail to understand is that both sides in a conflict use the same weapons.  The reason they use those weapons – one for conquest, the other for defense – is the deciding factor of which is right and which is wrong.

It is important to understand the motivations so as not to be deceived or misinterpret their intentions.  Trump and Hitler used similar words for similar policies, but they were opposites.  There is a mountain of evidence of Obama being an anti-American Moslem socialist that is being ignored by leftwing media striving to distract people from the truth with their fake news.

America is in turmoil because Democrats are waging a not so stealthy war against the Constitution and this insurgency must be crushed or this great nation of liberty will be lost!

Avengers Endgame and the Epic Battle Between Good and Evil

The Democrat Strategy on the Mueller Report

The Mueller Report Will Continue to Arm the Anti-Trump Forces

Mueller Report Subpoena Will Test Our Criminal Justice System

They said the same thing about Trump accepting the results of the election in 2016 and in 2017 they initiated a coup to overthrow him.

Informative Articles:

The Delusional World of Liberalism

Trump Guilty of Collusion! Hillary Anointed President!

Why the Left is Manufacturing Racist Hate Crimes

Democrats have STOLEN the Moral High Ground

Refuting global warming science is elementary

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[Author’s Note: Ok, this was one of my longest articles, but the ground covered was necessary to really dissect the subject.  I am a one man show not getting paid for this and can’t take time to be perfect.  So, if you see any typos, grammar, word, or syntax errors please let me know because even the computer can’t catch everything.  The Democrat Party is deliberately deceiving people in order to sink the ship with the hope of making landfall with themselves as the command crew.  Liberals are the passengers who are at a loss with many drowning in the process.  I recently saw the movie “Passengers” again which is one of the greatest marooned stories ever told and was reminded of the Drowning Man Syndrome.  The drowning man will become desperate and lose all rational thought to reach out and grab any other swimmer for salvation often dragging them down with him.  This perfectly describes the mentality of Democrats and liberals in America today.  President Trump is striving to right the ship and repair the damage.  But Democrats will do all in their power to sabotage him.  Anyone who helps him is their enemy and they must dupe those who are drowning into believing that saving the ship will not save them.  Like cruise ships that have tainted food or stories of food chains having contaminated meats, everything must be suspect.  America is all races and cultures in the world uniting to become Americans.  Democrats don’t want Americans united in liberty but divided in servitude to the ruling elites.  America is in trouble, Democrats are at war with Republicans again, and the fate of their slaves and the free peoples of the USA are at stake.]

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Posted in Democratic socialism, Elections 2020, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socialism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Democrats have STOLEN the Moral High Ground

Democrats stealing the moral high ground is like stolen valor.  Stolen valor is when a pretender tells strangers he is a war veteran.  People like Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT) and Nathan Phillips falsely claim to be Vietnam veterans when neither was ever deployed overseas.  Both have also falsely accused Republicans and teenagers of being racists.  This is a microcosm of the entire Democrat Party and their declaration that they are the righteous.  They steal moral authority by damning all conservative Christians as demonic.

Their self-righteous hypocrisy not only leaves them exposed as entirely two-faced but fuels their campaign to destroy the righteous.  They have convinced young minds full of mush that the world is going to end in a few years.  Chiquita Khrushchev is so invested in Democrat fictional dogma that she grilled a Western Union Bank CEO about “why do you finance companies that cage children?”  This kind of stupidity is explained by what she believes to be intelligent moral thought;

AOC – “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned with being precisely and factually and semantically correct than about being morally right.”

i.e. If you don’t agree with AOC’s false facts in broken sentences then you are immoral.

“There is no such thing as an ‘illegal human.’” – Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)

Nobody says that, you stupid cow!  There are such things as humans who commit illegal acts that are called crimes such as sneaking into the country to dodge identification, taxes, and medical exams, making them criminals.

Gillibrand will give Social Security away to illegal aliens

Global Warming pollution is racist: “While the air pollution the U.S. has gotten cleaner in the past decade, pollution inequity has remained high. The air that Americans breathe is not equal. Blacks and Hispanics disproportionately breathe air that’s been polluted by non-Hispanic whites, according to a study. This new research quantifies for the first time the racial gap between who causes air pollution and who breathes it. These findings confirm what most grassroots environmental justice leaders have known for decades, ‘whites are dumping their pollution on poor people and people of color…’” – Texas Southern University Public Affairs Prof. Robert Bullard

Refuting global warming science is elementary

This is the kind of insanity and public stupidity that Democrats view as “moral.”  The leftists of the Democrat Party say they hold the high moral ground over Republican conservative Christians.  How can this be when the Democrat Party is morally bankrupt?  They openly endorse post-birth abortions, aka infanticide, aka infant sacrifice, aka murdering babies.  They openly endorse subsidizes illegal aliens invading the country, taking money, and stealing voting right away from citizen taxpayers.  They openly endorse atheism and Islamism against Christianity and Judaism.  (If you think that Christianity and Judaism are contrary then you forget that Jesus is a Jew.)  They openly endorse racism, fascism, and climate change indoctrination scams while declaring themselves to be unbigoted, tolerant, and educational.  So how do they so blatantly declare themselves to be morally superior?  Easy.  They steal it.

Tucker Carlson rips Democrat “morality”

Tucker tears into Democrat’s illegal immigrant immorality and climate change scam

The leftwing media is desperately trying to warn Democrats they are being too open and honest about who they truly are.  Moral people are not liars and thieves as are all socialists.  The Democrat’s propaganda ministry of leftwing media speaks these big lies over and over and over declaring them to be morally righteous.  But when Democrats come out in the open and tell the people their true intentions most Americans recoil in horror.  That’s because living in the greatest free nation in the history of the world is not lost even on idiots.

The left makes every lie they tell the premise by which they attempt to force Republicans to debate.  Creating false premises only fools the ignorant which is why they must indoctrinate the young into their ideology rather than educate them to critical thinking.  They drill them with the idea that critical thinking involves accepting lies on their face value rather than examining the facts in depth.  But the problem for the right is that most Americans are ignorant.  Claiming the moral high ground by stealing it is immoral in and of itself.  What Democrats call moral and immoral are opposites of what righteous hearts know to be morally true.

Building walls for protection is not immoral.  Illegal immigration to steal from citizens and legal immigrants is immoral.  Sneaking into someone else’s country, lying about being a refugee, expecting benefits, and demanding your children be taught in your home language with your home culture is inherently immoral.  Opening the border of the nation to drug dealers and criminals is immoral.  Everything Democrats say and do is the opposite of morality.  They endorse the glorification of gangsters by justifying their crimes as revenge for past injustices.  They assist drug dealers in giving poison to citizens to kill thousands every year.  What do Democrats ever say or do that is not immoral, anti-American, or a lie?  How does anyone see them as morally righteous in any way?

The Immorality of Socialism, Atheism, and Islamism:

That Democrats are the party of immorality is inherent in their nature that they lie as conmen, steal as thieves, and justify crimes rather than abide by a moral code.  Democrat Beto O’Rourke who lost to Ted Cruz says that “walls are immoral, walls kill people.”  What kind of blithering idiot stupidity like this can be believed by any intelligent human being?  Beto was actually challenged as Obama wasn’t for speaking in platitudes like Obama always did rather than explaining policy as Trump did and he fell on his face.

There’s nothing moral about Democrats and their ideology of socialism.  Socialism is imposed by force or by fraud.  Socialism is tyranny.  Socialism is stealing.  Socialism is slavery.  To say that socialism is anything else is a lie.  Democrats have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are two-faced heathens killing American babies while coddling foreign invaders and filling children’s heads with irrational fears about climate change in order to impose socialism on the unwitty.

What are just a few of the most ignominious beliefs of leftist Democrats that demonstrate how morally bankrupt and intellectually vacant they are?

  • Illegal immigrants improve the American economy and culture.
  • Locking your door at night is racist, hateful, and an act of unreasonable fear.
  • White male pollution causes climate change killing all life on the planet for their greed.
  • Blacks who were never slaves owed compensation by whites who never owned slaves.
  • All sex between men and women, including marital sex, is rape.
  • Islam is a religion of peace, Christianity is a religion of fascism.

Democrats like Don Lemon of CNN say that white men are the ones who brought evil to the world.  This racism is dismissed by liberals who say blacks can’t be racist.  How those like Lemon who enjoy the benefits of living in America can scorn those who created this great nation would be a mystery for those who know anything about history.  If it weren’t for white men, Don Lemon would be running around in Africa in a diaper chucking spears at rabbits.  If it weren’t for white men, Africans would be wondering if they would live to the ripe old age of forty.  If it weren’t for white men, Africa would still be in the stone age.

They fictionalize slavery as only being imposed by white men when it is a fact of life in all cultures and is still practiced in Africa today by Africans.  A few Europeans with guns never had the power to invade and enslave Africans.  They ignore the cold hard truth that their ancestors were sold into slavery by their tribal chieftains in exchange for beads and baubles.  They ignore the cold hard fact that Africans were enslaving Europeans long before Europeans went to Africa.  Slavery has never been a “white thing.”  Socialists, Islamists, and atheists believe in enslaving those who refuse to submit to their rule.  There was even a poll at UCLA in which students expressed their willingness to imprison Republicans in concentration camps.  And they think the far right are the Nazis.

Blacks invaded and enslaved Europeans long before Europeans enslaved Africans

UCLA students sign Nazi petition to put conservatives in concentration camps

Leftist Deceptions and Blame

Leftists are up in arms over the shooting in New Zealand by a leftist they identify as a “white nationalist who hates immigrants” whom they claim is a rightwing Trumpist.  This “new kind of terror by Christians” is hailed by the left as proof that the right is wrong!  Fifty dead Moslems killed by a leftist who is no different than their jihadis is no proof of anything except that the left is never right.  After Islamist jihadis have spent the last two decades murdering over 500,000 people around the world they expect us to bow and scrape to them over this?

Rush Limbaugh: Last night, CNN Tonight with Don Lemon. Trump was blamed immediately for the New Zealand shooting. Columnist for The Intercept, which is a website, Mehdi Hasan about the mosque shooting in New Zealand. Don Lemon said, “You said before that this kind of thing is personal to you and that it speaks to the violence that’s going on in our culture.”

HASAN: I think, uh, to kind of talk about the story we talked about before in terms of Trump’s rhetoric as well. Western governments for far too long have turned a blind eye to domestic terrorism — to domestic, far-right terrorism. We know from the stats here in the U.S. that there are more attacks, more casualties from domestic terrorist groups, far-right groups than there are, quote-unquote, “jihadist” or “Islamist groups.”

You have Muslim victims of terrorism tonight in New Zealand. Um, I mentioned the attack in Quebec City shortly after Trump was inaugurated. Is there someone out there tonight who’s going to hear Trump’s rhetoric and act on it? Less than six months ago we know one of his big supporters sent pipe bombs in the mail to dozens of people who Trump had personally attacked and demonized. We know that lots of far-right attackers have claimed to be Trump supporters in recent months.

RUSH: No, we don’t know that! This is all made up! We don’t know this! This is their pipe dream. The idea that there is far more crazed, right-wing terrorism in America than there is any other kind is nothing more than a media narrative manufactured out of whole cloth, and it’s just waiting for events like this to take place. And this is what happens, folks.

You probably get up and you see this news story, and, in addition to all this emotion, you have over the sheer shock, terror, and horror of it all, then you realize you’re gonna face a whole day of the politicization of it. You realize you’re gonna face a whole day of Donald Trump or you being blamed for it or things you believe in being blamed for it. And then you know there are gonna be the routine attacks on the National Rifle Association, and we can thank Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for opening that door.  …she takes here a horrific attack in New Zealand to try to demonize the NRA, which isn’t even in New Zealand.

When are they going to condemn Islamist jihadis?  Moslems should be used to being massacred by jihadis as half the people they’ve killed are Muslims who refuse to join the Jihad.  Why do they want to blame Christians?  This is not in violation of the Koran but in keeping with the teachings of Muhammad.  If anything, modern jihadis are attempting a reformation of their own to bring Islam back to its fundamental teachings.

Christians crushed the Inquisition, Moslems endorse the Jihad

Mohammad – The First Terrorist and his death cult of self-imposed brainwashing

The Reader’s Digest version of Mohammad and Islam

Why would a leftist commit this act of terrorism against his own?  Because he knew the media would blame Trump and his Republicans.  This is just like the Jussie Smollett case of a fake hate crime except this guy carried it to the extreme.  Leftists demanding Trump condemn white nationalism that they say he promotes is just more smoke and mirrors to blame Republicans for the evil that the left does.  There are no rightwing hate crimes.  There are no rightwing terror attacks.  There are no rightwing efforts to stifle free speech.  There are no rightwing riots.  All of the violence being perpetrated is by the left and the only time the righteous become violent is in self-defense which the left immediately portrays as the perpetrators.

Trump condemns NZ terror attack, leftists condemn Trump as supporting white nationalism

Why the Left is Manufacturing Racist Hate Crimes

Betrayal by RINOs Posing as Conservatives

When Democrats say they are for America, they mean they are for themselves being the rulers of America.  When Democrats say they are for capitalism, they mean they are for you making more money so they can then take more of it from you.  When Democrats say they are for helping refugees, they mean they endorse lawbreakers who steal from American taxpayers.  There are words to describe people like AOC who believe absolutely, unconditionally in what they believe while being completely devoid of facts or proof.  These people are called zealots, fanatics, jihadis, radicals, extremists, and psychotics.  They use terms like these to describe Republicans for one simple reason – the pathological liar’s first defense is to cast doubt on the righteous by calling them a liar.  This confuses those who are oblivious because they are ignorant of the facts.  That’s why education is of paramount importance!

Liberal; “Don’t correct me.”

Conservative; “Don’t be wrong.”

Liberals use elitist colleges to recruit for the Deep State

The scandal of liberals buying their children’s way into elite universities as their ticket into the Deep State is just a part of how deeply Democrats have corrupted this nation.  The education system and entertainment industries are measures of how deeply they’ve got their claws into this nation’s culture of corruption.  Just the last bill passed by Democrats in their effort to stop Trump from re-establishing America as the land of liberty reveals just how much Americans have been duped.  “Believe none of what Democrats say and only half of what Republicans say” cannot be made of greater import.

How many Republicans have betrayed this nation by siding with Democrats in their quest for ultimate control?  As in “Captain America:Winter Soldier,” the left uses subterfuge to infiltrate and sabotage the righteous.  This is made supremely evident in Republicans that we trusted like;

  • Jeff Sessions who, as Trump’s AG, allowed the fraudulent Mueller investigation to blossom while refusing to prosecute the many Democrat crimes from the fraudulent FISA warrant on down and allowed his senate seat to go to a Democrat
  • Paul Ryan who abandoned his post along with 45 other Republicans to yield the House to Democrats
  • and the likes of others like John McCain who went to his grave cursing Republicans while working with Democrats.

These 13 Republican Representatives and 12 Senators in which the people held such high hopes betrayed this nation by siding with Democrats against President Trump securing our southern border:

Representatives: Michigan Rep. Justin Amash, Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher, Washington Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, Texas Rep. Will Hurd, South Dakota Rep. Dusty Johnson, Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie, Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Florida Rep. Francis Rooney, Wisconsin Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, Michigan Rep. Fred Upton, Oregon Rep. Greg Walden


  • Roy Blunt
  • Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
  • Susan Collins (R-ME)
  • Mike Lee (R-UT)
  • Mitt Romney (R-UT)
  • Jerry Moran (R-KS)
  • Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
  • Rand Paul (R-KY)
  • Rob Portman (R-OH)
  • Marco Rubio (R-FL)
  • Pat Toomey (R-PA)
  • Roger Wicker (R-MS)

The defections of Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul for whom Americans had such high hopes were especially stinging.  That Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were part of the Deep State is no surprise along with Portman, Murkowski, and Collins.  The worst was Sessions’ betrayal.  All seemed to be such solid conservatives.  These are just examples of how well some leftists can infiltrate the right to sabotage it from within.  Any claims that they are going against Trump “to prevent Democrats from using the same system to corrupt the nation” is totally bogus as Democrats have already done so through Obama and openly plan more.

Meet the 13 Republican Reps who are working with Democrats against Trump

12 GOP Senators vote against Trump’s border security

Most pundits do a piss poor job in confronting Democrats who twist words and warp language presenting false narratives amidst false allegations within false accusations and false assumptions based on innuendos and implications.  They let the leftist assertions stand rather than correct the record.  Debating Democrats is so difficult because they tell so many lies in one minute it takes ten minutes to refute them.  This author can take one sentence of a Democrat’s statements and it requires writing a paragraph to explain the many ways in which they are wrong.  One paragraph of a Democrat’s talking points can require a dissertation on how everything he said is wrong.  President Trump wisely refuses to debate Democrats on their terms.  That bank CEO responded to AOC’s outrageous assertion that they never cage children.  Never accept a leftist’s premise.

Their desire to unmake the Constitution, do away with the Electoral College, and pack the Supreme Court with enough liberals to overwhelm Constitutionalists is just a taste of how much they despise America.  The Constitution is our laws that protect us even from government.  The Electoral College prevents ballot box stuffing through voter fraud by states that want to dominate all others.  The Supreme Court adjudicates American law when violated by leftist activist judges.  To pack it with liberals would enable Democrats to make being a Republican, a conservative, or a Christian a crime.  How could any American support these designs?  Only the very narrow, extreme left of democratic socialists and liberal fascists do so.  What Democrats have done is make their party the party of the small percentage of America haters bolstered by imported Latino-communists and Islamo-nazis.

  • If you believe Americans should condone infant sacrifice to the Satanic Temple, vote Democrat.
  • If you believe Americans should live under Sharia law, vote Democrat.
  • If you believe Americans should live under a communist dictatorship, vote Democrat.
  • If you believe that the Republican Party is composed of “Alt-Right Neo-Nazi Klansmen,” sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic bigots, then you have already been totally brainwashed and lost your mind. Even Forrest Gump knows what socialism is.
  • What does the KKK, Black Panthers, BLM, Antifa, any Islamist Jihadi group, anti-Christian atheists, neo-Nazis, Communists, and every fascist group have in common? They are all leftwing Democrats.

Democrats should be a distant memory for this, yet they are winning despite being completely anti-America.  In openly displaying their true nature it is thought they would be committing suicide but instead they are increasing!  The party that created Antifa thugs, Black Lives Matter police assassins, ISIS in America, and Latino-communist invaders is gaining ground.  The people who blame every mass shooting on the right when every last one has been committed by leftists, the people who invented bigotry and witch-hunting to destroy Christians, who created the #MeToo Movement to entrap conservatives but ended up taking down their own, the people who riot in the streets then declare that guns must be taken from Republicans to keep people safe are the ones who say they are the morally righteous.

In Marvel’s latest movie in the Avenger series, “Captain Marvel,” Superhero Carol Danvers is introduced.  She was duped by the Kree into believing she was fighting an evil invader only to learn she was aiding tyrannical conquerors.  You would think that even actors would come to realize how the left has been duping them with such great examples of how easily people can be misled if they are ignorant.  But no.  Instead, most embrace their ignorance and join with the deceivers to do their bidding.  This is how Hitler did it.  This is how Stalin did it.  And this is how Mao did it.  Today it is in America and the Democrats are doing it.

Morally intelligent people must wonder if these leftists can even smell the crap that spews out of their mouths and how liberals believe they are righteous when this crap fills their heads?  Must America fall into darkness before these liberal lemmings see the light?  After they jump off the cliff it will be too late to change their minds.

Twisted Democrat morality on crime

False Premise that any criticism of leftists is racist

The Feminazi Rat Pack on Cover of Rolling Stone

Democrat Terrorists Create Phony Republican Racism to Justify Their Hate

Liberal Values Ruining TV/Movies: Rewriting History in new “Robin Hood” Movie

More Backwards Liberal Thinking – Congress Paving the Way for Illegal Aliens

Leftists turn America’s superheroes against righteous patriots

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Investigate Trump’s finances?  Investigate Congress’ finances!

Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) has started the destruction of the Trump family.  He has launched an assault that isn’t a prosecution, isn’t a witch-hunt, and isn’t even a persecution.  He is conducting a Communist-style backwards liberal search for evidence of any kind of crime for which he has first declared President Trump to be guilty!  This is NOT American justice!  This is Nazi persecution!  This is the Democrat Party of 21st century America and President Trump had better get off his posterior and take these people down in the most brutal ways!  The Democrat’s goal is not to impeach Trump as that they cannot achieve in their wildest fantasies, but to destroy Donald Trump and his family when they leave office so that no one ever dares go against Washington elites again.  Nadler thinks he can convince the people that Trump is a criminal and that Democrats are not trying to steal the election.  More like he had better work to convince the people not to shoot his traitorous totalitarian ass!  Why isn’t President Trump nuking this evil scum?

Nadler launches Nazi persecution to destroy Trump family by 2025

Rush Limbaugh: Jerry Nadler says, “We have to get the facts. We’ll see where the facts lead. Maybe that will lead to impeachment; maybe it won’t.” Wait a minute. If there aren’t any facts, then why are you doing this? Just like with Mueller. He wasn’t given a crime, and so this special counsel investigation became a counterintelligence investigation, and counterintelligence investigations do not seek out crimes, which is why this whole thing has been a gigantic hoax. But when did it start that just because you don’t like somebody, you can begin mass subpoena requests to “get the facts”?

In 2016, Donald Trump was accused of being a fascist.  He was accused of fomenting insurrection for not accepting defeat before the election.  Pundits declared “he endangered America’s ‘democracy’” in doing so.  Now, two years later, Hillary & Co. have not only refused to accept the outcome of the election but have been staging a coup attempting to overthrow America’s rightfully elected President.  America is NOT a democracy but a republic.  Democracies are easily corrupted by ballot box stuffing voter fraud and always degenerate into tyrannies of socialist elitism.

Now that Mueller’s two-year anal probe of Trump-Russia collusion has netted nothing but a pile of garbage persecutions of Trump supporters, Democrats are calling for an investigation into Trump’s entire financial history to look for anything they can call a crime.  Hillary couldn’t even understand the simple case of Trump losing $1B on a casino (which is easy for those who have the intelligence to understand simple math knowing that it has to be built first.)  If they are going to commit this crime against a sitting, duly elected president, then let them reap the whirlwind!

Every last Democrat’s finances should be examined with the same microscopic anal probe that is being used against President Trump.  Rep. Adam “Shifty” Schiff and his cohorts of Democrats calling for this investigation into every last scintilla of Donald Trump’s life is committing an absolute violation of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution.  These Democrats are committing a Constitution felony federal crime and treason at the same time!  No one has investigated Hillary or especially Obama who withheld many major personal documents from public scrutiny including his birth certificate, college transcripts, and employment records.  (A doctored copy of a birth certificate was produced after his second election.)

Democrats launch a subpoena cannon in search of crimes to fit their false accusations

Rush Limbaugh: NADLER: Our goal is to hold the administration accountable for the obstruction of justice, the abuse of power, and the corruption. We have to find out what’s been going on and we have to lay out a case to the American people and reveal it, because we have not seen an administration in a long time prior to this and we see so many attacks on the rule of law, attacks on the Justice Department, attacks on the press, attacks on the judiciary, the attacks on the norms that we depend upon to maintain democratic government.

RUSH: And what the hell is he talking about? Well, I can tell you one thing. When he says “attacks on the Justice Department,” he considers it to be obstruction of justice every time Trump has referred to the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt. That equals obstruction of justice. That is the president attempting to stop Mueller. That’s the president attempting to taint Mueller. And these attacks on the press. Now, the thing that Nadler conveniently omits or forgets here is that Trump doesn’t attack anybody. Trump reacts and he responds.

