The Delusional World of Liberalism

“Hitler was a Christian, which would make Jesus was the first Nazi.”

Skepticism – a word liberals do not understand because they apply their beliefs through bigotry – another word liberals do not understand because they assign it only to white men, Republicans, and Trump, condemning conservative Christians while at the same time believing themselves to be righteous, which makes them bigots.  The believe themselves to be intelligent, enlightened, happy, and just, when all of the riots and every mass shooting have been conducted by liberal atheist or Islamist Democrats, and not one by conservative Christian Republicans.  Half of the nation has been so thoroughly duped by deceivers of the Left that they justify their bigoted hatred of America while projecting their temperament onto the righteous who are the inverse of them.

Liberalism and Conservatism Defined – Defeating the Left’s Coup

Deranged Media Plays to Deranged Audiences Leading to Deranged Acts

Clapper: Spy in Trump Campaign Was a Good Thing

Liberals lack skepticism of leftist politicians and their media propaganda.  They listen to what CNN and MSNBC tell them, hear the words of a Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, or the likes of a Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, and swallow them hook, line, and sinker without question.  They believe them when they are told that FOX News lies, to not believe anything FOX pundits say, without making any attempt at examining their statements.  Conservatives listen to FOX skeptically and question what they hear from both sides to hear the other half of the story so they can judge the truth.  Liberals do not know what conservatives really think.  They only know what their comedians teach them to mock.  They only know what their demagogues teach them to fear.

Liberal Democrats Adopt MS-13 Terrorist Animals as their Dreamers

Conservatives hear what they say and examine it to confirm the truth or falsehood of their statements.  We don’t take anyone’s word for it.  When it was reported during the campaign that Trump was a Democrat who said he’d “run as a Republican because they’re stupid,” we examined this claim to discover it was a lie meant to turn Republicans away from Trump.  Those who were fooled became the NeverTrumper movement.  Despite Trump’s great accomplishments for conservative Christian Americans they are still convinced he is unworthy, which leads some to believe that they, too, are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  That’s why when the liberal media proclaimed that Trump said all immigrants are animals we immediately knew that was false and found out what he really said.  That’s called critical thinking, a capacity liberals lack.

Liberalism is born of ignorance and bred on immorality

Liberals have no understanding of life, including simple math, let alone business, history, or culture.  Theirs is a world of misconstrued reality taken out of context by foolish assumptions based on false premises.  In liberal world city folk are cultured nobility and country folk are dumb hicks.  They do not see city people as including the most corrupt and country people as mostly people of godly moral faith.  They don’t see that there are few good people in the city and few bad ones in the country because people are held more to account to others when they know each other than when they are strangers.  They think in absolute terms and only see what they think is the best in themselves and the worst in others, which guides their bigotry.  They use their own self-righteous hypocrisy of two-faced liberalism to judge others, yet they do not understand see morality seeing it as gray rather than black and white.

Their lack of moral education results in a lack of a moral compass, so they confuse what they think of as good and bad with what is right and wrong.  They reject the societal construct of morality, but rather adhere to their belief that morality is an individual choice.  This opens the door to justifying criminality in their minds as righteous if it suits their purpose.  Their ignorance of history causes them to confuse Republican liberty with Democrat slavery.  The result of all this is that liberals today are confused about who stands on the side of right and who stands on the side of wrong, i.e. the Left.

The difference between the righteous and the ignorant is that the righteous educate their children.  The wicked indoctrinate them through oppression, threats, force, or coercion, and if all else fails, they kill them.  To be righteous, one must understand and institute justice.  Justice is not right for one side and wrong for the other.  One side’s actions cannot be wrong if they are the same for the other side that are right.  If Obama and Hillary spying on Trump is right, then Trump spying on Obama and Hillary is right.  If it is not, then you are wrong.

