Are Democrats Obvious or Oblivious?

When Democrats say Antifa is not part of the Democrat Party, who do they think they’re fooling?  Obama’s OfA Army of thugs, activists, and rioters consisting of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, and others are a far greater danger to America than climate change.  Disrupting people’s lives, destroying property, assaulting the innocent, and going so far as to assassinate police, the left is already waging a civil war to take control of America and cast down the presidency via a coup to establish their socialist dictatorship.  They are conducting these crimes through a series of civil disruption, importing foreign invaders, and through a propaganda campaign of false allegations meant to distract the oblivious and incense the rabid leftists.

They say white supremacists and the KKK are Republicans, except that both were created and endorsed by Democrats until Trump was elected.  Now they act in secret collusion with other Democrats.  Despite the fact that Democrat voters are rejecting openly socialist candidates, they and their leaders have surreptitiously embraced them and their ideology in the belief it will somehow benefit them.  What is it going to take for Democrat voters to open their eyes to realize they are being deceived into voting against their own country?

“Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” – Edmund Burke

I have long said that liberalism is born and ignorance and bred on immorality.  The ignorance is not knowing the facts or understanding how the world works, and the immorality is in perpetrating and believing in lies.  Such duplicity is not wholly borne by liberals who are often indoctrinated dupes of the left.  Everyone is born an ignorant liberal, but most grow up to learn and grow out of it to become conservatives.  Only those who are devout leftists struggle to continue to maintain their façade of lies actually believing they are the good people as they serve evil.  The difference between ignorance and stupidity is that ignorance can be overcome.  Most liberals are ignorant of the facts that prove socialism is a malevolent ideology of elitists to rule over the masses.  But, having been informed of those facts, for them to continue to believe socialism can be beneficial is just plain stupid.

The importance to liberals of ignorance and stupidity

What do Democrats know of history?  Today they think that Republicans are fascists of the KKK.  That they are blind to the racist fascism of democratism is astounding after suffering under it for more than a century.  They reject Republican Americanism in favor of the ideology of America haters and invaders who want to unmake America.  Do any of them even know, understand, or even have the most basic knowledge of history necessary to comprehend their dysfunctional thinking?  When they reject the Constitution, capitalism, and Christianity that are the foundational principles of America have they any right to even claim to be Americans?

Unfortunately for America the average person learns history from Hollywood that fictionalizes much of it for dramatic effect – as if the actual drama of history wasn’t interesting enough.  For example, the latest series on Rome has a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, bearded Julius Caesar leading legionnaires swinging their swords in mob fights.  Anyone who knows anything about ancient Rome knows they were all dark, clean shaven, and fought in formation with their thrusting swords which is what made them so devastating against foreign hordes.  But that’s not nearly as fun and exciting as hacking and splitting skulls.

Even in the movies of an asteroid hitting the Earth the cowboy version, “Armageddon,” is a far more entertaining movie than the realistic version, “Deep Impact.”  The comic book style “300” will keep kids glued to the screen, while the original “300 Spartans” that tells the real history will put them to sleep.  The story of “Braveheart” is beautiful and inspiring, but aside from the names and a couple of battles, none of the events depicted occurred.  Modern Hollywood has taken history and made it into their comic book versions that, while exciting, bear no more semblance to real history than Lincoln fighting vampires.  The names are the same, but everything else is fiction.

Explain how Hitler and his Nazis rose to power

Those who call Republicans fascists, say Trump supporters are racists, and compare The Donald to Hitler don’t have the first clue who or what any of them were.  All they know are the names and what they are told to believe – that Hitler was a monstrous far right Christian who slaughtered people in diabolical ways.  They don’t know about Stalin’s purges how he starved millions of Ukranians.  They don’t know about Mao’s “re-education camps” where a hundred million educated Chinese “disappeared.”  They don’t know about all the socialist dictators that have hoovered up the wealth of the nations over which they took control.

Antifa thugs say they are fighting fascism, but they are the fascists using the same tactics, having the same goals, and committing the same crimes as Mussolini’s Black Shirts and Hitler’s Brown Shirts.  Black Lives Matter say they are fighting racism, but they are the racists slandering all white cops in their bigotry.  Obamaites say Trump is a Hitler wannabe, but their messiah is everything Hitler was as evidenced by how he rose to and abused power.  If they knew the first thing about Hitler they would recognize that Obama is his brother, while Trump is his antithesis.  They say Trump is working as Putin’s puppet.  Yet one glance at how the two interact, at how Trump is treating Russia, and that lie dies an ugly death.  But what do you expect of people who reject Christ as the Redeemer and Satan as the Deceiver, instead seeing God as the Oppressor and Satan as the Liberator?