If a president saying he doesn’t like the media because of what they report on him is a crime, then Obama should be in prison!  Is it a crime to point out media lies by calling them fake news, or is it a crime for the news media to report propaganda lies to the people?  Is it a crime to point out that these Democrat prosecutors and investigators are not pursing evidence to prove a crime, but persecutions to create a crime?  As has been said, this is NOT America justice!  This is Nazi persecution and why isn’t President Trump bringing charges against these Nazis for violating the 4th Amendment of American law?

The old lie that America’s government does not persecute the defeated political opposition is being proven false as Democrats not only persecute the victors but now work to persecute all Republicans for voting against them by overthrowing the president they chose.  Most members of Congress did not enter their offices as millionaires, but all of them have become multi-millionaires.  It has been revealed that Congress has a slush fund of taxpayer dollars with which to pay off any women, men, or boy and girls molested by congresspeople to keep them quiet.  Schiff, the shifty little troll who wants to do the microscopic anal probe of Donald Trump’s life and finances, is known from a leak to have paid off a boy he molested.

What does he think he will find that an army of IRS agents hasn’t?  He’s only looking for any excuse to make bogus accusations against Trump.  Let the people see the records of Shifty along with all the financial records of everyone in Congress for the past fifty years!  If they are going to examine Donald Trump’s finances throughout his life, then they should suffer the same investigation and answer for what will doubtless be their many crimes.  Democrats in Congress have given themselves platinum pensions, Cadillac healthcare, and a judicial pass to commit insider trading while also using taxpayer funds to subsidize their business investments.  Talk about a cornucopia of criminals!

Americans are fed up and furious over the breaches by Democrats and the lack of action by deposed AG Sessions who made no investigations of those who defrauded the FISA court.  If President Trump is blocked from bringing charges against these criminals and traitors, then how is he going to overcome Democrat voter fraud in 2020?  Leftists are no doubt piling up stashes of provisional ballots with which to stuff ballot boxes in swing states in the hopes of stealing back the presidency.  How many Democrats are turned away at the polls told they cannot vote?  Is it because Republicans are racists as Democrats claim?  Or is it because Democrats have already cast fraudulent votes in their names?  Why is it Democrats never allow investigations into voter fraud and fight to deny voters ID laws?

Democrats will then use their power to criminalize Donald Trump for daring to bust into their tyrant club.  Why is it that Democrats can freely persecute Republicans, but Republicans do not prosecute Democrats for the real crimes they are known to have committed?  There is no possible way that Donald Trump could be voted out of office when he is doing a superior job of making America great again than even the great Ronaldus Magnus did.  Democrats are already calling him a tyrant who won’t accept the results of the 2020 election.  Should America surrender to the radical left that wants to destroy this nation?

Democrat Hypocrisy is Impossible When They’re Naturally Two-Faced

The Feminazi Rat Pack on Cover of Rolling Stone

Democrats Prove Themselves Wrong

McCabe and Mr. Mueller – A Democrat Coup Exposed

President Trump’s State of the Union vs. the Democrat Response

More Backwards Liberal Thinking – Congress Paving the Way for Illegal Aliens

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Why the Left is Manufacturing Racist Hate Crimes

As a Professor Emeritus of the Limbaugh Institute in the College of Advanced Conservative Studies, I am uniquely qualified to dissect and explain the dysfunctional mentality of liberalism.  The reason they manufacture these frauds of Trump Republicans as racists committing hate crimes is because they are not happening.  But they, in their psychosis, must pretend that they are occurring.  Thus, they create these fictional attacks to dupe the unwitty among them and the leftist media projects these tales to the public as if they are legitimate.  They are always exposed within a day and by the end of the week the con has been laid bare as the fairy tale of a deranged leftist hater.  But by the time that occurs the leftwing media has moved on to a new slander with which to attack the righteous.

Liberal Derangement Syndrome is a real mental illness.  It is the mental state of the weak-minded to believe the first lie they hear without question.  It is the mental state of the hateful to manufacture lies.  It is the mental state of the immature to adhere to illogical, emotional, dysfunctional beliefs.  Liberalism is a mental illness that is a debilitating sickness from which almost half of adults suffer.  What makes it insidious is that they don’t recognize their dysfunction.  They believe they are intelligent and make good moral sense in their own minds.  This leads to great difficulty in educating them to see beyond their own noses.  “Can’t see the forest for the trees” is a wise old saying that applies to liberalism that they can’t comprehend.

“Just as you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, you can tell a liberal the truth, but you can’t make him think.” – Dustin Koellhoffer

Arrogant Millennials Indoctrinated to Reject Wisdom as Obsolete

This psychotic behavior begins with their emotional response to being told they are wrong.  It is a learned behavior from childhood when they found they could evoke sympathy for themselves by telling lies to unwitting bystanders and escape the consequences of their wrongdoing.  Lying to conceal their own mistakes, making their lies believable to others, is how liberals develop a mental state in which they believe their own lies.  This is known as Mythomania or Pathological Lying.  This is especially true of Hollywood liberals whose job is lying convincingly pretending to be heroes.  Is it of interest that most some 80%-90% of military people are Christian conservatives but that 80%-90% of Hollywood and media people are atheist liberals?

Liars have learned that the best defense is offense.  When caught lying, their first response is to accuse those telling the truth of being liars.  They warp and twist the facts into illogical conundrums to confuse the issue and dupe those who cannot think better than themselves.  When half the world smears Christians, good-hearted people who believe in the teachings of Jesus the Christ, and paints them as demons of evil, there are no depths to which they will not stoop to delude those who lack a moral compass.  Deception is their number one tool.  Only a mature, knowledgeable person who knows both sides of an argument and the facts on which they are based can discern the truth.  That doesn’t mean that everyone can’t be fooled, but it does mean that only some of them can be fooled all the time.

Leftist media slanderers repeatedly prove they lack olfactory senses making them incapable of smelling the sh*t that comes out of their mouths.  Why do they instantly rush to judgment rather than withhold a story until they have confirmation?  They used to use the term “alleged,” but now they avow reports lacking any evidence.  They do not do this because they are being duped.  They are the perpetrators who promote these deceptions.  They get away with this because they rely on the short attention span of their oblivious viewers to advance their cause.  From week to week they manufacture new lies to distract, disrupt, and divide the people keeping Democrat haters in constant state of agitation and keeping some Republicans off balance disputing them.

Only by being exposed to the truth of the arguments from both sides can the moral person come to a rightful conclusion.  The leftist relies on instilling a bias against the truth in order to fool the unwary.  That’s why they constantly smear FOX News as “biased” when that network alone actually present both sides fairly.  When the leftwing media present the “facts” of the righteous they always do so through a false premise by which to slander them.  When they object to rightwing media presenting the truth, they use phony arguments to “disprove” them.  The leftist media is not biased because they are not journalists.  They are activists promoting Democrat propaganda.  In order to avoid being the dupe of leftist deceptions one must learn to reserve judgement until all the facts are examined.

Pelosi deletes tweet that supported Smollett’s hate crime lie

Leftist Fictional Hate Crimes

The number of hate crime scams being committed by the left has been increasing exponentially as President Trump works determinedly to beat back the forces of darkness and make America stronger, safer, and more productive.  When they say Donald Trump is the driving force behind racism in America, they are half correct.  It is true that he is their driving force, but the racism that is being generated is all by the Democrats.  They manufacture lies of hate crimes by Trump Republicans wearing MAGA caps that they color in their minds as KKK hoods because those crimes are not happening.

In their self-perpetuating delusions they declare that they are happening, but that people just don’t know about them because they’re not in the news.  If the media found an actual racist hate crime committed by a single Trump supporter, they would glom onto that like a tick on a dog and suck it till the dog’s desiccated body fell lifeless to the ground.  They would then perform the ultimate act of bigotry declaring that ALL Trump supporters are the same as the individual who committed the crime.

Greg Gutfeld crushes leftist hate crimes of false narratives

The Jussie Smollett hate crime against Trump Republicans is a case study in leftist deception, delusion, and derangement.  The liberal Democrat gay black actor went to the extremes of hiring two foreign black men to pretend to be white men wearing MAGA caps assaulting him while yelling racist, anti-homosexual slurs declaring, “This is MAGA country!”  The leftwing media took this bag of fairy gold and ran with it to the bank only to find they were holding a bag of sand.  Will any of them apologize to America for their lies?  Will these Democrats, who yell “Shame” at Republicans doing what is righteous, admit that they are shameful ones?

The axiom of the conman is “die with the lie.”  That means that they will NEVER admit they are wrong.  They will NEVER admit that they lie.  They will NEVER understand the lesson of Pinocchio.  And they will never stop hating the righteous for speaking the truth about them.  The left’s hate is the foundation of their anti-white racism.  White privilege, white nationalism, white supremacy as Christian Republican conservative ideology is their fictional construct to justify their own bigotry.  Their adoption of victimhood has warped their minds to the extent that they even call black conservatives “white supremacists.”  Liberals are so invested in their evil that they will forgive racists and rapists in their own midst while simultaneously judging conservatives for the least transgression and condemning them.

Deranged Trump hater pulls gun on MAGA hat wearing Republican

The true hate crimes in America are these leftists making false crime reports of racist attacks and rapes.  They tell these phony stories and, when they are exposed, they cry that though their story is false “it represents what actually happening in America.”  NO, IT ISN’T!  If it were actually happening, then there would be no need for frauds!  This bears repeating over and over that Democrats are frauds.  From root to fruit they are poison.  The entire Democrat meme that Republicans are racists is a black lie that has no basis in fact or reality!  It is a deception created to warp people’s minds that they believe because they choose to.

Spreading lies about others is considered so heinous that it is one of the Ten Commandments of God:

Commandment #9: “Thou shalt NOT bear false witness against thy neighbor!”

Democrat deceivers, liberal dupes, and leftist activists are not lost souls seeking redemption striving to live in righteousness.  They love their own lies.  Their hearts are twisted, and they would become that which twisted them.  Their souls are corrupted, and they embrace that corruption rather than strive against it.  They curse God as evil for sending their ilk to Hell.  The truth is that God doesn’t “send” anyone to Hell – they choose it!

Truth in Media

The key to understanding what is happening in America today is a moral war between the left fighting for depravity to smear the righteous.  Comprehending this conflict between the left vs. the right is the beginning of learning moral wisdom.  Wisdom is the sum of intelligence guided by experience fortified by knowledge founded in morality.  It is wise to believe none of what Democrats say and only half of what Republicans say.  Socrates taught me to question everything.  Examine the facts for yourself.  All people bring their bias to an argument and half of them deceive themselves.  Take to heart the teachings of Siddhartha – don’t let others tell you how to think or what to believe.  A righteous man can be wrong, but a wicked person is rarely right just as there are some police who are corrupt but there are few criminals who do good.

President Trump has called the fake news the enemy of the people and in they’re warped minds they reinterpret this to mean President Trump called journalism the enemy of the people.  Liberals constantly conflate what is good with the evil they embrace, e.g. conflating illegal aliens with legal immigrants then declaring that Republicans are against immigrants when they are only against illegal aliens.  This is purposeful to deceive people and they keep saying the same lies over and over following the Big Lie theory of Goebbels that if you repeat a lie big enough, often enough that eventually it will become the truth to people.  People are so thoroughly duped that lies become their reality and they fall for the same ploys that have been used throughout history.  That is why education in history is of paramount importance.  Technology has advanced over the ages, but people are the same today as they were two thousand years ago.

Definition of Insanity – doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, i.e. trying to prove a lie in which one believes to be the truth.

The leftist media calls any conservative site that exposes the truth “conspiracy theorists.”  Part of that farce is because the government will not investigate Democrat crimes.  President Trump is unable to force this issue because half of Republicans would join with Democrats to impeach him if he did.  This would create a Constitutional Crisis that would result in a second revolution to overthrow the tyrants in Washington.  The slow transition to weed out RINOs is hindered by people being duped by Democrats.  In the past few months the nation has been treated to three major fake news attacks that became debacles for the left;

  • The Kavanaugh Supreme Court Hearings where women accused the nominee of sex crimes  from decades ago until he was confirmed and then all of them recanted.
  • The Covington Christian school kids where the media slandered them as catcalling racial slurs at a Democrat activist only to find in videos it was the Democrats yelling slurs.
  • The Jussie Smollett scam wherein the media immediately condemned President Trump and all Trump supporters as KKK racists conducting a lynching until the police uncovered the truth behind the fiction.

There is no journalism in the leftist media, but it takes their victims holding them to account.  Their two-faced ideology and media subterfuge make holding them accountable for their actions require extreme measures.  Melania Trump successfully sued and won a massive lawsuit against the Daily Mail.  Nicholas Sandmann of Covington who was the focus of slanders and liberals is suing the Washington Post for defamation and he will win.  It takes actions like these before the left may stop to check themselves before they wreck people’s lives.

Being able to see past the liberal lies involves opening one’s mind to the facts that are presented outside the leftist media.  Unfortunately for America, most liberals never hear the truth.  They have been taught not to watch or listen to FOX and people like Rush Limbaugh.  The truth is a foreign country to them.  Truth is like a mountain around which is a road that travels upwards clockwise.  If one continues to turn right, one climbs to the peak and sees enlightenment.  If one turns left, one falls off the cliff to plunge down into the abyss of darkness.

Morally intelligent people don’t turn left.  The reason liberals are like lemmings is because they can easily be misled right off the cliff.  The reason socialism appeals to liberals is because it tempts their basest desire, which is greed.  They are offered an easy life where everything is free, provided for them at the expense of others.  Once they fall into the trap, they find that the elitists they elected to rule over them are the ones who live the lives of ease at the expense of those who lifted them up.

The degree of poison the left has injected into the America psyche can be measured by the number of fraudulent crimes being committed in which they are accusing Trump Republicans or racism.  Compare this versus the number of actual crimes committed by liberal fascists against Trump supporters.  The shooting on the Republican congressional baseball field was just the start of a string of violent attacks by deranged liberal Democrats.  They even attack kids wearing MAGA caps.  Their hate, fear-mongering, and racism of which they accuse the righteous is just a projection of what is deep in their own hearts.  The real hate crime epidemic in America is being committed by the left, by liberal fascist Democrats, against Trump voters and Christians.

A list of many hate crime scams

Praising Criminals, Condemning Heroes – the heart of Liberal Fascism

Their hearts are filled with hate as their minds are filled with lies living in fear of the truth because they are blinded by the light.  That combination leads them to commit the most heinous acts.  Leftists exploit Liberal Derangement Syndrome for their own benefit, and it is the responsibility of the righteous to expose them.  Righteous Americans must teach the ignorant about the evils of leftism that are founded in socialism that breeds greed resulting in fascism, communism, Nazism, and Islamism.  Such ideologies are all determined to destroy civilization founded in Christianity.  It requires not just living right but fighting for what is right.  Being an example is not enough because evil will smear and obscure the truth.  We cannot ever give up or give in because we know that despite all of the evil that is thrown at us that there is good in this world and it’s worth fighting for!

Leftist media doesn’t fall for frauds – they promote them!

CNN can’t let go of the lies

Anti-Defamation League corrupted to become leftist advocate

Conflict of opposites; U.S. Constitutional Law vs. Islamic Sharia Law

[Author’s Note: The sickness of leftism to manufacture and believe their own lies is almost impossible to overcome.  Most people refuse to admit they are wrong for the sake of their own egos.  Falling to the duplicity of socialism is easy for these people who don’t know any better.  Choosing righteousness is hard.  It takes character to choose to be a giver rather than a taker, to be willing to sacrifice rather than demand others feed your greed.  Each of us must choose between what is right and what is easy.

If liberals actually understood that getting jobs from the government means being paid by the taxes of working people, perhaps they wouldn’t be so quick to be a burden on others.  Rather than look for easy desk jobs they should try doing what most of us do who volunteer to serve in the military.  Sign up for the armed forces, law enforcement, or fire/rescue services and risk your life everyday serving your fellow Americans for that paycheck.  This is why the military in America holds such great esteem in the eyes of citizens but is so despised by criminals and America hating socialists.  The people who endorse abortion baby killing call America’s heroes baby killers for only one reason – to besmirch righteousness.

Socialism is a criminal endeavor to con the unwary and steal from the foolish.  This, like the global warming and racism scams are not hoaxing, which denotes some kind of prankster joke that does no harm.  They are intended to do great harm to the righteous by painting them as evil destroyers.  It is the greatness of America that the righteous, like Donald J. Trump, not only stand against socialism but are willing to fight as noble warrior heroes to reveal the truth and keep this nation free.  They serve this country, not as the land of the freeloader and home of the depraved, but as the land of the free and home of the brave.]

“Liberalism is born of ignorance and bred on lies.  Conservatism is born of morality and bred on education.  Moderates are moral people in transition from the immaturity of ignorant liberalism to learned conservatism of adulthood.”

The Face of Evil

How Liberals are like Children

Slandering President Trump as Racist

When MAGA Caps “Trigger” Liberals

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McCabe and Mr. Mueller – A Democrat Coup Exposed

Liberal heads explode as McCabe confesses the Mueller investigation has been a total hoax in a coup attempt against the rightfully elected President Trump. The “walls closing in Trump” just fell over on top of Democrats.

Democrats have openly admitted that the Mueller investigation is a fraud.  Liberal heads are going to explode.  Those of us who have recognized this fact from the beginning are going to sit back and enjoy watching this rerun of the scene from “Kingsman.”

Finding the button telling libs Russian collusion has always been an absolute fraud

Justice is a dish best served smiling.

One of Obama’s disgraced former FBI operatives, Andrew McCabe, wrote a tell-all book detailing how he and his cohorts in the Obama regime attempted to take down President Trump via a coup.  He proudly wants to take credit for their efforts to undermine, sabotage, and depose the rightfully elected President of the United States, Donald Trump.  Now Democrats are laughably scrambling trying to gaslight Republicans saying that they haven’t been doing what they’ve been doing for the past two years – slandering President Trump in an effort to unseat him and anoint Hillary in his place.  Only their lemmings will believe them.  Don’t be surprised in a month when they say they never tried this and you are mistaken to believe they did.

McCabe brags about Russia hoax as their case collapses

As the congressional committee that conducted an investigation of Mueller’s evidence concludes, having examined what he has spent over two years and a hundred million dollars of taxpayer money collecting, they reveal that there is nothing in the testimony or evidence of anyone or anything that has anything to do with any Russian collusion, Russian vote hacking, or crimes of obstruction that were committed by anyone in the Trump team.  Mueller’s investigation is going to be brought to a close with nothing accomplished in deposing President Trump.  But he certainly went to great pains to gather and destroy evidence of the crimes of Hillary and Obama in obtaining a fraudulent FISA warrant with which to spy on the Trump campaign.

Leftwing fanatic Rep. Adam “Shifty” Schiff has vowed to continue to investigate Donald Trump’s entire life with a microscopic anal exam to find some crime somewhere in his financial records with which to charge him.  Aside from this being an extreme violation of the 4th Amendment, common idiots like Schiff have zero understanding of the finances of a billionaire.  Trump no doubt has an entire company of tax lawyers doing his finances every year to find every deduction he can legally take.  A prime example of how ignorant people can easily be duped over any millionaire’s finances was proven by Hillary during the campaign.  When she revealed that Donald Trump had taken a billion-dollar loss on a casino she laughed, “How can anyone lose a billion dollars on a casino,” and liberals were all agog.  The explanation of that is easy for anyone with half a brain.  You spend the first year building a fifty-story hotel in which to house it and deduct the cost of that as a new business.

Democrats in the House that the left took back thanks to RINOs giving them their seats, plus massive voter fraud in blue states using bogus provisional ballots along with giving the vote to felons and foreigners, will now spend the next two years undermining and sabotaging President Trump’s efforts to undo Obama’s socialism and make America great again.  They are making every effort to obstruct him from making America’s border secure.  Democrats are proving they are against the American citizen in favor of imported cheap labor from welfare voter slaves.  President Trump will declare border security being obstructed by Democrats to be a National Emergency.  Hopefully, he won’t allow some pissant liberal judge to obstruct him in court like they did over Moslem immigration as that would be like allowing a lowly judge to break the president’s role as Commander-in-Chief.

President Donald J. Trump is proving to be the greatest American president since George Washington.  No Republican has faced the challenges he faces today by leftwing socialists attempting to overthrow the Constitution to remake America into a socialist banana republic.  His efforts have been steadfast, and his heart has been true to America rather than the globalist elites that want America out of the way so they can rule.  Democrats and their media offer American citizens nothing but lies, scandals, deceptions, and hate.  Their fabrications that the righteous are the racist liars stand exposed to anyone who has eyes to see or ears to hear.  Liberals have nothing to which to cling except the hate in their hearts and the lies in their minds.

Pelosi threatens Trump that Democrat President could declare emergency to seize guns!


President Trump declares building the wall a National Emergency

American Gestapo – Mueller Takes Down Another Trump Supporter

The State of the Union is; Unstable, Volatile, Degenerating

President Trump’s State of the Union vs. the Democrat Response

Stonewalling Trump – Obama Shutdown Offshore Drilling and Coal Mining

Democrats Fight the Noble Cause of Saving the Planet

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AOC – Future Pelosi-in-Training

Socialism is a system of government whereby the elite’s rule over the masses and all wealth belongs first to the rulers.  Capitalism is a system of government whereby people can prosper from their own labor and rise as high as they can through their success.  What leftists teach liberals is that this is exactly opposite.  With a century of history proving leftism is wrong, how do liberals fall into the trap of being so thoroughly duped that they would cut their own throats?  Corporations didn’t become ultra-wealthy by stealing from the poor but by producing products everyone wanted and most could afford.  Socialists seize that wealth for the government rather than allow individuals to rise in society.

When President Trump said at his SOTU, “America will never be a socialist nation,” can we affirm that will be so?  Democrats say they are not socialists, yet at the same time the future of the Democrat Party is founded in people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aka AOC, aka Chiquita Khrushchev, has openly declared she is a devout socialist.  She is the future Nancy Pelosi.  The only difference between Cortez and Pelosi is that AOC has not yet learned to be viciously duplicitous.  Both say the most galactically stupid things, both are leftist control freaks, both have diarrhea of the mouth, and both propose agendas that will destroy America as founded and remake her into a banana republic toilet.

The United States is predicated on the American Dream of prospering from your own labor without government confiscating what you earn.  The history of socialism is a history of the destruction of advanced cultures falling into tyranny in which all wealth is confiscated and people are killed off.  This is usually by revolution but just as often comes of democratic election.  Cuba fell by revolution, while Venezuela voted to become a socialist state.  Both saw their wealth get sucked up by those in power of their new socialist governments.  Never in history has socialism benefited the people yet fools like AOC believe it can be done right.  They always said it could never happen here but America’s future with Democrats is AOC; putting the “galactic” in “stupidity.”

The stupidity of AOC and Pelosi is only exceeded by the foolishness of the lemmings that elected them believing they speak intelligently.  In a sane, intelligent, educated world these and many other Democrats would NEVER be elected to office.  But they are now powerful congresswomen and, despite any scoffing by conservative unbelievers, AOC is the future of the Democrat Party.  Here’s a clue – when someone says something that doesn’t make sense to you, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are speaking so brilliantly that its just over your head.  Half the time they really are just speaking nonsense and voting for them to be lawmakers is just the blind voting for a blind person to lead them.  Cue the cliff.

Cortez says Trump is “scared of socialism”

How Liberals are like Children

The Green New Deal – How Liberal Science Will Save the Planet

Cortez says we have 12 years to save the planet

These are the existential threats to America as seen by Republicans and Democrats:

  • Republican – democratic socialists, liberal-fascists, Islamo-nazis, Latino-communists
  • Democrat – climate change, civilian owned guns, anti-abortion, patriots, capitalism

Democrats are all-in on Socialism

Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi has nothing to be proud of except obtaining power and making herself rich.  Her district of San Francisco is literally a human toilet with homeless illegal aliens pitching tent cities in parks and dumping their waste, including their feces, on the sidewalks and in the streets.  Democrats have given illegal aliens the vote in California and unless the federal government enacts laws against this then that state will continue to literally be a Democrat sh*thole.  Were it not for Democrats in D.C. funneling money to them from productive states like Texas that have growing economies then California, that used to be the nation’s richest state but is now listed as the poorest, would be exactly like Venezuela.

