Making America Great Again Battling Leftist Corruption

Here you will find links to the articles I have written covering the most important events of the first 100 days of the Trump Administration.

The Latest:

Donald Trump’s first 100 days

Tucker Carlson’s multiple examples of Democrat lawlessness and double talk

Fighting Fascism – the war with the Left for America’s Soul

Islamic Jihadi Terrorism – Death by a Thousand Cuts

Millennials are lost in the wilderness of Democrat media propaganda

American Jihad – Vote Fascism or Die!

Leftwing media credits Obama for Trump’s triumphs

Showtime series ‘Homeland’ turns traitor against America



Backwards Liberals Think – Fighting Fascism

Liberal media works to wag the dog

Democrat’s 2018 campaign shaping up as more of the same

Susan Rice Obama’s stooge exposes more truth about Democrat lies

Democrats wage war on America

Obama exposed in collusion with media to cover-up crimes

Getting Burned Out on Eternal Liberal Rage

Lessons from ‘Arrow’ for Washington and America

Ted Koppel has massive brain fart with Hannity proving Churchill theorem again

Patriotic Democrats do not exist even in myth

Democrats trying to declare Trump presidency DOA

RyanCare fails to go to a vote even after Trump’s ultimatum


The Grand Strategy of America

The Potomac Two-Step

RESIST! The Left’s war on America, liberty, and righteousness

Liberals suffer from a dysfunctional comprehension of America’s heroes

Indoctrination: How the ignorant are being overwhelmed with propaganda


Lying Democrat Mainstream Media gets Trumped again!

Obamaites declare there is no evidence BO ordered wiretaps of Trump

ObamaCare freak out and putting the Russian fairy tale to bed

The Never Ending Story of Washington Lies: Trump, Russia, Obama, Wiretapping

Trump drives a stake through leftist media’s lying black hearts!

How Obama is orchestrating a Democrat Coup

Leftists say allegations are proof against Trump, but proof is false against Obama

Fake News

Trump’s ‘War on the Media’ the fakest of fake news

The cognitive dysfunction of the underdeveloped young mind

President Trump’s War on 1st Amendment or Media Fake News

Liberals punk conservatives at CPAC

MSM deluding themselves they can nuke Trump

Fake news is Alinsky tactics meant to shut Trump administration down

Leftist Democrat media delusionally believes they are without sin

Adversarial Free Press or Nasty Democrat Propaganda Machine

Trump grabs media watchdogs by the scruff!

NYT Fake News Alert for Delusional Democrats Hunting Missing Link

Anti-Trump Hate

Islamophobia and Christodi (Irrational fear of Islam and hatred of Christ)

Sessions recuses self another unforced error

How illegal immigration ended the Roman Empire

Trump wants your children to drink dirty water

President Trump as True Blue as Obama is False!

Trump’s Nat’l Security Advisor replacement as bad a choice as Democrat’s Chair!

Mexican president vows to keep flooding USA with leeches, criminals, and drugs

Impeach Trump! NOW! NOW!! NOW!!!

Evidence suggests Obama, Clinton conspiring with Islamists to engineer coup

CAESAR, Beware the Ides of March!  GOP Establishment turns on Trump

Democrats Organize a ‘Grassroots’ Anti-Trump Party Paid for by Obamaites

Trump’s Greatest Blunder

Democrat headhunters mount their first trophy: Gen. Flynn resigns


Violence vs. Free Speech: The Liberal Defense of Nazism

Lala judges, NOT Trump, are in violation of the Constitution

Stop fooling yourself; the Left wants America destroyed – BAN SHARIA!

Fauxcahontas in black face speaks for the dead in the Senate


Obama’s Black Flag Army

Man on Fire Tom Brady Makes America Great Again!

Trump Before the Super Bowl

America is for the world’s dreamers, not the dregs!

Obama’s professional rioters make useful idiots of protesters

O’Reilly doesn’t understand the Left’s motives to crush free speech

University and media fake news are breeding grounds for Nazis

Put liberals to the test

Mexicans say no to Trump’s wall

Trump to Democrat acting Attorney General – YOU’RE FIRED!


Islamo-Nazis and Communists DO NOT belong in AMERICA!

To tell the trooth

Tweet Away, Donald!

It all starts with the end of the world

Democrats say Trump election like 1861 all over again

Chris Matthews called Trump’s inauguration speech ‘Hitlerian’


Liberals uncover the secret truth of conservatism

Democrat’s War on Trump lost in the swamp


NO ONE is entitled to ‘alternative facts’

Ending the Democrat hegemony

What it will take to recover America

Liberal ‘Microaggressions’ Become Assaults

The New Democrat Party – Deadbeat Nazi Communists

The Shining City illuminates liberalism with darkness

Deposing a tyrant


Pre-Inauguration two weeks of liberal hate

Trump not legitimate president? Democrats are not legitimate Americans!

Liberal America haters are ruining entertainment

black-ish epitomizes dysfunctional Democrat beliefs

Democrat’s Fake News makes Trump’s day, so liberals ban the term

Democrat media’s open war with Trump to warp the truth producing fake news

Ft. Lauderdale massacre hopefully last terror attack to lay at Obama’s feet

The entire Democrat Party is betraying America

Democrats make America sick again with propaganda war and hate crimes



MSM deluding themselves they can nuke Trump

Fake news is Alinsky tactics meant to shut Trump administration down

Leftist Democrat media delusionally believes they are without sin

Adversarial Free Press or Nasty Democrat Propaganda Machine

Trump grabs media watchdogs by the scruff!

NYT Fake News Alert for Delusional Democrats Hunting Missing Link

Socialism must destroy the economy and convince people to give government all the power thru excessive taxation and spending, the climate change fraud, endorsing illegal immigration, poor foreign policy, spreading Islamic terror, all instilling Trump Derangement Syndrome in their people.


Mayor objects to saving Dallas Police and Fire Pension Fund

This Democrat mayor who wants Dallas to be a Sanctuary City and give taxpayer funds to illegals needs to go! Of course he will sabotage the DPFP! He wants control of that money so he can give it to his cronies. Board members who brought the fund to this catastrophe by getting in bed with Democrats rather than investing wisely in business also need to go! If they had not been crawling up Obama’s and Hillary’s backsides then the fund wouldn’t have crashed just because Trump won. The fund has been stable for decades. This is Obamaism at its worst and Democrats are hoping to profit from its destruction! I don’t feel badly for Dallas taxpayers who voted for these Democrats to run the city into the ground the way they have been running the country into the ground from Washington. You reap what you sow.

About dustyk103

This site is my opinion only and is unpaid. I am a retired Paramedic/Firefighter with 25 years of service in the City of Dallas Fire Dept. I have a B.A. degree in Journalism, and A.A. degrees in Military Science and History. I have spent my life studying military history, world history, American history, science, current events, and politics making me a qualified PhD, Senior Fellow of the Limbaugh Institute, and tenured Professor Emeritus for Advanced Conservative Studies. 😄 It is my hope that readers can gain some knowledge and wisdom from my articles.
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