Reforming Islam from Muhammad is as absurd as reforming Christianity from Christ

Radical Moslem Radical Christian

There are Muslims and then there are Moslems.  The former believe in the pre-Hijra teachings of Muhammad, while the latter believe in his post-Hijra teachings.  Attempting to separate one from the other is like separating the resurrected Christ from Jesus.  The Protestant Reformation of Christianity in the 16th century was to break away from the Catholic Church and return to the teachings of Christ.  Jihadis today are the reformers striving to return Islam to its roots.

In a Kelly File Special on May 25, 2015, FOX News’ Megyn Kelly presented a report on the religion of the Prophet of Islam titled, “Defying the Sword.”  Her guests included a number of “moderate” Muslims who declared that “radical” Islam must be “reformed.”  Both Christianity and Islam have basic tenets of their founders to which all who believe in Jesus and Muhammad are directed to adhere.  They are known as the Great Commission of the Savior and the Commands of the Prophet and they are complete opposites:

Jesus – “Tell others about Me.”

Muhammad – “Make the world Islam.”

Although history is filled with the deeds of wicked men doing evil deeds in the name of Good, the teachings of Jesus and Muhammad are as immutable as they are well-documented.  To separate their teachings from their deeds or vice versa is to render them false.  Without them the two are nothing more than men who preached a philosophy followed by fools in believe in fantasy, which happens to be the viewpoint of atheists who believe there is no Creator.

For Moslems to reject the Jihad is no different than asking Christians to reject the Resurrection.  Jihad is as much the foundational tenet of Islam as the Resurrection is of Christianity.  Without the Resurrection, Jesus was just a nice guy who spoke of love, peace, and the brotherhood of man.  With the Resurrection He is the Savior who died for the sins of mankind making Him “The Way, the Truth, and the Light.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Who would Jesus kill?

The answer is – no one.  Christ’s Word was a message of righteousness; loving God, loving your neighborhood, and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.  That later leaders in the Christian church militarized to combat violent pagan religions has been debated to this day whether engaging in Just War is right or wrong.  On the one hand, Jesus said to do no more than tell others about Him.  On the other, He did not say to let evil people rule.

Allowing anti-Christian paganism, like the Germanic religions that advocated for their followers to loot, rape, and pillage their neighbors, to conquer and corrupt their children is absolutely abhorrent to righteous people.  At the same time, conquering and forcing them to convert is as much contrary to the teachings of Christ as they are the foundation of the pagans.  After Islam raged out of Arabia in the 7th century, the Catholic Church adopted their totalitarianism that would lead to the Great Schism and, centuries later still, the Protestant Reformation in which Christians overthrew the power of the Church to reassert the Christianity of Jesus.

Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’  The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:30-31

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’  But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” – Matthew 5:43-44

Who would Muhammad kill?

The Jihad, by comparison, comes in two forms.  One is the Greater Jihad that Muhammad taught to the first Muslims in Mecca.  The other is the Lesser Jihad that became the foundation of Muhammad’s teachings after he was ejected from Mecca for demanding tribal leaders make him the spiritual leader.  The Greater Jihad is an inner struggle to overcome evil within oneself and was taught by Muhammad to his infant Islamic movement to promote monotheism to worship Allah.

After luring many followers with his message of peace then being rejected by Meccan leaders, the message of Muhammad changed.  The Lesser Jihad is that which unleashed a horde of fanatics on the world in a rage of conquest, looting, raping, and pillaging its way into Africa, Asia, and Europe.  This came about after Muhammad was driven from Mecca by the tribal leaders who rejected his demand to be recognized as their Spiritual Leader.  Muhammad moved to Medina and turned his followers to waging war on Mecca, raiding caravans to loot and pillage, until he eventually attracted a large enough band of followers to conquer the richest city in the Arabian Peninsula.