Liberals believe the lies they’ve been taught without question

Today’s liberal Democrat believe; Republicans are the party of the KKK and slavery, conservative Christians are neo-Nazis, Trump is a tyrant stealing from the poor, Democrats are sons of liberty, Antifa are freedom fighters, and Obama had a roaring good economy, was making the world safer, medical costs cheaper, and helping the poor of the world to whom America owed her prosperity by sharing that wealth.  Liberals have adopted America’s enemies and criminals like Islamo-Nazi terrorists, BLM assassins, and MS-13 animals as their Dreamers.  The only dream of these terror groups is the destruction of America.  That Democrats make common cause with the worst evils in the world tells you everything you need to know about the true nature of the Democrat Party.  Liberals agree with Hamas that used innocent children as human shield in their terror attacks on the Gaza border and blame Israelis for their deaths.

The liberal media is not reporting news, but disseminating propaganda while covering up Democrat crimes.  Now that the Obama regime’s spying is being proven, the leftist media is publishing stories of these crimes, not to condemn these crimes as being ultra-Nixonian, but justifying them!  This is how leftists rationalize their immoral hearts to lie to the people, steal from the rich, and persecute the righteous.  Leftists attempt to manipulate the righteous through lies and false accusations.  The real racist bigots are people who declare white people are all racists, cops are all racists, and that Christians are all bigots by using the false flag of white privilege to advance their own racism.

The Deep State Will Go to Any Lengths to Get Rid of Trump

Liberal media lauds FBI’s criminal spying on Trump as justified

This is how liberals justify committing crimes and trashing American businesses.  They declare that they are the pure of heart, that Republicans are the ones who are corrupt, and that the illegal, unconstitutional crimes they commit against Republicans, like spying on the Trump campaign or putting their iron boot on the necks of businesses demanding graft as racketeers, is therefore justified.  Liberals set themselves up to take the fall by elevating themselves as noble when they are the worst of the corrupt who are too stupid to realize they are exposing themselves.

“If you own a business, you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.” – Barack Hussein Obama echoing Elizabeth Warren’s stupidity

“There is nobody in this country who got rich on their own. Nobody. You built a factory out there – good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory… Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea – God bless! Keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.” – Elizabeth Warren

No more ignorant statements have ever been made about what it takes to run a business.  No more stupid statements have ever been made by people in government of how services work.  No more deceitful statements have ever been made by politicians seeking to dupe people into stealing from those who work for a living.  Children do not understand how adults run businesses, and that is the competence level at which ignorant liberals operate.

Everything Obama and Warren said was 100% backwards.  Government does not enable people to build businesses.  Businesses enable people to have an income from which the government collects taxes and provides those services for which the people pay.  Roads, schools, police and fire protection, all come from people’s taxes.  This isn’t even a case of which came first!  Businesses come before jobs, which come before taxes, which come before government services.  Government does not provide services out of the goodness of their hearts or pay for them out of their own pockets.  In America, government provides those things because that is what the people told them to provide.  The people pay for those services by pooling the community’s money to pay for them.  Nobody built that business except for the entrepreneur who made the effort to lead people in working together.  The federal government does not own the roads and schools and protectors of the nation – the people do!

Trump the True and Righteous Man

Obama says that, unlike Trump, his regime was transparent and scandal free, which even on cursory examination is proven the opposite.  The passage of ObamaCare and spying on the Trump campaign alone prove both lies, while Trump has been everything Obama was not with only Democrat propaganda saying otherwise.  Unlike Trump, who built a billionaire real estate empire, Obama and Warren have never built a damn thing in their lives, except a coalition of fools they duped into voting for them to steal from businesses like Trump’s.  Trump had no reason to lower himself to compete with politicians except; to either duplicate Obama’s corruption, or clean out the corruption in Washington.  That he has made America prosper and grow rather than decline and lie about it proves he is doing the latter.  Now if he could only overcome the establishment obstructing him from bringing the Obama regime and their criminal spying, graft, and voter fraud to justice.  But such action will certainly collect a few RINOs in the dragnet.