It was Pelosi who said such galactically stupid things like, “For every dollar of unemployment insurance, two are added to the economy.”  Cortez, like Bernie Sanders, is all-in on socialism “sharing the wealth” by taking money from those who work for a living and giving it to those who vote for a living because they are unwilling to work.  These people are not in a symbiotic relationship with the rest of the country.  They are parasites.  They are symbiotes of the Democrat Nazi Communist Party living off of each other by empowering each other.  They vote Democrats into power and Democrats give them scraps off of what they take on which to feed.  A large part of how Democrats obtain taxpayer money by which to subsidize their deadbeat base is through their global warming scam.

AOC declares loudly that the world will end in twelve years unless the United States makes radical adjustments to its use of fossil fuels to eliminate them in ten years.  She expounds on numerous other economic transitions in her Green New Deal that would effectively put the USA back into the 19th century while China becomes the world’s economic superpower.  She talks about replacing all gas-powered cars with electric cars.  Where she thinks Americans will get electricity if she does away with all the coal-fired electric plants when windmills and solar produce only 1% of the nation’s electricity is part of her “genius.”  She would have cars run on wind power, too.  (Picture your car with a sail on the roof.)  Banning cow farts and stopping whale poop used to be considered hysterically insane.  Now Millennials are advocating for those very things and they are gaining power in government in support of their lunacy.

She talks about eliminating airplanes by substituting high speed rail as if that can be built in a decade.  Refitting all houses to use solar panels rather than electric lines is a financial nightmare.  She hopes to achieve “net-zero CO2 emissions.”  This, like ObamaCare being “revenue neutral,” is just flat out Democrat lies.  We are already at net-zero emissions.  The planet’s ecosystem can process any waste that humans can produce even from industries.  When Al Gore exhibited his bogus hockey-stick chart his “scientists” measured only the CO2 output of industries.  The amount of CO2 that is actually in the atmosphere remains the same.  So, the Earth is not going to “super-heat” from any greenhouse effect.

Refuting global warming science is elementary

Follow the money of the global warming scam

Appeasing the Climate Change gods – the Science of Duping Liberals

Their published Green New Deal has been altered to hide these facts.  They say they want to use nuclear power, which is an outright lie since they’ve condemned it for decades.  They say they wouldn’t eliminate all fossil fuels, which is an outright lie as Obama already shutdown coal mining forcing states to get their coal from China.  They say they wouldn’t put restrictions and taxes on companies for their pollution, which Democrats already did through legislation like Dodd-Frank.  Everything Democrats propose would destroy the U.S. economy and, once the public gets wind of that, they immediately deny they would institute the very policies they intend to impose on America.

AOC flunked economics 101

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat’s Millennial upstart darling, gave another interview in which her galactic stupidity was on full display while the audience applauded her vacuous words.  This is simple proof that Democrats are uneducated as the mouthy Cortez, who understands economics about as well as Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren understands DNA, spewed garbage out from the garbage she took in from Boston U leftist professors.  The most telling moment came when the interviewer asked her about Marginal Tax Rates, and she ducked the question.  MTR is Economics 101 but learning to duck questions by deflecting is Pelosi 101.

For a graduate of Boston University with a degree in economics, Cortez understands diddly squat about economics and probably couldn’t win a contest with a fifth grader.  She slams Trump’s tax cuts that are fostering a job expanding economy and then says that Democrats can create jobs and make the economy grow by doubling taxes and paying people who don’t want to work.  The eight years of Obamunism in which her messiah already attempted to institute socialism was the worst economic debacle in this country since Jimmy Carter and FDR.  This is bass-ackwards thinking!  Her lack of understanding of economics was further exhibited in her attempt to use terms like “externalities.”

The Great Obama Depression; 2008 – 2016

This young fool believes she can dupe people by using words that the common person doesn’t understand, but some of us know how to use a dictionary.  Her use of the term “Externalities” from economics she claims can mean something like corporations polluting and the externality being government having to pay to clean it up.  This is as backwards thinking and opposite of the meaning of the word as one can get.  If one listens to her talk, she does this kind of backwards thinking constantly in everything she believes from socialism to global warming.  This is what socialists try to describe socialism as being – everyone working together to pay for everything for everyone’s benefit.  But that’s not and never has been what socialism is in practice.

An “externality” in business would be something like a car manufacturer producing automobiles with the externality being a bunch of service stations popping up to maintain them.  Cleaning up garbage is NOT paid for by the government!  Government actually pays for NOTHING!  Taxpayers pay for everything, and businesses are TAXPAYERS!  Those sanitation workers who the local government supplies to pick up your trash – they are paid for by your taxes!  Government doesn’t provide businesses with services that people in government pay for because no one in government uses their own money to pay for anything.

Scammers like Elizabeth Warren who say business owners didn’t build their business except through government aid reveals just how deeply flawed and backwards the thinking of Democrats to be.  Government salaries and benefits they give themselves all come from your taxes!  They use taxpayer money they take from businesses and the people who work to pay for the services government provides.  Roads and bridges and schools are all paid for by working citizen’s taxes.  That six-figure salary and Cadillac healthcare package AOC now enjoys she gets from taxpayer’s money just because she could talk over the heads of Democrat dupes in the Bronx to get elected.

Obama nuked economy in 2008 wants credit for Trump’s boom

Two Americas: Americanism or Socialism, Right vs. Left

Chiquita Khrushchev’s Socialist Utopia Dreams;

Aka – The Blissful Ignorance of Brainless Millennials.

AOC believes that government and people can live off phantom money.  She thinks the U.S. government can just print up money to cover its overspending.  She has no comprehension that this is how and why Venezuelans are now suffering under 1,000,000% inflation.  She thinks people can live on credit cards without paying their bills.  Those groceries you just bought?  You don’t have to pay for those.  Just use the maxed-out credit card that you don’t pay the bill on each month.  (You can do this because of the “externalities” being that you live in a white supremacist patriarchy that dominates you and you have a right to live free.)

Democrats vs. Republicans is a psychological war of fiction vs. reality.  What Republicans believe of Democrats are truths – that they endorse killing babies and importing foreign invaders.  What Democrats believe of Republicans are their fictions of white supremacy and corporate greed.  Democrat idiocy wants to abolish ICE and tax corporations into poverty.  These same fools believe the world will end in twelve years.  It will end for the USA if they get the power they want.  They hope to do this by duping the uneducated with their science frauds.  Twenty years ago, Al Gore’s “scientists” said the seas would rise 25’ by 2020.  But they haven’t risen an inch.  Don’t they want to give Obama credit for that since he said with his election the rise of the oceans would slow?

Democrats are living in a booming economy with the lowest unemployment on record and a thirty percent reduction in welfare rolls.  Yet they are in public saying that people are destitute, suffering from class warfare on the poor.  It is the greedy who are engaging in class warfare on taxpayers, especially those who become successful.  They say they want to create an economy that is fair for everyone.  What do they consider to be fair?  Paying people who are unwilling to work for a living?  President Trump is actually leading an economy in which everyone can participate and prosper, and they are damning him for it.  Socialism does the opposite and they are all begging for it.

H.L. Mencken said, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.”  Certainly not leftists like Pelosi, the Clintons, and the Obamas who all got rich, not by building anything, but by taking bribes, duping people through a phony charity foundation laundering campaign donations, and manipulating the economy by subsidizing cronies on Wall Street while conducting insider trading investing in businesses that they subsidized with taxpayer money, i.e. they made millions from suckers by cheating in a way that would get civilians thrown in prison.  That’s why leftists accuse men like Donald Trump to be thieves because they think the only way to get rich is to steal.

Americans cannot afford for Democrats to regain power in the federal government or maintain their power in blue states.  They have corrupted the voter system with democratic elections empowering voter fraud rather than citizen elections.  Democracies always fail because the people become corrupt and vote only for goodies for themselves.  They only vote for corrupt politicians who promise them goodies and those corrupt politicians make themselves rich by taking from those who worked to earn their wealth.  That’s how socialism works.  They destroy economies by stealing the wealth that the righteous created through hard work, manufacturing products, and trade.

“Liberalism is born of ignorance and bred on lies.  Conservatism is born of morality and bred on education.”

Rush: “We used to mock this Democrat lunacy and now Millennials actually believe this!”

This is not a joke.  Two generations ago who would have thought that refusing to be part of a gay wedding would result in criminal charges?  Who would have thought that there would be an argument over men in women’s bathrooms?  Who would have believed that Democrats would pass legislation allowing babies to be killed after they are born if the mother didn’t want it?  Leftist liberals believe the Constitution that guarantees life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness was defective because it didn’t outlaw slavery from the get-go.  They want to replace it with a socialist manifesto – the same socialism that advocates for genocides.  Socialism IS slavery to the state, of all the masses submitting to the elites who rule the state.  What do they believe they will accomplish with this?

American Exceptionalism is not national hubris.  As the great culturalist, Rush Limbaugh, explains;

“American exceptionalism is simply an acknowledgment that America is the exception in a world of tyranny, a world of poverty, a world of bondage.  We in America don’t often stop, if ever, to think about this because we’ve never experienced anything other than America.  But the history of humanity is primarily a history of poverty, as opposed to prosperity.  It’s a history of tyranny, dictatorships, suffering, bondage.  I’m not making this up.  I mean, that is the way in which most people who have lived on earth since the beginning of time have not experienced the life we as Americans take for granted.

“We’re the only country that has a charter indicating and enshrining that the very existence of citizens and human beings is in a state of God-created freedom.  That charter, that Constitution was written by brilliant people whose primary objective was to keep it that way.  They sought to keep it that way — the focus on individual liberty and prosperity and freedom, pursuit of happiness — by limiting the role of government in day-to-day existence.

“The Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, specifically lay out what government cannot do.  The Constitution does not say what government can do.  It does not empower government in certain ways over people.  The Constitution reserves the premise of individual liberty and freedom for the people and gives the people the freedom and the opportunity to choose those who will govern them or lead them or what have you.  Most of the people in the world have never gotten close to being able to live under such circumstances.”

That is why people in the world are struggling to come to America, not striving to flee it as Democrats perversely believe, otherwise they would get out as they promised.

America means everything to the world

In 21st century American leftism leads to liberalism leads to socialism leads to communism leads to fascism leads to Nazism leads to totalitarian Imperialism in which all the people are servants to the rulers.  The rainbow dreams of AOC are just a fantasy of the ignorant by which corrupt politicians dupe them.  That’s why all socialist’s goals are the same; to take over all businesses and seize all wealth, eliminate all teachers who do not indoctrinate youths into the dogma of the state, and murder all those who refuse to live under their yoke.  Modern liberals don’t understand that they have been miseducated and misled to believe in the backwards thinking of leftist progressives who want to regress America right back into a state ruled by the elites.

Trump kills it at rally in El Paso crushing Democrat’s socialist agenda

Smart kid CJ Pearson – America’s future hope or bound for Democrat re-education camp?

President Trump’s State of the Union vs. the Democrat Response

How Liberals are like Children

American Gestapo – Mueller Takes Down Another Trump Supporter

All Democrat Dogma is Based on a False Premise

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Posted in Climate Change, Congress, Democratic socialism, Elections 2020, Illegal Immigration, Social Justice, Socialism, Voter fraud | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Face of Evil

This is a cultural Rorschach Test.  What do liberals see when they see the Face of Jesus?  Do they see the Face of Love and Forgiveness?  Or do they see the face of hateful racist oppression?

Leftists and liberals who look at the picture of MAGA hat wearing teenager, Nicholas Sandmann, as he is being assaulted by an adult Democrat activist banging his war drum in his face, all while a group of black racists scream threats at him, see racist contempt.  I see a boy standing like a deer caught in headlights quaking with fear desperately hoping to avoid a physical attack.  These boys were simply standing at the Lincoln Memorial after their tour waiting for their bus when they were waylaid by these racists for wearing MAGA hats.  What teenager touring the nation’s capital wouldn’t want to do so wearing the hat of the President of the United States?  (My question is where were their teachers that they allowed these boys to come under threat without intervening?)

Hate-filled Democrats say this cap is the new KKK hood, which would be considered ludicrous by an educated public who would know that Democrats are the KKK.  But the media has warped people’s minds.  The sin of pride is considered the worst of sins for good reason.  It is the sin of the self-righteous hypocrite who judges others to be less than themselves and condemns them for the sins they themselves commit.  This is the heart and soul of leftism.  Greed, envy, and rage round out their ideology.  The left projects their hatred, their bigotry, their racism, and their contempt onto others.  They typically see a picture with a caption and fly into a mindless rage without knowing a single fact, examining an entire video, or reading beyond a headline.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph sneak across the Egyptian border as refugees and demand food, housing, and that their son be taught in Hebrew.

The Anti-American Left

The left sees God as the oppressor and Satan as the liberator.  With such a mentality of backwards thinking how can there be any good in the Democrat party of today?  The DNC has slandered the GOP as Nazis and racists and have done so successfully because they indoctrinate kids in school rather than educate them, and the Democrat media amplifies their lies.  But Christian schools still educate their students and these haters cannot abide that.  Democrats falsely create the paradigm that Nazism is far right extremism when it is far left.  The Democratic Nazi Communists have used propaganda to smear the Grand Old Party as the racists that they themselves actually are and half of America is fool enough to be duped by it.

But that half consists not just of fools, but also of criminals and foreign invaders.  This has always been the heart of the Democrat Party from southern slavers to northern gangsters.  Is it any wonder that they believe the way to become rich is by taking wealth from someone else?  Is it any wonder why they think that’s how Republican businessmen do it?  The mentality of the left is so backwards thinking from what is righteous that getting past their self-righteous hypocritical judgment is like moving a stubborn jackass.

Jesus said, “Judge not lest you be judged.”

Liberals don’t understand what this means.  Thousands of liberals have condemned this boy on Twitter and threatened him and his classmates with death and destruction over their false interpretations and lies.  The school’s attorney has given them notice to recant their words, apologize, and make restitution or face a lawsuit.  I hope he brings every last brainless, two-faced, immoral celebrity to court to face justice.  Their condemnations based solely on their twisted interpretation of a picture is why people are so easily duped.  When Jesus said this, He meant that man should not judge others as if they are God to determine who is forgiven and who has chosen Hell.

But judging the evil that these people have committed is open to judgment from all.  Leftists lack a moral compass to understand the difference between judging right and wrong and falsely condemning others to Hell.  Judging the wrong in instances like this are open to all men just as is judging murder, rape, and theft.  The left’s false dichotomies of moral relativism are the trash thinking of corrupted minds that lack a moral compass.  These boys were innocent bystanders made scapegoats and targets by the evil people of the left.

Leftist Mob Terrorizes America led by Media Activists Posing as Journalists

Christian boy terrorized by leftists while on school trip in D.C.

Sarah Sanders destroys leftist hater’s lies

CNN says MAGA hat is KKK hood

The ugly face of Islamic hate for Christians

Covington lawyer gives ultimatum to leftist media and celebs

CNN Fake News Terrorizes Christian Teens

All Democrat Dogma is Based on a False Premise

Axis of Evil in America

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Leftist Progressivism’s Failure: Obama Face Plants into the Wall of Reality

Most Americans are unwitting victims of propaganda that warps their thinking.  Right thinking people remember the words and actions of the past.  Barack Hussein Obama proved himself the epitome of the pathological liar in declaring that those who disagree with him are liars.  Casting doubt on the truth is the primary defense of a sociopath, but even the most cursory examination of Obama’s past declarations reveals he is as deceitful and as two-faced as the god Janus.  Obama believes he can color the future by repainting the past.

Ingraham Angle – Obama tries to do a reset of history 11-28-18

Fruit of the Poison Vine: Isn’t Obama cool?  Doesn’t he just ooze confidence and regal hauteur?  Aren’t his words just dripping with honey and his demeanor glowing with honesty and wisdom?  Surely the women bedded by Ted Bundy thought that very same thing of him.  Satan doesn’t come to people as an ugly, smelly demon spewing bile.  He is the most beautiful of the angels who speaks with a melodious voice the honeyed words that sway people’s hearts.  He can lie with all the sincerity and confidence of one who knows how easily he can dupe the witless and unwary.  No doubt, right now, there are liberals who are so lacking of wit as they read these words that they believe I just declared Obama to be Satan!  Liberals are so easily confused by words and misled by implications and assumptions.  These are the same people who believe that Russia hacked the election, that Sarah Palin is so stupid she thinks she can see Russia from her house, and that all life on planet Earth will die off by the end of this century because of the fraud of man-made climate change.

“I hope he fails.”  No more patriotic words were ever spoken when America stupidly elected a Moslem socialist to be leader of the free world at a time when America was winning the war against the leftist ideologies of Islam and socialism.  These are the two systems of government that are diametrically opposed to and waging war on Christianity and the capitalists of the world.  They begin with infiltration and deception and continue by claiming to be victims of persecution as they conduct their own persecution of the infidels and westerners.  That persecution includes inflicting harm on people they seek to dominate and claiming to be victims when those people retaliate.  By this they justify their actions from deception to terrorism to open war.  They claim they are doing good by taking credit for the successes of others and casting blame on others for their own failures.  Barack Hussein Obama is a case study in Islamic Taqiyya – deception of the infidel.

This last week, Obama just openly and brazenly bald-faced lied to the world at a Rice University forum declaring that America’s current energy boom is his doing!  Do you remember his words during his presidency as oil prices rose as Gov. Sarah Palin said the solution was, “Drill, baby, drill?”  Obama said, “We can’t drill our way out of high gas prices,” that “this is the new normal.”  Do you remember his actions?  Obama shut down off-shore oil drilling, shut down drilling on federal lands, and tried to ban fracking.  Fracking is what has made America the world’s #1 oil producer over the vaunted oil fields of Saudi Arabia.  He supported the bogus claim that it causes earthquakes and pollutes the water table.  Who does he think he’s fooling?  The answer is; 40% of Americans who are easily duped because they lack education, a memory beyond yesterday, and are easily misled by the repetition of the Big Lie.

Everything Obama said on that stage is a contradiction of the facts.  He can easily be debunked by the least examination.  But actual critical thinking and examination of the facts are not in the liberal wheelhouse.  He lamented that when Cronkite was telling the news the country worked on “a common set of facts.”  That’s because back then liberals had a monopoly on the news that was controlled by Democrat propaganda.  Now that the Silent Moral Majority has a voice in media the truth is being told exposing their lies and people have a choice of which to believe.  It is just an unfortunate fact of human nature that two out of five people choose to believe lies even in the face of the truth.  When Obama’s talking points, lauding himself as America’s immaculate savior are examined by morally intelligent people, those who do not look back at his presidency through a drug haze remember everything.  When you remember what Obama said and what he did then the truth of his words changes from honey to poison.

The Mueller Scam is an obvious example of something that is impossible, for an outside government to subvert our elections, yet Democrats are taking tens of millions of dollars to conduct an “investigation” that is taking years when any investigation only takes a few weeks.  This “investigation” has morphed from examining the election to giving President Trump a microscopic anal examine going through his taxes trying to find a crime.  They implanted agents in his campaign, not to protect him from Russian agents, but attempting to plant a crime.  Then they tried to create a process crime of obstruction.  Now they are just torturing innocent Trump supporters in an effort to flip one to lie about him to smear Trump in the media.  This entire effort has become a symbol of the sickness of leftist deceptions.

The pièce de résistance is Obama’s constant declarations that he and his entire administration were without sin, that there were no scandals and no violations of even decorum let alone the law.  To believe this one must truly have their head where the sun don’t shine.  Gunrunning to Mexican drug lords, letting an ambassador get assassinated so he doesn’t blow the lid off of Obama’s arming of the Muslim Brotherhood to create the Islamic State, weaponizing the IRS against Republicans, and funding bogus green initiatives that all went defunct.  Obama stole more than just taxes but added an additional $10T in taxes from future generations making our children debt slaves to leftism.  His infamous claim he never insulted anyone falls flat on its face at the feet of “teabaggers” and “bitter clingers.”

The fact that no one in his administration was charged with crimes is more a testament to the left’s hold over the media’s and educational institution’s propaganda machine and Republican’s fear of it.  This is justified when liberals have been taught to associate the term conservative republicanism with Nazis, murderers, and inhumans.  The first two actually describe totalitarian leftist democratism and their abortionist policies, while the third is pure fictional delusion which is how leftists dehumanize their enemies to invoke justification for their crimes to destroy others.  Republicans studiously avoid prosecuting Democrat crimes so as not to be labeled as tyrants by the media.  Yet Democrats persecute Republicans both when in power and especially when out of power.  This backwards justice system is identical to Sharia in which Moslems are justified when persecuting Christians and Jews and exempt from being prosecuted for their own crimes against them.

Liberals are strangers to the truth

Confronting liberals with the truth has become extremely difficult due to their conditioning.  They have been brainwashed into believing that conservatism is Nazism and racism.  This is not hard to understand as terms fluctuate over decades.  The left deliberately uses different terms to describe themselves in order to conceal their nature.  In the 18th and 19th centuries they were the conservatives who wanted to maintain slavery and establish government tyranny.  Then they adopted socialism with its totalitarian offspring of Communism, Fascism, and Nazism.  They embraced those ideologies until they revealed their true natures in the 20th century and had to be put down.  That’s when the left usurped the name of liberalism that described America’s Founders.  The progression is as easy to see as their climate change scam that evolved from global cooling to global warming to climate disruption to climate change and now calls itself “climate science” to give them unearned legitimacy.

Propaganda begins with warping people’s perceptions of the truth through the presentation of falsified facts.

As in all things, leftists take what is right and corrupt it, and they have thoroughly corrupted the titles of Christianity and conservatism in the 21st century.  What we are on the right and left are Christian American capitalist libertarians vs. anti-Christian globalist socialist totalitarians, and if they could the left would usurp the title of righteousness as well.  Lucifer certainly saw himself as righteous.  When the left usurped the title of liberalism to conceal their true nature, that left the right to adopt the title of conservatism as now the roles are reversed.  It is liberals who want to be the progressives and turn America away from its Christian founding and heritage, and Christians who want to conserve their newfound way of life in American Exceptionalism.

Notice that both terms, liberal and progressive, began with Republicans and were usurped by leftist Democrats.  America’s greatest presidents that resided over America’s greatest prosperity were all Republicans; Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, Reagan, and Trump.  All the greatest Democrat leaders ruled over the nation rather than governed; Jackson, Cleveland, Wilson, FDR, and Obama.  All the presidential assassinations have been of Republicans except for JFK who was the only Democrat killed by a leftist communist for being too much of an American republican.

The left’s anti-Christian, anti-God factions consists of both atheists and Islamists intent on destroying Christianity and the freedom of America.  Trump is the only man with the courage to take them on head-to-head and he is crushing them!  But he is beset by enemies on all sides and cannot succeed alone.  What he should be doing is shutting down government until they build the wall, initiate federal voter ID requirements, and declassify Mueller’s bogus investigation to uncover the true criminals.  The only reason he doesn’t must be because there are enough RINOs to join with Democrats to impeach him if he reveals the truth of how deeply Washington swamp rats swim in their corruption.

Some NeverTrumper senators got replaced, but some seats like Sessions’ and Flake’s went to Democrats, and more like Romney joined the NeverTrumper arm of the party.  They fight for Washington elites while Trump is fighting for the taxpaying citizens.  That is why the left must slander Trump and his people at every turn.  To believe that Republicans are KKK Nazis is the epitome of mirrored delusions.  Such a fallacy can only be perpetrated by convincing those who can be fooled all the time that good ol’ boys became Republicans and that righteous Republicans became Democrats.  But Democrats remain the party that want the president to be a king, for elites to rule the masses, and for their totalitarian rule to be unchallenged.  They remain the party that takes to the streets to riot and commit violence and terrorism against Republicans as they have always done.

