Bill Nye premieres as the phony climate change science guy

Bill Nye

How do you make science understandable to a liberal?  You make a TV show and tell them how stupid conservatives are who live in denial.  Then you tell him they are destroying the planet unless he makes conservatives become socialists.  Even Bill Gates says America must become socialist to save the planet.  What does he care if government takes all wealth from others?

National Geographic Channel premiered Bill Nye the Science Guy’s new show on global warming titled, “Bill Nye’s Global Meltdown,” in which the celebrity shouted from the steps of Capital Hill that man-caused climate change was going to destroy humanity.  It is so bad that he said;

“I can’t imagine there’ll being a human being on the planet in 2030.”

Taking his script from Al Gore’s, “An Inconvenient Truth,” which has been completely debunked (you should watch it again and see how many “facts” contained in it have been proven false and misleading), Nye tells the scientifically ignorant that the oceans will rise and flood the coasts.  He begins with a flask of water, a bulb flask with a narrow neck that he puts into the microwave and heats up to show how water expands when heated.  How about trying that on a cookie sheet and only heat it five degrees instead of a hundred if you want to simulate our oceans?

What all these “scientists” ignore is that the Medieval Warm Period was hotter than it is now, but they do their best to portray the last five years as “the hottest on record,” which is easy to do when global warming scientists are willing to adjust their data just enough to make July 2015 “the warmest month on record.”  Records by these people who live on government funding to study global warming can’t possibly be falsely manipulated, can it?  Just as all the facts they present are not done to mislead anybody because they are all honest scientists, right?

Nye says that people are in denial, which he expresses as the first stage of grief.  The only people grieving are these climate change alarmists that their scam has been exposed.  Why is he bothering to make predictions like Al Gore did that the coasts will be flooded by a rise in sea level if there won’t be any people after 2030?  This is just another exercise in seeing how many people can be duped with a few erroneous facts misleading them to all the wrong conclusions.

Climate change history

Climate change alarmist’s predictions have 0% credibility

Bill Nye Global Meltdown

I’ll take the time to dissect Nye’s presentation when I get back from vacation.  He’s going to look awfully stupid in 2030 when there are twelve billion people running around.  Climate change alarmists are going through the second stage of grief, anger, and demanding that “deniers” be imprisoned until they change their minds.  How much more proof is needed than that they want to shut down any viewpoint that conflicts with their own?

Related articles;

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Climate change deniers vs. Chicken Littles

Trusting scientists to make predictions has always been for the foolish

You don’t need science to prove global warming is a scam

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(Debate: Honest people wishing to debate will post their remarks in the comments of the article.  Dishonest people wishing to dissuade people from reading the truth will post in the comments of a link.)

About dustyk103

This site is my opinion only and is unpaid. I am a retired Paramedic/Firefighter with 25 years of service in the City of Dallas Fire Dept. I have a B.A. degree in Journalism, and A.A. degrees in Military Science and History. I have spent my life studying military history, world history, American history, science, current events, and politics making me a qualified PhD, Senior Fellow of the Limbaugh Institute, and tenured Professor Emeritus for Advanced Conservative Studies. 😄 It is my hope that readers can gain some knowledge and wisdom from my articles.
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4 Responses to Bill Nye premieres as the phony climate change science guy

  1. Jules P Guidry says:

    Bill Nye? What a choice of a spokesman, a washed up comedian. That’s how I recall him from long ago. Can’t take him seriously, any more than I can the GW “alarmists”. So far nothing has come true that the left predicted about GW/Climate Change/etc., and its driving them to extremes to try and convince everyone its “settled science”. Thanks for article, Dusty.


  2. Clifton says:

    First, let me say that I am neither a Global Warming Believer nor Denier. I freely admit that I don’t know, but I have to admit that I find more compelling arguments on the Believer side than on the Denier side.

    Some specific thoughts on the article:

    “I can’t imagine there’ll being a human being on the planet in 2030.”

    I haven’t watched the show, so I don’t know the context of the comment. On the face of it, I find it rather unlikely.

    “How about trying that on a cookie sheet and only heat it five degrees instead of a hundred if you want to simulate our oceans?”

    Agreed. If the ocean temperature raises by 100 degrees Fahrenheit, I suspect all life on the planet will have long since expired.

    But how about taking a cookie sheet, putting several pieces of ice on it, and then filling the rest of the cookie sheet with water. Now raise the temperature 5 degrees and watch the cookie sheet overflow. This is a small-scale example of what the Global Warming folks are talking about when they mention rising sea levels.

    “What all these ‘scientists’ ignore is that the Medieval Warm Period was hotter than it is now,”

    Here is where I cannot agree with you.

    We do not have temperature measurements from the Medieval Warm Period (900 – 1300 CE), so your statement is unsupportable. The records we do have from that period are figures on food production, length of growing seasons, reports on duration of ice on bodies of water, and other indirect measures. Do these indicate that Europe experienced a period of higher temperatures during that period? Yes. Do they give us hard numbers on the climate conditions then to allow accurate comparisons against the conditions now? No.

    Also, these indirect measures apply only to Europe. Attempts to calculate global temperature changes during the MWP, even using modern instrumental and ice-core sampling techniques, have been inconclusive. (Source:

    “Records by these people who live on government funding to study global warming can’t possibly be falsely manipulated, can it? Just as all the facts they present are not done to mislead anybody because they are all honest scientists, right?”

    Unfortunately, the same brush that paints the Global Warming scientists as having an agenda also applies equally to the Deniers. Both sides are made up of humans, and humans have always been both fallible and corruptible.

    Enjoy your vacation!


    • Actually, we do have weather measurements from hundreds and even thousands of years ago, thanks to the large ice masses at the ends of our planet. scientists have drilled, and taken samples of this frozen ice and have been able to even extrapolate info concerning the actual temperatures that took place from these events that are otherwise lost in time.
      In fact, according to science fact, we now know the Earth is in a mini cooling off period.


      • dustyk103 says:

        Yes, we know we have measurements of the past. We also have weather records that go back a century. But who says that can predict the future?


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