American business is booming again thanks to Donald Trump vacating Obama’s socialist dictates.  Democrats do not encourage business growth but shake down businesses like thug gangsters offering protection from themselves.  As exemplified by their attitude, they believe businesses, like the common people, exist to serve them.  Liberalism is the ideology by which leftists convince fools to destroy themselves.  They pander to the greedy by offering to steal for them, and then enslave them through deception by encouraging ignorant fools to surrender their liberty and prosperity to give Democrats power.  Leftists are the immoral and corrupt believing that the masses exist to serve the elites.  Their immorality is personified in genocides that they have committed throughout history to make life better for those who serve by taking the lives of others; like Hitler’s Holocaust, Stalin’s Purges, and Mao’s New Democracy that are all catchy phrases for Thanos-style genocides.  The belief that the “human herd” must be culled over the irrational belief in the Population Bomb taking food out of the mouths of others is a defining characteristic of the Left.  It is fair and just to them to live better because they have no moral concern for the other half they slaughter.

What this all proves is that liberalism really is a mental disorder that is born of ignorance and bred on immorality.  Their beliefs are built on lies, distortions, half-truths, and fictions to which the liberal adheres through blind faith.  How do they reach their fallacious conclusions?  How do they believe fantasy movies like “The Day After Tomorrow” are documentaries?  The same way they reach their conclusions that CO2 from cars and coal is going to end all life on the planet – through dysfunctional logic founded in falsehoods and foolishness.  There is a reason liberalism is a part of leftist ideology.  It is based solely on assumptions molded by lies, innuendo, and implication.  If you debate a liberal you will find a person devoid of knowledge and facts or, if they know some facts, a person who is deliberately misconstruing the truth in order to dupe the unwary so he can steal from them.  If you’ve ever seen The Carbonaro Effect, a street magician who dupes people into believing the most ridiculous things, then you have seen examples of how easily liberals are fooled into believing things that cannot possibly be so.

Americans of African descent have been thoroughly duped into believing their former masters of the Democrat Party are now acting for their benefit when they are clearly just using them for minimal cost.  So long as they vote for them their Democrat masters reward them with welfare funds stolen from working taxpayers.  They are then duped further into believing that those who have fought for their freedom are the racists who would unjustly imprison them.  The descendants of those were chained as slaves through force and fought to be free are now voluntarily choosing to be slaves to the same people for bread crumbs from their table.  They pretend they are suffering the oppression of their ancestors when they are only suffering from a prison of their own making.  The prisons they occupy for criminal acts they call slave camps built to imprison blacks rather than punishment for being criminals.  What’s galactically stupid is that blacks are encouraged by Democrats to drop out of school, do drugs, and glorify gangsters to become criminals, and then cast themselves as the victims so they can blame those against whom they commit crimes as being the perpetrators of oppression.  It has become a sickness in America that liberals believe themselves to be righteous even as they commit crimes against humanity.

Laura Ingraham Black Racists Make Trump Leader of the KKK

These people remind me of my young woman of my acquaintance.  This teenage drama queen would always have some disaster taking place in her social life.  What she didn’t see was that she was creating those disasters herself by how she treated others.  My own daughter, thank God, had the good sense to see through her just as I did.  This is how liberals justify blaming others for the woes they create for themselves.  They sow disasters and then blame others for what they reap.  Europe is doing that now by inflicting Islamism on their people.  This began under Obama’s direction to colonize and conquer the Christian West with the anti-Christian cult of Muhammad.  That is the very definition of the leftist vs. the righteous.

Mohammad – The First Terrorist and his death cult of self-imposed brainwashing

In the Bible, Lucifer decided he was as good as if not better than God.  His basic characteristics are the character traits of the Left – vanity, selfishness, and deceit.  They deceive themselves as to their own merit, place themselves ahead of all others, thus rendering them creatures of greed and envy, and deceive others of the truth.  That’s why the liberal’s false paradigm that the far right are totalitarian Nazis to balance against the far-left totalitarian communists makes the center their preferred political high ground.  The reality is that the far left is totalitarianism of socialist Communists and Nazis and the far right is liberty.  To be clearer, if Satanic selfishness and deception are the far left then the far right is Jesus.  Who interprets Jesus as being king of the Nazis?  Jesus is the Messianic King of Righteous Godliness and the Left is the opposite.  Therefore, the center consists of everyone who is somewhere in between.  On that basis the center is half on the side of good and half on the side of evil.  So how could it be right to be half wrong?

