
Born and raised in NJ, Dustin Koellhoffer earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism and associate degrees in military science and history at the University of Georgia. He studied military history and modern warfare for thirty more years. Dustin moved to, matured, and became a Christian and Libertarian in Texas, serving 25 years as a paramedic/firefighter with the City of Dallas. Now retired, this Tea Party Patriot writes for Examiner.com and blog https://liberalsbackwardsthink.wordpress.com

38 Responses to About

  1. Billie Jo says:

    This is a very interesting and good Blog !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Billie Jo says:

    I am a 63 yr. old woman, and I have NEVER in MY LIFE, seen ANYTHING like what’s going on with OBAMA ! He has divided our country almost to the point of no return !families are fighting over his actions, or should I say inactions ! God Help Us, because we sure need it ! I am a Patriot, and I am a Tea-Party Patriot ! I give away 3×5 AMERICAN flags to all my neighbors if they need or want one. Also anyone else I talk to that needs or wants one ! I am sick over what’s going on in schools now, because I have 12 Grandkids ! And I worry about their future. I have been keeping my daughter up on what’s going on in the country, as she has 4 little ones and she can’t get to watch the news. And my son is 44 and he keeps up on it, also my 22 yr. old grandson is very political ! We are a very Conservative, Christian family ! I am a direct Decendent of Roger Conant, the founder of Salem Mass. And my husband has a 18th Great Grandfather who was married to Geo. Washingtons Aunt Anne Washington ! Our families have been through many wars, and we are ready to go agin if needed ! My daughter was an MP in The Army in Iraq for a year, and based out of Ft. Hood TX !so was my son-in-law ! Thank YOu for the work you do , I really enjoy talking to people with the same beliefs as myself ! God Bless !


    • dustyk103 says:

      Thank you and God bless you and your family for your patriotism. Please help me spread the truth and expose the Left for their lies about Islam, the climate, and the economy. Subscribe and tell your friends.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dan says:

    How do I subscribe?


    • dustyk103 says:

      You should see a button at the top of the page that says ‘follow’ at the top of the page. By clicking on it you should be notified whenever I publish a new article. (Though I haven’t been writing much of late as my last articles on Islam and global warming are getting more attention than any before, so I’m making sure they keep circulating. Maybe I’m finding how to advertise my articles better.)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Cathy Brillhart says:

        I also would like to follow your blog, however, I don’t see the follow button at the top of the page!


        • dustyk103 says:

          There should be a black bar at the top of your screen that has ‘follow’ and ‘like’ on it along with other things. If there is not, try reloading the page. After that all I can suggest is rebooting. If that doesn’t clear it up, contact your Internet provider for assistance.


      • Kiowah says:

        “Follow” was at the bottom right in Firefox browser, it’s a very small icon that pops up. Caught it myself quite by luck!


      • grjenkin says:

        Your blog, LiberalBackwardsThink, is outstanding and inspiring. A “Job well done” is not saying enough. As a longtime blogger, I know how difficult regular posting is. Thank you. Oh…and ban sharia.


  4. Dustin, I am SO Pleased to have found your site. I have spent the last hour or two reading many of the articles on the home page in the order they appear. The resource you have provided is just Outstanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your understanding of the clear differences between the “Left” and the “Right” in America, and the world for that matter, is so right on and so clearly written. I have been of one mind with you for many years now. But I don’t have the ability to clearly articulate it, either in writing or in debate with all those in my life who are either committed liberals or just plain ignorant, low information voters. With your assumed permission, I will use your articles as needed to try to help them to see the truth.

    I look forward in the days ahead to consuming all of the wisdom you have here on your site. I have signed up to follow you and receive email notice of each new post.

    Thank you again for your dedication to the cause of truth and the America we love and fight for.

    Spence Gruendler

    Liked by 2 people

    • dustyk103 says:

      You are welcome, Spence, and thank you for your compliments. Please share at will. That is the entire purpose for my writing this blog. People need to hear the truth. At least then they can make a moral, intelligent choice rather than acting through ignorance.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. David Kelb says:

    I need some advice. When it comes to voting, I believe we should always vote for the most conservative politician at any level from local on up. When the presidential election comes along and it is down to one republican and one democrat, I believe only one of those two will be elected. We haven’t had that strong of a third party yet. Although I didn’t initially want him, I voted for McCain and Romney because I did not want Obama worse. My issue is I believe voting third party for presidents always gets a democrat elected. Do you agree and if so, how do I get this point to friends that will not vote for liberal republicans for president? Thank you.


    • dustyk103 says:

      Believe me, I know their frustration and feel much the same way. After watching three election cycles in which the GOP let candidate’s victories slip away because they were of the Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio variety, hearing them disparage the TEA Party then say they support conservatism, I got sick of them and would have loved to see a third party candidate. But history is against us.