Before he died he sent emissaries to neighboring countries demanding their obeisance and, after his death, his followers invaded them.  The conquered were made to convert to Islam, pay an addition tax called the Jizya and given status as dhimmi, 2nd class citizens, leave with only their lives, or be killed.  Through the centuries many were slaughtered who fought Islam, enslaved, and oppressed.  The harem’s of Shah’s consisted of Christian women taken as sex slaves, and the children of other Christian slaves were taken to be raised as Moslems, the Turks going so far as to make them viciously fanatic warriors known as the Janissaries.

Qur’an:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”

Qur’an:9:5 – “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

Qur’an:9:29 “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.”

Jesus and Muhammad

Heaven vs. Paradise

Both Christians and Moslems promise that the reward of the faithful in the Afterlife will be great.  But what they promise are opposites of each other:

Heaven – Christ told his followers that Heaven promises to reward those who live a righteous life following the Commandments of Christ, to love God with all your strength, all your heart, and all your soul, and to love others as you love yourself, will live in tranquility with those they love in peace and harmony, and that the most faithful will see the Face of God.

Paradise – Muhammad told his followers that Paradise promises to reward those who die killing the infidel with virgins untouched by other men to satisfy their most ardent sexual desires, both girls and boys who will serve them in any way they wish, and they will live as Sheiks with their harem of houris and servant boys gratifying their carnal lust.

Where Jesus urged his followers to love God over the flesh, Muhammad extolled his followers that Allah would fulfill their desires of the flesh.

People today know little of the Jihad.  They know nothing of the millennium of war, invasion, conquest, slavery, and oppression by Islam until it was crushed outside the gates of Vienna in 1623.  Since then, western technology has made fanaticism in war suicide… until now.

Still, atheists would like to reform Christianity so they do not believe in “a fairy tale God,” and that Jesus raised Himself from the dead to forgive their “guilt induced sins,” to promise them an existence in a fantasy land after they are dead.  Not too many Christians who have accepted Christ as their Savior will be willing to give up their faith on the word of atheists who know as much of the universe as anyone else.  When it comes down to believing in God or believing in man, Christians put little faith in men.  Muhammad, on the other hand, demanded all faith be put in him, contrary to Jesus who only asked.


Marx, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao showed the world how small tyrants can seize power through propaganda, terrorism, guerrilla warfare, and political radicalism.  Their formula is the same formula that Muhammad used in converting people to Islam, indoctrinating them into the ideology, and then leading them in Jihad.  Those calling for the reform of Islam are the same as others calling for the reform of Communism, Nazism, and totalitarianism.

Heretic: Why Islam Needs Reformation, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Haroon Moghul says – “She says Islam needs a reformation to stop extremism.  But Islam already had a reformation and it’s the reason we have extremism.”  He argues that her solution to this problem is the cause of the problem.  Both of these arguments completely ignore the fact that what modern westerners view as radical extremism are actually the fundamental teachings of Muhammad.

The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn from this is that those who truly want to reform Islam, to remake it from a religion that promotes the evil Muhammad taught in Medina to one that promotes righteousness as Muhammad did in Mecca, then they should become Christians.  You cannot force a leopard to change its spots or a scorpion to change its nature.  Islam is the religion of Muhammad that cannot be divorced from its Prophet who proved to be false.

Christians crushed the Inquisition, Moslems endorse the Jihad

Obama Jihad against climate change

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Climate change deniers vs. Chicken Littles

The Final Solution to Islamic terrorism

The message for America in black and white

A litany of liberal lies about Bush and other Republicans

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About dustyk103

This site is my opinion only and is unpaid. I am a retired Paramedic/Firefighter with 25 years of service in the City of Dallas Fire Dept. I have a B.A. degree in Journalism, and A.A. degrees in Military Science and History. I have spent my life studying military history, world history, American history, science, current events, and politics making me a qualified PhD, Senior Fellow of the Limbaugh Institute, and tenured Professor Emeritus for Advanced Conservative Studies. 😄 It is my hope that readers can gain some knowledge and wisdom from my articles.
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38 Responses to Reforming Islam from Muhammad is as absurd as reforming Christianity from Christ