In their two-faced delusions, leftists easily convince themselves that righteous people are racist bigots while they declare in their own bigotry that Christian white men are the evil of the world.  They can only do this by warping their morality to become self-righteous hypocrites.  Such people are the ones who corrupted the Catholic Church in the medieval era to conduct the Inquisition.  That they modeled their persecution of anyone not a member of the Catholic Church after Islam is unknown to these modern inquisitors just as they have no understanding of how socialism is the ideology that murdered over 200,000,000 people in genocides and wars during the 20th century.  They haven’t a clue that Islam has murdered billions over the centuries through wars, persecutions, genocides, Sharia law honor killings, etc.  They are just told that the Christians invaded the Middle East in a religious crusade without ever being told that Islam had conquered the region and were continuing their wars of conquest from there as they raided neighbors throughout the world.

The failure of progressivism isn’t because the right has become racist Nazis and left Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt’s ideals behind.  Their rightwing progressive ideals are not what is being practiced by today’s leftists.  Today’s liberals are not liberals as defined by America’s Founders.  Socialist commie fascist Nazis have co-opted the term to conceal their true nature.  Today’s Democrats are not Christian American capitalists.  They are atheist anti-American socialists.  What few Democrats identify themselves as Christians like Obama, Pelosi, et al, betray themselves when they declare they endorse Islam over Christianity and abortion over life proving themselves to be false.  Those who are Christians yet support the Democrat Party are those who have paid no heed to the warnings of Jesus and are completely duped by false prophets.

American political divisions based on character types:

I have known many people over my lifetime.  Many are liars, many are honest, and many are confused.  I basically divide them into five categories;

  • Liars – most of whom just want to aggrandize themselves, but some who want to take something from others and will dupe them into giving it to them. They are the kind that when caught will call the truth speaker a liar and demand they prove the lie.  Most of the time they are easily caught.  But the most devious can get away with their crimes for years.  They do so by slandering those who tell the truth and only those who fully examine words and deeds get past their deceptions.
  • Dupes – these are people who are largely uneducated but whose egos convince them to believe liars because of flattery, pandering, or fear-mongering. They are often mis-educated and, like children, believe the first thing they are told and cling to it even though evidence proves it to be false.  They are the ones who can be told Sarah Palin is so stupid she thinks she can see Russia from her house and believe it without ever examining the source of the comment or the actual statement she made that is true.
  • Confused – these are the people who don’t really pay attention to what is going on. They will read the headline and never follow up to finish the story that gets to the whole truth.  They blindly accept the word of one side of an argument without examining the other side.  These are people that can be misled but eventually will figure out the truth often after it has cost them dearly.
  • Educated – these are the people who have learned, often the hard way, about how leftism uses deception to mislead people. They have studied far more than any young liberal who has not yet begun to learn how the world works.  Theirs is the foundational knowledge in math, science, history, sociology, and morality to give them good judgement and understanding.  Rarely can they be misled for any length of time.
  • Enlightened – to reach this level takes years of education, observation, learning, and understanding. These are the people who can immediately see past the ruses and misinformation that is inflicted on the populace by deceivers.  They know the history, science, and pathology of humanity and are not duped by any leftist scheme.  They are the most slandered, impugned, and feared people by the left who warn their zealots not to listen to them lest they hear the truth and potentially have an epiphany recognizing that they have been lied to and duped.

Democrats often say that Republicans are elitists who pander to the rich elites and use fear-mongering to corrupt people such as telling them foreign invaders will steal from them.  They lump people together in groups rather than take them on an individual basis.  The nature of people is always to project their own pathology onto others.  Anyone who examines how Democrats act would understand this.  Democrats take taxpayer money and give it to their rich cronies, donors, and lobbyists.  Where do you think $6,000,000,000,000 in borrowed taxpayer funds went during Obama’s tenure labelled as “quantitative easing,” “bailouts,” and “corporate subsidies?”

Anyone who thinks Republicans are “fear-mongering” over illegal aliens bringing disease and crime into the country is only because they are afraid of foreign immigrants obviously doesn’t understand two obvious facts; Republicans are the ones who support legal immigration, and a very large percentage of illegal aliens are violent criminals and diseased.  It is Democrats who make sanctuaries for these invaders and encourage them.  Those who believe Democrats don’t use fear-mongering on them has a vacancy between their ears when they are told mankind’s pollution will destroy all life on the planet and believe it.  What does it take for the light bulb to go on in those who suffer from living in that darkness?

Believing what is in the past to be good and the future to be bad

Thousands of liberals migrate to Venezuelan socialist paradise – NOT!

People are a funny lot.  They have the darkest view of their own times and the most rose-tinted vision of the past they view with nostalgia.  If only they could talk to their elders to learn what it was really like.  Oh, wait, they can, it’s called reading history and separating fact from fiction.  Just like today the reality is far different than the fictions people believe.  At the same time, they are easily confused by stories of slavery, colonization, and genocides because they don’t examine the facts beyond the headline.  They can be told that Nazis are rightwing radicals when they are no such thing but actually the farthest leftwing radicals can be.  They think because Russia and Germany went to war with each other in WWII that they are diametrically opposed.  They haven’t an inkling that the two were unofficially allied in a mutual pact the first two years of the war cooperatively conquering their neighbors such as dividing Poland between them.  That wasn’t a case of right vs. left, but of two leftists going at each other’s throat as they are always wont to do just as all thieves always do.

An except video map of WWII in Europe

21st century warfare has become far too lethal in which to engage, so the left engages in subversion through:

  • Socialist propaganda
  • Unarmed invasion
  • Importing Islamists

The real truth is revealed when you thoroughly examine the words and deeds of people like Barack Obama vs. Donald Trump or someone like Sarah Palin.  Obama’s open contempt for America as the evil in the world, and Trump’s open patriotism and Palin’s love for America as the good in the world is as plain as the nose on their faces.  Obama whose speeches are riddled with narcissistic references to himself vs. Trump’s exhortations of the people.  The left’s argument that America is evil, and that socialism is good, is as patently obvious, painfully corrupt, and as polar opposite as believing that God is the oppressor and Satan is the liberator.  The truth is there for those who have eyes to see who are not blinded by the light and ears to hear who are not deafened by the cacophony of lies.  Stopping the left from stealing the nation through voter fraud and educating the people away from their indoctrination by the left will be a monumental task – one for which President Donaldus Magnus Trump is laying the foundation.  It is up to us to teach our children and their children that the ways of the 60s radicals are as flawed and false as the left’s teachings have always been.

Sebastian Gorka summarizes socialism

Rush Limbaugh defends conservative as it has been smeared and slandered by the left

“Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.”

Leftist progressives always strike at the children who know nothing

California AG goes to war with federal government to help invaders

Swedish school bans Christian play, promotes Islamic myth

California burning out Republicans

Related articles;

Democrats in the House begin their onslaught of the Trump administration

Democrat’s Rally Their Invasion, Spread Disease, and Cheer Market Decline

Racism, Voter Fraud, and Corruption in Every Election Result

Liberalism and the Science Stupidity of their Global Warming Religion

Raise the Voting Age to 25

Mohammad – The First Terrorist and his death cult of self-imposed brainwashing

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Posted in Climate Change, Congress, Conservatism vs. Liberalism, Culture corruption, Economy, Elections 2018 & 2020, Fundamentals, Illegal Immigration, Illegals voting, Islamism, Obama's legacy, Politics, Racism, Religion, Right vs. Left, Voter fraud | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Communist Victory as Democrat Voter Fraud Regains the House

America in declineThis is why they say to never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups.  That may not be fair as Democrats made their greatest gains in states they control where their governors have given the vote to felons and foreigners thanks to fools who swallowed the poison pill of democratic socialism.  America hating Democrats had two years to plot how much voter fraud they would need to overcome those who love America and it has paid off.  There are still absentee ballots to be counted in close races where Democrats produce much more voter fraud.

American nightmareThe Democratic Nazi Communist Party has successfully derailed the Trump Train.  The economy that Obama has been trying to take credit for is now in the hands of the left.  Nothing good will happen the next two years as they work to reinstate high taxes, regulations, open the border, and launch a thousand investigations to punish Republicans.  Psychotic Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of the city with poop in their streets, is once again in charge of the House as Speaker and third in line for the presidency.  The woman who took down the economy under President Bush, nuking it to get Obama elected, is now set to make Trump’s and Republican’s lives hell for the next two years.

trumptrain2It’s disappointing that Americans can both be so stupid, and the government be so wrong as to allow Democrats to give power to criminal felons and foreign socialists to decide a national election.  Americans were warned not to swallow the lies of the left that have poisoned political discourse for years.  You would think that Trump’s great economic and diplomatic successes would assure that wouldn’t happen, but the denizens of the swamp, both Democrats and their NeverTrumper RINO allies are now set to exact their revenge.  The economy Obama has been trying to take credit for that will now be sabotaged by Pelosi who will blame Trump.  And witless Democrat lemmings will jump off the cliff onto the rocks of democratic socialism to decline America once again perhaps to its ultimate destruction.

obama bsAmerica will now have a rerun of 2006-2008 when Democrats mucked up the nation to take back power.  A third term of Obammunism should be about all Democrats need to overthrow the Constitution and destroy the hated Christian shining city on the hill.  It is strange that this should be allowed to happen.  In 2010, Obama and his leftist comrades dreamed of having the love and admiration for a job well done with which President Trump has been showered.  Now the man who mesmerized Americans with his glowing rhetoric of rainbow promises can’t even draw flies.  It is a wonder that Americans could turn back from Trump’s prosperity to what they had under Obama managing the nation’s decline.  But maybe not such a wonder as people quickly forget and are easily corrupted.

President Trump calls Midterms a success – but I don’t see how unless he can subdue Pelosi


[Author’s Note – How does this happen?  Democrats packed Republican districts with criminals and illegal aliens whom they paid to overwhelm American citizens.  What do these people care if they break election law as they break American law every day?  This is why the Electoral College exists to prevent voter fraud packing by Democrat controlled states.  But it doesn’t work that way at the local level which is strictly majority rule.  Democrats are already plotting to change the 2020 census by declaring all illegal aliens to be citizens.  (They don’t want legal immigrants because they largely would vote Republican like the military because they honor and respect America wanting to become Americans.)  Democrats give power to socialist invaders from South America and Islamists they’ve imported for the purpose of overthrowing the Constitution.  This is the lesson of Muhammad who enlisted the worst of people in his time into his death cult.  It’s the tactic that has been followed by all leftists who opened prisons to allow their thugs to bully the people.  Americans were warned repeatedly of how Democrat voter fraud works.  This is why I said President Trump’s first mission must be to stop Democrat voter fraud.  Unless President Trump has some means of stifling Democrats while exposing their sabotage there is little hope that America will recover.  As liberals cry over not winning the Senate where the great man gained seats let us pray that President Trump can somehow transmute this lead balloon into gold.]

trump_obama_cartoonVote Democrat to Restore ObamaCare taxes on the lower class

Democrats Plan to Take Invading Army of Illegal Immigrants Straight to the Polls

Fear the DNC – Democratic Nazi Communist Party’s Thugocracy

Obama nuked economy in 2008 wants credit for Trump’s boom

GenerationsSocialism Means Free Sh*t

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Posted in Congress, Conservatism vs. Liberalism, Economy, Elections 2018 & 2020, Obama's legacy, Politics, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

9-11 We Will Never Forget!

As America continues to strive against the forces of darkness, Islamists spread their hateful ideology, invading and attempting to colonize Europe and make inroads into America.  They call those who know and reject the teachings of Muhammad “Islamophobes.”  Their socialist allies in the United States and Europe blame the victims of their jihadi terror attacks as being guilty and deserving of their fates.  America is still at war with Islam without most of the nation recognizing that Islam is at war with the world.  For those of us who serve and understand, this is an atrocity.  That the nation elected a Moslem socialist to manage the nation’s decline for eight long years has left us disheartened, exhausted, and filled with righteous wrath.  But the election of an American son, Donald Trump, to lead America back to greatness has given us hope.  Now we fight against the forces of the fascist left to keep them from terrorizing the people and slandering the good name of Republicans in their efforts to turn the nation back to Democrats.  9-11 cannot be erased, excused, or blamed on America.  It was an act of pure evil born of hate.

We will NEVER forget!

9-11 Sound of Silence

Lee Greenwood God Bless the USA

The Ground Zero Mosque

Articles on my blog and at

Obama’s Legacy of Hope and Blame

Liberals, Leftists, Democratic Socialists – Sex, Lies, and Racist Ties

How Leftist Democrats Perpetrate the Dumbing Down of America

Republican vs. Democrats: Results vs. Violent Resistance

Trumpism vs. Obamaism: Restoring American Prosperity vs. Managing America’s Decline

Are Democrats Obvious or Oblivious?

Christians crushed the Inquisition, Moslems endorse the Jihad

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Are Democrats Obvious or Oblivious?

When Democrats say Antifa is not part of the Democrat Party, who do they think they’re fooling?  Obama’s OfA Army of thugs, activists, and rioters consisting of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, and others are a far greater danger to America than climate change.  Disrupting people’s lives, destroying property, assaulting the innocent, and going so far as to assassinate police, the left is already waging a civil war to take control of America and cast down the presidency via a coup to establish their socialist dictatorship.  They are conducting these crimes through a series of civil disruption, importing foreign invaders, and through a propaganda campaign of false allegations meant to distract the oblivious and incense the rabid leftists.

They say white supremacists and the KKK are Republicans, except that both were created and endorsed by Democrats until Trump was elected.  Now they act in secret collusion with other Democrats.  Despite the fact that Democrat voters are rejecting openly socialist candidates, they and their leaders have surreptitiously embraced them and their ideology in the belief it will somehow benefit them.  What is it going to take for Democrat voters to open their eyes to realize they are being deceived into voting against their own country?

“Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” – Edmund Burke

I have long said that liberalism is born and ignorance and bred on immorality.  The ignorance is not knowing the facts or understanding how the world works, and the immorality is in perpetrating and believing in lies.  Such duplicity is not wholly borne by liberals who are often indoctrinated dupes of the left.  Everyone is born an ignorant liberal, but most grow up to learn and grow out of it to become conservatives.  Only those who are devout leftists struggle to continue to maintain their façade of lies actually believing they are the good people as they serve evil.  The difference between ignorance and stupidity is that ignorance can be overcome.  Most liberals are ignorant of the facts that prove socialism is a malevolent ideology of elitists to rule over the masses.  But, having been informed of those facts, for them to continue to believe socialism can be beneficial is just plain stupid.

The importance to liberals of ignorance and stupidity

What do Democrats know of history?  Today they think that Republicans are fascists of the KKK.  That they are blind to the racist fascism of democratism is astounding after suffering under it for more than a century.  They reject Republican Americanism in favor of the ideology of America haters and invaders who want to unmake America.  Do any of them even know, understand, or even have the most basic knowledge of history necessary to comprehend their dysfunctional thinking?  When they reject the Constitution, capitalism, and Christianity that are the foundational principles of America have they any right to even claim to be Americans?

Unfortunately for America the average person learns history from Hollywood that fictionalizes much of it for dramatic effect – as if the actual drama of history wasn’t interesting enough.  For example, the latest series on Rome has a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, bearded Julius Caesar leading legionnaires swinging their swords in mob fights.  Anyone who knows anything about ancient Rome knows they were all dark, clean shaven, and fought in formation with their thrusting swords which is what made them so devastating against foreign hordes.  But that’s not nearly as fun and exciting as hacking and splitting skulls.

Even in the movies of an asteroid hitting the Earth the cowboy version, “Armageddon,” is a far more entertaining movie than the realistic version, “Deep Impact.”  The comic book style “300” will keep kids glued to the screen, while the original “300 Spartans” that tells the real history will put them to sleep.  The story of “Braveheart” is beautiful and inspiring, but aside from the names and a couple of battles, none of the events depicted occurred.  Modern Hollywood has taken history and made it into their comic book versions that, while exciting, bear no more semblance to real history than Lincoln fighting vampires.  The names are the same, but everything else is fiction.

Explain how Hitler and his Nazis rose to power

Those who call Republicans fascists, say Trump supporters are racists, and compare The Donald to Hitler don’t have the first clue who or what any of them were.  All they know are the names and what they are told to believe – that Hitler was a monstrous far right Christian who slaughtered people in diabolical ways.  They don’t know about Stalin’s purges how he starved millions of Ukranians.  They don’t know about Mao’s “re-education camps” where a hundred million educated Chinese “disappeared.”  They don’t know about all the socialist dictators that have hoovered up the wealth of the nations over which they took control.

Antifa thugs say they are fighting fascism, but they are the fascists using the same tactics, having the same goals, and committing the same crimes as Mussolini’s Black Shirts and Hitler’s Brown Shirts.  Black Lives Matter say they are fighting racism, but they are the racists slandering all white cops in their bigotry.  Obamaites say Trump is a Hitler wannabe, but their messiah is everything Hitler was as evidenced by how he rose to and abused power.  If they knew the first thing about Hitler they would recognize that Obama is his brother, while Trump is his antithesis.  They say Trump is working as Putin’s puppet.  Yet one glance at how the two interact, at how Trump is treating Russia, and that lie dies an ugly death.  But what do you expect of people who reject Christ as the Redeemer and Satan as the Deceiver, instead seeing God as the Oppressor and Satan as the Liberator?

How do liberals believe Hitler came to power?  They believe he overthrew the German government.  They do not understand that he was elected by his charismatic speeches promising them the Sun, the Moon, and the stars just like Obama did in America 2008.  They do not know that he was a nobody of no accomplishment except to convince people to follow him and elect him to power, and once in power he abused it severely.  This does not describe Donald Trump but does describe Barack Obama.  Trump is a man a superlative accomplishment who suffers none of the greed of lesser men.  Contrary to liberal beliefs, becoming rich is not a sign of being greedy.  People do not become wealthy only by stealing from others.  That is a purely leftist ideal.

How Obama, Hitler, and the Star Wars Emperor are the same

Try this; ask yourself which party employs thugs and rioters?  Which party calls for censoring speech?  Which party has been using government as a weapon against the people?  Which president said, “Tell Vlad I’ll be more flexible after the election,” Obama or Trump?  Which president said, “The 80s called and want their Cold War mentality back,” Obama or Trump?  Leftists in the media and Democrat regime claim Trump is stifling their free speech just like Hitler did.  How many of them are in prisons awaiting execution?

To which party does the group Antifa belong when they chant, “No borders. No wall. No USA at all!”  Democrats, who say they want open borders, claim Antifa radicals are not part of the Democrat Party, and then they echo exactly the same policies.  The actual ideology of left and right can be laid out as the conflict between those who believe in oppression and those who believe in liberty.  The various ideologies to which sociologists refer fall under either category in ways that are contrary to what leftists teach.  That’s because the left does not want people to understand the truth.

The American form of government vs. the leftist form of rule

Simply put, the left is never right.  All their policies are wrong if you want liberty.  The left is the negative pole of both societal and individual character in which the glass is always half empty, and others are to blame because the leftist never takes responsibility.  Everything of which the left accuses the right of being is of what they themselves are guilty.  Theirs is the pathological mentality of projecting their emotional reasoning onto others and denying the truth in themselves.  That’s how they justify stealing from others, from pinching their wealth to taking credit for the successes of others.

Left vs. Right in society, government, and religion

Two Americas: Americanism or Socialism, Right vs. Left

The characteristics of left vs. right are the dividing line between what is malicious and what is benevolent.


Leftism vs. Rightism, liberalism vs. conservatism, censorship vs. free speech, bigotry vs. justice, racism vs. righteousness, violence vs. peaceful protests, endorsing criminals vs. endorsing patriots, slandering police vs. honoring police, burning the American flag vs. singing the National Anthem.


Democrats vs. Republicans, socialism vs. capitalism, Occupy Wall Street; Black Lives Matter; Antifa; Organizing for America; The KKK; White Supremacists; White Nationalists; all vs. the TEA Party, Socialist fascists; Nazis; Communists; Islamists; Elitist Imperialists; all vs. Americanism, Jim Crowe laws; oppression; segregation; all vs. liberty.


Atheism and Islamism vs. Christianity, believing God is the oppressor and Satan is the liberator vs. believing Christ is the Redeemer and Satan is the Deceiver, Muhammad vs. Jesus, Jihad vs. The Great Commission, Schism and Inquisition vs. The Reformation.

Christians crushed the Inquisition, Moslems endorse the Jihad

The divisions between left and right, good and evil, become stark when you know the truth behind the facts of each.  Much can be understood by the young if they take the time to learn.  Most don’t start truly realizing the truth until they are thirty, which is why leftists say,

“Never trust anyone over thirty,”

and the rightists say,

“Never trust anyone under thirty.”

When Churchill said,

“If you under thirty and a Conservative, you have no heart.  If you’re over thirty and a Liberal, you have no brain.”

it takes an adult to understand what he meant.

Ocasio-Cortez proves that stupid people don’t realize they’re stupid

Elizabeth Warren says, “U.S. Justice system is racist from front to back”

To be a Democrat one must either be a leftist or a liberal.  Leftists are the ones who promote their lies and liberals are the fools who believe them.  When Elizabeth Warren says the justice system is racist from front to back, she means that the entire legal system of the United States, from the cop on the street to the lawmakers in Washington, are all racists.  This should be a galactic joke coming from a Democrat of the party of racism, the KKK, and segregation, were it not universally accepted by liberal lemmings.  Lemmings would not be dangerous if it were they the only ones stupidly running off the cliff into the sea of financial ruin, but they want to force everyone else to join them.  The simple truth is that Warren, et al, are creating a fiction because there are no white supremacists on the right.  They are still Democrats and their goal is still the destruction of this country to make the elites rulers and the citizens servants.

Dinesh D’Souza, “No white supremacists are on the right”

From the betrayal of Obama, to the lies of Hillary, to the treachery of Schumer, to the doddering of Pelosi, to the economic dysfunction of Warren, to the idiocy of Waters, to the deluded fantasies of Cortez, to the ancient dreams of Bernie, to the brain-dead lemmings that vote for them, the Democrat Party is going down the toilet and trying to take America with it.  The left has ever been the creator of the Big Lie and the only counter to that is the bold truth as told by Christian conservatives with the courage and conviction of the likes of President Donald J. Trump.  That is why we elected him to steer America away from the cliff.  The left wants to have Democrats in power to impose their laws, import their invaders, and do away with police protection of the citizens.

Countering the Big Lie with the Bold Truth

It must be understood that liberals are Democrats only because they are ignorant louts who haven’t grown up to learn how the world works.  I was one forty years ago.  They don’t understand the economy, business, or finances because they’ve never done anything of significance even if they have worked a job.  They don’t understand expenses, payrolls, overhead, or simple math.  That’s why Hillary was able to mock Trump in the eyes of a pack of fools and they all ignorantly agreed with her saying, “How could Trump be a billionaire when he’s so incompetent as to lose a billion dollars on a casino?”

The answer is simplicity itself – you build it!  Skyscrapers don’t spring up out of the ground like daisies fully equipped and ready to go.  It takes over a year to build one of these great hotels and install a casino in it before you get it running and raking in money from the suckers who attend.  That first year requires an investment that is an initial loss, and that is the same kind of loss that every business suffers on start up.  Anyone who knows anything about running a business knows it takes an initial investment and that is when you suffer the greatest losses for a tax year.  Trump took that loss his first year building his casino and Hillary is perfectly aware of this but quite content to dupe her ignorant followers.