Obamaism vs. Trumpism

VP Pence gave a commencement speech at Hillsdale College, a university that encourages Constitutional Americanism, where he spoke of America’s rise from Obama’s managed decline via Trump’s policies.  Former NY Governor and NYC Mayor Bloomberg spoke at Rice University about President Trump depicting him as a lying Nazi declaring that Americans are being deceived.  Had he been speaking about Obama and his own party then he would have been speaking the Gospel Truth.  Saying this of Trump and Republicans is like saying Lincoln founded the KKK and Washington founded Nazism.  It takes only one person to dupe many as Hitler proved when only 7% of Germans that were dedicated Nazis got him elected to acquire absolute power.  Muhammad has brainwashed billions to be vile oppressors justifying the power of just a small percentage of terrorists.  Obama duped the greatest Christian nation in history to elect him, a Moslem socialist, to manage its decline through pandering and demagoguery pretending he was not what he was and blaming Republicans for the economic and diplomatic disasters Democrats created.

The truth and lies in Trump and Obama are on display for any who have eyes to see and ears to hear along with a moral heart to understand.  Thank God America is not Germany and Obama could not muster the resources of Hitler against armed Americans.  He continues to fool the some of the people who can be fooled all of the time, but he can’t fool all of the people all of the time.  Otherwise, the land of the free and home of the brave would have become Amerika the socialist sh*thole.  Obama is the only president in American history to muster an army of; fascists pretending they are fighting fascism to try to violently silence conservatives, black criminals pretending there are fighting racism as they assassinate police, and foreign invaders pretending to be refugees while infiltrating and subverting America.  In the final analysis, the Right leads by moral example, while the Left rules by coercion.  That is why it is always Democrats who riot in the streets, commit crimes, conduct assassinations, and use terrorism.  That is why they struggle to lay the blame for all of their offenses on Republicans by lying about their character so they can claim they were justified.  That is what I mean when I say that the Left is bred on immorality, and that can only be done when people are kept ignorant of the truth.

On the scales of righteousness the right is moral, the center amoral, and the left immoral.  Being moral means caring about others, not the faux caring of liberalism, but actual caring and willingness to give of yourself to others, not take from one group to give to another as socialists do.  Amoral is not caring about others, and being immoral is justifying doing harm to others to make life better for themselves.  This is not the same as killing terrorists in self-defense.  Leftists have no moral compass and cannot tell the difference between killing in self-defense and murdering the innocent.  That’s why on the scale of right and wrong the Left is never right because they live in darkness.  While the center consists of those wandering in shadow, because there’s no such thing as being half wrong making someone right.  Today’s Democrats take sides as America-haters allied with America’s enemies even to the point that they praise Islamic jihadi terrorists and create lies that Trump called ALL immigrants animals when he was clearly talking about MS-13 murdering thugs that Democrats imported.  When those of us who took oaths to the Constitution to defend this country against all enemies both foreign and domestic these are the people of whom we spoke.

Liberal Democrats Adopt MS-13 Terrorist Animals as their Dreamers

When they believe Barack Obama to be a super genius, when they believe Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi speak intelligently, when they believe that Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer are honest and honorable, when they think Donald Trump is a senile old man, a buffoon, and a liar, liberals prove themselves to have no good sense.  What do people like Pelosi, who advocate for the killing of babies in the womb, know of the “divine spark” in humanity?  Jesus ministered to sinners, not thieves, rapists, and murderers, but people like the rest of us who crave righteousness but must learn morality.  Liberals believe themselves to be righteous without understanding morality and, for the most part, reject Christianity to become atheists who also advocate for Islamism (which is another two-faced contradiction in itself) because they will ally with any satanic cult against God because America, as the greatest nation in history, was founded on Christianity.  What more needs to be said?

Tale of Two Commencement Speeches (min 8:30)

Maria Bartiromo and Darrell Issa – the FBI/DoJ lying through their teeth

‘Peaceful Palestinians’ caught in the act

Liberals think it’s a joke to tell invaders to kill ICE agents

Liberal Media is Nothing but Smears, Slanders, and Trump Hate

Democrats rig elections

Islamic invasion to colonize and conquer the West

Of Democrats and Republicans – two stories that exemplify the difference

[Author’s Note – Democrats have attempted to take these stories and reverse the roles, as they do with all things regarding lack of intelligence and good sense and bigotry from which they suffer, to make themselves out to be the smart ones, but somehow it just never quite works.]