  1. tayter53 says:

    By their fruits shall ye know them…

    Satanism is simply the worship of the devil, Lucifer, son of the morning, the evil one, father of lies.
    But if you are looking for a ‘religion’ that most effectively deceives its followers into using the tools of evil and accomplishing what Satan- (‘the one who most opposes the good that God promises the world’), would most desire, the winner of that title would go to the followers of Mohammed, a man who claimed to be visited by the angel Gabriel for the founding of his ‘faith’. But was it really Gabriel?
    Would God’s representative have propounded a system of faith that encourages the breaking of all the known laws that God Himself handed over to Moses?
    Jesus said he had come to fulfill and confirm those laws, and none could convict him of sin, thereby making him the most unassailable historical figure to represent God. He condensed the laws into 2 commandments, Love God with everything you’ve got, and love your neighbor as yourself. The rest of the laws would be obviated if all did these two . God most wanted his people to freely choose to love Him and behave towards others in ways that would glorify Him.
    Mohammedans were from the very beginning of Islam encouraged to break all of God’s laws to grow their domination and dominion. Their covetousness has led them to have murdered and stolen from their neighbors across the centuries and across the continents to expand their influence, institutionalizing the sins of adultery and theft, raping the women and enslaving children of those they conquer, and allowing themselves multiple spouses and sex slaves. They have used deceit and treachery (taqiyya) to aid in conquering the trusting and their Hajj ritual leads them to a required worship of an meteorite idol that has no relationship to God.
    They have taken what had been one of many ‘gods’ and promoted it to a supreme position of monotheistic worship. If you were the ‘one true God’, wouldn’t it feel like your name was being taken in vain every time one of these uttered that others name? They have violated the Sabbath to treacherously attack and expand their influence, they give the conquered the choice of converting or being murdered or enslaved, violating the very reward that glorifies God, of his people freely choosing to love Him.
    They have stolen and claimed as their own every great thing of other cultures and religions, and destroyed all that for which they could not convincingly take credit . They call it ‘honor killing’ as if God is ever glorified by breaking His law against murder, or going against His edict of ‘vengeance is Mine’.
    The commandment is to ‘Honor your father and your mother’ solidly describing that your family has one of each, and that honoring them will lead to your days being long and life going well for you. Notice there is no caveat about their being ‘worthy’ of you honoring them, or that a man can take five wives plus multiple sex slaves.
    And the results of all this? The poorest, least stable and most violent nations on this planet are the ones ruled by the Muslims, except in instances where they have managed to parlay the needs and expertise of other cultures to enrich themselves. Their practices of worship are designed to subvert and condition them to blind obedience as opposed to a thoughtful choice to glorify God. They have violated every peaceful culture on the planet with their murder of innocents, even convincing innocents to do the murdering.
    So if it is true that the biggest accomplishment of Satan is convincing the world that he doesn’t exist, then he certainly must be well satisfied with the ‘religion’ that Mohammed established and what it has managed to create (and destroy) over the centuries, one that has violated every one of the commandments of God, and certainly the condensed versions that Jesus taught. The negative impact of the cult of ‘Satanism’ on the civilizations of the people of God (and others including Hindus and Buddhists, even other Muslims) certainly is microscopic in comparison.
    By their fruits you shall know them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. sedeuceter says:

    Outstanding article!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. To the ignorant, what APPEARS to be backwards is actually forward. Conversely, the ignorant mistakes that which is ACTUALLY backwards as being forward.

    I take it that the above depiction of Jesus (on the right) is him as he is described after his return in Revelation….with a SWORD…..!


    • dustyk103 says:

      If you had read the Bible you would know that Jesus does not return in Revelation with a sword in hand let alone a turban on his head. The sword in Revelation is symbolic coming from Christ’s mouth as the Word of God that strikes down the evil ones. Anyone with a brain knows that is a picture of Muhammad extolling the virtues of Jihad leading his followers against Mecca.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Andrew says:

      Are you trying to rationalize the stupidity of the Left? Doublespeak is their prefered form of communication. Nice try.