Likewise, as anyone who has ever run a business knows, the government didn’t build it.  Government didn’t build roads and schools to educate working people out of the goodness of their hearts as an investment in the country to help businessmen.  Businesses paid for those services to be provided for them through their taxes.  Socialists fail miserably in understanding that nothing is free, that someone must pay for it, and the people who pay for it are working taxpayers.  Taxes don’t come from people who don’t work, so without those jobs that entrepreneurs create none of those roads or schools would have been built!

Liberals think school is free because they don’t know their parents paid taxes to build and operate the schools, to pay teacher’s salaries.  And in return many leftists have become teachers to corrupt their children’s minds.  This is the kind of ignorance that is going to ruin America.  Worse, once liberals are told this and they reject this knowledge they are no longer ignorant.  They are then just being stupid.  As Forrest and Larry say, “Stupid is as stupid does,” and, “You can’t fix stupid.”

Teaching leftist two-faced pathology

So, what is “democratic” socialism?  That is where socialist elites dupe fools into believing they have a choice.  Socialism is always a tyrannical dictatorship that forces all the people to act in accordance with what the elites say they can do.  Feudalism, Imperialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, and Islamism are all the same type of totalitarianism that fall under the umbrella of Marxist socialism.  Stop being a lemming and break free of being part of the “some of the people” of whom Lincoln spoke.

Taxpayers and those in the military, armed forces, law enforcement, and fire/rescue, who vote for Democrats to take their wealth and invite foreign criminals to invade are the quintessential chickens voting for Col. Sanders.  Nothing good has ever come from leftism or Democrats.  All they take credit for, winning wars, the space race, bringing down the Iron Curtain, was all achieved by Republicans and conservatives.  That’s why Republicans are always the primary targets of assassins.  That’s why Kennedy was assassinated by a communist for not being Democrat enough.

The solution to saving America is not lowering the voting age to sixteen as Democrats desire to allow the younger more gullible fools to vote, but by raising it to twenty-five so that those who are not living in the closed society of schools make the right choices.  America is in danger of being subsumed by leftist invaders and usurpers.  Those who strive to convince the ignorant that America is not the greatest force for good in world have no business ruling it.  Vote wisely, and if you don’t like your Republicans because they are RINOs working with Democrats rather than with Trump against the leftist agenda, then get involved in the primary process and elect better Republicans.  Just beware of those who are leftists pretending to be righteous.

Candace Owens crushes racist Democrats as moderator tries to cut her off

Delusional NY Times reporter says Trump wants to round up and murder people

Truth Isn’t Truth Where the Media and Obama’s FBI are Concerned

Liberal stupidity is trying to indoctrinate our children

Democratic socialism the belief of blithering idiots

Understanding Democrats:

Praising Criminals, Condemning Heroes – the heart of Liberal Fascism

Democrats cheer as liberal stupidity sweeps the nation

The Treason of Trump and Obama

In Search of a Crime – the Saga of Mueller’s Witch Hunt

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The Delusional World of Liberalism

“Hitler was a Christian, which would make Jesus was the first Nazi.”

Skepticism – a word liberals do not understand because they apply their beliefs through bigotry – another word liberals do not understand because they assign it only to white men, Republicans, and Trump, condemning conservative Christians while at the same time believing themselves to be righteous, which makes them bigots.  The believe themselves to be intelligent, enlightened, happy, and just, when all of the riots and every mass shooting have been conducted by liberal atheist or Islamist Democrats, and not one by conservative Christian Republicans.  Half of the nation has been so thoroughly duped by deceivers of the Left that they justify their bigoted hatred of America while projecting their temperament onto the righteous who are the inverse of them.

Liberalism and Conservatism Defined – Defeating the Left’s Coup

Deranged Media Plays to Deranged Audiences Leading to Deranged Acts

Clapper: Spy in Trump Campaign Was a Good Thing

Liberals lack skepticism of leftist politicians and their media propaganda.  They listen to what CNN and MSNBC tell them, hear the words of a Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, or the likes of a Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, and swallow them hook, line, and sinker without question.  They believe them when they are told that FOX News lies, to not believe anything FOX pundits say, without making any attempt at examining their statements.  Conservatives listen to FOX skeptically and question what they hear from both sides to hear the other half of the story so they can judge the truth.  Liberals do not know what conservatives really think.  They only know what their comedians teach them to mock.  They only know what their demagogues teach them to fear.

Liberal Democrats Adopt MS-13 Terrorist Animals as their Dreamers

Conservatives hear what they say and examine it to confirm the truth or falsehood of their statements.  We don’t take anyone’s word for it.  When it was reported during the campaign that Trump was a Democrat who said he’d “run as a Republican because they’re stupid,” we examined this claim to discover it was a lie meant to turn Republicans away from Trump.  Those who were fooled became the NeverTrumper movement.  Despite Trump’s great accomplishments for conservative Christian Americans they are still convinced he is unworthy, which leads some to believe that they, too, are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  That’s why when the liberal media proclaimed that Trump said all immigrants are animals we immediately knew that was false and found out what he really said.  That’s called critical thinking, a capacity liberals lack.

Liberalism is born of ignorance and bred on immorality

Liberals have no understanding of life, including simple math, let alone business, history, or culture.  Theirs is a world of misconstrued reality taken out of context by foolish assumptions based on false premises.  In liberal world city folk are cultured nobility and country folk are dumb hicks.  They do not see city people as including the most corrupt and country people as mostly people of godly moral faith.  They don’t see that there are few good people in the city and few bad ones in the country because people are held more to account to others when they know each other than when they are strangers.  They think in absolute terms and only see what they think is the best in themselves and the worst in others, which guides their bigotry.  They use their own self-righteous hypocrisy of two-faced liberalism to judge others, yet they do not understand see morality seeing it as gray rather than black and white.

Their lack of moral education results in a lack of a moral compass, so they confuse what they think of as good and bad with what is right and wrong.  They reject the societal construct of morality, but rather adhere to their belief that morality is an individual choice.  This opens the door to justifying criminality in their minds as righteous if it suits their purpose.  Their ignorance of history causes them to confuse Republican liberty with Democrat slavery.  The result of all this is that liberals today are confused about who stands on the side of right and who stands on the side of wrong, i.e. the Left.

The difference between the righteous and the ignorant is that the righteous educate their children.  The wicked indoctrinate them through oppression, threats, force, or coercion, and if all else fails, they kill them.  To be righteous, one must understand and institute justice.  Justice is not right for one side and wrong for the other.  One side’s actions cannot be wrong if they are the same for the other side that are right.  If Obama and Hillary spying on Trump is right, then Trump spying on Obama and Hillary is right.  If it is not, then you are wrong.

Liberals believe the lies they’ve been taught without question

Today’s liberal Democrat believe; Republicans are the party of the KKK and slavery, conservative Christians are neo-Nazis, Trump is a tyrant stealing from the poor, Democrats are sons of liberty, Antifa are freedom fighters, and Obama had a roaring good economy, was making the world safer, medical costs cheaper, and helping the poor of the world to whom America owed her prosperity by sharing that wealth.  Liberals have adopted America’s enemies and criminals like Islamo-Nazi terrorists, BLM assassins, and MS-13 animals as their Dreamers.  The only dream of these terror groups is the destruction of America.  That Democrats make common cause with the worst evils in the world tells you everything you need to know about the true nature of the Democrat Party.  Liberals agree with Hamas that used innocent children as human shield in their terror attacks on the Gaza border and blame Israelis for their deaths.

The liberal media is not reporting news, but disseminating propaganda while covering up Democrat crimes.  Now that the Obama regime’s spying is being proven, the leftist media is publishing stories of these crimes, not to condemn these crimes as being ultra-Nixonian, but justifying them!  This is how leftists rationalize their immoral hearts to lie to the people, steal from the rich, and persecute the righteous.  Leftists attempt to manipulate the righteous through lies and false accusations.  The real racist bigots are people who declare white people are all racists, cops are all racists, and that Christians are all bigots by using the false flag of white privilege to advance their own racism.

The Deep State Will Go to Any Lengths to Get Rid of Trump

Liberal media lauds FBI’s criminal spying on Trump as justified

This is how liberals justify committing crimes and trashing American businesses.  They declare that they are the pure of heart, that Republicans are the ones who are corrupt, and that the illegal, unconstitutional crimes they commit against Republicans, like spying on the Trump campaign or putting their iron boot on the necks of businesses demanding graft as racketeers, is therefore justified.  Liberals set themselves up to take the fall by elevating themselves as noble when they are the worst of the corrupt who are too stupid to realize they are exposing themselves.

“If you own a business, you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.” – Barack Hussein Obama echoing Elizabeth Warren’s stupidity

“There is nobody in this country who got rich on their own. Nobody. You built a factory out there – good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory… Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea – God bless! Keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.” – Elizabeth Warren

No more ignorant statements have ever been made about what it takes to run a business.  No more stupid statements have ever been made by people in government of how services work.  No more deceitful statements have ever been made by politicians seeking to dupe people into stealing from those who work for a living.  Children do not understand how adults run businesses, and that is the competence level at which ignorant liberals operate.

Everything Obama and Warren said was 100% backwards.  Government does not enable people to build businesses.  Businesses enable people to have an income from which the government collects taxes and provides those services for which the people pay.  Roads, schools, police and fire protection, all come from people’s taxes.  This isn’t even a case of which came first!  Businesses come before jobs, which come before taxes, which come before government services.  Government does not provide services out of the goodness of their hearts or pay for them out of their own pockets.  In America, government provides those things because that is what the people told them to provide.  The people pay for those services by pooling the community’s money to pay for them.  Nobody built that business except for the entrepreneur who made the effort to lead people in working together.  The federal government does not own the roads and schools and protectors of the nation – the people do!

Trump the True and Righteous Man

Obama says that, unlike Trump, his regime was transparent and scandal free, which even on cursory examination is proven the opposite.  The passage of ObamaCare and spying on the Trump campaign alone prove both lies, while Trump has been everything Obama was not with only Democrat propaganda saying otherwise.  Unlike Trump, who built a billionaire real estate empire, Obama and Warren have never built a damn thing in their lives, except a coalition of fools they duped into voting for them to steal from businesses like Trump’s.  Trump had no reason to lower himself to compete with politicians except; to either duplicate Obama’s corruption, or clean out the corruption in Washington.  That he has made America prosper and grow rather than decline and lie about it proves he is doing the latter.  Now if he could only overcome the establishment obstructing him from bringing the Obama regime and their criminal spying, graft, and voter fraud to justice.  But such action will certainly collect a few RINOs in the dragnet.

American business is booming again thanks to Donald Trump vacating Obama’s socialist dictates.  Democrats do not encourage business growth but shake down businesses like thug gangsters offering protection from themselves.  As exemplified by their attitude, they believe businesses, like the common people, exist to serve them.  Liberalism is the ideology by which leftists convince fools to destroy themselves.  They pander to the greedy by offering to steal for them, and then enslave them through deception by encouraging ignorant fools to surrender their liberty and prosperity to give Democrats power.  Leftists are the immoral and corrupt believing that the masses exist to serve the elites.  Their immorality is personified in genocides that they have committed throughout history to make life better for those who serve by taking the lives of others; like Hitler’s Holocaust, Stalin’s Purges, and Mao’s New Democracy that are all catchy phrases for Thanos-style genocides.  The belief that the “human herd” must be culled over the irrational belief in the Population Bomb taking food out of the mouths of others is a defining characteristic of the Left.  It is fair and just to them to live better because they have no moral concern for the other half they slaughter.

What this all proves is that liberalism really is a mental disorder that is born of ignorance and bred on immorality.  Their beliefs are built on lies, distortions, half-truths, and fictions to which the liberal adheres through blind faith.  How do they reach their fallacious conclusions?  How do they believe fantasy movies like “The Day After Tomorrow” are documentaries?  The same way they reach their conclusions that CO2 from cars and coal is going to end all life on the planet – through dysfunctional logic founded in falsehoods and foolishness.  There is a reason liberalism is a part of leftist ideology.  It is based solely on assumptions molded by lies, innuendo, and implication.  If you debate a liberal you will find a person devoid of knowledge and facts or, if they know some facts, a person who is deliberately misconstruing the truth in order to dupe the unwary so he can steal from them.  If you’ve ever seen The Carbonaro Effect, a street magician who dupes people into believing the most ridiculous things, then you have seen examples of how easily liberals are fooled into believing things that cannot possibly be so.

Americans of African descent have been thoroughly duped into believing their former masters of the Democrat Party are now acting for their benefit when they are clearly just using them for minimal cost.  So long as they vote for them their Democrat masters reward them with welfare funds stolen from working taxpayers.  They are then duped further into believing that those who have fought for their freedom are the racists who would unjustly imprison them.  The descendants of those were chained as slaves through force and fought to be free are now voluntarily choosing to be slaves to the same people for bread crumbs from their table.  They pretend they are suffering the oppression of their ancestors when they are only suffering from a prison of their own making.  The prisons they occupy for criminal acts they call slave camps built to imprison blacks rather than punishment for being criminals.  What’s galactically stupid is that blacks are encouraged by Democrats to drop out of school, do drugs, and glorify gangsters to become criminals, and then cast themselves as the victims so they can blame those against whom they commit crimes as being the perpetrators of oppression.  It has become a sickness in America that liberals believe themselves to be righteous even as they commit crimes against humanity.

Laura Ingraham Black Racists Make Trump Leader of the KKK

These people remind me of my young woman of my acquaintance.  This teenage drama queen would always have some disaster taking place in her social life.  What she didn’t see was that she was creating those disasters herself by how she treated others.  My own daughter, thank God, had the good sense to see through her just as I did.  This is how liberals justify blaming others for the woes they create for themselves.  They sow disasters and then blame others for what they reap.  Europe is doing that now by inflicting Islamism on their people.  This began under Obama’s direction to colonize and conquer the Christian West with the anti-Christian cult of Muhammad.  That is the very definition of the leftist vs. the righteous.

Mohammad – The First Terrorist and his death cult of self-imposed brainwashing

In the Bible, Lucifer decided he was as good as if not better than God.  His basic characteristics are the character traits of the Left – vanity, selfishness, and deceit.  They deceive themselves as to their own merit, place themselves ahead of all others, thus rendering them creatures of greed and envy, and deceive others of the truth.  That’s why the liberal’s false paradigm that the far right are totalitarian Nazis to balance against the far-left totalitarian communists makes the center their preferred political high ground.  The reality is that the far left is totalitarianism of socialist Communists and Nazis and the far right is liberty.  To be clearer, if Satanic selfishness and deception are the far left then the far right is Jesus.  Who interprets Jesus as being king of the Nazis?  Jesus is the Messianic King of Righteous Godliness and the Left is the opposite.  Therefore, the center consists of everyone who is somewhere in between.  On that basis the center is half on the side of good and half on the side of evil.  So how could it be right to be half wrong?

Obamaism vs. Trumpism

VP Pence gave a commencement speech at Hillsdale College, a university that encourages Constitutional Americanism, where he spoke of America’s rise from Obama’s managed decline via Trump’s policies.  Former NY Governor and NYC Mayor Bloomberg spoke at Rice University about President Trump depicting him as a lying Nazi declaring that Americans are being deceived.  Had he been speaking about Obama and his own party then he would have been speaking the Gospel Truth.  Saying this of Trump and Republicans is like saying Lincoln founded the KKK and Washington founded Nazism.  It takes only one person to dupe many as Hitler proved when only 7% of Germans that were dedicated Nazis got him elected to acquire absolute power.  Muhammad has brainwashed billions to be vile oppressors justifying the power of just a small percentage of terrorists.  Obama duped the greatest Christian nation in history to elect him, a Moslem socialist, to manage its decline through pandering and demagoguery pretending he was not what he was and blaming Republicans for the economic and diplomatic disasters Democrats created.

The truth and lies in Trump and Obama are on display for any who have eyes to see and ears to hear along with a moral heart to understand.  Thank God America is not Germany and Obama could not muster the resources of Hitler against armed Americans.  He continues to fool the some of the people who can be fooled all of the time, but he can’t fool all of the people all of the time.  Otherwise, the land of the free and home of the brave would have become Amerika the socialist sh*thole.  Obama is the only president in American history to muster an army of; fascists pretending they are fighting fascism to try to violently silence conservatives, black criminals pretending there are fighting racism as they assassinate police, and foreign invaders pretending to be refugees while infiltrating and subverting America.  In the final analysis, the Right leads by moral example, while the Left rules by coercion.  That is why it is always Democrats who riot in the streets, commit crimes, conduct assassinations, and use terrorism.  That is why they struggle to lay the blame for all of their offenses on Republicans by lying about their character so they can claim they were justified.  That is what I mean when I say that the Left is bred on immorality, and that can only be done when people are kept ignorant of the truth.

On the scales of righteousness the right is moral, the center amoral, and the left immoral.  Being moral means caring about others, not the faux caring of liberalism, but actual caring and willingness to give of yourself to others, not take from one group to give to another as socialists do.  Amoral is not caring about others, and being immoral is justifying doing harm to others to make life better for themselves.  This is not the same as killing terrorists in self-defense.  Leftists have no moral compass and cannot tell the difference between killing in self-defense and murdering the innocent.  That’s why on the scale of right and wrong the Left is never right because they live in darkness.  While the center consists of those wandering in shadow, because there’s no such thing as being half wrong making someone right.  Today’s Democrats take sides as America-haters allied with America’s enemies even to the point that they praise Islamic jihadi terrorists and create lies that Trump called ALL immigrants animals when he was clearly talking about MS-13 murdering thugs that Democrats imported.  When those of us who took oaths to the Constitution to defend this country against all enemies both foreign and domestic these are the people of whom we spoke.

Liberal Democrats Adopt MS-13 Terrorist Animals as their Dreamers

When they believe Barack Obama to be a super genius, when they believe Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi speak intelligently, when they believe that Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer are honest and honorable, when they think Donald Trump is a senile old man, a buffoon, and a liar, liberals prove themselves to have no good sense.  What do people like Pelosi, who advocate for the killing of babies in the womb, know of the “divine spark” in humanity?  Jesus ministered to sinners, not thieves, rapists, and murderers, but people like the rest of us who crave righteousness but must learn morality.  Liberals believe themselves to be righteous without understanding morality and, for the most part, reject Christianity to become atheists who also advocate for Islamism (which is another two-faced contradiction in itself) because they will ally with any satanic cult against God because America, as the greatest nation in history, was founded on Christianity.  What more needs to be said?

Tale of Two Commencement Speeches (min 8:30)

Maria Bartiromo and Darrell Issa – the FBI/DoJ lying through their teeth

‘Peaceful Palestinians’ caught in the act

Liberals think it’s a joke to tell invaders to kill ICE agents

Liberal Media is Nothing but Smears, Slanders, and Trump Hate

Democrats rig elections

Islamic invasion to colonize and conquer the West

Of Democrats and Republicans – two stories that exemplify the difference

[Author’s Note – Democrats have attempted to take these stories and reverse the roles, as they do with all things regarding lack of intelligence and good sense and bigotry from which they suffer, to make themselves out to be the smart ones, but somehow it just never quite works.]

The Obamaite and the Trumpster

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.”

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, “You’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

She rolled her eyes and said, “You must be a Trump Republican.

“I am,” replied the man. “How did you know?”

“Well,” answered the balloonist, “everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help to me.”

The man smiled and responded, “You must be an Obama Democrat.”

“I am,” replied the balloonist. “How did you know?”

“Well,” said the man, “you don’t know where you are — or where you are going. You’ve risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem.  You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it’s my fault.”

The Cowboy and the Congressman

A cowboy was overseeing his herd in a remote, mountainous pasture in Montana when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of a cloud of dust towards him.  The driver, a man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and a YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the cowboy, “If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?”

The cowboy looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, “Sure, why not?”

The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his Singular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location, which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.  The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany.  Within seconds, he receives an e-mail on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with e-mail on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response.  Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP Laser Jet printer and finally turns to the cowboy and says, “You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves.”

“That’s right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves,” says the cowboy.

He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amusedly as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.  Then the cowboy says to the young man, “Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?”

The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, “Okay, why not?”

“You’re a Democrat Congressman,” says the cowboy.

“Wow! That’s correct,” says the yuppie, “but how did you guess that?”

“No guessing required,” answered the cowboy. “You showed up here, even though nobody called you. You want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. Then you tried to show me how much smarter you are than me. And you don’t know a darn thing about cows…this is a herd of sheep.

“Now give me back my dog.”

30 Celebrities that support Trump

Rush Limbaugh – superlative revelations of liberalism and Democrat crimes

When every facet of today’s political climate in America is measured it must be concluded that there is a war for America’s heart and soul being fought by the Left vs. the Right.  Both say they are patriots and the other are traitors, but only one can truly be patriotic Americans and the other traitors to the Constitution on which America was built.  The Left says Trump and Republicans are anti-American and that America should be a socialist dictatorship like Russia and China, that Republicans are Nazis.  Examine which side loves America, waves the flag, honors police and soldiers, and denounces America’s enemies, and which side burns the flag, hates capitalism, and curses police and soldiers while advocating for killing American babies in the womb and shutting down American energy.  It’s pretty obvious then which group are American patriots and which are America haters.

Republicanism has made America the land of the free and home of the brave, while Democratism has always striven to make America the land of the freeloader and home of the slave.  It is Republicans who freed the slaves Democrats demanded by put in the Constitution.  It is Republicans who created intelligence agencies to spy on America’s enemies that Democrats use to spy on Republicans.  It is Republicans who honor the Constitution and Democrats who want to fundamentally transform America into a totalitarian socialist state.  Is it really hard for anyone to see who are the patriots and who are the traitors?  Socialism has always been the ideology of tyrants, deception has always been their primary weapon, and violence has always been their means of control.  Just as liberals lack the moral compass to know the difference between murder and killing in self-defense, they lack the ability to differentiate between controlling people by force and punishing those who violate the rights of others.  This is what happens to people who look to their own version of morality by turning against God.

Two Americas: Americanism or Socialism, Right vs. Left

Listening to Rush Limbaugh in prison turned criminal’s life around

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Christians crushed the Inquisition; Moslems endorse the Jihad

Jesus and Muhammad

The Prince of Peace and the Prophet of Islam

Jesus did not create the Inquisition.  Mohammad did create the Jihad.  The Christ and the Prophet are opposites.  Jesus taught peace, love, and brotherhood, while Mohammad taught conquest, oppression, and vengeance.  Christ’s Commandment was to “love God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul,” and His Great Commission was to, “Go forth and tell the world about Me.”  Muhammad’s Commandment was to, “Make the world Islam.”  Islam means to submit to his god, Allah.

Jesus’ teachings were 100% the peaceful worship of God and loving thy neighbor, while Mohammad’s teachings were warped, not by others, but by himself to make Islam a religion of war and vengeance.  Where it was Christians who destroyed the Inquisition in the 1600s, Moslems have embraced the Jihad since its inception.  Leftist belief that it is “moderate Muslims” who must confront and eliminate Jihadi Mujahideen (Holy warriors waging Holy war) are fooling themselves via their ignorance of Islam as taught by Mohammad.

Jihad is the foundation of Islam and does not begin with “inner struggle.”  Mohammad waged Jihad against the tribal leaders of Mecca when they refused to acknowledge him as the spiritual leader of the city.  The Left is all about moral equivalencies and confustication of the truth by claiming that Jihadi terrorists are a tiny minority who are “radicals” and “extremists” not supported by the majority when they are, in fact, fundamentalists following the teachings of Mohammad.  Mohammad waged Jihad on Mecca and on people of Medina who spoke out against him and his violent teachings, not because they persecuted him, but because they refused to bow to him.

When Christians of the Right denounce Islamic Jihad, the Left condemns Christianity on the basis of the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the KKK, and the Nazis as if they were based on Christian principles and philosophy.  The fact that the Crusades were the result of Turkish Jihadis slaughtering Christians of the Byzantine Empire is lost on the Left.  That the Inquisition was a violation of Christ, actually coming about due to Spanish being corrupted by their Moslem conquerors, is ignored.

