The morality of choosing not to support Trump


Choosing not to choose is the amoral choice to allow the immoral choice.  It’s seeing someone in need and calling someone else to go help them rather than take action to help them yourself.  America is being beaten to death by liberalism and some conservatives are saying they would rather stand back to teach them a lesson.

Republicans are saying they will not support Trump because they don’t like him.  Cruz supporters hate him for smearing their guy and the GOP elites hate him because he’s an outsider who wants to bust up their cartel.  Let’s put this into a moral perspective those of you who think Trump isn’t good enough for you might understand.

You see a man lying on the side of the road.  He is someone you know and don’t like.  He’s not a criminal or even a hateful person, you just don’t like his personality cause he’s an ass.  There’s a criminal who is beating him and is obviously going to kill him.  Do you;

  • Assist the man and save him
  • Assist the criminal and kill him
  • Or do nothing and let him be killed

Now justify the morality of option three and that is you choosing not to choose Trump because you don’t like him and will let America be destroyed by Democrat policies.  Do you need to ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?”  Just remember what you chose when your children ask you why you didn’t save the man and let the criminal rule, why you didn’t vote and allowed Democrats to destroy America and make her a socialist dictatorship.

Is Trump true or is he false?

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Choosing not to choose – #NeverTrump vs. #NeverHillary

Trump wins and Cruzers whine saying they won’t vote for him.  Don’t tell me you’re conservative when you help liberals win

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About dustyk103

This site is my opinion only and is unpaid. I am a retired Paramedic/Firefighter with 25 years of service in the City of Dallas Fire Dept. I have a B.A. degree in Journalism, and A.A. degrees in Military Science and History. I have spent my life studying military history, world history, American history, science, current events, and politics making me a qualified PhD, Senior Fellow of the Limbaugh Institute, and tenured Professor Emeritus for Advanced Conservative Studies. 😄 It is my hope that readers can gain some knowledge and wisdom from my articles.
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22 Responses to The morality of choosing not to support Trump

  1. guidvce4 says:

    The analogy is an apt one of what would happen if either one of the dems were to gain the WH. There are not enough true patriots with a spine in Congress to stop the downward spiral of our nation if either were elected.
    I think the “true” conservatives who state they will not vote for Trump are blind to the outcome if they abstain from voting at all. They will be an accessory to the death of this nation by their inaction due to their foolhardiness.
    As is said in the South, “bless their little hearts”, for they don’t have the brains God gave a goose.
    Thanks, Dusty, for all you do.


  2. EIleen says:

    Although I was extremely disappointed with the performance of the Republicans when they grabbed the Senate in 2014, I was even more disappointed with those who say Trump wasn’t [put in your own characteristic] for them. When these same groups started attacking Trump backers as brainless, stupid [or put in your own expletive], I got angry to the point where my anger exceeded the anger at the Senate Republicans and decided to support the guy, big mouth and all. The reason is that when people put expletive labels on others, there is a part of them that matches the labels with which they label others. Most Trump supporters I knew rarely labeled people, other than career politicians.

    I personally do not want four years of Clinton, and although Trump is not a true constitionalist that I would like (of course, neither was Cruz), I’d rather take my chances with a guy who used the free market to become wealthy rather than some career politician who never met payroll. And no, I do not resent him nor feel vitriol when I see him exiting his private jet with his name on it.


    • dustyk103 says:

      and what I liked about Trump is that unlike any other Republican, including Ted, when Democrats threw sh*t at him he didn’t stand there and take it – he grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and rubbed their noses in it! That’s the kind of fighting spirit the TEA Party has been begging for!


  3. David says:

    There is a fourth option, if you will. Capitulation based on the lesser of two evils is anathema to the free thinker . Rather in the run up to the general election, trump needs to EARN the conservative vote, not just inherit it due to the primary process . Millions of dedicated conservatives did not vote for him not are they obligated to do so because Clinton is a vile alternative. Trump needs to reach out and explain to conservatives how he is going to embrace our values. He needs our vote. He is running for president. The ball is in his court to make a compelling argument as to why we should not abandon our principles in exchange for keeping Clinton out of the White House. What are the reasons to vote trump that are not attached to Clinton? Have at it, Donald.


    • dustyk103 says:

      Which is precisely what I said in my articles. If Trump truly wants to unite the party he will reach out to Cruz supporters rather than alienate them. Let’s see what he does now.


  4. Jesse says:

    Donald Trump is more than just an ass. How can anyone believe he is anything other than a dangerous liability to this country? That is a WHOLE lotta stupid. Anyone who supports Trump is too stupid to vote. GOP voters should be coalescing together to save their country from Trump AND Hillary. If Al Sharpton stuck an R after his name would you vote for him too??? UNFREAKIN BELIEVABLE.


    • dustyk103 says:

      This is exactly what I’m talking about. Closing your mind to Trump is no different than closing your mind to Romney, or to Trump supporters closing their minds to Cruz.


      • David Pimentel says:

        The biggest problem with having an open mind is that one never knows when his brains will fall out, and then it’s often too late to be corrected.