  4. dustyk103 says:

    Susan Weeden · Follow · Top commenter · Works at Self-Employed
    Yet Martin Luther did it. The Protestant Reformation.
    Reply · Like · 9 hours ago

    Dusty Koellhoffer · Top commenter · University of Georgia · 153 followers
    Susan Weeden And you would be wrong. He did not reform Christianity away from the teachings of Jesus, but reverted back to them.
    Reply · Like · 2 hours ago


  5. dustyk103 says:

    OldSailor Dusty Koellhoffer • 2 hours ago
    Actually, Christianity underwent a major reformation some time ago and is still reforming and adapting as has many of the other major religions. Islam refuses to.
    1 • Reply•Share ›
    Dusty Koellhoffer OldSailor • a minute ago
    Not so. The Catholic Church underwent a major reform as Christians shed their authority, but Christianity has not changed. Christians have been corrupted, divided, and diversified, but the fundamental teachings of Jesus have never been reformed, only restored. And if you really wanted to make an honest debate of your point you would do it in the article where everyone can discuss it rather than here where only those looking at this link will see it.


  6. dustyk103 says:

    jy kelly Dusty Koellhoffer • an hour ago
    AH, but, to the libs both of these are equal. How many people did Jesus kill, compared to how many mo-HAM-head killed? SEE, exactly the same..
    • Reply•Share ›
    Dusty Koellhoffer jy kelly • 2 minutes ago
    Didn’t read the Koran, did you? How many people did Muhammad have killed? Thousands, plus even a couple dozen who were not combatants. If you want to play stoopid liberal semantic games – how many people did Hitler kill? See, he’s as pure as Muhammad and Jesus according to that kind of twisted logic.
    • Edit• Reply•Share ›

    nonnamous99 jy kelly • an hour ago
    They have every right to practice sharia among themselves, in their communities.
    • Reply•Share ›
    Dusty Koellhoffer nonnamous99 • a few seconds ago
    So they should be allowed to commit honor killings so long as it’s in their neighborhoods. Good logic!
    • Edit• Reply•Share ›


  7. karl Anilin says:

    Actually Christianity underwent what was called the Reformation, as did Judaism.But as for
    these Muslim imams doing any thing about Islam FORGETIT!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. scott says:

    the Christian Jesus said that he came the first time to bring peace, and that he was going to return again, but with the sword. Christians ignore this.


    • dustyk103 says:

      No, we don’t, and Jesus was not a Christian. He is the Christ, and His Second Coming is foretold in Revelations as His return when humans have become irrevocably corrupted by anti-Christian religions. His will not be the way of conquest, but Judgment Day.


      • Arthur W. DiMatteo says:

        He was supposed to come within the lifetime of his followers. That was a direct promise. The whole thing is a man-made fable, even children see through it, which is why the religious teachers always discourage the questions children inevitably ask.


  9. Unclebob says:

    All religions are frighteningly delusional and wrong. Christianity was a Flavian construct based on Josephus’s “Wars of the Jews” and was designed to tame the Zealot Jews. There is no “prophecy” in the bible,and there were lots of guys named Jesus. Muhammad plagiarized the Torah and the Bible to aid in converting Jews and Christians to Islam. When that didn’t work, he militarized and made the religious aspect secondary to totalitarian doctrine. All “churches” were at one time totalitarian governments. They should all be destroyed. But at this point in history, Islam IS the greatest threat.


    • dustyk103 says:

      As a historian I can agree that Christianity was forced on violent peoples to deter them. It was certainly used on the Germanics to turn them away from their violent Nordic gods, but I’m not so sure about the Jews since Christianity spread to Gentiles much more quickly. Some corrupt people in government have seized it as their bludgeon on the people, including the Popes of the Inquisition, but most of the time Christianity was spread peacefully.