That Islamists were even more eager to ally with the Nazis in WWII than when they allied with Germany in WWI means nothing to their limited understanding.  They believe in “moderate” Muslims who talk of peace, yet fail to understand that the majority of Moslems support Jihad because it is fundamental to their religion.  The Left has no understanding that the three stages of Jihad as taught by Mohammad are being fulfilled by the Moslem majority.

Conservatives point out that Germany in the 1930s which, like all people can be structured as 40% conservative, 40% moderate, and 20% liberal actually elected the most radical liberal element to power.  Because half of moderates lean liberal and half of conservatives lean moderate, Hitler was able to convince the majority of Germans to love and support him.  More accurately, the extreme Left was able to fool the people of the left and center to give them power against the warnings of the Right and Germany was led to bloody war, murder, and ruin.

America today is at a juncture where it can either continue down the road to the left that it chose in 2008 or turn back to the right.  Regardless, the seeds of war have already been sown by Obama and the Democrats who have weakened America while empowering her enemies.  Obama’s Islamic heritage forbids his condemnation of Jihad.  When America’s enemies, the Jihadi Mujahideen, are allowed to create and maintain training camps inside the United States, the people who are ignorant of Jihad, who have been duped by apologists, have made America’s downfall a certainty.

America is the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, and she needs a leader with the courage who exemplifies that ideal, not one who will appease enemies who are against all for which she stands.  America should not be welcoming Islam into her culture, not convert out of fear, but stand up for righteousness; not saying that Islam is a great religion no different than Christianity.  America should be the nation pressuring Islamic nations to stop subjugating their people, to force governments to stifle and depose Imams who preach Jihad, who preach death to apostates.

Nothing good has ever come of Islam throughout history, and nothing good will ever come of allowing it to propagate in free nations.  People must have the freedom, the right, to choose whom they serve, not be forced!  Those who defend evil as having a righteous motive do not fight for good.  There is nothing righteous about justifying evil.

“Allah is our objective; the Qur’an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish.” – Muslim Brotherhood motto

Three stages of Jihad explained (This 20 min video describes Mohammad’s Jihad perfectly!)

Vast majority of Moslems favor the Jihad imposing Sharia Law on the world

What keeps Islam alive

O’Reilly: “I do not believe Mohammad wanted a World War to impose Islam.”

Then you are in denial, Mr. O’Reilly, because that is exactly what Mohammad taught!

Hope for Moslems

Author’s addendum as part II to “Christians crushed the Inquisition, Moslems endorse the Jihad

(Please like, follow, and share this with your friends.  There are those on the Internet who will argue against people even reading this.  They won’t even have the decency of engaging in honest debate here.  Let them know the truth!)

SURVEY – For Christians only: Should Christians re-institute the Inquisition to counter the Jihad?

Posted in Islamism, Religion | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 75 Comments

Mohammad – The First Terrorist and his death cult of self-imposed brainwashing

Islam is violent

Killing journalists is what Mohammad did in his time, so why is it a problem for westerners today?  This was not unknown, and claims that it is a “radical few hijacking a religion” is a lie and they know it.  They are inviting this evil into the West without hesitation regardless of fourteen hundred years of Islamic violence, conquest, and slavery all done with the blessings of Mohammad.

In his day there were no printing presses, but poets and orators who spoke in the town forums directly to the people.  When Mohammad fled from Mecca to Medina, he started a war with his tribal chieftains who rejected him, bringing a Meccan army to Medina’s walls.  People of Medina spoke out against this violent religion promoted by this foreigner bringing attackers against them.  In response, Mohammad had his followers murder these people in their beds to shut them up.

This is in the Koran and the Hadith!  (You should try reading them.)  So why do people claim this is not Islam?  An Imam in Britain who preaches Jihad (Holy War) in the name of Islam against his neighbors in England, the country to which he immigrated, explains it quite clearly;

“Islam does not mean ‘peace,’ it means submission,” says Imam Anjem Choudary expressing the ideology of the Prophet.  “We can live peacefully together if you submit to Islam.”

Imam Choudary validates Islamic terrorism

(Please like, follow, and share this with your friends.  Let them know the truth.)

In what universe is war considered “holy?”  In what nation does a call for enslaving all people bring peace?  The difference between Christianity and Islam is that Jesus taught peaceful resistance where Mohammad taught bloody vengeance.  Where Christ told his followers to spread the word of the Gospel to those with the heart to listen, Mohammad commanded his followers to invade foreign lands and put them under the boot of Islam.

“The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet.”

These are not the words of terrorists, they are the words of Barack Obama  spoken in front of the UN General Assembly.  These are not the words of a Christian, they are the same words used by any Moslem declaring that any who speak against his god will be destroyed.  This is a direct link to Obama’s Islamic heritage.

“America is not at war with Islam and never will be,” says Obama.

Yet Islam has been at war with the world since its inception.  America has already fought many wars with Islam such as the wars with the Barbary Pirates who were capturing American ships in the Mediterranean and enslaving passengers, and the Moros in the Philippines who were trying to carve out their own country.  The wars in response to 9-11 were maligned by the Left, and now they have elected a president who has been assisting the Muslim Brotherhood in expanding Islamic power throughout the Middle East, and ISIS is the result.

The modern American Left is not condemning the Moslem terrorists in Paris for the murders there.  Rather they are condemning the satirists for their cartoons mocking the fanatic murderers of ISIS and Islam.  Barack Obama labels these Islamist murders as “senseless violence” much like he labelled the Moslem attack in Ft. Hood, TX, “workplace violence.”  Is this part of Obama’s “new normal?”

In a land of liberty there is no place for a religion of persecution like Islam and the Sharia Law of Mohammad!  Yet the atheist Left invites them in, makes excuses for them, and promotes Islam as atheists and Islamists make common cause against the Christian God in America.  This sounds strange unless one understands that the godless and the fanatics of a vengeful god make common cause because both are anti- Christ.  Just like the two leftist socialist ideologies of Nazis and Communists joined forces in WWII to conquer Europe, until one betrayed and invaded the other, so, too, will atheists and Islamists be at each other’s throats when they believe they are destroying Christianity.

Leftists will attempt to condemn Christianity as being the same, but knowledge of history refutes this claim.  The Catholic Inquisition of the Middle Ages was the result of conflict with and learning the ways of Islam during the Crusades, which themselves were a counter attack by the West against Turkish invaders slaughtering Christians.  The Catholic Church became corrupt and exercised authority over all who were not members of the church, including Christians.  It is because of being under Islamic rule for centuries that Spanish and Sicilian cultures were so corrupted as to create the Inquisition and Mafia and the culture of lording over peons that exists to this day.

The Inquisition lasted almost four hundred years until Christians rebelled against the church and a very bloody religious war took place between Catholics and Protestants.  The Mafia moved to America in the early 20th century and became thoroughly infused into the Democrat Party and unions.  The corruption that began under the dictatorship of theocrats has infiltrated America, which is how Obama can claim that Islam had influence in shaping America.

Millions died in Europe for freedom from religious persecution, and now Islam is bringing it back into the world.  Colonists migrated to America to establish a Christian nation where those in power were not allowed to persecute others because of their religion.  Islamists are migrating into western nations say they have a right to practice their religion freely.  Yet their religion is to impose slavery on others to submit to Islam, and those who refuse are subject to attack by Moslems defending their religious rights.

Moslems are so fanatical about their religion because Mohammad was very shrewd and understood how to force his will on his followers.  He told them that Allah commanded they pray 5,000 times a day.  Rather than think sensibly (the Moslem call to prayer takes about ten minutes, so in truth they couldn’t pray more than about 150 times in 24 hours) they despaired as this would force them to pray constantly and die of thirst and starvation!   Mohammad “bargained” with Allah and he reduced it to five times a day.  (It can be noted that men don’t jack off that many times in a day and yet are called sex addicts.)

The religion of Islam that rules through a theocracy has no place in the free world.  Giving religious freedom in America to a religion that is no more civilized than the Nordic pagans, also of the Dark Ages, is akin to giving rights to Satanism and human sacrifice.  The right to murder your neighbor because he’s not of your tribe, or to enact revenge against strangers because of an insult by someone is not a right amongst civilized people.

When Jesus said, “If someone slaps you on the one cheek give to him the other also,” He did not mean if someone murders your brother you should give to him your son.  Pagans insult Christianity in the most heinous and blasphemous ways, including putting a crucifix in urine, and smearing a Madonna with feces the calling them “art.”  No Christians blew up museums or murdered these “artists.”

Islam has no place in America or Europe.  And unless those who oppose the violence that is the basis of this religion reject their religion utterly, they have no place in the civilized world.  Those who are so brainwashed that they will not let go of their religion of hate and vengeance should be forced to enact a second Hijra and move back to their countries rather than be given the opportunity to use oppression, intimidation, and murder to expand into their naïve neighbors.

There have been numerous attacks in America by Islamists.  They are thieving, raping, and murdering people in the name of their religion and the government is not reporting it.  Single news stories of a car running over a group of people, serial murders, and assaults are being subsumed in the media.  It takes a Ft. Hood or Boston Marathon bombing to make people pay attention, but then they are misled.  If Americans don’t wake up to the fact that the country is being infiltrated by her enemies, then America will sink into the darkness and lose its way from the Light.

The bottom line for those who want to argue moral equivalency of history, it is not Christians today who are murdering people worldwide in the name of their religion.  Columbus and the Europeans did not set out to destroy Native Americans.  Don’t bother trying to condemn Christians as being the moral equivalent of Islam or correlate phrases in the Bible with the Koran.

Christians destroyed the Inquisition because it went against the teachings of Christ.  Moslems embrace the Islamic Jihad because it is the essence of the teachings of Mohammad.  Civilization needs to learn from the lesson from the Romans in dealing with the extremely violent Germanic and Aztec religions.  There is no place in the civilized world for Islam.

Liberal stupidity

Good Muslims of the world, turn from the hate of Jihad and seek Jesus!

O’Reilly asserts worldwide Islamic Jihad must be destroyed by the world

O’Reilly says there is no reason to tolerate evil

The Reader’s Digest version of Mohammad and Islam

Sharia – not the law of radical Islamists but the law of Mohammad

Related articles;

There is no place in the civilized world for Islam

Democrats aiding and abetting America’s enemies both foreign and domestic

Immigrants want to carve out their own state in America

Other articles;

Proof of fraud – the Democrat agenda to tax Americans

The Greatest Generation won the wars; their children are losing the peace

ALL Democrat policies are designed to steal wealth and are destroying families

One question surveys:

SURVEY – What do you believe Moslems believe about Jesus?

SURVEY – What is your American Dream?

(Please like, follow, and share this with your friends.  Let them know the truth.)

Great Rush Limbaugh show

Posted in Conservatism vs. Liberalism, Islamism | Tagged , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

The Reader’s Digest version of Mohammad and Islam


Mohammad’s life is a living testament to whether his is a religion of peace or terrorism.  Islamists say his violence is always justified and that Jesus was not the Messiah, but a prophet who brought a sword to divide people against god.  Only in knowing Mohammad’s acts in life and the reason for them can the truth of Islam be known.

To understand Islam, you must know the life of Mohammad.  Islam is contained in two books, the Koran which is the teachings of Mohammad, and the Hadith that is a compilation of stories of his life.  They are akin to the Gospel and New Testament of Jesus Christ.  While the Hadith is voluminous, the Koran is short, but it is deliberately not written in chronological order.

Many Moslems reject the later teachings from both books that do not support their view of Islam as a religion of peace, while others embrace them in their entirety.  They have some basis for this as many Moslem authors are notorious for exaggeration and prevarication.  But still, they are accepted and taught in their entirety by Imams as the truth of Mohammad with later teachings considered to supersede his earlier teachings.

Those who reject those teachings are called moderates, while those who embrace them are called radicals, and those who actually put them into practice are labelled extremists.  Sharia Law is the law as taught by Mohammad, although moderates who reject the violence in the Koran and Hadith say that this law is the product of violent theocrats.  The only way to understand why each speaks as they do is to examine the life of Mohammad.

The Life and Times of Mohammad

Mohammad grew up in the Arabian Desert, a region inhabited by those who were banished from their tribes for serious crimes and their descendants lived.  Every culture and religion was represented in this area and people belonged to local tribes that competed for scarce resources.  He married an older woman who was a rich widow of a merchant, and it was on one of his travels in a caravan that he had his vision that inspired him to declare himself a prophet.

On his return to Mecca he began enlisting followers who believed in his visions and his preaching of peace, love, and brotherhood in the name of Allah.  As he amassed more followers they began worshipping him as the Prophet of the god Allah.  He challenged the leaders of other religions, including the Jews and Christians, and demanded that the tribal leaders bow to him as their spiritual leader.

They rejected him and banished him and his followers from Mecca under threat of death.  Mohammad and his people were run out of the city and their property seized.  He and his followers went to Medina in what is known as the Hijra.  After this, Mohammad’s teachings turned from peace and brotherhood to vengeance and war.

He sent his followers to raid the caravans of the Meccan leaders telling his followers that Allah gave them the right of vengeance for stealing their property.  This resulted in the Meccans sending a war party to Medina that was said to outnumber the Moslems by 3:1 but which Mohammad miraculously defeated.  His successes in raiding and battle drew more followers to his banner, but this didn’t save him from defeat in his next open battle with Mecca.  This instilled fear amongst the people of Medina who feared the more powerful leaders of Mecca.

Some in Medina spoke out against Mohammad and he sent his followers to murder them in their beds.  He told those followers who questioned these assassinations that Allah gave forgiveness to them because they were defending the Prophet whom these people had insulted.  Mohammad told his followers that those who died at the hands of infidels in defense of Islam would be martyred and awarded in Paradise with many virgins.

After ten years of war he was victorious over Mecca and entered the city at the head of an army of ten thousand men with his sword sheathed and head bowed.  He spared those who converted to Islam and told those who would not that they must pay an additional tax.  Those who did not were either driven out of killed by his followers.

In his last few years, Mohammad sent armies and envoys into every neighboring country and demanded they recognize his authority as the Prophet of Allah and demanded they submit to Islam and reject their false gods.  He declared that the Jews and Gentiles who believed Jesus to be the Messiah were teaching a lie.  Mohammad acknowledged Jesus as a prophet of peace, but that God had no Son.

Moslem Conquests

His fanatical followers conquered surrounding tribes and invaded the empires of Byzantium (the still standing Eastern Roman Empire) and Persia.  These two had just concluded a massive war with each other that left both destitute of men, money, and material.  While Persia fell easily to forces of Shia Moslems who followed Mohammad’s son-in-law, Ali, as their leader, Byzantium kept the Sunni Moslem armies of Abu Bakr south of the heart of the empire in Anatolia, what is today Turkey.   But over the next century they swept quickly across North Africa to conquer Spain and invade France where they were stopped.

The following centuries were constant warfare between Middle Eastern Islam and European Christendom.  Charles Martel and his grandson Charlemagne drove the Moslems out of France.  Vast Islamic armies were crushed by the Byzantines in the east, a huge fleet being burned outside of the capital of Constantinople.  In the West, Spain fought for eight centuries to eject Moslems from the Iberian Peninsula, and the Italians struggled against them in Sicily.

When the second Mongolian invasion of the West came by the tribes of Turks, they easily conquered the Arabs in Persia, but they adopted their religion.  When the Byzantine Emperor was betrayed on the battlefield, the heart of the Byzantine Empire was left defenseless to the ravages of the Turks.  With this loss, the next emperor had to turn to Europe for armies to defend against them, but what he got was the Crusades.

While the Europeans made some effort to take back Jerusalem with some success, their counter-attack against the Turks was poorly coordinated with the Byzantines.  The Fourth Crusade actually attacked Constantinople, gained entry with the help of traitors, and sacked the city.  They established their own rulers, but the empire was a shadow of its former self.

The Turks eventually overcame Constantinople’s great walls with the help of gunpowder and cannons.  They then had to stave off attacks from the east by other Mongols under Temujin, the greatest general and conqueror of history – Genghis Khan, his grandson Subotai who led most of his armies against Europe, and the vicious mass murdering Tamerlane.  They eventually invaded Europe only to be stopped by superior European military technology at Vienna in 1683.

Islam’s history of war, slavery, and destruction

The Inquisition

During this period Christianity went through a phase of deep corruption in the medieval era with the Inquisition.  The Inquisition originated in Spain where the people spent eight centuries fighting Islam.  The Crusades occurred at the start of this era of the Catholic Church emulating Islamic theocracies in their demand for obedience to Mother Church.

Europe was tormented by a Catholic Church that became more militant even to the point of destroying other Christian churches to secure power for the papacy.  The Patriarch of Constantinople was destroyed by the Fourth Crusade making the Roman Pope supreme.  It wasn’t until Martin Luther and the printing press that people found the church not following the teachings of Christ and rebelled, which led to a century of religious wars between Catholics and Protestants that ended about the same time as the Turkish invasion of Austria.

Christian’s fight for liberty and freedom from church overlords eventually led to the founding of America and the freedom to worship Christ as one chooses.  But that freedom is under assault today by atheists, Islamists, and every anti-Christian in America.  As in all things, when people establish a righteous society, the corrupt seek to infiltrate it and bring it down under their thumb.  The reason the Inquisition began in Spain and the Mafia in Sicily is in large part due to their interactions with Islam.

Islam in the era of America

Despite the protestations of Barack Obama, Islam has been at war with America just as much as it has been at war with the world since its inception.  President Thomas Jefferson fought a war to destroy the Barbary Pirates of North Africa who were capturing and enslaving travelers in the Mediterranean.  In the 20th century, the British assisted the Arabs in overthrowing their Turkish masters who had allied with Germany in WWI.  That didn’t stop them from following their Grand Mufti to ally with the Nazis in WWII.

Since then, Arabs have warred with the West over the establishment of secular leaders over their countries and the creation of Israel.  Although it may seem to the historically illiterate that the U.S. was the cause of this religious animus, it is merely a continuation of what has gone on for centuries.  Moslems only became reanimated in their cause starting with hijacking planes, growing through oil revenues and embargoes, and reaching their apogee with the 9-11 terror attack.

The Islamic practice of slavery of westerners remains in effect to this day and is the reason pretty young girls disappear around the world.  Piracy and brigandage also continue to be practiced anywhere that governments are weak.  In Africa, genocides are being carried out by Moslems against Christians, and by Arab Moslems against African Moslems.

As these practices are those of Mohammad in fighting his enemies in Mecca and Medina, protestations that Islam is peace falls flat in the face of historical fact.  Of all the murdering conquerors throughout history, Mohammad stands alone as the one who inflicted the brainwashing technique of requiring five times a day prayer and absolute obedience to theocratic rule.  When Genghis Khan conquered great empires, his conquests fail to stand under the rule of his descendants, unlike Mohammad’s whose conquests have spread through his religion to hold one and a half billion people in thrall.

Of all the wars in history the death tolls of Islam dwarf even the great pogroms of socialists in the 20th century that killed over a hundred million people.  Islamist wars can account for some three hundred million dead and perhaps that many more killed in the name of Islam over the centuries.  The future of the world depends on the war between those who believe in liberty and those who would enslave all under one world rule without the freedom of choice.

Immigrants want to carve out their own state in America

Assimilation of Moslems in America and Europe is a “crime against humanity”

Erdogan – there is no moderate Islam

Bill Maher gets drilled by Ben Affleck over Islam in Real Time

More articles related to Islam and the Left;

Assuming Obama’s success is America’s success

Poisoning hearts and minds – how the Left has corrupted America’s youth

Obama’s Apology Tour part II – renaming Al-Qaeda and global warming

Giving Islam credit for science is like giving credit to the Inquistion

America is duty bound to exterminate Jihadis


Posted in Islamism | 2 Comments

Refuting global warming science is elementary

Gore v Polar Bear - Fuller

Chicken Littles pushing the Democrat global warming fraud pick whatever scientific fact they believe dumb people will believe.  When that is exposed they just move on to the next charade.  Meanwhile, the money they gather from fools easily parted from their money goes into the pockets of their friends and campaign donors.

Everything people learned to refute the proofs of scientists who declare that global warming is real they learned in elementary science class.  These global warming advocates with their Ph.Ds. rightly believe that the general public is so ignorant of science that they will believe what they are told, no questions asked.  They can get away with making claims they know the causes of global warming and can predict the future and the herd will follow them.

Most people do not understand that their science is based on computer models they designed “proving” that man is polluting the planet to death.  The “facts” with which they programmed these models are all based on assumptions that children, at least those who paid attention to their science teachers in eighth grade, know to be phony.  That most adults don’t know these elementary facts is a testament to the failure of our government run education system.

These scientists, who claim they understand the science of global warming because they have doctorates and you are just an ignorant boob, are living a lie.  If they are so smart, why do they say CO2, a heavier than air gas, is rising and accumulating in the upper atmosphere?  If they are so smart, why do they say the melting of the north polar ice, which is a giant ice cube floating on the ocean, will flood the world?  If they are so smart, why do they throw this sh*t at us like a bunch of dumb monkeys?

Everyone who has been promoting the global warming scam has been doing so for one reason – greed.  In order to make “clean, green energy” like wind, wave, and solar affordable they must make fossil fuels ultra-expensive.  The politico-economics of eco-terrorism is the driving force for Democrats to fund their friend’s green energy through crony government subsidies and defund their enemy’s friend’s (i.e. Republicans) subsidies through demonization.

The answer to all this government corruption is for the public to scream – ‘STOP THE CRONYISM!  No more subsidies for anyone!  Taxpayer money is not for you to give to your friends to make their business successful.’  Why should government be permitted to take money from successful people and give it to their unsuccessful friend’s businesses because they are campaign donors?

Let the free market decide who prospers and who fails and get government out of the socialism business.  It was bad enough when Robber Barons did it and their corruption had to be stopped by Theodore Roosevelt, Republican.  Whenever Democrats gain power in government they are a hundred times worse because they don’t just let businessmen run rampant, but help them by stealing from other businessmen making new Robber Barons.  Then they make tax loopholes so their friends don’t have to pay the crushing taxes they impose on everyone else.


Refuting Global Warming science is elementary, part II

Climate Change Deniers vs. Chicken Littles

Climate change scams

America – the Spirit of 1776 vs. the spirit of 1968


The Sucker Generation – Millenials not waking up to being duped

How Obama, Hitler, and the Star Wars Emperor are the same

Captain America and the New World Order


The Battling Boys of Benghazi – Obama’s ‘bump in the road’

Conservative Republican vs Liberal Democrat economy

Main articles

Liberals Backwards Think

Young liberal wisdom; a series of unfortunate beliefs – Introduction

Posted in Climate Change, Right vs. Left | 55 Comments

The Gender Perversion Distraction – Two genders and a hundred mental illnesses

Sexual immorality and perversion have always been anything that is not a married husband and wife. The original definition of biblical adultery is having sex outside of marriage, period, not the modern definition which has been twisted to mean a married person having sex outside the marriage. We all know that homosexuality has always been around but that doesn’t make it morally upright. We all recognize that we cannot stop people from immersing themselves in our sins just as God does, which is why He sent us Jesus. Even after we accept Him as our Savior doesn’t mean we will live without sin, only that our sins will be forgiven. The reason we became Christians is because we knew we failed every day. Anyone who thinks they do not does not understand their own sins.

Jordan Peterson – We are sacrificing our children on the Altar of Leftism

Liberals are so stupid that they declare you must be a biologist to answer the question, “What is a woman?” But even libtard biologists cannot answer. This is the depths of their depravity, insanity, and stupidity that they think they can put this over on the world as good moral sense. Leftism demands people embrace their absurdities as good moral sense, which is why they resort to propaganda, deception, indoctrination, and imposing brainwashing on people to believe in their lies. Socialism in all its forms from communism to fascism to Islamism to Nazism has always been an ideology of backwards logic. That’s why they are all totalitarian dictatorships demanding everyone without exception obey the will and act in unison in service of the state. Working toward whatever happiness you can find is one thing, but these militants are working against everyone else to force their ideology on them.