      Not just the Bush/Perot debacle that resulted in Clinton, but the Roosevelt/Taft debacle that resulted in Wilson and set the stage for Democrats to corrupt and dominate our political system for the next century. If you examine the history of the American presidency, Republicans dominated throughout the 19th century and Democrats have dominated the 20th century. The 19th century was filled with slavery in the South and resulted in the Robber Barons in the North, both of which were overthrown by Republicans.

      So, without going into a huge history lesson, we know that was Democrat propaganda that demonized Republicans resulting in their being given control of Congress in 2006 and the presidency in 2008. People voted for them because they were disgusted with the GOP moderates whose spending was just a version of liberal-lite, promoting cronyism through government subsidies, and that is not how capitalism advances to lift people from poverty. Obama says it’s how “the economy grows from the middle out,” alluding to the Middle Class. But the fact is that is how the government grows fat. The economy through capitalism grows from the bottom up lifting people out of poverty.

      So, how do you explain to your friends that voting third party is only splitting the Republican vote leaving the majority to Democrats? Unfortunately, our system only tallies one vote. If the election of the president required a majority vote, this problem would be rendered moot, but it does not much as we would like it to be. So we are left with the two party system.

      Some in my family voted Democrat in 2008 because they were disgusted with Republicans, and now they are absolutely horrified at what is being wrought by Democrats. So I tell them:

      When you are disgusted with Republicans you NEVER vote Democrat. You get involved in the primary process and vote for BETTER Republicans.

      And when you can’t get the good conservatives then you select the lesser of two evils between moderates and liberals. Victories by liberal Democrats has resulted in moderate Republicans who believe pandering as liberals-lite is the solution. Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich proved otherwise. We have a new generation on the rise in Walker, Cruz, and Rubio, and they offer the most fearless, undiluted Americanism that is exactly what is needed to restore this nation. Best of luck to you.


      • cped says:

        Great blog, really enjoy reading it! I agree with your comments here, there are many people that I know that do not vote because their person did not make it to the final, that makes me very sad.


  6. David Kelb says:

    That’s pretty much what I’ve learned. The time to get the Walker’s and Cruz’s and Paul’s elected is now. If it comes down to another RINO like Bush or Lindsay Graham on November, I have to hold my nose and vote for them because another Obama or Clinton or Sanders would mean so much worse. Thanks for the confirmation.


  7. rick says:

    Dusty, why do you not like Fiorina? Yes ,she was wrong to support the arrest of the Baltimore policeman, but she is right on 80% of the time and she is great, articulate at going after Hillary, the media, and the left in general. More so then any conservative I see.She would be a great V.P.on any GOP ticket.


    • dustyk103 says:

      It’s not that I dislike her, I’m just not a Fiorina supporter. Being wrong on the Baltimore cops is a big black mark on her, but though her overall record is good, there are too many others who I prefer far more. I don’t need there to be a woman running against a woman (Hillary). I like a Walker/Cruz ticket better than any other, with Rubio as SML and Issa or Goudy as Speaker.

      Liked by 1 person

      • rick says:

        we have to capture 5-10% of the 66 million low information voters. If we can find a V.P. candadate who can articulate 90% of our limited governemnt republican policies, while attacking our opponents- we can win.
        It’s not only what we high info voters want, but we have to somehow appeal to the low info voters-without giving in on the 5 or 6 most important policy issues.


      • Kim says:

        Why Rubio? He wants more H1 visas to replace American workers. Yeah, I know; it isn’t directly him, but the businesses are taking advantage of American workers by replacing them with cheaper labor. Until these loopholes are fixed no one should be adding more visas!


  8. Ron Celano says:

    sorry, could not find your contact page, so I am posting here.

    I have written a new book that is timely to this election cycle. It is briefly described below.

    Although Americans understand most of the issues facing the country, they don’t have a clear understanding of the associated costs. That is, in terms of money out of their pockets and how it affects choices that they make on a daily basis. Politicians don’t do a good job of explaining the costs and don’t dare talk about Americans losing their freedom of choices. This concern prompted me to write a book on the subject. It is called – Choices. It describes the issues, talks about the monetary costs and how they affect choices for American citizens. It also describes how many of those choices are either becoming limited or are being taken away.

    I am looking for reviews and am offering the book free to your readers as I am more interested in getting the message out than making money.  I can send you a pdf of the book upon your request.

    Thanks for your consideration,
    Ron Celano


  9. Once Written says:

    Brilliant writing Dusty! I hope you will visit and read my blog and give me some writing tips. I started my blog last month. I’ll be reading many of your posts, glad I found you.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Interesting blog Mr. Koellhoffer. First of all, thank you very much for your military service and years with the Dallas Fire Department. All of you do not get enough recognition (OR PAY!!!) for all you do, so thank you Sir.