      Faith in God kills, pt III: Blaming Christ; corruption in the Christian Church

      Christians crushed the Inquisition; Moslems endorse the Jihad

      You may choose to believe God is a fantasy construct of primitive minds, but that doesn’t make it so. You may choose to believe Jesus saying “turn the other cheek” was a directive to allow evil people to murder at will. But the fact is we exist and are aware of our place in the Universe, and the vastness of that universe, both macro and micro, is such that saying lack of physical scientific proof of God is proof He does not exist is the pinnacle of hubris.


      • Unclebob says:

        Yes, the Holy Roman Empire did a great job of peacefully spreading Christianity. As a historian you must know this is completely untrue of ALL religious belief. Threats of death,death,torture, or ostracism are generally the way these superstitions are perpetuated throughout the centuries. This is true for any supernatural belief system. Refusing Belief in a God who promises a “better life” after this one,who is “all-powerful creator of all in heaven and earth” because there is no proof for such a claim doesn’t seem to me to be the “pinnacle of hubris”. It seems just common sense to me. There is no reason to regard the Torah, the Bible, or the Koran as anything but dangerous books full of superstitions and downright nonsense, constantly reminding their readers that there are many walled cities in ” heaven”, because each group behind those walls thinks they are the only ones IN heaven.
        That being said, I don’t want to argue the existence/non-existence of god. We could go on forever, and I doubt I would change your mind. After 45 wasted years in the Catholic “faith” I finally found the strength to say ” the heck with this baloney”, so you won’t change my mind either. 🙂
        The Islamic way is just as brutal NOW as the Catholic church was THEN. ISLAM is not so much a religion as it is a totalitarian political ideology with a secondary(but very strenuous and crazy) religious component.No one wants to admit that Muslims, by following their own “faith” as it is clearly laid out, #1-cannot be loyal to a non-Islamic government and #2- are bidden BY that faith to fight all unbelievers until there are no more. People will keep saying it can’t happen here, UNTIL IT HAPPENS HERE!
        I enjoy your articles, thank you for the reply!

        Liked by 1 person

        • dustyk103 says:

          I certainly can’t argue with the facts as there were many despots who used religion as their bludgeon. However, I’m sorry to hear that you took 45 years to reach the conclusion I did when I was 12 and quit realizing that what I was being taught in the Catholic Church was a load of crap and there is no God. But it only took me five more years to come to faith that there is a God and about twelve more to come to faith in Christ. I can only thank the people who God put into my path from whom I learned so much more about Christianity than what the particular Catholic Church I attended tried to shove down my throat. Three great Christian authors, J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, and Felix Salten were key in helping me learn. Since then I’ve read the Bible and much about all the religions of the world, and while I find there is no such thing as the perfect Christian, I also understand that only about half of people who go to church are actually Christians while the other half are friends and family who have no belief in Christ, are just there to “network,” or simply like Christian “philosophy.” I pray you will find others who will help you find your way. Frankly, I think a life without God and the knowledge that we have immortal souls is a hopeless life believing that nothing you do in this life will matter because when your brain cells die you won’t remember any of it anyway. It’s not much better than those poor Moslems who believe they must kill and die in service to Allah.


          • Unclebob says:

            I’m sorry, I meant to say “after 45 wasted years of believing IN GOD”. I do not need to believe in God to think that what I do in this life matters. It matters to many people, I am here to help myself and my fellow man have a good life. Not worrying about ” my immortal soul” is quite liberating. If I have one,great. But if it is going to “hell” because I didn’t believe in the one TRUE GOD(?) then I’ll pass.
            Live and die in THIS day.
            How does a Christian say “go screw yourself”?
            ” I’ll pray for you”
            Just a little humor. Save your prayers, I’m quite happy without them.
            I do worry about the coming problems we are bound to have with this shitstorm called Islamic invasion,er,migration. Let’s agree to stay tuned to that. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.