        • dustyk103 says:

          That’s only true of those who remain liberals throughout their lives because they never let anything intelligent in. Eventually they become like Chris Matthews and his ilk who never understand anything, but they still make words with their mouths.


  5. notamobster says: – Trump supporters are just angry because they made a turd sandwich and we refuse to take a bite. I owe no fealty to any man. If this election is lost, it is squarely on the shoulders of Donald Trump and his supporters! If he wants our votes, he has to earn them. He needs to convince people that he actually has conservative values in spite of nearly 70 years of being progressive, pro-abortion, anti-gun, pro big government. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still ____.


    • dustyk103 says:

      You apparently didn’t bother to read this article or those alongside it or you would know why your statements are wrong. Responding to the title, which is what your statement clearly exhibits, is a fail. Don’t judge a book by its cover. This is why your statement is without substance. I examined the Trump vs. Perot question months ago.


    • Kate says:

      Not true, Trump has a record of success behind him, in business and in his family. He has intelligent beautiful children who are successful just as he is. He is just sick of seeing what is going on it this country. Think of how many times you’ve mouthed off about things, why can’t he?? I like the fact that he can buy them, they can’t buy him. I LOVE the fact that he is not politically correct. Political correctness has RUINED this country!!
      Hilary is the kind of trash we need to take out to the dumpster…better yet, prison where she belongs!!


      • notamobster says:

        You know who else has beautiful, intelligent children? Barack Obama. I hate the man, but I point this out to show that raising kids does not qualify one for the office of President.

        I didn’t mouth off about anything. I don’t owe any loyalty to the (R) party, to Donald Trump, or anyone else. The implication that I am helping Hillary by not voting for Trump is ridiculous on it’s face. If not voting for Trump is a de facto vote for Hillary, then think of it this way: I’m not voting for Hillary. By the logic(sic) exhibited in the essay above, my not voting for HRC is a de facto Trump vote. Your logic is invalidated.


  6. notamobster says:

    You are engaging in a bit of projection with your article. Trump voters decided to thumb their nose at the progressive republican establishment by voting for an outsider. The only problem is the outsider they chose is also a progressive. How does this make any sense? You have selected another Ross Perot for the Clinton machine. Excellent work.


    • dustyk103 says:

      You haven’t been paying attention to what is actually happening outside the propaganda. If Trump is just like the RINOs then why are they fighting him tooth and nail?


      • Because he is THAT bad… not too hard to figure out.

        Liked by 1 person

      • notamobster says:

        Don’t put words in my mouth. I didn’t say he was just like them. I said that he is a progressive. As a matter-of-fact, I called him an outsider (that means he’s not like them). He’s naturally progressive. They do it for the power. Whatever the motivation, you fail to answer how selecting a progressive to upend the republican establishment because they became progressive – makes any sense at all.


  7. louann says:

    God will raise up whom he sees fit.christians have fell asleep.just like our spine less politicians.trump has a Back bone. He cares. Hes not bought off like the rest.he cares for us.sour grapes get it together.hillary will bring America down .


  8. You analogy is not accurate. Here is the true analogy of the situation we now find ourselves. As a Cruz supporter, let’s go with this.

    We’ve been telling you for years that a massive heavy rain and potential flood has arrived, the kind that comes only once in a 100 years or more. We’ve been engineering ways to make the infrastructures outside safer so that you can travel without harm. In preparation, we’ve been attempting to build higher and stronger levees, trying to reinforce the dams, attempting to build new bridges and safer thoroughfares, even enhancing watershed management processes, and all the while, being fought by most my own teammates and 100% of my adversaries to get anything done.

    Now suddenly a man comes along, having no history of doing what is necessary to protect us from the storm, but he says he will make the storm go away. He will stop the rains completely, saving us from the pending floods. This man, having not accomplished anything to solve the problems with the rain and floods then ask you to drive into the danger. You should not fear because he will make the rain go away, you should trust him. At the same time, we warn you to not go outside, to wait till the storm past, and that we are in the process of fixing the infrastructure so that you can go out without endangering yourself and family. You decide to ignore our repeated warnings and you choose to drive down the dangerous flooding roads, when you suddenly overtaken by the rising waters. You call us for help, but we can’t get there to save you. We remind you that we told you to not go out, and we can’t place ourselves in such peril. You can’t blame us for not drowning with you, by choosing to not participate.


    • dustyk103 says:

      I’m sorry, but you call this an analogy of the current political situation? Trump is not promising to make the storm go away or you are not warning anyone not to go out in it. The storm is the Democrats and the GOP has done NOTHING to make the nation safer, but have thrown in with them to spend that money on their friends rather than infrastructure. Ted took his shot but accepting the GOP nod was a death blow to his campaign. Trump has a history of building and doing good business, which no one in the GOP does. He’s a putz, but he’s a successful putz. Your solution is to let the Democrats rule, let the storm rage and protect no one from it but let it happen to teach everyone a lesson. I don’t call that righteous thought by any means. Perhaps my next article will explain it best.


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