    My hometown is Dallas, Oak Cliff to be exact, and I am an 8th generation Texan; my mother is a member of Daughters of the Republic. Our families have been here a long, long, LONG time from the Red River to the Gulf and as far as Midland-Odessa to Longview or Beaumont. One of our ancestors & family founded the town of Castroville, TX before the state joined the Union. I must be honest, the two primary reasons Texas has been so “Red” the last 30-years (minus Ann Richard’s four) are 1) below-average to poor public educations the last 30+ years that leads to ‘ignorant’ voters or that don’t have MIT degrees to decipher the complex convoluted voter-registration protocols, and 2) Texas’ oil business and cattle-ranching moguls: $$$$$$$! This leads to (higher-educated) political manuevering on the scales of the 2003 Congressional Redistricting scam that today does NOT represent the lowly-educated majority people of Texas. Period. In a word, plutarchy.

    Though I kindly respect your political views, the party of which you are so fond actually does not truly represent the majority of Texans, just the wealthy minority. And that’s just the entire history of Texas (in a nutshell) since Gov. Bill Clements. The state’s horrible social, educational, and economic stats the last 30+ years speak clearly to this fact.

    Peace to you and best regards Mr. Koellhoffer. And thank you again for your service in both occupations! 🙂


    • dustyk103 says:

      Funny. You say you are a multi-generational Texan, but talk like a Californian. In forty years the people that I have met in Texas who are the least educated, the most racist, and the most mean-spirited have been Democrats. Texas, like the rest of the South didn’t go Republican because their educational system failed. That’s what happened in Democrat controlled states. It became Republican because of all the Republicans who moved south during the Reagan era for economic advancement rather than servitude to corrupt Democrat unions. Texas didn’t go fully Republican till Bush and that was after the near disaster of Ann Richards almost making Texas a destitute Democrat state requiring state taxes.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I knew we’d have to agree to disagree — which is certainly what makes this democracy great, yes? 😉

        Nevertheless, there are always 3 to 4 sides to every issue, every point-of-view…typically/always none of them 100% perfect.

        All the best to you Mr. Koellhoffer.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. How closely is the Obama “selling of the internet to NATO linked to the “Paris Agreement”? Is this the reason there is only “reality television” and then all media is free to sell their brand of TV and bind us to cable companies like ATT forever. Leaving all clean and enjoyable without muslim on a trash heap? Ar5e we waiting for the “other shoe” to drop and leave us with out wholesome American Media, forever? I can not log on facebook for having used the sentence “Deport muslims”! What else is there?


  12. Allen Vaughan says:

    Hello! I just saw the graph on a blog you wrote in 2015 regarding “climate change” and I would love to source that graph. It indicates the 100,000 year cycle of global warming/cooling, as well as the repetitive “double top” upswings in between the topping of the cycle. Would you please be so kind and share with me where you got that graphic, as I would love to share it with others, but also study it in greater detail, especially in the red box area (the more recent times.) Thank you,
    Allen Vaughan


    • dustyk103 says:

      Hi, Allen. I got that graph off of Google Search images either for climate change, ice ages, or historic global temperatures. I don’t have the info on the website, but you can link to it from their image.


  13. David says:

    Thanks for the blog Dustin. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. ira haron says:

    Liberalism – Born of ignorance and bred on immorality (and fed by the American edu system).


  15. Donald says:

    Keep on truckin brother! Fight the good fight against these nazis (liberals). Please look into getting joey salads unbanned on twitter. The libtards can’t handle the truth (that piss is delicious)!


  16. Donald says:

    Why didn’t you approve my comment you piss pig. MAGA


    • dustyk103 says:

      This is how you behave in support of Trump? Expect instant gratification like any control freak lib? Or just pretending to be for Trump?


      • Donald says:

        Careful now…. don’t get triggered you’re becoming one of them ! 🙂 it was a joke and yes i love Trump and your Blog and the gdamn USA. Would love to here your opinions on 5G Dustin. -Donald, from Ohio


        • dustyk103 says:

          Ok. It’s usually a day or so before I see new comments on here. I don’t spend my time looking at this site waiting for people to make remarks. They are rare. What is the 5G you’re referring to?


      • John T. Martz says:

        in my 70 years on this earth i have never seen conduct so unbefitting for a young man such as you.you are acting just as the backwards communist “leftists” do (or as rockin’ sean hannity calls them:libtards!!)such as using insults such as “stupid”and”ugly” to describe me.these hooligans are constantly in a state of triggeredness and HARASSMENT.did you know that 40% OF ALL POLICE OFFICERS(THIN BLUE LINE)HAVE AT LEAST ONCE BEEN ATTACKED BY ANTIFA NUTBALLS??(look for “40% of cops”using internet search to LEARN MORE![do not use GOOGLE THEY ARE ANTILIBERTARIAN])these leftists are operating on a frequency which loony pelosi calls”5G”(would like to HEAR you r opinions on that!!)the only.frequency i operate on is my HAM RADIO FREQUENCY.which i use to speak to OTHER LIKE MINDED INDIVIDUALS.this censorship of my GOOD FRIEND-DONALDs(maga) reply is not in alignment with traditional libertarian values.. THANK YOU

        BEST REGARD’s-
        John T. Martz


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