            • dustyk103 says:

              I understood that first part. It took you 45 years trying to believe in something in which you never had any faith. Not sure how you got “go screw yourself” out of my statement? While I can understand how liberating having faith in only yourself can be, I also know where believing only in your own laws of right and wrong can lead. We all are fully capable of being self-righteous hypocrites when we want to be. That’s what leads to Christians following corrupt men. Just because our sins are forgiven doesn’t mean we will never again sin. We are human, so we still sin every day. Be that as it may, I am one Christian who would have been fighting the Catholic Church of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages and any church today that espouses anti-Christian beliefs in the name of Christ (like the hate-filled bile spewed by the Westboro Baptist Church cult). But at least you are a person of good moral heart and recognize the inherent evil in Islam, which is more than I can say for many atheists who actually promote it because they are more anti-Christian, anti-God than atheist.


              • Unclebob says:

                It is a tough battle to get people in America to see that Islam is indeed a threat to the American way of life. The lefts suicidal devotion to multicultural BS andcultural relativism is astounding.

                Liked by 1 person

                • dustyk103 says:

                  Is it ever. I can’t believe how hard people cling on to their ignorance. So many will cling to one thing they hear, “Islam is peace,” and never bother to investigate. What’s really hard is when they are shown the truth and deny it! There’s no getting through to people who know the facts and then deny they exist or remake them into what they wish. It’s funny. I can show them Muhammad’s words and the history of his life and they will reject it. It’s not like trying to convince someone God exists when there is nothing to physically see or hear, but only have faith, and they close their minds. (incidentally, I edited my previous comment a bit if you’d like to read it.)


  10. lona mueller says:

    The Anabaptist’s were burned by the Roman Catholics and drowned by the Reformers. The only ones to take Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount seriously [many of them still do].


  11. Muslim says:

    This is ridiculous, despicable and disgusting. I am a 17 year old and I am speechless to the content I have seen here. Almost every sentence concerning Islam is packed with lies. The verses you have quoted do not even exist. They are made up, and for proof, go and check out the actual verses of the chapters from the actual Quran, i’ll even put a link for you because obviously your source of facts is wrong. It is people like you that cause hate and violence in this world. Why would you create a fallacy to undermine the beauty of Islam? You change the words of the Quran to fit your liking and your frivolous and highly inaccurate claims about the life of the Prophet and his ideals as to when he was first approached with Islam.

    The link to the Quran in both English and Arabic ( To lie is a sin, and to sin means you aren’t a good Christian. You should be ashamed of yourself, especially since this is coming from someone who is significantly younger than you, and according to your biography less educated.


    • dustyk103 says:

      To be in total denial of history at the age of seventeen does not bode well for you, especially when you just make a blanket statement that everything I say is a lie. You offer only reading the Koran at the link you cite as proof that my forty years studying history is false. Try citing one thing I said in my article about Muhammad that you believe to be wrong and let’s test your honesty.


  12. Unclebob says:

    I’m looking at my trusty Koran right now, and plain as day, THERE THEY ARE! Those lovely verses of peace dustyk103 quoted. I’ve seen them before, heard them spouted on YouTube by imams ad nauseum. I agree, to be in denial of the bloody history of Islam is just like being in denial of the bloody history of Catholicism,or Judaism. Muslim, its your “faith”, bub. Own it,warts and all.
    Muhammad married a 6-year old.
    You still have time, clean that stuff out of your brain.


    • Muslim says:

      First off, I bet you don’t even speak arabic to understand what it is they are saying. Secondly I hardly doubt that you even have a Quran with you. Where the hell do you guys get your facts from? You have a google don’t you? Why don’t you google the history of Islam and you shall see that none of what you have said in this article is true and it is all bullshit. I had no idea that there were such people out there with twisted minds like yours making stuff up about the Quran. What kind of people would be so evil, greedy and self centered to commit such a heinous act. I think it’s your brain that needs the cleaning, not mine.