How do liberals believe Hitler came to power?  They believe he overthrew the German government.  They do not understand that he was elected by his charismatic speeches promising them the Sun, the Moon, and the stars just like Obama did in America 2008.  They do not know that he was a nobody of no accomplishment except to convince people to follow him and elect him to power, and once in power he abused it severely.  This does not describe Donald Trump but does describe Barack Obama.  Trump is a man a superlative accomplishment who suffers none of the greed of lesser men.  Contrary to liberal beliefs, becoming rich is not a sign of being greedy.  People do not become wealthy only by stealing from others.  That is a purely leftist ideal.

How Obama, Hitler, and the Star Wars Emperor are the same

Try this; ask yourself which party employs thugs and rioters?  Which party calls for censoring speech?  Which party has been using government as a weapon against the people?  Which president said, “Tell Vlad I’ll be more flexible after the election,” Obama or Trump?  Which president said, “The 80s called and want their Cold War mentality back,” Obama or Trump?  Leftists in the media and Democrat regime claim Trump is stifling their free speech just like Hitler did.  How many of them are in prisons awaiting execution?

To which party does the group Antifa belong when they chant, “No borders. No wall. No USA at all!”  Democrats, who say they want open borders, claim Antifa radicals are not part of the Democrat Party, and then they echo exactly the same policies.  The actual ideology of left and right can be laid out as the conflict between those who believe in oppression and those who believe in liberty.  The various ideologies to which sociologists refer fall under either category in ways that are contrary to what leftists teach.  That’s because the left does not want people to understand the truth.

The American form of government vs. the leftist form of rule

Simply put, the left is never right.  All their policies are wrong if you want liberty.  The left is the negative pole of both societal and individual character in which the glass is always half empty, and others are to blame because the leftist never takes responsibility.  Everything of which the left accuses the right of being is of what they themselves are guilty.  Theirs is the pathological mentality of projecting their emotional reasoning onto others and denying the truth in themselves.  That’s how they justify stealing from others, from pinching their wealth to taking credit for the successes of others.

Left vs. Right in society, government, and religion

Two Americas: Americanism or Socialism, Right vs. Left

The characteristics of left vs. right are the dividing line between what is malicious and what is benevolent.


Leftism vs. Rightism, liberalism vs. conservatism, censorship vs. free speech, bigotry vs. justice, racism vs. righteousness, violence vs. peaceful protests, endorsing criminals vs. endorsing patriots, slandering police vs. honoring police, burning the American flag vs. singing the National Anthem.


Democrats vs. Republicans, socialism vs. capitalism, Occupy Wall Street; Black Lives Matter; Antifa; Organizing for America; The KKK; White Supremacists; White Nationalists; all vs. the TEA Party, Socialist fascists; Nazis; Communists; Islamists; Elitist Imperialists; all vs. Americanism, Jim Crowe laws; oppression; segregation; all vs. liberty.


Atheism and Islamism vs. Christianity, believing God is the oppressor and Satan is the liberator vs. believing Christ is the Redeemer and Satan is the Deceiver, Muhammad vs. Jesus, Jihad vs. The Great Commission, Schism and Inquisition vs. The Reformation.

Christians crushed the Inquisition, Moslems endorse the Jihad

The divisions between left and right, good and evil, become stark when you know the truth behind the facts of each.  Much can be understood by the young if they take the time to learn.  Most don’t start truly realizing the truth until they are thirty, which is why leftists say,

“Never trust anyone over thirty,”

and the rightists say,

“Never trust anyone under thirty.”

When Churchill said,

“If you under thirty and a Conservative, you have no heart.  If you’re over thirty and a Liberal, you have no brain.”

it takes an adult to understand what he meant.

Ocasio-Cortez proves that stupid people don’t realize they’re stupid

Elizabeth Warren says, “U.S. Justice system is racist from front to back”

To be a Democrat one must either be a leftist or a liberal.  Leftists are the ones who promote their lies and liberals are the fools who believe them.  When Elizabeth Warren says the justice system is racist from front to back, she means that the entire legal system of the United States, from the cop on the street to the lawmakers in Washington, are all racists.  This should be a galactic joke coming from a Democrat of the party of racism, the KKK, and segregation, were it not universally accepted by liberal lemmings.  Lemmings would not be dangerous if it were they the only ones stupidly running off the cliff into the sea of financial ruin, but they want to force everyone else to join them.  The simple truth is that Warren, et al, are creating a fiction because there are no white supremacists on the right.  They are still Democrats and their goal is still the destruction of this country to make the elites rulers and the citizens servants.

Dinesh D’Souza, “No white supremacists are on the right”

From the betrayal of Obama, to the lies of Hillary, to the treachery of Schumer, to the doddering of Pelosi, to the economic dysfunction of Warren, to the idiocy of Waters, to the deluded fantasies of Cortez, to the ancient dreams of Bernie, to the brain-dead lemmings that vote for them, the Democrat Party is going down the toilet and trying to take America with it.  The left has ever been the creator of the Big Lie and the only counter to that is the bold truth as told by Christian conservatives with the courage and conviction of the likes of President Donald J. Trump.  That is why we elected him to steer America away from the cliff.  The left wants to have Democrats in power to impose their laws, import their invaders, and do away with police protection of the citizens.

