Afro-Americans blame white people for their own murder rates

With the Left you are always damned if you do and damned if you don’t.  Democrats declared the police to be racists KKK murdering innocent young black men.  They demanded that police be pulled out of their neighborhoods and let the good black peoples protect the streets.  Now the gangs rule by tribal laws and their streets are running with blood and they blame white people.  After three years of Democrats cheering for police being ambushed and assassinated, now they are blaming police for doing what they wanted.

Baltimore blacks blame higher murder rates on police withdrawal

Some blacks in America believe that police are oppressors and glorify the gangster life fighting against the law.  In what sane mind would anyone ever believe that gangsters would be better at keeping the streets safer than police?  Even if the police were racists they would be better than having gangsters who rule by the law of the jungle.  Leftists who want to live by that law say “that’s racist.”  What is racist is believing that to be racist.  What is insane are people who want to live by their own laws rather than by the laws of everyone else and then blame everyone else when they are killing each by the laws they choose to live by!  This is the pathological insanity of leftists.  They always blame others for the evils they bring on themselves because they lack the moral compass to understand how to live their lives righteously.  Obama speciously claimed he wanted police to establish better relationships with black neighborhoods and use less deadly force.  It is the equivalent of Obama’s Rules of Engagement for the military to “protect the innocent” when battling jihadi terrorists.  The result is more American military deaths and fewer jihadis killed.  When the goal of Democrats is to protect criminals from police then the people need to open their eyes to whose side they are on!  Such actions lead inevitably to police being the victims rather than the protectors as Black Lives Matter called for black criminals to rise up and assassinate police.

Policeman with Taser shot by suspect

The fallacy of liberal logic is exposed by the Trump Doctrine that annihilated ISIS in less than a year while Obama had the military fighting and dying against them for four years.  Democrats want police-free zones filled with criminals and foreigners under their umbrella of Sanctuary Cities and States where they don’t have to live by the laws of the Constitution.  They want to rule their own country with their elites in charge and the masses living like animals praying for scraps from their master’s table.  If Democrats could retake the Congress and kick Trump out of the White House they would reverse his tax reform so that they could once again suck up the wealth of the nation as socialists always do.  And as the people live in misery feeding off of each other until they rise up in protest they sit back and laugh.  When the protests become threatening then they turn out their police to slaughter the upstarts.  This is the difference between rule by the rightwing and the leftwing of political ideology.  The far right is not Nazis and the far left Communists.  The Right is for liberty and the Left is for authority, democracy vs. totalitarians, freedom vs. slavery, i.e. Republicans vs. Democrats.  Republicans have always fought for freedom limiting government to protect the people from oppression, while Democrats have always fought for slavery by government ruling over the people.  That has been the way of things from the beginning of America.  How Democrats have been able to warp the thinking of people to believe that Republicans are the Democrats and Democrats stand for liberty, for helping the little guy, for anything good for the people is the result of the leftist media propagandists corrupting young minds with dysfunctional thinking.  By feeding them false history, false facts, and warped logic, the media of the Democrats has corrupted this nation to their extremist ideology that criminals are good people being force to behave badly by government.  Government in America was designed by good people to protect citizens from criminals and corrupt politicians.  But Democrats have refined their corruption to the point that they can put up a façade that conceals their true nature.  Until America is educated in righteousness, rather than indoctrinated into leftist ideology, there is little hope for improvement.  Democrats took God out of the public forum and condemned the Christian church in favor of atheism and Islamism, both of which are anti-God, to promote their totalitarian ideology of their elites ruling the masses.  These forces must not only be pushed back, but ejected from the country.  Christianity allows people to live their religious beliefs freely, but not when they seek to overthrow freedom and impose their ideology on others.  So long as people want to live separately as hyphenated Americans rather than in unity with all other Americans this division and decline under Democrats will continue.  The Democrat lies that tax cuts kill people, police are racists, and Republicans are the party of the KKK only sells with the most ignorant of people.

Two Americas: Americanism or Socialism, Right vs. Left

Christians crushed the Inquisition, Moslems endorse the Jihad

Democrat Myths vs. the Reality of Trump’s Success

Beware of False Prophets – Obamaites & NeverTrumpers

Morality in humanity

Left vs. Right – The true paradigm

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About dustyk103

This site is my opinion only and is unpaid. I am a retired Paramedic/Firefighter with 25 years of service in the City of Dallas Fire Dept. I have a B.A. degree in Journalism, and A.A. degrees in Military Science and History. I have spent my life studying military history, world history, American history, science, current events, and politics making me a qualified PhD, Senior Fellow of the Limbaugh Institute, and tenured Professor Emeritus for Advanced Conservative Studies. 😄 It is my hope that readers can gain some knowledge and wisdom from my articles.
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4 Responses to Afro-Americans blame white people for their own murder rates

  1. johnstoirvin says:

    The last line says it all. The problem is, the majority of people are WILLFULLY ignorant and content to remain so, which is why ignorance manipulation, the favorite tool of the Left, works so well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. guidvce4 says:

    Its typical of the left to blame others of what they are guilty. The left has effectively kept the slaves on the plantation via free stuff, with the promise of more free stuff. Its the progressive/communist way of buying off any thought of actual freedom entering the ignorant craniums of their followers. And, who is to blame for all the suppossed ills of the hyphenated denizens of the inner cities and other places? Whitey, of course. Easy target of their angst and a way to refuse the responsibility of actually helping themselves, which might take some energy away from being “cool”, or whatever.
    The problem with blaming white people is that, sooner or later, the target population is going to tire of being in the bullseye of blame. What happens then? Backlash of the population who works for a living, irregardless of skin color or ethnicity, and a lessening of the hold the left has on their followers due to an economy which is able to offer folks more than just ducking bullets in the ghettos as an option. I hope and pray for that.


  3. steve says:

    In my opinion one of the few things the Democrats actually did that has retained integrity for the most part to this day is social security. I think the creation of the new deal, civil rights and welfare to degrees were good in concept but socialism progressives turned them and other government program into mostly ways to average out the masses. One could say that having a bigger thing in place can be good – as many of them will say in defense – such as fighting wars and protecting our country from crime are two examples – but such illustrations do not transfer into things like welfare and education programs whose agendas seem often to steal incentive and censor.


    • dustyk103 says:

      Unfortunately they did not keep faith with Social Security, but instead raided the fund in 1968 and relabeled it “retirement insurance” subject to their whims on how much they want to pay out. It always seems like pooling the nation’s money would be beneficial, but you have to take into account that the government can be corrupted and then all your eggs are in one basket. Even when it comes to crime there are those at the head of government who look the other way because they get kick backs from crime lords. If the government wanted to shut down drugs and illegal immigrants entering the country across the southern border they could do it. But someone is profiting from it and they are fighting to keep the border open.


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