Sorry, Karen, but you’re a liar and you’re dead wrong!

Liberals warp everything in their twisted minds as Whoopi “Karen” Goldberg proves

Jordan Peterson explains how woke leftist perversion is corrupting people’s minds, hearts, and souls

Leftists have turned young Americans against God and America’s founding principles in Christianity leaving them searching for anything to fill their emptiness. This is why we say, “If you don’t believe in something, you’ll fall for anything.” We say that so you don’t turn to believing in evil for your salvation.

Christians try to be understanding of this reality that people live in sin, so when gay couples asked to have their unions recognized legally so they could receive spousal benefits like healthcare, we acquiesced in the name of being fair. We did not agree that this was moral, only that it was necessary in modern culture. We were warned this was the “slippery slope” of appeasement to incremental immorality by leftists. Now the left has gone full tilt perverted psychopaths demanding we accept all deviants, pedophiles, and bestiality as morally righteous – and we will not! Gays should be particularly wary of this onslaught by the left attempting to force us to embrace their perverts or be ostracized from society ourselves. We are the vast majority of people compared to the 2% of gays, bisexuals, and all the deviants.

The result of their attacks will result in a backlash that won’t stop with the perverts. It will wash over gays and bisexuals and even over the young couples engaging in adulterous premarital sex. As in all things, once the left corrupts their minions to the extreme, when the righteous rise up and strike back in righteous wrath, leftists will infiltrate them to enrage them further against other good people who simply stray from the path of righteous morality. This is how they infiltrated the Catholic Church to create the Inquisition. Now they use that as their example of how Christianity is akin to fascism. On the political scales, socialism, communism, fascism, Islamism, and atheism are all on the same side against Christianity and liberty. The left is the ideology of slavery, selfishness, deception, and greed. Once you recognize this fundamental truth then all of the Democrat’s history and machinations make perfect sense.

Understanding Christianity, not the fascism that the left projects onto Christianity because leftists infiltrated and corrupted it in history to things like the Inquisition, but the essence which is love of God and consideration of others rather than selfishness is required to understand how militant gay activism is destroying the country rather than creating a “tolerant, inclusive, accepting culture.” Gay militants are not acting out of altruism. They are acting out of selfishness in rebellion against God. They are not proud of being gay because they are doing what is right because promoting their sin is wrong. There are gays who are Christians just like there are adulterers who are Christians. But those adulterers don’t go around telling others to embrace adultery. There are Christians who suffer from road rage. There are Christians who want to murder people. There are Christians who are gluttons, and envious, and prideful. The difference is that they don’t express pride in their sins.

The left demanding that we not only tolerate but embrace their perversions to put men in girl’s bathrooms, let men crush women in sports, and force pre-pubescent children to be molested by pedophiles, which even forcing them to listen to one read to them is an assault, is a violation of God that we should not tolerate. These actions are all stigmatized for a reason in that they corrupt hearts and minds to damn their souls. Their rejection that there is a God or that they have a soul is just another form of their selfishness. Lucifer left Heaven out of pure prideful selfishness. Just because we can’t see or hear souls or spirits due to our own limited perceptions of our physical bodies during our temporary lives doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Our senses are finite and even our technology continues to push the envelope of what we don’t perceive. Science may have some answers, but it doesn’t have all the answers. Hating God for putting us hear to learn the lessons of love rather than selfishness is the true test of our lives. Embracing narcissistic pride and selfish greed is what leads people to reject God and embrace lies.

All of this economic destruction, inflation, gas prices, food shortages, crime promotion, illegal alien invasion, and ideological lies like climate change and coronavirus destroying the planet, to claiming they are about to “lose their democracy,” (i.e. their dictatorial ruling powers) is how Democrats are distracting people from the most critical issue of all – how they are stealing elections through mail-in ballot fraud harvesting.

Broke Woke Libtards

“Diversity and Inclusion” are Democrat “code” for elevating the worst of people to make their corruption the rule

Disney executives make “family friendly” corporation become gay platform to indoctrinate children into corrupt leftist ideology

Disney executives are changing the company’s mission identity from the family friendly corporation it has been for eighty years to Perverts Incorporated by announcing they will put out content for minorities and sexual deviants. This is a wholesale immersion into the entire Hollywood ethos of two-faced bigots lashing out against the innocent because they are angry at being told no to their radical leftist ideology. For the last few decades perverts have infiltrated Disney productions putting deviant sexual content secretly into programs. Now they will do so openly and deliberately with the blessings of those in charge. America can only hope that their stockholders take their heads as their company profits go down the toilet of democratic socialist corruption.

Liberals have as little understanding of words as they do of morality. That’s why they so maliciously try to change the meanings of words as easily as they express their two-faced hypocrisy. As they strive to Balkanize America by dividing their foolish followers into competing tribes, they slander Republicans as “tribal.” It’s just more dysfunctional insanity on display through their warped logic. They turn on their own to destroy those in Hollywood who don’t bow to their commandments just as Satan does to his minions that fail to perform his will. This is the nature of evil people. These two-faced scum violently attack the righteous screaming that they are fighting fascist terrorism by claiming that righteous speech exposing the truth about them is “violent extremist terrorism.” They are obviously insanely two-faced deceivers believing that by slandering the good as evil and claiming their evil is good can justify their evil. 16% of the country embraces this ideology of hate, lies, and corruption, while 71% firmly oppose it. One must wonder how the missing 9% of independents and moderates don’t see it? The only explanation is that they have their heads in the sand and are oblivious.

Now this content is brought to you by the people at Walt Disney Company. They have vowed to make 50% of their programming leftist indoctrination into their woke perverse ideology. Walt was spinning in his grave so fast that his body vaporized.

Matt Walsh destroys insane woman liberal talking out of her butt

Leftists manipulate kids into perversion by increments

Matt Walsh: immutable moral logic vs. liberal dysfunctional irrationality

Michael Knowles – Groomers transing the kids

Michael Knowles – Some people just want to watch the world burn

Liberal Democrat Socialist Groomers

Stochastic Terrorism – Democrat’s newest catch phrase by which to demonize Republicans as “terrorists” for speaking the truth about Democrat lies claiming that their speech “incites random acts of violence.” This is how leftists go witch hunting so they can justify their own acts of violence they have been committing for years against Republicans, conservatives, and Christians. Telling the truth about leftists corrupting our children’s minds in their schools is “stochastic terrorism” because it makes parents angry at their children being dragged to “pride” which is their euphemism for perverts. They want all perversion to be destigmatized so they can be free to impose their evils on the world. This is just libtards using a new word by which to slander the righteous and declare themselves to be more educated than us as if they understood more than a 5th grader.

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Posted in Climate Change, Conservatism vs. Liberalism, Culture corruption, Democratic socialism, Economy, Elections 2022, Gay marriage, Gender identity, Islamism, Racism, Religion, Right vs. Left, Social Justice, Socialism, Transgenderism, Voter fraud | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Liberal Democrat Socialist Groomers

Democrat’s weapon of mass distraction – don’t pay attention to commie fascist’s ballot fraud seizing power

Democrat’s Distractions from their coup:

  • Insurrection trial
  • Racist fools
  • Gender perverts
  • Antifa terrorists
  • Biden incompetence

All of these are just distractions from the gravest threat to Americas republic in our history – Democrat’s multimillion ballot fraud to steal absolute power from the people via their communist coup. While Biden insanely claims that America has “the fastest growing economy in history” even as Democrats deliberately crash the economy and send us into recession, teachers try to groom our children for pedophiles and perverts, racist fools take to the streets demanding the right to burn businesses, kill babies, and terrorize Supreme Court justices. Their perverts who cried out “oppression” against their immorality now cry against the “oppression” of those who would stop them from oppressing our children with their perversion. Christians truly dropped the ball on all of this in the name of “fairness.” Democrats threaten to abolish the filibuster and pack the courts with their activists to overturn the Constitution and abolish American law so they can remake the nation in their image – the image of socialism, aka the worst ideology from the 20th century that killed hundreds of millions of people and squandered trillions of dollars in wealth.

Drag the Kids to “Pride”

The Left screamed for decades that gays were “oppressed.” Now they are oppressing our children to force their conversion to embrace extreme immorality as righteous. This isn’t just immoral, it’s evil, hateful revenge.
The left teaches that the extremes are where the dangerous people are, but the center is the good people. This flies in the face of obvious reality in that the extremes are the same kinds of people. The true paradigm of life is that of good vs. evil which expressed as right vs. left or right vs. wrong. The right is liberty while the left is slavery. Leftist ideologies are socialism, with its subgroups of communism, fascism, Islamism, and anarchism (which is actually where crime lords reside each seeking to be the one in power over others). This makes the Democrat’s ideology perfectly understandable as they are the party of slavery. Their lies and deceptions, propaganda and indoctrination cannot conceal the truth.

Democrats have revealed themselves for who they truly are – anti-Christian, anti-liberty, anti-American. The rednecks that used to chant, “The South will rise again” have got their wish. Democrat ghetto blacks have become those rednecks transforming themselves into the people they hate. Democrats are taking their revenge on Americans for taking their slaves away by making all citizens slaves to their socialist dictatorship. They have stolen elections, deceived the nation, and inflicted their mental illness on the people. The convinced us that working with homosexual couples to obtain rights was good and now they are using that to inflict their dysfunctional psychotics on us as “normal.” They are striving to make every form of perversion, corruption, and crime acceptable by terrorizing anyone who stands against them. Expect them to inflict their ballot fraud machine on America once again this November as they strive to make the people accept the mentally deranged and wicked as our brethren. The only reason they want to make such things as the evil of pedophilia acceptable is because the Prophet of Islam was a pedophile who took a nine-year-old girl to his bed as his last wife just before he died. The goal is to abolish Christianity and replace it with either atheism or Islamism which are the two more virulent and violent anti-Christian religions. This is Satanism at work.

Democrats have revealed themselves as anti-American in every respect from anti-liberty to anti-Christian to pro-pervert to pro-criminal. They have exposed their communist slavery roots.

Christian Nationalism vs. Liberal Imperialism

Liberal fascist communism has proven to be the gravest internal threat America has ever faced. They have openly announced their intention to abolish the Constitution and remake America into their socialist dictatorship. Their deceptions, propaganda, and ballot fraud have enabled them to corrupt our culture, unleash crime and terrorism in our cities, and steal power in our government. They are using this power to cripple our economy and empower America’s communist enemies. Communism and fascism are two of the faces of socialism that have cost more lives and taken more prosperity from the people in the last century than even Islam has done in a thousand years.

Climate terror, Gender scam, Racist hate – all smoke to establish socialist tyranny

Lefty’s gender/racist insane stupidity is designed to distract from Democrat socialists corrupting our elections to steal power so they can tyrannize and steal from us. They are openly persecuting Republicans, conservatives, and Christians while glorifying criminals and anti-Christians. The laugh at us as they avoid prosecution for their crimes while imprisoning Republicans on trumped up charges. Hillary’s own campaign manager confessed in court to creating the phony Russiagate scandal by with Democrats persecuted Trump Republicans for years and was acquitted by a judge and jury of Hillary supporters. Meanwhile, Trump supporters are being sent to prison over lies. Their court corruption is so entrenched that courts would not hear the evidence of ballot fraud that stole the 2020 election and threatens to steal all future elections. This is how deeply the left has taken over this country and it may be too late as they have ultimately corrupted our culture to the point that America, the last bastion of freedom in the world, will fall. This is what we get for sitting back and letting the left take over the education of our children and promote the Satanic rite of infant sacrifice through abortion. Don’t blame anyone else when America burns.

Silence is Violence shouts the leftist

The left likes to conflate the truth with erroneous facts such as saying, “Silence is violence.” No, shouting is violence. Silenced people are the oppressed. Leftists shout down the truth to silence the righteous. This socialist coup of violence and lies will not stop until opposed by superior force. They have murdered police and citizens while importing socialist fools illegally. They terrorize the righteous at every turn and there is no sign it will end until the righteous stand up and fight back with everything they have. That’s why the Democrats allow criminals to run rampant and commit mass murders so they can convince fools to take the guns from good patriotic people. Tyrants will not tolerate a free people with power over them. Several good nations have already fallen to their lies and disarmed themselves. This socialist agenda will end as all of them do – with genocide of the good and decent people of the nation.

Dinesh D’Souza’s revelations of multimillions of Democrat ballots defrauding the people to steal the election vs. the bogus “Insurrection Trial” of the left to impeach Trump in absentia again.

The real terrorists

Leftists believe they have a right and are justified in terrorizing, oppressing, and murdering conservatives, Republicans, and Christians. They won’t stop until we start doing worse to them. The left is out of control because they have stolen power, and no one is standing against them using superior force. Democrats are empowering these criminal terrorists. America is now living under a communist dictatorship. Good luck having a fair and open election in the future. Tyrants do not relinquish power to the people’s choice.

Tucker Carlson – Republicans persecuted, Democrats skate

This is just more proof that we have already lost the country. Democrats can arrest Republicans on trumped up charges but face no prosecution for the real crimes they themselves commit. We are living under a communist dictatorship because we no longer fair and open elections.

Charlie Kirk explains what’s wrong with mass immigration

Democrats are importing socialists and Islamists both of whose ideology is exactly opposite that of American liberty. They are the communists and fascist anti-Christians that want to destroy America. Democrats have wholly become America’s domestic enemies from endorsing atheists and Islamists against Christianity to socialist communists and fascists against liberty to aiding and promoting criminals against law enforcement. Their purpose is clear – to enslave citizens and make themselves masters of this domain. They will remake America from the greatest country in history to a Third World s***hole in their image just like their cities where crime and corruption are rampant.

The Truth About Mankind

It’s nice to imagine that people are good at heart and care about one another, but Tim Pool is right. We inherently understand good and bad from our own personal experience, but morality must be learned. We must teach children to share and be considerate of others, otherwise they behave like animals. The miseducation of propaganda machines indoctrinating our children into anti-American culture today are intent on destroying that morality.

We don’t need more gun control. No, we need more crime control. And you’re not going to get that so long as Democrats are in control and can bail out their terrorists at will.

Democrat’s “bail reform” and “defund police” have unleashed the worst of people on the innocent.

WKF – Wokkkommiefascism: The coalition of woke leftism including Democrats, socialists, Islamists, communists, fascists, and progressive social liberals. Liberal Democrats go through life with blinders on following their master’s signs without thought so stupidly that they think if they say they are not doing what they are proud of doing then we won’t notice. CRT and Groomers are corrupting our children’s hearts and minds with the sole purpose of making them obedient slaves to their masters. The left serves nothing but their own greed and desire for control over others. Call them what they are, two-faced deceivers. They follow the creed of Lucifer of “hurray for me and f*** everybody else” as their sacrifice their babies to Satan. They call truth lies, conspiracy theories, and “yesterday’s news,” as they perpetrate new crimes from which they skate while persecuting Republicans. They’re working on replacing America’s population with communist dullards by importing atheist socialists and Islamists to work with them toward their anti-Christian agenda. They call money evil as they suck it up the people’s prosperity to “save the planet.” They say men can be women and get pregnant but have no right to condemn abortion because they’re men. Two-faced! There is nothing offered by leftism except poverty, slavery, and suffering. There is no alt-right fascism. It’s all leftist hate, fearmongering, and the lies of propaganda as they unleash their criminal thugs to terrorize the people and demand the people be disarmed. Democrats are remaking America in their image through massive ballot fraud and illegal immigration to be as their cities and states they control to reform the greatest nation in history into another of their third world s***holes with themselves as masters!

These “rulers” are imposing their values of perversion, corruption, greed, and envy on the people through censorship, cancel culture, oppression, and terrorism. They say we are intolerant because we do not accept these things and claim that as Christians we should. Jesus did not tolerate any of this! That is what makes all of this not just an imposition of socialism, but an ideology designed to destroy Christianity and the moral compass that has made America great. That is why they ally with atheists and Islamists against America. Their ideology has been built and strengthened by leftist philosophers who promote anti-God hatred.

Trinity of Evil in Modern Leftist Philosophy:

  • Karl Marx
  • Howard Zinn
  • Saul Alinsky

These three “philosophers” dedicated their lives and souls to teaching hateful people how to impose fear on the people and overthrow the righteous. They have done is through years of indoctrination, propaganda, deception, and terrorism. These three wrote the books that the left follows. Their dichotomy of left and right extremism is proven false in that fascism is the same totalitarian system as communism except that they incorporate racism and corporate power over the bourgeoisie.

Trinity of Evil in America’s government:

  • George Soros
  • Barack Obama
  • Nancy Pelosi

The Unholy Trinity in Religion:

  • Satan
  • Muhammad
  • Marx


  • If you reject their ideology of sexual perversion, it’s erasure bigotry
  • If you embrace their ideology, it’s “cultural appropriation”
  • Guns kill people so people can’t have guns
  • Our bodyguards are armed
  • Babies are not people
  • It is right to kill unwanted babies
  • Men can be women and get pregnant
  • Men have no right to object to women having abortions
  • Illegal immigrants are Americans, too, and be allowed to vote
  • Legal immigrants must not be allowed to vote
  • The proletariat must be brought down to empower the bourgeoisie
  • Their elites must rule over the masses

The left says it is the righteous who are “two-faced.” As their proof they say the right objects to aborting children but allows people to have guns to commit school shootings. This insane dichotomy is proof of how utterly devoid of moral ethics leftists are who do not understand, obfuscate, and conflate issues with their erroneous, dysfunctional, immoral logic. Every school shooting has had red flags by which the authorities could have been prepared to stop them, but they have not because Democrats control much of law enforcement. Their new show trial in prime time of their persecution of the January 6 Capitol intruders claiming they are prosecuting “insurgents” when they allowed BLM and Antifa to burn down cities for months and none faced prosecution is proof of how deeply entrenched they are in our criminal justice system. Their seizure of power in government through massive ballot fraud that our legal system is not permitted to investigate allowed their corrupt local government to recover their financial losses while the people who lived and worked in those cities were destroyed. The same has been done through this phony pandemic in which they deliberately infected and killed people in nursing homes and not treat the ill but put them on ventilators till they drowned to instill fear and impose their control. America is on the brink if not already over the edge of falling to leftist communism. This November, with most of the country suffering under Democrat rule and ready to eject them from power will tell the story of whether or not we can recover fair and open elections and be subjugated under their totalitarian rule permanently.

The Criminal Left

Rediscovering the Right

The Five Laws of Stupidity

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Posted in Democratic socialism | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Obiden submitting to Chicoms and Islamists AGAIN!

Democrats are locking up law-abiding citizens over their flu virus restrictions as they unleash criminals like BLM and Antifa to terrorize the people and give criminals voting rights. They are importing illegal alien communistas to replace those citizens who are fleeing their socialist states like California and New York. Some of those fleeing are the liberals that stupidly voted for socialism but don’t want to live under it. They just want to impose it on others, so they go to free states to again stupidly thus infecting the entire nation with Democrat corruption through election fraud. This is how communist fascists rule with their backwards thinking morality.

Democrats criminalize the Truth about:

  • stealing the election
  • global warming
  • taxation
  • providing healthcare
  • illegal immigration at the border
  • Christianity, Islam, and atheism

Leftwing media are censoring everyone who speaks out against Democrat’s massive mail-in anonymous ballot fraud. They are declaring them criminals and taking away their rights as spelled out by our Constitution. Democrats are doing away with the Constitution bit by bit until they impose their new laws on us. Their global warming scam has nothing to do with science and everything to do with their religion of leftism to impose socialism on America. Their taxation will not be of the rich but of everyone. When they reimpose their ObamaCare mandate taxes they will tax the poor who cannot to pay to have ObamaCare so will pay for the privilege of not having it. They are importing communistas from the south to replace the voters they lost in their coup against Trump Americanism. Now they are out to destroy Christianity in their Amerika and impose Islam on those who will not just fall all the way into atheism.

Obiden is the puppet of Obama putting America back into the Paris Climate Accords to give away our prosperity. He is undoing Trump’s brilliant trade deals to go back to allowing China and Mexico to suck us dry. He is begging Iran to make a new nuclear agreement so that Islamists can have nuclear weapons with which to destroy Jews, Christians, and infidels. Their sickness is exhibited in the people they idolize. An examination of their heroes proves they represent the negative evil humanity against the righteous.  Just quiz them:

  • Was Jesus the Savior of mankind or a black prophet? They rewrite the Bible to suit themselves.
  • Was Muhammad a man of peace or a conqueror? Have you ever studied the man?
  • Were Stalin and Mao humanitarian heroes or genocidal murderers like Hitler? They glorify communism when it is virtually the same as fascism.
  • Is Obama a Christian American or a Moslem communist? Did you read his book?

Liberals are not smart people. To truly be smart you must be moral. How they conduct their businesses tells us everything about them. For example, they lost control of their workforce due to the people unionizing against their autonomous dictates. So, they had the Mob put ringers in who rose to power within the unions to corrupt them, thus making them subject to their rule once again. Business owners are of two kinds; those who make money by making a superior product, and those who make money by using their workers. An example of this is if your business is being run badly then you find ways to make cutbacks. If you lay off ten thousand people, but then take a multi-million-dollar bonus, you are not saving the business, you are stealing their salaries.

Leftists have miseducated young liberals to believe that socialism is separate from communism and fascism. They are just different names for the same ideology just like they change the names of their climate scam. Chicken Little never thought to say different things about the sky falling to dupe people into giving him their money, their freedom, and their lives. Climate change started as global cooling then became global warming then climate change then climate disruption. They are all names for the same thing that occurs naturally, but they use different words to claim that mankind changes the climate, not God. This is how twisted leftists are and how simple are liberal’s minds who follow them. The same thing happens when they demonize police and glorify criminals. So long as Democrats control this nation with their fraud and lies then we will continue to decline until a new George Washington rises up to reclaim freedom from our communist oppressors.

[Author’s Note: Democrats use flu virus terrorism to lockup citizens as they unleash their criminal terrorists of Antifa and BLM on rampages. They are already trying to make a diamond by putting a lump of coal up their lying asses. The two mass shootings the past week by two leftists, a liberal wacko and an Islamist jihadi, are both being blamed on Trump Republicans and Christians. The wacko said he killed those who tempted him and Islamist’s mass murder of Asians or a gay nightclub for immorality is the greatest evil. Jesus didn’t say to kill others for tempting you or to kill them for being immoral. He said to cut off that part of your body that is leading you to evil. How many body parts should these evil people have cut from their own hateful selves?

Both of these newest shooters were being watched by the FBI who did nothing to stop them AGAIN! Now Democrats are saying citizens must be disarmed to protect people. ALL mass shooters are leftist liberals. There has never been a maniacal Republican or conservative or Christian who has committed mass murder. If you want to make people safer then disarm Democrats! Their sole purpose is to make citizens into subjects of their authoritarian rule. Democrats never use laws to benefit the people. They benefit their own wackos, criminals, and terrorists, and especially themselves. They would use laws to disarm Republicans claiming they conducted an armed insurrection on Jan. 6th.

You can never rely on leftists to do what is right and just. They never examine the facts. They always leap to this conclusion whenever one of their own commits these mass murders and blames others. This is the fundamental nature of leftism. To have leftist tyrants rule over the people has been the normal state of existence for humanity, which is why America was the exception. Now, we are just another leftist state ruled over by dictators until another rebellion rises up to overthrow them. Good luck having another group of noble Christians lead such a campaign.]

P.S. OBiden’s press conference was a communist joke of pre-set questions with prevaricated answers all to blame Trump for the crisis Democrats have created and claim they are solving it. Reporters asked several questions at once while OBiden would go off on tangents and babble about how great Democrats are and how evil Republicans are every time. If you want to know the truth just listen to them for yourself and see how much sense you can make of their answers. The only thing they say that is not utter nonsense is “Trump is bad!” Rather than stop illegal immigration they encourage it! Rather than take gangs out of schools they put police in and accuse them of being racists.