Countering the Big Lie with the Bold Truth

It must be understood that liberals are Democrats only because they are ignorant louts who haven’t grown up to learn how the world works.  I was one forty years ago.  They don’t understand the economy, business, or finances because they’ve never done anything of significance even if they have worked a job.  They don’t understand expenses, payrolls, overhead, or simple math.  That’s why Hillary was able to mock Trump in the eyes of a pack of fools and they all ignorantly agreed with her saying, “How could Trump be a billionaire when he’s so incompetent as to lose a billion dollars on a casino?”

The answer is simplicity itself – you build it!  Skyscrapers don’t spring up out of the ground like daisies fully equipped and ready to go.  It takes over a year to build one of these great hotels and install a casino in it before you get it running and raking in money from the suckers who attend.  That first year requires an investment that is an initial loss, and that is the same kind of loss that every business suffers on start up.  Anyone who knows anything about running a business knows it takes an initial investment and that is when you suffer the greatest losses for a tax year.  Trump took that loss his first year building his casino and Hillary is perfectly aware of this but quite content to dupe her ignorant followers.

Likewise, as anyone who has ever run a business knows, the government didn’t build it.  Government didn’t build roads and schools to educate working people out of the goodness of their hearts as an investment in the country to help businessmen.  Businesses paid for those services to be provided for them through their taxes.  Socialists fail miserably in understanding that nothing is free, that someone must pay for it, and the people who pay for it are working taxpayers.  Taxes don’t come from people who don’t work, so without those jobs that entrepreneurs create none of those roads or schools would have been built!

Liberals think school is free because they don’t know their parents paid taxes to build and operate the schools, to pay teacher’s salaries.  And in return many leftists have become teachers to corrupt their children’s minds.  This is the kind of ignorance that is going to ruin America.  Worse, once liberals are told this and they reject this knowledge they are no longer ignorant.  They are then just being stupid.  As Forrest and Larry say, “Stupid is as stupid does,” and, “You can’t fix stupid.”

Teaching leftist two-faced pathology

So, what is “democratic” socialism?  That is where socialist elites dupe fools into believing they have a choice.  Socialism is always a tyrannical dictatorship that forces all the people to act in accordance with what the elites say they can do.  Feudalism, Imperialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, and Islamism are all the same type of totalitarianism that fall under the umbrella of Marxist socialism.  Stop being a lemming and break free of being part of the “some of the people” of whom Lincoln spoke.

Taxpayers and those in the military, armed forces, law enforcement, and fire/rescue, who vote for Democrats to take their wealth and invite foreign criminals to invade are the quintessential chickens voting for Col. Sanders.  Nothing good has ever come from leftism or Democrats.  All they take credit for, winning wars, the space race, bringing down the Iron Curtain, was all achieved by Republicans and conservatives.  That’s why Republicans are always the primary targets of assassins.  That’s why Kennedy was assassinated by a communist for not being Democrat enough.

The solution to saving America is not lowering the voting age to sixteen as Democrats desire to allow the younger more gullible fools to vote, but by raising it to twenty-five so that those who are not living in the closed society of schools make the right choices.  America is in danger of being subsumed by leftist invaders and usurpers.  Those who strive to convince the ignorant that America is not the greatest force for good in world have no business ruling it.  Vote wisely, and if you don’t like your Republicans because they are RINOs working with Democrats rather than with Trump against the leftist agenda, then get involved in the primary process and elect better Republicans.  Just beware of those who are leftists pretending to be righteous.

Candace Owens crushes racist Democrats as moderator tries to cut her off

Delusional NY Times reporter says Trump wants to round up and murder people

Truth Isn’t Truth Where the Media and Obama’s FBI are Concerned

Liberal stupidity is trying to indoctrinate our children

Democratic socialism the belief of blithering idiots

Understanding Democrats:

Praising Criminals, Condemning Heroes – the heart of Liberal Fascism

Democrats cheer as liberal stupidity sweeps the nation

The Treason of Trump and Obama

In Search of a Crime – the Saga of Mueller’s Witch Hunt

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About dustyk103

This site is my opinion only and is unpaid. I am a retired Paramedic/Firefighter with 25 years of service in the City of Dallas Fire Dept. I have a B.A. degree in Journalism, and A.A. degrees in Military Science and History. I have spent my life studying military history, world history, American history, science, current events, and politics making me a qualified PhD, Senior Fellow of the Limbaugh Institute, and tenured Professor Emeritus for Advanced Conservative Studies. 😄 It is my hope that readers can gain some knowledge and wisdom from my articles.
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1 Response to Are Democrats Obvious or Oblivious?

  1. Stuart Buncher says:

    Demwits are obviously oblivious.


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