      • Unclebob says:

        Take it easy, little fella, or you’ll shoot a load in yer pants. You believe that a man named Muhammad went to a cave so he could talk to an angel named Gabriel who brought the words of life from an invisible being named Allah who says..”.you can only understand me if you speak Arabic”? So all Muslims speak Arabic or they have an Arabic speaking friend translate the Koran for them because a translated Koran is no good? You make no sense. There’s a place called a library,lotta Korans there. Translated by Arabic speaking people, I’ll wager. And Barnes and Noble sells em, as well as Reliance of the Traveller, a buncha stuff that Muhammad supposedly said. They sell Bibles there too, sometimes I put them next to each other for fun. To me they are both the same; books full of scary stories written for people who will believe ANYTHING. When you learn to think for yourself, then your mind will be clean. As long as that miserable book is telling you how to think, you’re a lost cause.


        • Muslim says:

          I really don’t understand how you stumbled upon these facts which are clearly not true if further and extensive research was taken on by you people. Allah never said “you can only understand me if you speak arabic”. What wrong with having Arabic as the religion main language. Are you sad it’s not English? Well i’m sorry to bust your bubble but not everything has to be the way you Americans want it to be. You can spread your lies here, but every day hundreds of people hear and learn from the truth and in no time, all of you are going to look like fools.

          So you don’t believe that Mohammed spoke to an angel but you believe that Jesus was resurrected back from dead and could turn water into wine… Isn’t that more believable. I pity you, honestly.


          • Unclebob says:

            The Catholic Mass was conducted in Latin up until the 1950s, and the Irish were encouraged not to read the Bible themselves, but to have it interpreted for them BY PRIESTS(Imam to you). So they only knew what they were told. Is this the situation you’re in? Because all the stuff you just said about Paradise, and all the verses dustyk103 has quoted, THEY ARE IN THE KORAN!!! My question; Have YOU read the book? It’s long and boring, so maybe you just rely on what some bearded man tells you. Because this is getting ridiculous.
            And for your info, I AM AN ATHEIST.


            • Muslim says:

              No they are not. I literally put a link to the actual verses of the verses he said they were. Chapter 9, verse 5, check the link and look at what he wrote and tell me that is the same thing. Yes I have read the Quran, and I have memorized it. I’ve questioned Islam multiple times i’ve grown up and now I am proud to say I am actively engaged in the practice of the religion. Instead of telling me to rethink Islam, at least make the effort to look up the actual verses dustyk103 posted and you will see the fallacy in this post


      • dustyk103 says:

        Ok, so I asked you to take one item from my article and prove me wrong and your response is that I can’t understand the Koran unless I read Arabic. You score zero for presenting both facts and truth.


        • Muslim says:

          I don’t need to prove anything to you. I’ve done my part as a good Muslim of spreading the word and trying to correct you. I know the truth and I believe its up to you to come to your senses and use logical reasoning to understand why millions of people are following Islam, and the facts that you present here are fake. Show me the source from where you got this information “Muhammad told his followers that Paradise promises to reward those who die killing the infidel with virgins untouched by other men to satisfy their most ardent sexual desires, both girls and boys who will serve them in any way they wish, and they will live as Sheiks with their harem of houris and servant boys gratifying their carnal lust”. SHOW me where he said this, where in the Quran that raping virgins will grant you a place in paradise. I know that this is not true because I have read the Quran and have done my own research. This is bullshit. Making up verses from the Quran and hadiths from the Prophet to make others despise Islam is low and despicable.


          • dustyk103 says:

            There you are wrong. You do have to prove you are telling the truth. When you deny that Muhammad was a violent dictator who led his followers to wage war on Mecca, and that what he taught was written in the Koran and Hadith to become Sharia Law and everything that is Islam today, then you reveal yourself to be either a deceiver or self-deluded. Comes from praying five times a day to something you do not understand and brainwashing yourself to deny the truth.


  13. Muslim says:

    I also expect you to answer the question I posed in my former comment.

    Liked by 1 person

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