The Obamaite and the Trumpster

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.”

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, “You’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

She rolled her eyes and said, “You must be a Trump Republican.

“I am,” replied the man. “How did you know?”

“Well,” answered the balloonist, “everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help to me.”

The man smiled and responded, “You must be an Obama Democrat.”

“I am,” replied the balloonist. “How did you know?”

“Well,” said the man, “you don’t know where you are — or where you are going. You’ve risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem.  You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it’s my fault.”

The Cowboy and the Congressman

A cowboy was overseeing his herd in a remote, mountainous pasture in Montana when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of a cloud of dust towards him.  The driver, a man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and a YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the cowboy, “If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?”

The cowboy looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, “Sure, why not?”

The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his Singular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location, which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.  The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany.  Within seconds, he receives an e-mail on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with e-mail on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response.  Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP Laser Jet printer and finally turns to the cowboy and says, “You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves.”

“That’s right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves,” says the cowboy.

He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amusedly as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.  Then the cowboy says to the young man, “Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?”

The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, “Okay, why not?”

“You’re a Democrat Congressman,” says the cowboy.

“Wow! That’s correct,” says the yuppie, “but how did you guess that?”

“No guessing required,” answered the cowboy. “You showed up here, even though nobody called you. You want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. Then you tried to show me how much smarter you are than me. And you don’t know a darn thing about cows…this is a herd of sheep.

“Now give me back my dog.”

30 Celebrities that support Trump

Rush Limbaugh – superlative revelations of liberalism and Democrat crimes

When every facet of today’s political climate in America is measured it must be concluded that there is a war for America’s heart and soul being fought by the Left vs. the Right.  Both say they are patriots and the other are traitors, but only one can truly be patriotic Americans and the other traitors to the Constitution on which America was built.  The Left says Trump and Republicans are anti-American and that America should be a socialist dictatorship like Russia and China, that Republicans are Nazis.  Examine which side loves America, waves the flag, honors police and soldiers, and denounces America’s enemies, and which side burns the flag, hates capitalism, and curses police and soldiers while advocating for killing American babies in the womb and shutting down American energy.  It’s pretty obvious then which group are American patriots and which are America haters.

Republicanism has made America the land of the free and home of the brave, while Democratism has always striven to make America the land of the freeloader and home of the slave.  It is Republicans who freed the slaves Democrats demanded by put in the Constitution.  It is Republicans who created intelligence agencies to spy on America’s enemies that Democrats use to spy on Republicans.  It is Republicans who honor the Constitution and Democrats who want to fundamentally transform America into a totalitarian socialist state.  Is it really hard for anyone to see who are the patriots and who are the traitors?  Socialism has always been the ideology of tyrants, deception has always been their primary weapon, and violence has always been their means of control.  Just as liberals lack the moral compass to know the difference between murder and killing in self-defense, they lack the ability to differentiate between controlling people by force and punishing those who violate the rights of others.  This is what happens to people who look to their own version of morality by turning against God.

Two Americas: Americanism or Socialism, Right vs. Left

Listening to Rush Limbaugh in prison turned criminal’s life around

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About dustyk103

This site is my opinion only and is unpaid. I am a retired Paramedic/Firefighter with 25 years of service in the City of Dallas Fire Dept. I have a B.A. degree in Journalism, and A.A. degrees in Military Science and History. I have spent my life studying military history, world history, American history, science, current events, and politics making me a qualified PhD, Senior Fellow of the Limbaugh Institute, and tenured Professor Emeritus for Advanced Conservative Studies. 😄 It is my hope that readers can gain some knowledge and wisdom from my articles.
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5 Responses to The Delusional World of Liberalism

  1. Cal says:

    It’s amazing how everything you post can be so completely backwards. Conservatives do not listen to anything skeptically. You blindly believe everything your propaganda outlets like FOX tell you to believe. You blindly believe every lie Trump tells you, even if it contradicts the lies he told you yesterday. Hence you believe obvious lies about Obama and Clinton supposedly spying on Trump, something that never happened.


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