Democrats are dysfunctional in the stupidity that they swallow whole believing they are enacting good moral sense. They can put any name they want on their policies or laws to make them sound good like, “The Affordable Healthcare Act” or “For the People Act.” When they institute those acts, they are the opposite. ObamaCare cost the poor out the wazoo to not have access to healthcare or something that was so costly they couldn’t pay for it even when subsidized. Their H.R. 1 is not meant for the people, but for Democrats to hold power permanently. Until the nation opens their eyes to realize that they now serve a communist dictatorship, this nation will continue to decline.

The American Police State

Biden stumbles, mumbles, blunders his way through first news conference

John Stossel debunking socialism

Barack OBiden depleting America’s military arsenal AGAIN while crushing our economy into decline AGAIN!

New York Gov. Cuomo’s Nursing Home Genocide

Illegal Immigrants to Receive $4.38 Billion in Stimulus Checks

Miami Imam Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi: There Can Be No Peace, Normalization With The Brothers Of Pigs And Apes; Jews Refuse To Convert To Islam; The Pope, Catholics Are Idol Worshipers

Facebook pulls Boulder shooter’s page to hide his being anti-Trump

Democratic lawmakers introduce legislation to end Puerto Rico’s ‘colonial status’

Biden Faces Backlash After ‘Humiliating’ China Meeting: ‘Incredible Incompetence,’ ‘Biden Is Weak’

Radical Biden Pick Vanita Gupta Backs CRUSHING $15 Min. Wage While Her Family Business Pays Mexicans $1.30 an Hour

WATCH: Biden calls VP ‘President Harris’

Federal Judge SLAMS decades-old press protections: “The increased power of the press is so dangerous today because we are very close to one-party control of these institutions”

Biden team prepping MASSIVE new spending proposal to pay for universal pre-k, free community college, climate & ‘equality’ measures

OBSCENE: Illegal Immigrants to Receive $4.38 Billion in Stimulus Checks

WATCH: Kamala Harris Cackles When Asked If She Is Going To Visit Border To See Crisis

Leaked Photos Show Children Packed in ‘Terrible Conditions’ in Border Patrol Facility

Pelosi: It’s My RIGHT As Speaker To Unseat All Republican Members of Congress

Lemon Steadily Poisoning People With Leftist Propaganda: GOP Wants To ‘Take Your Vote’

Mexico’s President Places Border Crisis Blame Where It Belongs, Offers Trump’s Solution

Biden’s FBI Knew About Mass Shooter Ahead Of Time … Again

Biden Considering Extreme Measure To Force Gun Control


My Facebook page soon to be censored @ The Left is Never Right

The Left is Never Right on Pinterest

Banned on Democrat’s Nazi sewer Twitter by electronic book burning

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Posted in Democratic socialism, Voter fraud | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Communism’s Ugly Fascist Face in Democrat Controlled Amerika

What would you do if you found out your parents, your family, or your friends were members of the Communist Party? What if they were Russian or Chinese spies subverting, sabotaging, and propagandizing Americans? What if they were members of the Nazi Party? What if they were part of a Satanic Cult? Would you be proud or abhorred? How do you feel about them being Democrats? Liberals believe that Republicans are Nazi racists. How did they come to this conclusion? Did they come to this understanding by examining evidence, or do they just believe it because someone told them it is so? Engage a liberal in debate and you will find confusion reigns in their dysfunctional thinking.

There are groups of liberal Democrat teachers around the country that are creating “enemies lists” of Republican parents who object to their children being indoctrinated into the leftist ideology of socialism. Socialists teach Critical Race Theory in which whites are smeared as evil racists. They see this as righteous to justify their actions. If someone wants to teach your child a philosophy to hate a certain group of others whose only crime is objecting to your teaching is that righteousness or is that fascism? Republicans do not teach their children to be racist criminals oppressing others. But Democrats are doing exactly that! Systemic racism exists in America only in the Democratic National-socialist Communist Party. They are teaching children to be anti-white bigots and that crimes against them are righteous attacks to stop fascism.

Liberals say they will spread love instead of hate. Then they do the opposite like these teachers. Liberals are being fascists and don’t even realize it. They justify their crimes as righteous by using false allegations that they have been wronged. They damn white cops and praise black criminals believing they can justify their crimes because their ancestors were slaves. Their two-faced, self-righteous hypocrisy is limitless. They are the witch-hunters, the Inquisitors, the Gestapo. Their slave mask Nazis blame problems created by Democrats on Trump while they take credit for the achievements of Trump all while promising to fix those problems only to make them worse. Covid and the border crisis are prime examples. Democrats are importing communistas who don’t want to become Americans but want America destroyed by communism, and many of them are being imported with diseases including Covid. Liberals believe a great many things that are not true. For example:

Which of the following statements is racist?

  • All lives matter
  • All white people are racist

Liberals get it backwards because their morality and thinking are backwards. Dysfunctional people cannot tell the difference between truth and lies. Examine these statements in which liberals believe and then read the truth that follows:

  1. The invasion of the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021 was an “armed insurrection” according to Speaker Pelosi.
    1. No weapons were used by or found on the invaders led by Antifa/BLM agitators with the only person killed violently being a Republican woman standing peacefully in a hallway shot by a Democrat aide, while all reports that Capitol police were killed by assault were proven lies.
  2. Donald Trump said white supremacists are fine people.
    1. Donald Trump condemned white supremacists every time he spoke of them and actually said peaceful Republican and Democrat protesters were the fine people, yet he was repeatedly smeared as endorsing white supremacists, and Chris Wallace had the gall the ask him if he would condemn white supremacy in the 2016 debate and again in 2020 as if he had never done so.
  3. Sarah Palin said she can see Russia from her house.
    1. Tina Fey said that as a joke on SNL mocking Palin who had said that Russia and Alaska are within sight of each other because Russia owns the islands at the far end of the Aleutian island chain.
  4. Global warming is caused by pollution from the USA and can be alleviated by the USA stopping the use of fossil fuels.
    1. Liberals don’t count China’s pollution because they are an “emerging 3rd world economy” even though China’s economy is surpassing the U.S. and their cities are newer and better and spewing ten times our pollution, and they are now using their wealth to build a navy with which to challenge the United States’ monopoly on the high seas.
  5. The 2020 election was the fairest election in history.

The 2020 election was the most bogus in history using the template Democrats reported to President Bush on what must be done to stop election rigging to rig the election with massive anonymous mail-in ballots accepted even after Election Day to overturn the results.

2020 Electoral Map. This is not a map of Republicans and Democrats. This is a map of the middle class that is responsible for making America work to generate wealth. The little blue areas are where the desperate poor welfare voter slaves serve their elitist Democrat masters. The blue areas are where the greedy rich and greedy poor live. They are in the cities that are the heart of crime and corruption in America. They are the power centers of communist Amerika. The red is the backbone of the nation from which liberals want to steal.
2016 Electoral map. Notice the difference in these maps when Trump was elected over Hillary, and in the 2020 election when he increased his voter base by over 10 million officially but was actually over 20 million more votes. See how Democrat’s mail-in ballots flipped districts and states by taking away some 10 million votes from President Trump and adding 20-30 million bogus anonymous ballots to Democrats to keep their House seats and flip Senate seats. Notice the deep blue bastion of Minnesota that even voted against the Reagan economic boom is controlled by a tiny center where more ballots than registered voters are always counted. This year many Democrat cities recorded more than twice as many ballots as they had registered voters and Republicans were not permitted to challenge them in court.
Democrats have declared that the use of the word “supremacy” in physics is “racist!” How sick is the liberal mind to believe this kind of twaddle? The crap that comes out of their mouths originates between their ears as they hear and see the world in black and white. Liberalism is the study of dysfunctional thinking perpetuated by militant stupidity to force others to obey their commands while not living by their own standards. Liberalism is not fair and righteous. It is leftist injustice wherein those who are righteous are condemned by false allegations just as those in the past who were condemned by witch-hunters and the Spanish Inquisition. Democrats “inspire” their base by creating fear to generate hate. I will conclude this by declaring that it is THE SUPREMACY OF CHRIST OVER SATAN THAT DRIVES THEIR HATE!
Rush expounds on Democrat’s alliance with the Chicoms and how the Americoms work with them to suppress the free speech of the people and use terrorists against them, all while advancing the rights of criminals as justified and stripping away citizen’s protections by police and gun control to negate self-defense. Premier OBiden sold his soul to Satan long ago. Now he sells his body along with all Amerikans into slavery to China.
Rush understands that Premier Biden is a puppet with Obama’s hand up his arse as Kommie Harris awaits her chance to stand over the people of Democrat Amerika as their Americom dictator.
“Woke” Cancel Culture of leftism is not founded in love of America or patriotism. They are the America haters, the communist left that demands free speech as they terrorize the righteous to silence their free speech either through threat of costly lawsuits or actual violence. The illegal aliens the Democrats are importing are not America lovers who want to become Americans and live free. They are South/Central American communistas who are here to help the Democrat Americoms conquer this nation for communism.
Rush on how AOC exemplifies communist cancel culture and their methods of intimidation to impose their mis-education onto others through political correctness that is communist censorship of the righteous.

Obama keeps claiming his was “the most transparent administration in history.” Yet we know that they passed ObamaCare from behind closed doors and no one was allowed to read it until after they passed it, and his spying on Donald Trump’s campaign using U.S. intelligence resources and personnel is well documented. President Trump was extremely transparent in all of his doings, yet the media constantly smeared him as being secretly a white supremacist oppressing minorities. Liberals believe what they are told rather than believe their own “lying eyes.” Liberal’s backwards thinking is the sole cause of America’s decline into communism. Liberals don’t think they are greedy. They don’t think they are two-faced. They don’t think they are fascists. Their self-delusion is more than an impediment.

Fear, anger, greed, envy, and hate are the driving forces in liberalism. Fear is bred by insecurity and frustration. Envy and greed drive them to anger and hatred of those who are more successful or more moral than themselves. Of the Seven Deadly Sins from which we all suffer to some degree, I believe it would be found that greed, envy, and anger top the lists of most liberals. To embrace leftism is to accept the negative character of humans as being good. Liberals are defined by their ignorance, immorality, and immature emotional decision making. That is a common characteristic of the young and why older, experienced people largely become conservatives. That’s why Democrats want teenagers to have the vote to displace the elderly they want to be rid of in future elections. Communism always appeals to the ignorant as being the most fair and free culture of socialism wherein all people are cared for equally. History has proven this to be the ultimate lie of tyrants, and communist Amerika’s future will be no different.

[Author’s Note: I knew that nation was in far greater danger when Donald Trump won the presidency and then was stonewalled on investigating Obama’s spies while Republicans went to prison over the bogus Russian collusion scam. That became more evident when he was impeached over another lie that he was racketeering Ukraine when Biden had admitted doing so on television and nothing was done to him or his son. This all came to a head when President Trump was duped at long last by the left over the Chinese virus they unleashed on the world.

Convincing him to shut down the economy and have people wear masks that don’t protect anyone and be slaves to the government allowing them to create their mail-in voter fraud scam was the second most grievous mistake of his presidency. His most grievous mistake was in not enacting the Insurrection Act to stop them. President Trump surrendered to Democrat’s communist coup to seize control of the government rather than calling on America’s troops to arrest them all. America has fallen to communism and only the leftwing media continues to provide a façade by which they dupe most people into believing that elections are still free. No communist government has ever fallen to elections or protests.]


Pelosi: Democrats are expediting illegal alien invasion

Obiden invading Syria with their Russian and Iranian allies

WATCH: Jen Psaki Blames President Trump for Atlanta Shooting

Biden border officials say he’s wrong not to acknowledge migrant ‘crisis’

As border crisis deepens, Biden official blames Trump’s ‘four years of mismanagement’

DeSantis condemns critical race theory, says it won’t be taught in Florida classrooms

Teachers Compile ‘Enemies List’ of Parents Who Question Radical Race Curriculum — Plot to Infiltrate, Hack, and Expose Them

Communism, corruption, and criminals – Amerika’s new ruling Democratic National-socialist Communist Party

New York Gov. Cuomo’s Nursing Home Genocide

The Decline and Fall of America Mirroring Decline and Fall of California

Communist Democrats Establish One-Party Fascist Rule Via Mail-in Ballot Fraud as Law of the Land

Barack OBiden depleting America’s military arsenal AGAIN while crushing our economy into decline AGAIN!

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New York Gov. Cuomo’s Nursing Home Genocide

Have you heard how many women have come out of the woodwork to accuse Gov. Cuomo of molesting them? Where have they been all these years? Why now? Why not when he was running for governor to prevent him from taking high office? Why not when it happened? The answer is as obvious – to distract oblivious liberals from Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s genocide of New York’s elderly nursing home patients. Ever since committing this heinous evil, Democrats have been striving to divert attention from the truth – that they not only have death panels, but act on them!

So, who cares if Gov. Cuomo has a dozen women accusing him of molesting them? As if any Democrat ever goes down for immorality. There are Democrats in office to this day who were re-elected by their constituents regardless of how stupid they are, how immoral they are, or how evil they are. Democrats have gotten away with taking graft, doing drugs, stealing from taxpayers, raping women, running child pedophile rings, and even murder. Oblivious liberals have their heads too far up where the sun don’t shine to know anything that goes on with those they idolize.

Last spring, Gov. Cuomo began his campaign against elderly people who mostly vote Republican because they have learned through bitter experience the truth about Democrats being the party of lies, oppression, immorality, crime, and tyranny. This is the reason Democrats want 16-year-old to have the vote and be rid of the elderly. Cuomo found a way by using Covid infected patients and government orders to doctors not to treat the Covid flu with antibiotics and zinc therapy. Instead, they just waited till people’s lungs were so diseased that they filled with fluids and put them on ventilators until they died. This was the “science” behind last year’s damnation of President Trump who had tens of thousands more ventilators made than needed.

With the infection created by the Chicom’s bioweapons and spread with the help of Democrats, Gov. Cuomo launched the diabolical scheme of putting Covid infected patients into nursing homes with sickly old people rather than in quarantine. Cuomo had at his beck and call a Navy hospital ship and a volunteer field hospital set up in Central Park by Samaritan’s Purse that went unused! The tens of thousands of nursing home patients that died were concealed by official records that didn’t record those that died in hospitals. The conservative investigation into this has revealed that more than twice as many nursing home patients died from Covid that Cuomo infected in nursing homes than the state officially reported.

Democrats were so invested in covering up this crime, this evil, this genocide, that they had Cuomo publish a book in his name and doing television broadcasts of how great a governor he was at saving lives! They even gave him an Emmy for his great acting!!! This is the depths of Democrat depravity. What will happen to him for his crimes? Nothing. The media will distract fools with allegations of molesting women until this genocide is forgotten. Like the Armenia genocide by the Moslem Turks, or the Ukrainian genocide by the communist Russians, leftists believe that every evil they commit can be swept away with simple distractions. Charging a Democrat with violations of morality is like charging a dog for licking itself.

Morality laws? Phhhfffttt! Those are for Republicans who get caught with girlfriends and hookers on the side. They are not for Democrats doing their drugs and raping women and children. Ninety percent of the criminals in the USA are Democrats and now 90% of the tyrannical politicians in Amerika are Democrats. The reason Democrats made alcohol and sex illegal is to punish good people and steal from them. It’s how Democrats make money. People will always find ways to have sex and do drugs. Making morality laws against them has always been a leftist tactic by which to smear and crush Republicans both in the public and financially. Republicans can lose their careers for tapping their foot in a bathroom to be accused of making homosexual overtures, while Democrats can run pedophile brothels from their homes.

If you don’t believe in these truths, then you’re just a typical oblivious liberal who never has and never will learn a damn thing. All you have to do is learn about the lives and careers of people like Bill Clinton and his buddy Jeffrey Epstein, Ted Kennedy, and most all other Democrats to learn the truth of how heinous are the crimes with which they get away. But no. Democrats say Epstein was Trump’s buddy, and liberals swallow that load of manure hook, line, and sinker. A genocide by Cuomo is just another day at the office for Democrats. No doubt they will have idiot liberals believing that President Trump did it and that the Obama regime is innocent and pure. This is life in communist Amerika, and it will only get worse.

I’m sorry to burst your bubble if you believe in American justice. But this is a certainty. No Democrat will be removed from office for their crimes let alone go to prison. In four years, President Trump was unable to have a single Democrat investigated, let alone charged for their myriad of crimes against the nation. From spying on his campaign to stealing the election via ballot fraud, no Democrat has gone to prison while a dozen Republicans went to prison over the phony Russian collusion scam. Amerika is in the clutches of the evil left and righteousness will have no place here. The left is founded on selfishness, greed, and slavery. There is no justice on the left. There is only justification for their crimes against humanity.

[Author’s Note: Leftists rely on the oblivious nature of liberals. They are easily distracted, deceived and duped. The elderly are Democrat’s bane because most of us have learned through years of being shafted by Democrats the truth of their nature. Trusting Democrats is for fools just as those who don’t know that Obama is a Moslem communist subverting this nation to the greatest degree in its history. When you don’t know something about the people for whom you vote you fall for anything. Liberals have proven time and again that they are the stupid people who believe in fictions thinking they are scientists. How easy it is to sucker the simple-minded arrogant fool.]

World News Tonight does four times more coverage of Cruz’s Cancun trip than to Cuomo’s murder of nursing home residents

Lockdown was the greatest mistake in American history

THIS EXCERPT FROM A DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN EXEMPLIFIES HOW THEY JUSTIFY THEIR CRIMES! Democrat’s morals are so twisted that they extoll the virtues of criminals as the “needy poor” and curse citizens who refuse to “share their wealth.” This is what happens when the psychotic sociopath criminal is elected to high office. This is the sickness of the leftist mind that leads to their irrational hate, fear, and dysfunctional attitude resulting in derangement as they believe that stealing is a virtue and defending what you worked to provide for your family is the crime. It’s demented and insane, and these people are now ruling over us!


The Decline and Fall of America Mirroring Decline and Fall of California

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The Decline and Fall of America Mirroring Decline and Fall of California

The Victor Davis Hansen documentary on the “Decline and Fall of California” to Democrat socialism, from the richest state in the nation to the poorest, is a roadmap to how Democrats will dismantle American liberty as they convert the nation into their socialist toilet of communist fascism. All the while they will blame Republicans as they deceive the unwitty, uneducated liberals who follow them blindly to their own destruction. Their actions are reminiscent of Hitler’s Nazis and his rise to power in the 1930s when a small group of violent, deceitful Nazis convinced a minority of Germans to elect them to power from which they then seized absolute power to overthrow the German government. With the United States being forced into decline by the socialist government of FDR causing the great deepening the Crash of ’29 into the Great Depression by massive taxation, the world eventually descended into world war led by the imperialist fascist communists of Japan, Germany, Italy, and Russia.

Were the Russians the “good guys” in WWII? An ignorant liberal would say “yes” because Russia joined the Allies against invasion by the Nazis. But at the beginning of the war, they worked with the Germans to invade and conquer neighboring states. Liberal Democrats in America lauded these tyrants in the 1930s even electing Hitler “Man of the Year” in Time Magazine twice! Stalin and Mussolini were no better as they tried to exterminate populations. The Japanese invaded Manchuria and Southeast Asia before going to war with the USA so they could control the Pacific. After the war, the Soviet communists invaded and enslaved eastern Europe until Ronald Reagan brought their back to end the Cold War. Mao conquered China and instituted the worst genocidal murder campaign in the history of the world. All told in the 20th century, more people were murdered by socialism than were killed in all the wars of history.

In the late 20th century, liberals are falsely taught that Nazis are extreme right-wingers, that they are what happens when Republicans become violent extremists. This is revealed as an utter lie to anyone who understands the truth about history, morality, and the left. This truth is also revealed in Hanson’s book that has been banned on Amazon lest anyone learn the truth about socialism being a totalitarian ideology that always leads to fascism, communism, and Nazism. This is the reason getting books on electronic media is dangerous when living in a fascist state such as that which Amerika has now become. Books by VDH will soon all be banned as well as those by the great Rush Limbaugh and all conservative Christian authors espousing truth and righteousness. The truth of WWII is lost on liberals who never learned history. America saved Russia from conquest by Germany, not vice versa. Russia would have fallen without U.S. aid thus freeing up 3/4ths of the German army to stop an invasion of Europe. The history rewrite by leftists that Russia saved America is a huge pile of bovine excrement passed off as good sense.

This is the same as liberals being taught that America stole wealth from the world rather than created its own prosperity. How people are so obliviously stupid as to believe in such lies when it is obvious under even the most cursory examination that trade with America made all other countries rich is beyond intelligent understanding. The stupidity of liberalism is why America has fallen to the totalitarian dictators of the Democratic National-socialist Communist Party. Liberals believe all the world is backwards from what is truly righteous and wicked. Their twisted hearts and minds corrupted by the left is why their ideology is going to lead to America’s decline and the Third World War. As America’s economy declines and thanks to the Americoms of the DNC, the Chicoms will fill the void and create a world in turmoil. This will continue as the world’s economies crumble without American prosperity leading the way and China will eventually move to conquer and enslave all the world under the iron boot of socialist communism.

[Author’s Note: With liberal leftist Democrat socialists making it a federal crime to declare the truth about their stealing the election with mail-in ballot fraud they are making the law of the land, people had best be prepared as they impose more and more totalitarian laws making lawful citizens illegal including guns, cars, Christianity, and free speech. If you speak the truth that the Capitol invasion on Jan. 6th was not an “armed insurrection” but was led by Antifa/BLM who were permitted to enter, that the Democrats enacted a coup via mail-in ballot fraud in the millions, or that Democrats have established themselves as totalitarian dictators, you will be declared a criminal fascist racist bigot. This is leftist liberalism of the Democratic National-socialist Communist Party. They deceive liberals to corrupt hearts and pervert minds in order to affirm their coup to win their second Civil War through deception, subversion, and sabotage. They declare anyone who speaks the truth as evil.

These are the people who curse God and praise anti-Christian values. Their witch hunts of the righteous are right around the corner. Their leftist ideology of fascist communism is epitomized by New York’s Governor Cuomo who, during the height of the Covid crisis these Americoms and their Chicoms friends created, accepted the help of the Christian organization, Samaritan’s Purse, to set up a field hospital in Central Park, NYC. Rather than use their facility that remained empty throughout to quarantine Covid patients, Cuomo sent the infected to nursing homes where they infected and killed thousands of elderlies. Liberals then gave him an Emmy for acting like he saved lives. The cherry diaper on top of this sh*t show is Cuomo now seeking to collect taxes from Samaritan’s Purse for their employees’ salaries while operating in his state. This is the naked greed, the hate, the murder, the fear-mongering, the theft, and the soul of leftism in its bare essence.]

Review of “Decline and Fall of California”

“I used to be Antifa”

‘We The People’ no more

What Drives the Global Elite on Their Maniacal Mission

Trump Capitalism vs. Democrat Socialism

Communist Democrats Establish One-Party Fascist Rule Via Mail-in Ballot Fraud as Law of the Land

Texas Gov. Abbott Deploys Texas National Guard to Counter Biden Admin’s Chaos At The Border ‘Open Border Policies’

BANKRUPTING AMERICA: Senate Approves $1.9 Trillion Democrat Pork Package on Party-Line Vote

Death Row Inmates, Murders, Convicts Get $1,400 ‘COVID’ Cash From Democrat Trillion Pork $ Package

Arizona Border Sheriff On Border Crisis: Biden ‘Owns This,’ ‘We Had It Under Control’ Under Trump

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Posted in Democratic socialism, Socialism, Voter fraud | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments